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Open English Translation MARK Chapter 10

MARK 10 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

10:1 It’s God that joins husband and wife

(Mat. 19:1-12, Luke 16:18)

10Then Yeshua left Capernaum and went down to the Yudean area and across the Yordan river. Again the crowds followed him, and he taught them just like he usually did.

2Some from the Pharisee party approached Yeshua to check him out and asked, “Does the law allow a husband to dismiss his wife?”

3Well, what law did Mosheh give to you all?he asked.

4[ref]They answered, “Mosheh said that a husband is allowed to write a statement of divorce and dismiss his wife with it.”

5Yeshua responded, “Yes, he wrote that law because he saw your stubborn desires, 6[ref]but God made both men and women right at the beginning. 7[ref]As a result, a man leaves his parents and joins together with his wife 8and the couple become a single unit. So there’s no longer two of them, but only one. 9So if it’s God who joins them together like that, no person has the authority to separate them.

10Back in the house again, his apprentices asked about this. 11[ref]And Yeshua told them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another person, commits adultery towards his wife.12And likewise if the wife divorces her husband and marries another person, she is committing adultery towards her husband.

10And from_there having_risen_up, he_is_coming into the regions of_ the _Youdaia and beyond the Yordanaʸs/(Yarddēn), and again crowds are_going_with to him, and he_was_teaching them again as he_had_been_accustomed.
2And the_Farisaios_party having_approached, were_asking him:
- Is_it_permitting for_a_husband to_send_away a_wife?
Testing him.
3And he answering said to_them:
What commanded Mōsaʸs/(Mosheh) to_you_all?
4And they said, Mōsaʸs permitted to_write a_scroll of_divorce and to_send_away.
5And the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) said to_them:
He_wrote the this command for_you_all for the hard_heart of_you_all, 6but from the_beginning of_creation, he_made them male and female.
7On_account of_this a_man will_be_leaving the father of_him and the mother, and will_be_being_joined wife of_him 8and the two will_be into one flesh.
So_that they_are no_longer two, but one flesh.
9Therefore what the god joined_together, let_ a_person not _be_separating.
10And in the house again, the apprentices/followers were_asking him concerning this.
11And he_is_saying to_them:
Whoever wishfully may_send_away the wife of_him and may_marry another, is_causing_adultery against her.
12And if she having_sent_away the husband of_her, may_marry another, she_is_causing_adultery.

10:13 Yeshua encourages childlike faith

(Mat. 19:13-15, Luke 18:15-17)

13The people were bringing small children for Yeshua to touch, but his apprentices scolded them. 14However, Yeshua noticed it and was upset, “Just let those kids come. Don’t prevent them because God’s kingdom consists of people like them. 15[ref]Actually, you can’t even enter God’s kingdom unless you accept it just like a small child does.16So he continued hugging the children and commanding a good life for them as he placed his hands on each one.

13And they_were_bringing little_children to_him, in_order_that he_may_touch against_them, but the apprentices/followers gave_rebuke to_them.
14But the Yaʸsous having_seen, resented, and said to_them:
Allow the little_children to_be_coming to me and be_ not _forbidding them, because/for the kingdom of_ the _god is the of_such.
15Truly, I_am_saying to_you_all, whoever wishfully may_ not _receive the kingdom of_ the _god as a_little_child by_no_means may_ not _come_in into it.
16And having_embraced them, he_was_blessing them, laying his hands on them.

10:17 Leaving behind everything to be saved

(Mat. 19:16-30, Luke 18:18-30)

17One time when Yeshua was starting out on a trip, a man caught up to him and kneeling down in front of him asked, “Good teacher, what do I have to do to inherit eternal life?”

18He answered, “Why do you call me good? No person is good—only God is. 19[ref]You know the commandments: don’t murder, don’t commit adultery, don’t steal, don’t lie about others, don’t defraud others, and honour your parents.

20The man responded, “I’ve kept all of those since I was young.”

21Yeshua looked up at him with genuine love and said, “There’s one thing still to be done: sell everything you have and give the money to the poor—then you’ll have wealth in heaven. After that, come and follow me.22But the man grew very sad when he heard this, because he owned many properties.

23Yeshua looked around at his followers, “It’s so difficult for wealthy people to enter God’s kingdom.

24(His followers were a bit stunned at his teaching.) Yeshua continued, “Yes, it’s certainly difficult to enter into God’s kingdom. 25It’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter God’s kingdom.

