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Greek root word (lemma) ‘ἀναβαίνω’ (anabainō)


This root form (lemma) ‘ἀναβαίνω’ is used in 29 different forms in the Greek originals: ἀνάβα (V-MAA2..S), ἀνάβατε (V-MAA2..P), ἀνάβητε (V-MAA2..P), ἀνέβαινον (V-IIA3..P), ἀνέβη (V-IAA3..S), ἀνέβημεν (V-IAA1..P), ἀνέβην (V-IAA1..S), ἀνέβησαν (V-IAA3..P), ἀναβάντα (V-PAA.AMS), ἀναβάντες (V-PAA.NMP), ἀναβάντων (V-PAA.GMP), ἀναβέβηκα (V-IEA1..S), ἀναβέβηκεν (V-IEA3..S), ἀναβήσεται (V-IFM3..S), ἀναβαίνει (V-IPA3..S), ἀναβαίνειν (V-NPA....), ἀναβαίνομεν (V-IPA1..P), ἀναβαίνοντα (V-PPA.AMS), ἀναβαίνοντα (V-PPA.NNP), ἀναβαίνοντας (V-PPA.AMP), ἀναβαίνοντες (V-PPA.NMP), ἀναβαίνουσιν (V-IPA3..P), ἀναβαίνω (V-IPA1..S), ἀναβαίνων (V-PPA.NMS), ἀναβαινόντων (V-PPA.GMP), ἀναβαῖνον (V-PPA.ANS), ἀναβαῖνον (V-PPA.NNS), ἀναβὰς (V-PAA.NMS), ἀνεβαίνομεν (V-IIA1..P).

It is glossed in 26 different ways: ‘am going_uphill’, ‘are going_uphill’, ‘has gone_up’, ‘having gone_up’, ‘is going_up’, ‘is going_uphill’, ‘to_be going_uphill’, ‘were going_uphill’, ‘will_be going_uphill’, ‘I am going_uphill’, ‘I have gone_up’, ‘I went_uphill’, ‘he is going_uphill’, ‘he went_up’, ‘he went_uphill’, ‘there went_uphill’, ‘they went_uphill’, ‘we are going_uphill’, ‘we were going_uphill’, ‘we went_uphill’, ‘go_up’, ‘go_uphill’, ‘going_up’, ‘going_uphill’, ‘went_up’, ‘went_uphill’.

(In the VLT, it was glossed in 21 different ways: ‘am going_up’, ‘are going_up’, ‘has gone_up’, ‘having gone_up’, ‘is going_up’, ‘to_be going_up’, ‘were going_up’, ‘will_be going_up’, ‘I am going_up’, ‘I have gone_up’, ‘I went_up’, ‘he is going_up’, ‘he went_up’, ‘there went_up’, ‘they went_up’, ‘we are going_up’, ‘we were going_up’, ‘we went_up’, ‘go_up’, ‘going_up’, ‘went_up’.)

Have 82 uses of Greek root word (lemma) ‘anabainō’ (verb) in the Greek originals

Yhn (Jhn) 1:51ἀναβαίνοντας (anabainontas) PPA.AMP ‘the messengers of god going_uphill and coming_downhill on’ SR GNT Yhn 1:51 word 19

Yhn (Jhn) 2:13ἀνέβη (anebaʸ) IAA3..S ‘of the Youdaiōns and went_uphill to Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim) Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa)’ SR GNT Yhn 2:13 word 10

Yhn (Jhn) 3:13ἀναβέβηκεν (anabebaʸken) IEA3..S ‘and no_one has gone_up into heaven except’ SR GNT Yhn 3:13 word 5

Yhn (Jhn) 5:1ἀνέβη (anebaʸ) IAA3..S ‘of the Youdaiōns and went_uphill Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) to Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim)’ SR GNT Yhn 5:1 word 9

Yhn (Jhn) 6:62ἀναβαίνοντα (anabainonta) PPA.AMS ‘the son of Man going_uphill where he was earlier’ SR GNT Yhn 6:62 word 11

Yhn (Jhn) 7:8ἀνάβητε (anabaʸte) MAA2..P ‘you_all go_uphill to the feast’ SR GNT Yhn 7:8 word 2

