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Open English Translation MAT Chapter 19

MAT 19 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

19:1 Yeshua answers about divorce

(Mark 10:1-12)

19When Yeshua had finished these messages, he left Galilee and went to the Yudean regions on the other side of the Yordan River 2and large crowds followed him, and he healed them.

3Some from the Pharisees’ party approached him to test him by asking, “Is there any cause for which a man can dismiss his wife?”

4[ref]Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that God made them male and female from the beginning? 5[ref]And then how he said, ‘A man will leave his parents and be joined together with his wife, and then the two of them will be a single body’? 6So then, they’re no longer two but are now one body, therefore don’t let any person separate what God has joined together.

7[ref]So why did Mosheh allow us to give her a letter of divorce and then to send her away?” they asked him.

8It was because of your hard hearts that Mosheh allowed you to send away your wife,” Yeshua answered, “but it wasn’t like that at the beginning. 9[ref]Now I’m telling you that anyone who sends away his wife because of sexual immorality and then remarries, is also causing adultery. Also the woman who was sent away if she remarries, she causes adultery.

10His followers made the point, “If that’s the case for husband and wife, it’s better not to get married.”

11Not everyone can accept this,” Yeshua responded, “but only those with a special gift. 12Because there are some men who are born from their mother’s womb without testicles, there are some who’ve been castrated by others, and there are some who castrate themselves because of the kingdom of the heavens. Anyone who is able to accept this can accept it.

19And it_became, when the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) finished the these messages, he_withdrew from the Galilaia/(Gālīl) and came to the regions of_ the _Youdaia beyond the Yordanaʸs/(Yarddēn).
2And great crowds followed after_him, and he_healed them there.
3And the_Farisaios_party approached to_him, testing him and saying:
- Is_it_permitting to_send_away the wife of_him according_to any cause?
4And which answering he_said:
You_all_ not _read that he having_made them from beginning:
made them male and female?
5And he_said:
On_account of_this a_man will_be_leaving his father and his mother, and will_be_being_joined_together with_the wife of_him, and the two will_be into one flesh?
6So_that they_ no_longer _are two, but one flesh.
Therefore what the god joined_together, let_ man not _be_separating.
7They_are_saying to_him:
Therefore why Mōsaʸs/(Mosheh) commanded to_give a_scroll of_divorce and to_send_ her _away?
8He_is_saying to_them, that For/Because the hard_heart of_you_all, Mōsaʸs permitted to_you_all to_send_away the wives of_you_all, but from the_beginning it_has_ not _become thus.
9And I_am_saying to_you_all that whoever wishfully may_send_away the wife of_him not/lest for sexual_immorality, and may_marry another, is_causing_adultery.
And the one having_been_sent_away, marrying is_causing_adultery.
10The apprentices/followers are_saying to_him:
If thus is the cause of_the husband with the wife, it_is_ not _benefitting to_marry.
11But he said to_them:
Not all are_accepting the this statement, but those to_whom it_has_been_given.
12For/Because there_are eunuchs who were_born thus from womb of_mother, and there_are eunuchs who were_castrated by the people, and there_are eunuchs who castrated themselves because_of the kingdom of_the heavens.
The one being_able to_be_accepting it, him _let_be_accepting it.

19:13 Yeshua blesses the children

(Mark 10:13-16, Luke 18:15-17)

13Then some small children were brought to Yeshua hoping that he would place his hands on them and pray for them, but the apprentices scolded them. 14But Yeshua intervened, “Be patient with the children and don’t stop them from coming to me, because it’s ones like these that make up the kingdom of the heavens.

15Then after placing his hands on them, he left that place.

13Then little_children were_brought to_him in_order_that he_may_lay_on his hands on_them and he_may_pray, and the apprentices/followers gave_rebuke to_them.
14But the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) said Allow the little_children and not be_forbidding them to_come to me, because/for the kingdom of_the heavens is the of_such children.
15And having_laid_on his hands on_them, he_was_gone from_there.

