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Wyc MARK Chapter 5

MARK 5 ©

5And thei camen ouer the see in to the cuntree of Gerasenes. 2And aftir that he was goon out of the boot, anoon a man in an vncleene spirit ran out of birielis to hym. 3Which man hadde an hous in biriels, and nether with cheynes now myyte ony man bynde hym. 4For ofte tymes he was boundun in stockis and chaynes, and he hadde broke the chaynes, and hadde broke the stockis to smale gobetis, and no man myyte make hym tame. 5And euermore, nyyt and dai, in birielis and in hillis, he was criynge and betynge hym silf with stoonus. 6And he siy Jhesus afer, and ran, and worschipide hym. 7And he criede with greet voice, and seide, What to me and to thee, thou Jhesu, the sone of the hiyest God? Y coniure thee bi God, that thou turmente me not. 8And Jhesus seide to hym, Thou vnclene spirit, go out fro the man. 9And Jhesus axide hym, What is thi name? And he seith to hym, A legioun is my name; for we ben many. 10And he preiede Jhesu myche, that he schulde not putte hym out of the cuntrei. 11And there was there aboute the hille a greet flok of swyn lesewynge. 12And the spiritis preieden Jhesu, and seiden, Sende vs into the swyn, that we entre in to hem. 13And anoon Jhesus grauntide to hem. And the vnclene spiritis yeden out, and entriden in to the swyn, and with a greet birre the flocke was cast doun in to the see, a twei thousynde, and thei weren dreynt in the see. 14And thei that kepten hem, fledden, and tolden in to the citee, and in to the feeldis; and thei wenten out, to se what was don. 15And thei camen to Jhesu, and sayn hym that hadde be trauelid of the feend, syttynge clothid, and of hool mynde; and thei dredden. 16And thei that saien, hou it was don to hym that hadde a feend, and of the swyne, telden to hem. 17And thei bigunnen to preie hym, that he schulde go a wei fro her coostis. 18And whanne he yede up in to a boot, he that was trauelid of the deuel, bigan to preie hym, that he schulde be with hym. 19But Jhesus resseyuede hym not, but seide to hym, Go thou in to thin hous to thine, and telle to hem, hou grete thingis the Lord hath don to thee, and hadde merci of thee. 20And he wente forth, and bigan to preche in Decapoli, hou grete thingis Jhesus hadde don to hym; and alle men wondriden. 21And whanne Jhesus hadde gon vp in to the boot eftsoone ouer the see, myche puple cam togidere to him, and was aboute the see. 22And oon of the princis of synagogis, bi name Jayrus, cam, and siy hym, and felde doun at hise feet, 23and preyede hym myche, and seide, My douyter is nyy deed; come thou, putte thin hoond on her, that sche be saaf, and lyue. 24And he wente forth with hym, and myche puple suede hym, and thruste hym. 25And a womman hadde ben in the blodi fluxe twelue yeer, 26and hadde resseyued many thingis of ful many lechis, and hadde spendid al hir good, and was nothing amendid, but was rather the wors, whanne sche hadde herd of Jhesu, 27sche cam among the puple bihynde, and touchide his cloth. 28For sche seide, That if Y touche yhe his cloth, Y schal be saaf. 29And anoon the welle of hir blood was dried vp, and sche felide in bodi that sche was heelid of the siknesse. 30And anoon Jhesus knewe in hym silf the vertu that was goon out of hym, and turnede to the puple, and seide, Who touchide my clothis? 31And hise disciplis seiden to hym, Thou seest the puple thristynge thee, and seist, Who touchide me? 32And Jhesus lokide aboute to se hir that hadde don this thing. 33And the womman dredde, and quakide, witynge that it was doon in hir, and cam, and felde doun bifor hym, and seide to hym al the treuthe. 34And Jhesus seide to hyr, Douytir, thi feith hath maad thee saaf; go in pees, and he thou hool of thi sijknesse. 35Yit while he spak, messangeris camen to the prince of the synagoge, and seien, Thi douytir is deed; what traueilist thou the maistir ferther? 36But whanne the word was herd that was seid, Jhesus seide to the prince of the synagoge, Nyle thou drede, oonli bileue thou. 37And he took no man to sue hym, but Petir, and James, and Joon, the brother of James. 38And thei camen in to the hous of the prince of the synagoge. And he saie noyse, and men wepynge and weilynge myche. 39And he yede ynne, and seide to hem, What ben ye troublid, and wepen? The damesel is not deed, but slepith. 40And thei scorneden hym. But whanne alle weren put out, he takith the fadir and the modir of the damesel, and hem that weren with hym, and thei entren, where the damysel laye. 41And he helde the hoond of the damesel, and seide to hir, Tabita, cumy, that is to seie, Damysel, Y seie to thee, arise. 42And anoon the damysel roos, and walkide; and sche was of twelue yeer. And thei weren abaischid with a greet stonying. And he comaundide to hem greetli, that no man schulde wite it. 43And he comaundide to yyue hir mete.

MARK 5 ©