26Now they were totally stunned, asking, “How can anyone possibly be saved then?”

27Yeshua looked intently at them, “Yes, humanly it’s quite impossible. But with God it’s different—God can do anything!

28Peter said, “We left everything and came and followed you.”

29He answered, “Yes I can assure you all that anyone who left their home or farm, and left their siblings or parents or children because of me and my teaching, 30they’ll be rewarded one hundred times over with homes and farms and siblings and parents and children along with persecution, but gaining eternal life in the next era. 31[ref]But many at the top now will be at the bottom then, and many at the bottom now will be blessed then.

17And of_him going_out on the_journey, one having_run_up and having_knelt to_him was_asking him:
Good Teacher, what may_I_do in_order_that I_may_inherit eternal life?
18And the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) said to_him:
Why are_you_calling me good?
No_one is good, except not/lest one the god.
19You_have_known the commands:
you_may_ not _murder, you_may_ not _commit_adultery, you_may_ not _steal, you_may_ not _give_false_testimony, you_may_ not _defraud:
Be_honouring the father and the mother of_you.
20And he was_saying to_him:
Teacher, I_kept all these from the_youth of_me.
21And the Yaʸsous having_focused_in on_him, loved him and said to_him:
one thing is_lacking you:
be_going, sell as_much_as you_are_having, and give poor, and you_will_be_having treasure in heaven, and come, be_following after_me.
22But he, having_saddened at the message, went_away being_sorrowed, because/for he_was having many properties.
23And the Yaʸsous having_looked_around, is_saying to_the apprentices/followers of_him:
How difficultly the ones having the wealth will_be_coming_in into the kingdom of_ the _god.
24And the apprentices/followers were_being_amazed at the messages of_him.
But the Yaʸsous again answering is_saying to_them:
Children, how difficult it_is to_come_in into the kingdom of_ the _god.
25It_is easier for_a_camel to_pass_through through eye needle than a_rich one to_come_in into the kingdom of_ the _god.
26But they were_being_ exceedingly _astonished, saying to him:
And who is_able to_be_saved?
27the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) having_focused_in on_them, is_saying:
With humans it_is impossible, but not with god, because/for all things are possible with the god.
28The Petros began to_be_saying to_him:
Behold, we left all things and have_followed after_you.
29The Yaʸsous was_saying:
Truly, I_am_saying to_you_all, there_is no_one who left house, or brothers, or sisters, or mother, or father, or children, or farms, on_account of_me and of_the good_message, 30if may_ not _receive hundred_fold now in the this time, houses, and brothers, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and farms, with persecutions, and in the age which coming, eternal life.
31But many first will_be last, and last first.

10:32 Yeshua predicts his execution a third time

(Mat. 20:17-19, Luke 18:31-34)

32They were heading south on their way to Yerusalem with Yeshua in front, and his followers were a bit surprised and a bit scared. Yeshua took the twelve aside and started telling them what was going to happen to him, 33We’re on our way down to Yerusalem and humanity’s child will be turned over to the chief priests and the religious teachers, and they’ll sentence him to die and pass him over to the non-Jews. 34Then they’ll ridicule him and spit on him before they beat him and execute him, but he’ll come back to life again in three days time.

32And they_were on the way going_up to Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim), and the Yaʸsous was going_before them, and they_were_being_amazed, and they following were_fearing.
And having_taken the twelve again, he_began to_be_telling to_them the things going to_be_happening to_him.
33That Behold, we_are_going_up to Hierousalaʸm, and the son of_ the _man will_be_being_given_over to_the chief_priests and the scribes, and they_will_be_condemning him to_death, and they_will_be_giving_ him _over to_the pagans.
34And they_will_be_mocking at_him, and they_will_be_spitting on_him, and they_will_be_flogging him, and they_will_be_killing_off, and after three days he_will_be_rising_up.

10:35 How to become respected in God’s kingdom

(Mat. 20:20-28)

35Then Yacob and Yohan, the two sons of Zebedee approached Yeshua and asked, “Teacher, we’d like to ask a favour from you—please don’t disappoint us.”

36What do you want from me?” Yeshua asked.

37They answered, “Allow us two to sit beside you in heaven—one of us on each side of you.”

38[ref]But Yeshua replied, “You don’t even understand what you’re asking for. Do you think you could endure the suffering that I have to go through? Or to be enveloped in the darkness that I have to go down into?