Yhn (Jhn) 7:8ἀναβαίνω (anabainō) IPA1..S ‘feast I not_yet am going_uphill to feast this’ SR GNT Yhn 7:8 word 11

Yhn (Jhn) 7:10ἀνέβησαν (anebaʸsan) IAA3..P ‘when but went_uphill the brothers of him’ SR GNT Yhn 7:10 word 3

Yhn (Jhn) 7:10ἀνέβη (anebaʸ) IAA3..S ‘then also he went_uphill not openly but’ SR GNT Yhn 7:10 word 13

Yhn (Jhn) 7:14ἀνέβη (anebaʸ) IAA3..S ‘of the feast being_middle went_uphill Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) into the’ SR GNT Yhn 7:14 word 7

Yhn (Jhn) 10:1ἀναβαίνων (anabainōn) PPA.NMS ‘of the sheep but going_up another_way that one a thief’ SR GNT Yhn 10:1 word 18

Yhn (Jhn) 11:55ἀνέβησαν (anebaʸsan) IAA3..P ‘of the Youdaiōns and went_uphill many to Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim)’ SR GNT Yhn 11:55 word 11

Yhn (Jhn) 12:20ἀναβαινόντων (anabainontōn) PPA.GMP ‘some of the ones going_uphill in_order_that they may prostrate at’ SR GNT Yhn 12:20 word 9

Yhn (Jhn) 20:17ἀναβέβηκα (anabebaʸka) IEA1..S ‘be touching not_yet for I have gone_up to the father’ SR GNT Yhn 20:17 word 11

Yhn (Jhn) 20:17ἀναβαίνω (anabainō) IPA1..S ‘and say to them I am going_uphill to the father’ SR GNT Yhn 20:17 word 27

Yhn (Jhn) 21:11ἀνέβη (anebaʸ) IAA3..S ‘went_uphill therefore Simōn Petros’ SR GNT Yhn 21:11 word 2

Mark 1:10ἀναβαίνων (anabainōn) PPA.NMS ‘and immediately going_uphill from the water’ SR GNT Mark 1:10 word 4

Mark 3:13ἀναβαίνει (anabainei) IPA3..S ‘and he is going_uphill on the mountain’ SR GNT Mark 3:13 word 2

Mark 4:7ἀνέβησαν (anebaʸsan) IAA3..P ‘the thorns and went_up the thorns and’ SR GNT Mark 4:7 word 11

Mark 4:8ἀναβαίνοντα (anabainonta) PPA.NNP ‘and it was giving fruit going_up and being grown and’ SR GNT Mark 4:8 word 15

Mark 4:32ἀναβαίνει (anabainei) IPA3..S ‘and whenever it may_be sown is going_up and is becoming greater than’ SR GNT Mark 4:32 word 4

Mark 6:51ἀνέβη (anebaʸ) IAA3..S ‘and he went_up to them into’ SR GNT Mark 6:51 word 2

Mark 10:32ἀναβαίνοντες (anabainontes) PPA.NMP ‘on the way going_uphill to Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim) and’ SR GNT Mark 10:32 word 6

Mark 10:33ἀναβαίνομεν (anabainomen) IPA1..P ‘see we are going_uphill to Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim) and’ SR GNT Mark 10:33 word 3

Mark 15:8ἀναβὰς (anabas) PAA.NMS ‘and having gone_up the crowd began’ SR GNT Mark 15:8 word 3

Mat 3:16ἀνέβη (anebaʸ) IAA3..S ‘and Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) immediately went_uphill from the water’ SR GNT Mat 3:16 word 8

Mat 5:1ἀνέβη (anebaʸ) IAA3..S ‘and the crowds he went_uphill on the mountain’ SR GNT Mat 5:1 word 5

Mat 13:7ἀνέβησαν (anebaʸsan) IAA3..P ‘the thorns and went_uphill the thorns and’ SR GNT Mat 13:7 word 9

Mat 14:23ἀνέβη (anebaʸ) IAA3..S ‘having sent_away the crowds he went_uphill on the mountain’ SR GNT Mat 14:23 word 5

Mat 14:32ἀναβάντων (anabantōn) PAA.GMP ‘and having gone_up of them into the’ SR GNT Mat 14:32 word 2