19:16 Answering the rich man

(Mark 10:17-31, Luke 18:18-30)

16And look, a man approached Yeshua and asked him, “Teacher, what good thing do I need to do in order to have eternal life?”

17Why are you asking me about what’s good?” Yeshua responded. “Only one is good. But if you’re wanting to enter into life, you should obey the commandments.

18[ref]Which ones?” he asked.

Don’t murder,” Yeshua answered, “don’t mess with another person’s spouse, don’t steal, don’t lie in court, 19[ref]honour your parents, and love your neighbour like yourself.

20“I’ve kept all of those,” the young man said, “so what else do I need to do?”

21If you want to be perfect,” answered Yeshua, “go and sell what you own and give to the poor, and then you’ll have treasure in the heavens. Then come and follow me.

22But when the young man heard that, he went away despondent because he owned many properties.

23So Yeshua said to his apprentices, “I can assure you that it’s more difficult for a wealthy person to enter the kingdom of the heavens. 24In fact, it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a wealthy person to enter God’s kingdom.

25When his apprentices heard that, they were very surprised and asked, “Well, who can be saved then?”

26Yeshua looked them in the eyes and answered, “It’s impossible for humans, but with God, everything is possible.

27“Hey,” Peter reacted, “we left everything to follow you, so what will happen to us?”

28[ref]I can assure you all,Yeshua responded. “that after the world is remade and I sit down on his splendid throne, all of you who followed me will also sit on twelve thrones ruling over the twelve tribes of Israel. 29And everyone who left their houses, or brothers or sisters, or father or mother, or wife or children, or farms on account of my name and commission, will be repaid a hundred times over and will inherit eternal life.

16And see, one having_approached to_him said:
Teacher, what good may_I_do in_order_that I_may_have eternal life?
17And he said to_him:
Why are_you_asking me about the good?
one is the good.
But if you_are_wanting to_come_in into the life, be_keeping the commands.
18He_is_saying to_him:
Which ones?
And the Yaʸsous said, the You will_ not _be_murdering, you will_ not _be_committing_adultery, you will_ not _be_stealing, you will_ not _be_giving_false_testimony, 19Be_honouring your father and your mother, and:
You_will_be_loving the neighbor of_you as yourself.
20The young_man is_saying to_him:
I_kept all These things, what am_I_lacking still?
21The Yaʸsous was_saying to_him:
If you_are_wanting to_be perfect, be_going, sell the things possessing of_you and give to_the_poor and you_will_be_having treasure in the_heavens, and come, be_following after_me.
22But the young_man having_heard, the statement, he_went_away being_sorrowed, because/for he_was having many properties.
23And the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) said to_the apprentices/followers of_him:
Truly, I_am_saying to_you_all that a_rich one will_be_coming_in into the kingdom of_the heavens difficultly.
24And again I_am_telling to_you_all, it_is easier for_a_camel to_pass_through through the_eye of_a_needle than a_rich one to_come_in into the kingdom of_ the _god.
25And the apprentices/followers having_heard, were_being_ exceedingly _astonished saying:
Who consequently is_able to_be_saved?
26And the Yaʸsous having_focused_in said to_them:
With humans this is impossible, but with god all things possible.
27Then the Petros answering said to_him:
Behold, we left all things and followed after_you, what consequently will_be to_us?
28And the Yaʸsous said to_them:
Truly, I_am_saying to_you_all that you_all who having_followed after_me in the regeneration, whenever the son of_ the _man may_sit_down on the_throne of_glory of_him, you_all also will_be_sitting on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of_ the _Israaʸl/(Yisrāʼēl).
29And everyone who left houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or farms, on_account the name of_me, will_be_receiving hundred_fold and will_be_inheriting eternal life.

19:30 The last will be first

30[ref]But many who are first will end up last, and the last will be first

30But many the_first will_be the_last, and the_last first.

MAT 19 ©
