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Wyc MARK Chapter 8

MARK 8 ©

8In tho daies eft, whanne myche puple was with Jhesu, and hadden not what thei schulden ete, whanne hise disciplis weren clepid togidir, 2he seide to hem, I haue reuth on the puple, for lo! now the thridde dai thei abiden me, and han not what to ete; 3and if Y leeue hem fastynge in to her hous, thei schulen faile in the weie; for summe of hem camen fro fer. 4And hise disciplis answerden to hym, Wherof schal a man mowe fille hem with looues here in wildirnesse? 5And he axide hem, Hou many looues han ye? 6Whiche seiden, Seuene. And he comaundide the puple to sitte doun on the erthe. And he took the seuene looues, and dide thankyngis, and brak, and yaf to hise disciplis, that thei schulden sette forth. And thei settiden forth to the puple. 7And thei hadden a few smale fischis; and he blesside hem, and comaundide, that thei weren sette forth. 8And thei eten, and weren fulfillid; and thei token vp that that lefte of relifs, seuene lepis. 9And thei that eeten, weren as foure thousynde of men; and he lefte hem. 10And anoon he wente vp in to a boot, with hise disciplis, and cam in to the coostis of Dalmamytha. 11And the Farisees wenten out, and bigunnen to dispuyte with hym, and axiden a tokne of hym fro heuene, and temptiden hym. 12And he sorewynge `with ynne in spirit, seide, What sekith this generacioun a tokne? Treuli Y seie to you, a tokene schal not be youun to this generacioun. 13And he lefte hem, and wente vp eftsoone in to a boot, and wente ouer the see. 14And thei foryaten to take breed, and thei hadden not with hem but o loof in the boot. 15And he comaundide hem, and seide, Se ye, and `be war of the sowre dowy of Farisees, and of the sowrdowy of Eroude. 16And thei thouyten, and seiden oon to anothir, For we han not looues. 17And whanne this thing was knowun, Jhesus seide to hem, What thenken ye, for ye han not looues? Yit ye knowun not, ne vndurstonden; yit ye han youre herte blyndid. 18Ye hauynge iyen, seen not, and ye hauynge eeris, heren not; nethir ye han mynde, 19whanne Y brak fyue looues among fyue thousynde, and hou many cofynes ful of brokun meete `ye tokun vp? Thei seien to hym, Twelue. 20Whanne also seuene looues among foure thousynde of men, hou many lepis of brokun mete tokun ye vp? 21And thei seien to hym, Seuene. And he seide to hem, Hou vndurstonden ye not yit? 22And thei camen to Bethsaida, and thei bryngen to hym a blynde man, and thei preieden hym, that he schulde touche hym. 23And whanne he hadde take the blynde mannus hoond, he ledde hym out of the street, and spete in to hise iyen, and sette hise hoondis on hym; and he axide hym, if he saye ony thing. 24And he bihelde, and seide, Y se men as trees walkynge. 25Aftirward eftsoones he sette hise hondis on hise iyen, and he bigan to see, and he was restorid, so that he saiy cleerli alle thingis. 26And he sente hym in to his hous, and seide, Go in to thin hous; and if thou goist in to the streete, seie to no man. 27And Jhesus entride and hise disciplis in to the castels of Cesarye of Philip. And in the weie he axide hise disciplis, and seide to hem, Whom seien men that Y am? 28Whiche answeriden to hym, and seiden, Summen seien, Joon Baptist; other seien, Heli; and other seien, as oon of the prophetis. 29Thanne he seith to hem, But whom seien ye that Y am? Petre answeride, and seide to hym, Thou art Crist. 30And he chargide hem, that thei schulden not seie of hym to ony man. 31And he bigan to teche hem, that it bihoueth mannus sone to suffre many thingis, and to be repreued of the elder men, and of the hiyest prestis, and the scribis, and to be slayn, and aftir thre dayes, to rise ayen. 32And he spak pleynli the word. And Peter took hym, and bigan to blame hym, and seide, Lord, be thou merciful to thee, for this schal not be. 33And he turnede, and saiy hise disciplis, and manasside Petir, and seide, Go after me, Satanas; for thou sauerist not tho thingis that ben of God, but tho thingis that ben of men. 34And whanne the puple was clepid togidere, with hise disciplis, he seide to hem, If ony man wole come after me, denye he hym silf, and take his cros, and sue he me. 35For he that wole make saaf his lijf, schal leese it; and he that leesith his lijf for me, and for the gospel, schal make it saaf. 36For what profitith it to a man, if he wynne al the world, and do peiryng to his soule? 37or what chaunging schal a man yyue for his soule? 38But who that knoulechith me and my wordis in this generacioun avowtresse and synful, also mannus sone schal knouleche him, whanne he schal come in the glorie of his fadir, with his aungels. 39And he seide to hem, Treuli Y seie to you, that there ben summen stondynge here, whiche schulen not taste deth, til thei seen the rewme of God comynge in vertu.

MARK 8 ©