Mat 15:29ἀναβὰς (anabas) PAA.NMS ‘sea of Galilaia/(Gālīl) and having gone_up on the mountain’ SR GNT Mat 15:29 word 13

Mat 17:27ἀναβάντα (anabanta) PAA.AMS ‘a fish_hook and the having gone_up first fish take_up’ SR GNT Mat 17:27 word 14

Mat 20:17ἀναβαίνων (anabainōn) PPA.NMS ‘and going_uphill Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) to Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim)’ SR GNT Mat 20:17 word 4

Mat 20:18ἀναβαίνομεν (anabainomen) IPA1..P ‘see we are going_uphill to Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim) and’ SR GNT Mat 20:18 word 2

Luke 2:4ἀνέβη (anebaʸ) IAA3..S ‘went_uphill and also Yōsaʸf/(Yōşēf)’ SR GNT Luke 2:4 word 1

Luke 2:42ἀναβαινόντων (anabainontōn) PPA.GMP ‘he became of years twelve going_uphill them according_to the’ SR GNT Luke 2:42 word 12

Luke 5:19ἀναβάντες (anabantes) PAA.NMP ‘because_of the crowd having gone_up on the housetop’ SR GNT Luke 5:19 word 11

Luke 9:28ἀνέβη (anebaʸ) IAA3..S ‘Yōannaʸs and Yakōbos/(Yaˊₐqoⱱ) he went_uphill on the mountain’ SR GNT Luke 9:28 word 21

Luke 18:10ἀνέβησαν (anebaʸsan) IAA3..P ‘men two went_uphill into the temple’ SR GNT Luke 18:10 word 4

Luke 18:31ἀναβαίνομεν (anabainomen) IPA1..P ‘to them see we are going_uphill to Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim) and’ SR GNT Luke 18:31 word 10

Luke 19:4ἀνέβη (anebaʸ) IAA3..S ‘and having run_ahead ahead he went_uphill in a sycamore_tree in_order_that’ SR GNT Luke 19:4 word 8

Luke 19:28ἀναβαίνων (anabainōn) PPA.NMS ‘these things he was going ahead going_uphill to Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim)’ SR GNT Luke 19:28 word 6

Luke 24:38ἀναβαίνουσιν (anabainousin) IPA3..P ‘for_reason why speculations are going_uphill in the heart’ SR GNT Luke 24:38 word 14

Acts 1:13ἀνέβησαν (anebaʸsan) IAA3..P ‘into the upper_room they went_uphill where they were staying’ SR GNT Acts 1:13 word 10

Acts 2:34ἀνέβη (anebaʸ) IAA3..S ‘not for Dawid/(Dāvid) went_up into the heavens’ SR GNT Acts 2:34 word 4

Acts 3:1ἀνέβαινον (anebainon) IIA3..P ‘and also Yōannaʸs were going_uphill into the temple’ SR GNT Acts 3:1 word 13

Acts 7:23ἀνέβη (anebaʸ) IAA3..S ‘to him forty_year a time went_up in the heart’ SR GNT Acts 7:23 word 9

Acts 8:31ἀναβάντα (anabanta) PAA.AMS ‘he appealed and to Filippos having gone_up to sit_down with him’ SR GNT Acts 8:31 word 20

Acts 8:39ἀνέβησαν (anebaʸsan) IAA3..P ‘when but they went_uphill out_of the water’ SR GNT Acts 8:39 word 3

Acts 10:4ἀνέβησαν (anebaʸsan) IAA3..P ‘the alms of you went_up for a memorial before’ SR GNT Acts 10:4 word 22

Acts 10:9ἀνέβη (anebaʸ) IAA3..S ‘to the city nearing went_up Petros on the’ SR GNT Acts 10:9 word 11

Acts 11:2ἀνέβη (anebaʸ) IAA3..S ‘when and went_uphill Petros to Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim)’ SR GNT Acts 11:2 word 7

Acts 15:2ἀναβαίνειν (anabainein) NPA.... ‘with them they determined to_be going_uphill Paulos and Barnabas’ SR GNT Acts 15:2 word 37

