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LEB DEU Chapter 2

DEU 2 ©

2Then we turned and set out toward the wilderness[fn] in the direction of theRed Sea,[fn] as Yahweh told me, and we went around Mount Seirfor many days. 2Yahweh spoke to me, saying,[fn] 3Long enough you have been skirting this mountain; turn yourselves north, 4and instruct[fn] the people,saying,[fn] “Youare about to cross through the territory of your brothers, the descendants[fn] of Esau, who are living in Seir; they will be afraid of you, andso be very careful. 5Do not get involved in battle[fn] with them, for I will not give you any of their land, not evena foot’s breadth[fn]of it; since I have given Mount Seir as a possession for Esau. 6You shall buy food from them so that you may eat; and also you shall purchase water from them with money so that you may drink. 7The fact of the matter is, Yahweh your God has blessed you in all the work you have done;[fn] he knowsyour travels[fn]with respect to this great wilderness; forty years Yahweh your God has been with you; you have not lacked a thing.” ’ 8And so we passed by our brothers, the descendants[fn] of Esau, who live in Seir, past the road of the Arabah,[fn] from Elath and Ezion Geber, and we turned and traveled along the route of the desert[fn] of Moab.

9And Yahweh said to me, ‘You shall not attack Moab, and you shall not engage in war[fn] with them, for I will not give you any of his landas a possession; I have given Ar to the descendants[fn] of Lotas a possession.’ 10(The Emim previously lived in it, a people large,[fn] numerous, and tall, like the Anakites. 11They were reckoned also as Rephaim as the Anakites were; but the Moabites called them Emim. 12The Horites previously lived in Seir, but the descendants[fn] of Esau dispossessed them and destroyed themfrom among themselves,[fn] as Israel did with respect to the land of their[fn] possession that Yahweh gave to them.) 13So now arise and cross over the wadi[fn] of Zered yourselves; andso we crossed the wadi[fn] of Zered. 14Now the length of time[fn] that we had traveled from Kadesh Barnea untilthe time when we crossed the wadi[fn] of Zeredwas thirty-eight years, until the perishing of all of that generation; that is, the men of war from the midst of the camp as Yahweh had sworn to them. 15The hand of Yahweh was against them to root them out from the midst of the camp until they perished completely.

16“And then[fn] when all the men of war[fn]had died[fn] from among the people, 17Yahweh spoke to me, saying,[fn] 18‘You are about to cross over the boundary of Moab today[fn] at Ar. 19When you approach the border of[fn] theAmmonites,[fn] you shall not harass them, and you shall not get involved in battle with them, for I have not given the land ofthe Ammonites[fn] to you as a possession; because I have given it to the descendants[fn] of Lotas a possession. 20(It is also considered the land of Rephaim; Rephaim lived in it previously,[fn] and the Ammonites called them Zamzummim, 21a people great and numerous and as tall as the Anakites; Yahweh destroyed them from before them,[fn] and they dispossessed them and settled in place of them, 22just as he did for the descendants[fn] of Esau, who live in Seir, when he destroyed the Horites frombefore them[fn] and dispossessed them, andthen they settled in their[fn] place up to this day. 23And also the Avvites, who lived in villages as far as Gaza, and the Caphtorim, who came out from Caphtor, destroyed them and then settled in their place. 24Arise,[fn] set out and crossover the wadi[fn] of Arnon. Look! I have given Sihon the Amorite, the king of Heshbon, and his land into your hand; begin to take possession ofit, and engage with him in battle. 25This day I will begin to place the dread of you[fn] and the fear of youbefore[fn] the peoples under all the heavens.They will hear the report about you,[fn] andso they will shake and tremble because of you.’[fn]

26“So I sent messengers from the wilderness[fn] of Kedemoth to Sihon king of Heshbon;I sent terms of peace, saying,[fn] 27‘Let me cross through your land and only along the road[fn] I will go; I will not turn aside to the right orto the left. 28Food for money you shall sell me, so that I may eat, and water for money you will give to me, so that I may drink; just let me cross on foot. 29Just as the descendants[fn] of Esau did for me, who live in Seir, and the Moabites, who live in Ar, until I cross the Jordan into the land that Yahweh our God is giving to us.’ 30But Sihon king of Heshbon was not willing to let us cross through his territory because Yahweh your God hardened his spirit and made him obstinate[fn]in order to give him[fn] into your hand,just as he has now done.[fn] 31Yahweh said to me, ‘Look! I have begun to give over to you[fn] Sihon and his land; beginto take possession of his land.’[fn] 32Then Sihon and all his people came out to meet us for battle at Jahaz. 33And so Yahweh our God gave him over to us,[fn] and we struck him down, and his sons[fn] and all of his people. 34So we captured all of his cities at that time, and we destroyed each town of males and the women and the children; we did not leave behind a survivor. 35We took only the livestock as spoil for ourselves,[fn] andalso the booty of the cities that we had captured. 36From Aroer, which is on the edge of the wadi[fn] of Arnon and the city thatwas in the wadi[fn] on up to Gilead,there was not a city that was inaccessible to us; Yahweh our God gave everything[fn]to us.[fn] 37Only the land of the Ammonites[fn] you did not approach,all along the whole upper region of the Jabbok River[fn] and the towns of the hill country,according to all that Yahweh our God had instructed.

?:? Or “desert”

?:? Literally “sea of reeds”

?:? Literally “to say”

?:? Or “command”

?:? Literally “to say”

?:? Or “sons”

?:? Or “provoke”

?:? Literally “a sole’s foot of space”

?:? Literally “the work of your hand”

?:? Literally “your journeying”

?:? Or “sons”

?:? Or “Jordan Valley” since the Arabah is an extension of it

?:? Or “wilderness”

?:? Or “battle”

?:? Or “sons”

?:? Or “great” in the sense of influential

?:? Or “sons”

?:? Literally “from their presence”

?:? Literally “its/his”

?:? A valley that is dry most of the year, but contains a stream during the rainy season

?:? A valley that is dry most of the year, but contains a stream during the rainy season

?:? Literally “days”

?:? A valley that is dry most of the year, but contains a stream during the rainy season

?:? Literally “And it happened”

?:? Or “battle”

?:? Literally “had finished/completed to die”

?:? Literally “to say”

?:? Literally “the day”

?:? Literally “opposite”

?:? Literally “the sons/children of Ammon”

?:? Literally “the sons/children of Ammon”

?:? Or “sons”

?:? Literally “before”

?:? That is, the Ammonites

?:? Or “sons”

?:? Literally “from the face/presence of them”

?:? Hebrew “them”

?:? Or “Get up”

?:? A valley that is dry most of the year, but contains a stream during the rainy season

?:? Literally “your dread”

?:? Literally “upon the faces of”

?:? Literally “your report”

?:? Literally “from before you”

?:? Or “desert”

?:? Literally “to say”

?:? Literally “in the road, in the road”

?:? Or “the children/sons of”

?:? Literally “made firm his heart”

?:? Literally “to give him,” indicating purpose

?:? Literally “as it is this day”

?:? Literally “to the face of you”

?:? Literally, “take possession in order to possess his land”

?:? Literally “before us”

?:? Or “descendants”

?:? Hebrew “us”

?:? A valley that is dry most of the year, but contains a stream during the rainy season

?:? A valley that is dry most of the year, but contains a stream during the rainy season

?:? Literally “the whole”

?:? Literally “before us”

?:? Literally “children/sons of Ammon”

?:? Literally “wadi,” which here refers to a flowing river

DEU 2 ©