39And they replied, “Sure we can.”

And indeed you all will suffer like me and be enveloped in darkness like I will be,” responded Yeshua, 40but as for deciding who will sit next to me, that’s not my decision to make because it’s already been decided.

41When the ten other apprentices heard what these two had asked for, they were upset at Yacob and Yohan. 42[ref]But Yeshua called them over, “Listen, in most countries their rulers boss the people around and their leaders exert their authority over them. 43[ref]But it doesn’t work like that with you—anyone of you who wanted to be honoured must serve the others, 44and anyone who wants to become the most respected has to work like a slave does. 45Even humanity’s child didn’t come to be served, but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom to set many people free.

35And Yakōbos/(Yaˊₐqoⱱ) and Yōannaʸs the two sons of_Zebedaios are_approaching to_him, saying to_him:
Teacher, we_are_wanting that whatever if we_may_request you, you_may_do for_us.
36And he said to_them:
What are_you_all_wanting me I_may_do for_you_all?
37And they said to_him:
Give to_us, that we_may_sit_down in with_the glory of_you, one on the_right and one on the_left of_you.
38And the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) said to_them:
You_all_have_ not _known what you_all_are_requesting.
Are_you_all_being_able to_drink the cup which I am_drinking, or to_be_immersed the immersion which I am_being_immersed?
39And they said to_him:
And the Yaʸsous said to_them:
The cup which I am_drinking, you_all_will_be_drinking, and the immersion which I am_being_immersed, you_all_will_be_being_immersed, 40but which to_sit_down on the_right or on the_left of_me, is not mine to_give, but for_whom it_has_been_prepared.
41And having_heard, the ten began to_be_resenting about Yakōbos and Yōannaʸs.
42And having_called_to them, the Yaʸsous is_saying to_them:
You_all_have_known that the ones supposing to_be_ruling over_the pagans are_exercising_mastership over_them, and the great ones of_them are_exercising_authority over_them.
43But it_is not thus among you_all, but whoever wishfully may_be_wanting to_become great among you_all, will_be servant of_you_all, 44and whoever wishfully may_be_wanting to_be first among you_all, will_be slave of_all.
45For/Because even the son of_ the _man came not to_be_served, but to_serve and to_give the life of_him as_a_ransom for many.

10:46 Blind Bartimeus gets his miracle

(Mat. 20:29-34, Luke 18:35-43)

46They arrived at Jericho, and then when Yeshua and his followers were leaving again with a large crowd following, they came across blind Bartimeus sitting beside the path begging. 47When he heard that it was Yeshua from Nazareth going past, he yelled out, “Yeshua, promised descendant of David, help me please.”

48When several people told him to stop, he just yelled out even louder, “Yeshua, promised descendant of David, please help me.”

49Then Yeshua stopped and got the people to call the blind man. So they called him, “Hey, be confident! Get up and come because he’s called for you.”

50So Bartimeus threw off his jacket, jumped up, and was led to Yeshua.

51Now, what can I do for you?Yeshua asked.

“My teacher, I’d like to be able to see,” Bartimeus replied.

52Then Yeshua responded, “Ok, off you go then—your faith has saved you.

And immediately Bartimeus was able to see, and followed along the path after Yeshua.

46And they_are_coming to Yeriⱪō/(Yərīḩō).
And him and the apprentices/followers of_him and a_ large _crowd going_out from Yeriⱪō, Bartimaios blind beggar, the a_son of_Timaios, was_sitting beside the road.
47And having_heard that it_is Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) the from_Nazaret, he_began to_be_crying_out and to_be_saying:
son of_Dawid/(Dāvid), Yaʸsous, show_mercy to_me.
48And many were_warning to_him that he_may_keep_silent, but he was_crying_out by_much more:
son of_Dawid, show_mercy to_me.
49And the Yaʸsous having_stopped said:
Call him.
And they_are_calling the blind man, saying to_him:
Be_having_courage, be_raising, he_is_calling you.
50And he, having_thrown_away the coat of_him, having_jumped_up came to the Yaʸsous.
51And the Yaʸsous answering to_him said:
What are_you_wanting I_may_do for_you?
And the blind man said to_him:
My_teacher, that I_may_receive_sight.
52And the Yaʸsous said to_him:
Be_going, the faith of_you has_saved you.
And immediately he_received_sight, and was_following after_him on the way.

MARK 10 ©