Acts 18:22ἀναβὰς (anabas) PAA.NMS ‘having come_downhill to Kaisareia having gone_up and having greeted the’ SR GNT Acts 18:22 word 6

Acts 20:11ἀναβὰς (anabas) PAA.NMS ‘having gone_up and and having broke’ SR GNT Acts 20:11 word 1

Acts 21:6ἀνέβημεν (anebaʸmen) IAA1..P ‘we withdrew from one_another and we went_uphill into the ship’ SR GNT Acts 21:6 word 8

Acts 21:12ἀναβαίνειν (anabainein) NPA.... ‘the of the locals not to_be going_uphill him to Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim)’ SR GNT Acts 21:12 word 17

Acts 21:15ἀνεβαίνομεν (anebainomen) IIA1..P ‘days these having made_preparations we were going_uphill to Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim)’ SR GNT Acts 21:15 word 12

Acts 21:31ἀνέβη (anebaʸ) IAA3..S ‘and him to kill_off there went_uphill an allegation to the commander’ SR GNT Acts 21:31 word 7

Acts 24:11ἀνέβην (anebaʸn) IAA1..S ‘twelve from which I went_uphill going_to prostrate in Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim)’ SR GNT Acts 24:11 word 16

Acts 25:1ἀνέβη (anebaʸ) IAA3..S ‘after three days went_uphill to Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim) from’ SR GNT Acts 25:1 word 10

Acts 25:9ἀναβὰς (anabas) PAA.NMS ‘you are willing to Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim) having gone_up there concerning these things’ SR GNT Acts 25:9 word 19

Rom 10:6ἀναβήσεται (anabaʸsetai) IFM3..S ‘heart of you who will_be going_uphill into heaven this’ SR GNT Rom 10:6 word 15

1Cor 2:9ἀνέβη (anebaʸ) IAA3..S ‘the heart of a person not went_uphill which prepared god’ SR GNT 1Cor 2:9 word 17

Gal 2:1ἀνέβην (anebaʸn) IAA1..S ‘fourteen years again I went_uphill to Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim) with’ SR GNT Gal 2:1 word 7

Gal 2:2ἀνέβην (anebaʸn) IAA1..S ‘I went_uphill and according_to a revelation’ SR GNT Gal 2:2 word 1

Eph 4:8ἀναβὰς (anabas) PAA.NMS ‘therefore he is saying having gone_up to height he captured’ SR GNT Eph 4:8 word 3

Eph 4:9ἀνέβη (anebaʸ) IAA3..S ‘and he went_up what is it except’ SR GNT Eph 4:9 word 3

Eph 4:10ἀναβὰς (anabas) PAA.NMS ‘is also the one having gone_up above all the’ SR GNT Eph 4:10 word 7

Rev 4:1ἀνάβα (anaba) MAA2..S ‘with me saying go_up here and I will_be showing’ SR GNT Rev 4:1 word 28

Rev 7:2ἀναβαίνοντα (anabainonta) PPA.AMS ‘I saw another messenger going_uphill from the rising of the sun’ SR GNT Rev 7:2 word 5

Rev 8:4ἀνέβη (anebaʸ) IAA3..S ‘and went_uphill the smoke of the’ SR GNT Rev 8:4 word 2

Rev 9:2ἀνέβη (anebaʸ) IAA3..S ‘of the abyss and went_uphill smoke out_of of the’ SR GNT Rev 9:2 word 8

Rev 11:7ἀναβαῖνον (anabainon) PPA.NNS ‘of them the wild_animal going_uphill out_of the abyss’ SR GNT Rev 11:7 word 15

Rev 11:12ἀνάβατε (anabate) MAA2..P ‘heaven saying to them go_up here and they went_uphill’ SR GNT Rev 11:12 word 15

Rev 11:12ἀνέβησαν (anebaʸsan) IAA3..P ‘go_up here and they went_uphill to the sky’ SR GNT Rev 11:12 word 18

Rev 13:1ἀναβαῖνον (anabainon) PPA.ANS ‘the sea a wild_animal going_uphill having horns ten’ SR GNT Rev 13:1 word 7

Rev 13:11ἀναβαῖνον (anabainon) PPA.ANS ‘I saw another wild_animal going_uphill out_of the earth’ SR GNT Rev 13:11 word 5

