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Wyc MARK Chapter 14

MARK 14 ©

14Pask and the feest of therf looues was after twei daies. And the hiyest preestis and scribis souyten, hou thei schulden holde hym with gile, and sle. 2But thei seiden, Not in the feeste dai, lest perauenture a noyse were maad among the puple. 3And whanne he was at Betanye, in the hous of Symount leprous, and restide, a womman cam, that hadde a boxe of alabastre of precious oynement spikenard; and whanne the boxe of alabastre was brokun, sche helde it on his heed. 4But there weren summe that beren it heuyli with ynne hem silf, and seiden, Wher to is this losse of oynement maad? 5For this oynement myyte haue be seld more than for thre hundrid pens, and be youun to pore men. And thei groyneden ayens hir. 6But Jhesus seide, Suffre ye hir; what be ye heuy to hir? sche hath wrouyt a good werk in me. 7For euermore ye schulen haue pore men with you, and whanne ye wolen, ye moun do wel to hem; but ye schulen not euer more haue me. 8Sche dide that that sche hadde; sche cam bifore to anoynte my bodi in to biriyng. 9Treuli Y seie to you, where euer this gospel be prechid in al the world, and that that `this womman hath don, schal be told in to mynde of hym. 10And Judas Scarioth, oon of the twelue, wente to the hiyest prestis, to bitraye hym to hem. 11And thei herden, and ioyeden, and bihiyten to yyue hym money. And he souyt hou he schulde bitraye hym couenabli. 12And the firste dai of therf looues, whanne thei offriden pask, the disciplis seyn to hym, Whidir `wilt thou that we go, and make redi to thee, that thou ete the pask? 13And he sendith tweyn of hise disciplis, and seith to hem, Go ye in to the citee, and a man berynge a galoun of watir schal meete you; sue ye hym. 14And whidur euer he entrith, seie ye to the lord of the hous, That the maister seith, Where is myn etynge place, where Y schal ete pask with my disciplis? 15And he schal schewe to you a grete soupyng place arayed, and there make ye redi to vs. 16And hise disciplis wenten forth, and camen in to the citee, and founden as he hadde seid to hem; and thei maden redy the pask. 17And whanne the euentid was come, he cam with the twelue. 18And whanne thei saten `at the mete, and eeten, Jhesus seide, Treuli Y seie to you, that oon of you that etith with me, schal bitray me. 19And thei bigunnen to be sori, and to seie to hym, ech bi hem silf, Whether Y? 20Which seide to hem, Oon of twelue that puttith the hoond with me in the platere. 21And sotheli mannus sone goith, as it is writun of hym; but wo to that man, by whom mannus sone schal be bitrayed. It were good to hym, yf thilke man hadde not be borun. 22And while thei eeten, Jhesus took breed, and blessid, and brak, and yaf to hem, and seide, Take ye; this is my bodi. 23And whanne he hadde take the cuppe, he dide thankyngis, and yaf to hem, and alle dronken therof. 24And he seide to hem, This is my blood of the newe testament, which schal be sched for many. 25Treuli Y seye to you, for now Y schal not drynke of this fruyt of vyne, in to that dai whane Y schal drynke it newe in the rewme of God. 26And whanne the ympne was seid, thei wenten out in to the hil of Olyues. 27And Jhesus seide to hem, Alle ye schulen be sclaundrid in me in this nyyt; for it is writun, Y schal smyte the scheepherde, and the scheep of the flok schulen be disparplid. 28But aftir that Y schal rise ayen, Y schal go bifor you in to Galilee. 29And Petir seide to hym, Thouy alle schulen be sclaundrid, but not Y. 30And Jhesus seide to hym, Treuli Y seie to thee, that to dai bifore that the cok in this niyt crowe twies, thou schalt thries denye me. 31But he seide more, Thouy it bihoueth, that Y die togider with thee, Y schal not forsake thee. And in lijk maner alle seiden. 32And thei camen in to a place, whos name is Gethsamany. And he seide to hise disciplis, Sitte ye here, while Y preye. 33And he took Petir and James and Joon with hym, and bigan to drede, and to be anoyed. 