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OET by section MAT 20:20

MAT 20:20–20:28 ©

Requesting the top seats

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

Readers’ Version

Literal Version 

20:20 Requesting the top seats

(Mark 10:35-45)

20Then Zebedee’s wife approached Yeshua with her two sons, Yacob and Yohan. She knelt in front of him, obviously wanting to ask for something.

21What is it that you’re wanting?” Yeshua asked.

“Promise that my two sons will be able to sit beside you in the kingdom,” she said, “one on the right and one on the left.”

22But Yeshua answered, “You all don’t realise what you’re asking. Do you think you’ll be able to bear the suffering that I will have to suffer?

“Yes,” they replied, “we can.”

23Well, you will indeed share the suffering with me,” Yeshua responded. “But on the other hand, sitting on my right and my left is not my decision to make, because my father will have prepared those places.

24Now the other ten who’d heard all this, took offence at the two brothers 25[ref]but Yeshua called them over and said, “You all know that the rulers of other nations practice total control over their people, as do other powerful people. 26[ref]But among all of you, it shouldn’t be like that. Instead anyone who wants to become great should be your servant, 27and anyone who wants to be first, should be your slave, 28in the same way that humanity’s child didn’t come to be served, but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many people.

20Then the mother of_the sons of_Zebedaios approached to_him with the sons of_her, prostrating and requesting something from him.
21And he said to_her:
What are_you_wanting?
She_is_saying to_him:
Say that these the two sons of_me may_sit_down, one on the_right and one on the_left of_you in the kingdom of_you.
22But the Yaʸsous answering said:
You_all_have_ not _known what you_all_are_requesting.
Are_you_all_being_able to_drink the cup which I am_going to_be_drinking?
They_are_saying to_him:
23He_is_saying to_them:
On_one_hand you_all_will_be_drinking the cup of_me, on_the_other_hand which to_sit_down on the_right of_me and on the_left, is not mine to_give, but for_whom it_has_been_prepared by the father of_me.
24And having_heard, the ten resented about the two brothers.
25But the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) having_called_to them said:
You_all_have_known that the rulers of_the pagans are_exercising_mastership over_them, and the great ones are_exercising_authority over_them.
26It_will_ not _be thus among you_all, but whoever if among you_all may_be_wanting to_become great, he_will_be servant of_you_all, 27and whoever wishfully among you_all may_be_wanting to_be first, he_will_be slave of_you_all, 28as the son of_ the _man came not to_be_served, but to_serve and to_give the life of_him a_ransom for many.

MAT 20:20–20:28 ©