Rev 14:11ἀναβαίνει (anabainei) IPA3..S ‘to the ages of the ages is going_uphill and not they are having’ SR GNT Rev 14:11 word 14

Rev 17:8ἀναβαίνειν (anabainein) NPA.... ‘is and is going to_be going_uphill out_of the abyss’ SR GNT Rev 17:8 word 12

Rev 19:3ἀναβαίνει (anabainei) IPA3..S ‘the smoke of her is going_uphill to the ages’ SR GNT Rev 19:3 word 11

Rev 20:9ἀνέβησαν (anebaʸsan) IAA3..P ‘and they went_uphill on the breadth’ SR GNT Rev 20:9 word 2

Other possible lexically-related lemmas

Greek root word (lemma) ‘prosanabainō’ with prefix=‘pros’

Have 1 use of Greek root word (lemma)prosanabainō(verb) in the Greek originals

Luke 14:10προσανάβηθι (prosanabaʸthi) MAA2..S ‘he will_be saying to you friend move_up higher then will_be’ SR GNT Luke 14:10 word 23

Greek root word (lemma) ‘sunanabainō’ with prefix=‘sun’

Have 2 uses of Greek root word (lemma)sunanabainō(verb) in the Greek originals

Mark 15:41συναναβᾶσαι (sunanabasai) PAA.NFP ‘and others many having come_uphill_with to him to Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim)’ SR GNT Mark 15:41 word 20

Acts 13:31συναναβᾶσιν (sunanabasin) PAA.DMP ‘days more to the ones having come_uphill_with him from Galilaia/(Gālīl)’ SR GNT Acts 13:31 word 8

Lemmas with similar glosses to ‘ἀναβαίνω’ (anabainō)

Have 3 uses of Greek root word (lemma)anerχomai(verb) in the Greek originals

Yhn (Jhn) 6:3ἀνῆλθεν (anaʸlthen) IAA3..S ‘went_uphill and into the’ SR GNT Yhn 6:3 word 3

Gal 1:17ἀνῆλθον (anaʸlthon) IAA1..S ‘nor I went_uphill to Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim) to’ SR GNT Gal 1:17 word 4

Gal 1:18ἀνῆλθον (anaʸlthon) IAA1..S ‘after years three I went_uphill to Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim) to become_acquainted’ SR GNT Gal 1:18 word 6

Key: V=verb IAA1..P=indicative,aorist,active,1st person plural IAA1..S=indicative,aorist,active,1st person singular IAA3..P=indicative,aorist,active,3rd person plural IAA3..S=indicative,aorist,active,3rd person singular IEA1..S=indicative,perfect,active,1st person singular IEA3..S=indicative,perfect,active,3rd person singular IFM3..S=indicative,future,middle,3rd person singular IIA1..P=indicative,imperfect,active,1st person plural IIA3..P=indicative,imperfect,active,3rd person plural IPA1..P=indicative,present,active,1st person plural IPA1..S=indicative,present,active,1st person singular IPA3..P=indicative,present,active,3rd person plural IPA3..S=indicative,present,active,3rd person singular MAA2..P=imperative,aorist,active,2nd person plural MAA2..S=imperative,aorist,active,2nd person singular NPA....=infinitive,present,active PAA.AMS=participle,aorist,active,accusative,masculine,singular PAA.DMP=participle,aorist,active,dative,masculine,plural PAA.GMP=participle,aorist,active,genitive,masculine,plural PAA.NFP=participle,aorist,active,nominative,feminine,plural PAA.NMP=participle,aorist,active,nominative,masculine,plural PAA.NMS=participle,aorist,active,nominative,masculine,singular PPA.AMP=participle,present,active,accusative,masculine,plural PPA.AMS=participle,present,active,accusative,masculine,singular PPA.ANS=participle,present,active,accusative,neuter,singular PPA.GMP=participle,present,active,genitive,masculine,plural PPA.NMP=participle,present,active,nominative,masculine,plural PPA.NMS=participle,present,active,nominative,masculine,singular PPA.NNP=participle,present,active,nominative,neuter,plural PPA.NNS=participle,present,active,nominative,neuter,singular