34And he seide to hem, My soule is soreweful to the deeth; abide ye here, and wake ye with me. 35And whanne he was gon forth a litil, he felde doun on the erthe, and preiede, that if it myyte be, that the our schulde passe fro hym. 36And he seide, Abba, fadir, alle thingis ben possible to thee, bere ouer fro me this cuppe; but not that Y wole, but that thou wolt, be don. 37And he cam, and foond hem slepynge. And he seide to Petir, Symount, slepist thou? myytist thou not wake with me oon our? 38Wake ye, and `preie ye, that ye entre not in to temptacioun; for the spirit is redi, but the fleische is sijk. 39And eftsoone he yede, and preiede, and seide the same word; 40and turnede ayen eftsoone, and foond hem slepynge; for her iyen weren heuyed. And thei knewen not, what thei schulden answere to hym. 41And he cam the thridde tyme, and seide to hem, Slepe ye now, and reste ye; it suffisith. The hour is comun; lo! mannus sone schal be bitraied in to the hondis of synful men. 42Rise ye, go we; lo! he that schal bitraye me is nyy. 43And yit while he spak, Judas Scarioth, oon of the twelue, cam, and with him miche puple with swerdis and staues, sent fro the hiyest prestis, and the scribis, and fro the eldre men. 44And his traytour hadde youun to hem a tokene, and seide, Whom euer Y kisse, he it is; holde ye hym, and lede ye warli. 45And whanne he cam, anoon he came to hym, and seide, Maistir; and he kisside hym. 46And thei leiden hondis on hym, and helden hym. 47But oon of the men that stoden aboute, drowy out a swerd, and smoot the seruaunt of the hiyest preest, and kittide of his eere. 48And Jhesus answeride, and seide to hem, As to a theef ye han gon out with swerdis and staues, to take me? 49Dai bi dai Y was among you, and tauyte in the temple, and ye helden not me; but that the scripturis be fulfillid. 50Thanne alle hise disciplis forsoken hym, and fledden. 51But a yong man, clothid with lynnun cloth on the bare, suede hym; and thei helden hym. 52And he lefte the lynnyn clothing, and fleiy nakid awei fro hem. 53And thei ledden Jhesu to the hiyest preest. And alle the prestis and scribis and eldere men camen togidir. 54But Petir suede hym afer in to the halle of the hiyest preest. And he sat with the mynystris, and warmede hym at the fier. 55And the hiyest prestis, and al the counsel, souyten witnessyng ayens Jhesu to take hym to the deeth; but thei founden not. 56For manye seiden fals witnessyng ayens hym, and the witnessyngis weren not couenable. 57And summe risen vp, and baren fals witnessyng ayens hym, 58and seiden, For we `han herd hym seiynge, Y schal vndo this temple maad with hondis, and aftir the thridde dai Y schal bilde another not maad with hondis. 59And the witnessyng `of hem was not couenable. 60And the hiyest prest roos vp in to the myddil, and axide Jhesu, and seide, Answerist thou no thing to tho thingis that ben put ayens thee of these? 61But he was stille, and answeride no thing. Eftsoone the hiyest prest axide hym, and seide to hym, Art thou Crist, the sone of the blessid God? 62And Jhesus seide to hym, Y am; and ye schulen se mannus sone sittynge on the riythalf of the vertu of God, and comynge in the cloudis of heuene. 63And the hiyest preest torente hise clothis, and seide, What yit dissiren we witnessis? 64Ye han herd blasfemye. What semeth to you? And thei alle condempneden hym to be gilti of deeth. 65And summe bigunnen to bispete hym, `and to hile his face, and to smite hym with buffetis, and seie to hym, Areede thou. And the mynystris beeten hym with strokis. 66And whanne Petir was in the halle bynethen, oon of the damesels of the hiyest prest cam. 67And whanne sche hadde seyn Petir warmynge hym, sche bihelde hym, and seide, And thou were with Jhesu of Nazareth. 68And he denyede, and seide, Nethir Y woot, nethir Y knowe, what thou seist. And he wente without forth bifor the halle; and anoon the cok crewe. 69And eftsoone whanne another damesel hadde seyn hym, sche bigan to seye to men that stoden aboute, That this is of hem. 70And he eftsoone denyede. And aftir a litil, eftsoone thei that stoden nyy, seiden to Petir, Verili thou art of hem, for thou art of Galilee also. 71But he bigan to curse and to swere, For Y knowe not this man, whom ye seien. 72And anoon eftsoones the cok crew. And Petir bithouyte on the word that Jhesus hadde seide to hym, Bifor the cok crowe twies, thries thou schalt denye me. And he bigan to wepe.

MARK 14 ©
