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Open English Translation MAT Chapter 22

MAT 22 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

22:1 The parable about the wedding reception

(Luke 14:15-24)

22Yeshua, still answering them, told another parable: 2The kingdom of the heavens is like a king who prepared the wedding reception for his son 3and he sent out some of his slaves to remind those who’d been invited, but they didn’t want to come. 4So he sent out some other slaves, instructing them, ‘Tell those who’re invited: Listen, I’ve prepared the dinner, including some of my grain-fed beef and everything’s now ready. Come to the wedding and celebrate.’ 5But they ignored the message and went their various ways—one went off to his field to work and another went into his business. 6Still others grabbed the slaves and mistreated them, and even killed them.

7Now the king was angry and sent in his soldiers to destroy those murderers and to burn their city. 8Then he told his slaves, ‘Well, the wedding reception is ready but those that were invited aren’t worthy to come. 9So spread out on the roads and invite everywhere that you find to come to the reception.’ 10So those slaves went out onto the roads and invited everyone they found—both evil and good people, and then the seats at the wedding reception were all full.

11But when the king came into to meet the seated guests, he saw a man there who wasn’t dressed in the proper clothes for a wedding, 12and demanded, ‘Friend, how did you get in here without the right clothes?’ But the man had nothing to say. 13[ref]So the king told his servants, ‘Tie up the man’s hands and feet and throw him outside into the darkness, and there’ll be weeping and much anguish out there.’

14Because many are invited, but few are selected.

22And the Yaʸsous answering, again spoke to_them in parables saying, 2The kingdom of_the heavens was_likened to_a_man, a_king, who made a_wedding_festivities for_the son of_him.
3And sent_out the slaves of_him, to_call the ones having_been_invited to the wedding_festivities, and they_were_ not _willing to_come.
4Again he_sent_out other slaves saying:
Say to_the ones having_been_invited:
Behold, I_have_prepared the dinner of_me, the bulls of_me, and the grain_fed having_been_sacrificed, and all things are_ready, come to the wedding_festivities.
5But they having_neglected went_away, on_one_hand that one to his own field, on_the_other_hand that one to the business of_him.
6And the rest having_apprehended the slaves of_him, they_mistreated and they_killed_ them _off.
7But the king was_angered, and having_sent the armies of_him, destroyed the those murderers, and inflamed the city of_them.
8Then he_is_saying to_the slaves of_him:
On_one_hand the wedding is ready, on_the_other_hand the ones having_been_invited were not worthy.
9Therefore be_going in the thoroughfares of_the roads, and invite as_many_as if you_all_may_find to the wedding_festivities.
10And the those slaves having_come_out into the roads, they_gathered_together all whom they_found, both evil and good, and the wedding was_filled of_reclining ones.
11But the king having_come_in to_see the ones reclining, he_saw there a_man not having_dressed_in clothing of_wedding, 12and he_is_saying to_him:
Friend, how you_came_in here not having clothing of_wedding?
And he was_silenced.
13Then the king said to_the servants:
Having_bound the_feet and hands of_him, throw_ him _out into the the outer darkness, there will_be the weeping and the grating of_ the _teeth.
14For/Because many are called, but few chosen.

22:15 The question about paying tax

(Mark 12:13-17, Luke 20:20-26)

15Then the members of the Pharisees went away and had a discussion to try to figure out how to trap him into saying something wrong. 16Afterwards, they sent some of their apprentices along with some supporters of Herod and asked, “Teacher, we know that you are honest and that you teach God’s ways in all honesty irrespective of what people might say, because you don’t care about people’s opinions. 17So then, tell us what you think: should we pay the poll tax to Caesar or not?”

18But Yeshua knew how wicked they were and asked, “Why are you testing me, you hypocrites? 19Show me the coin used to pay the poll tax.” So they brought a coin to him. 20Then he asked, “Whose image is this on the coin, and the inscription?

21“Caesar’s,” they answered.

Then give Caesar’s things to Caesar and God’s things to God,” Yeshua responded.

22When they heard that, they were amazed, and left him and went away.

15Then the Farisaios_party having_been_gone, took counsel so_that they_may_trap him in message.
16And they_are_sending_out to_him the apprentices/followers of_them with the supporters_of_Haʸrōdaʸs saying:
Teacher, we_have_known that you_are true, and you_are_teaching the way of_ the _god in truth, and it_is_ not _caring to_you about no_one, because/for you_are_ not _looking on appearance of_people.
17Therefore tell to_us, what is_it_supposing to_you?
Is_it_permitting to_give poll_tax to_Kaisar or not?
18But the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) having_known the wickedness of_them, he_said:
Why are_you_all_testing me, hypocrites?
19Show to_me the coin of_the poll_tax.
And they brought a_daʸnarion_coin to_him.
20And he_is_saying to_them:
Of_whose_ The image _is this and the inscription?
Then he_is_saying to_them:
Therefore give_back the things of_Kaisar to_Kaisar, and the things of_ the _god to_ the _god.
22And having_heard, they_marvelled, and having_left him they_went_away.

22:23 The question about marriage in heaven

(Mark 12:18-27, Luke 20:27-40)

23[ref]On that day some from the Sadducee sect (who claim there’s no resurrection) approached Yeshua and asked, 24[ref]Teacher, Mosheh wrote that if a married man dies childless, his brother should marry the widow and so raise up children for his deceased brother. 25Well, there were seven brothers amongst up, and the first one got married and then died childless. So his brother married the widow. 26The same happened for the second brother, and the third, all the way to the seventh. 27Finally the woman died. 28Now then, in the resurrection, which of the brothers will she be the wife of, because they were all married to her?”

29You’ve got it wrong,Yeshua answered, “because you don’t understand either the scriptures or God’s power, 30because in the resurrection, there’ll be no marrying or getting engaged, because they’ll be like the messengers in heaven. 31But as for the resurrection of the dead, isn’t it written in the scriptures that God said, 32[ref]I am Abraham’s God and Isaac’s God and Yacob’s God.’? So God is not the god of the dead, but of the living.

33When the crowds heard his answer, they were amazed at his teaching.

23On that the day Saddoukaios_sect approached to_him saying not to_be a_resurrection, and they_asked him 24saying:
Teacher, Mōsaʸs/(Mosheh) said:
If anyone may_die_off not having children, the brother of_him will_be_marrying the wife of_him, and he_will_be_raising_up children for_the brother of_him.
25And they_were seven brothers among us, and the first having_married died, and not having seed, left the wife of_him to_the brother of_him.
26Likewise also the second, and the third, to the seven, 27and last of_all, the woman died_off.
28Therefore in the resurrection, she_will_be the_wife of_which of_the seven?
For/Because all had her.
29And the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) answering said to_them:
You_all_are_being_strayed, not having_known the scriptures nor the power of_ the _god.
30For/Because in the resurrection, they_are_ neither _marrying nor are_being_betrothed, but they_are like messengers in the heaven.
31But concerning the resurrection of_the dead, you_all_ not _read the message having_been_spoken to_you_all by the god saying, 32I am the god of_Abraʼam/(ʼAⱱrāhām), and the god of_Isaʼak/(Yiʦḩāq), and the god of_Yakōb/(Yaˊₐqoⱱ)?
The god is not of_the_dead, but of_the_living.
33And the crowds having_heard, they_were_being_astonished at the teaching of_him.

22:34 The most important commandment

(Mark 12:28-34, Luke 10:25-28)

34But when the Pharisees party heard that Yeshua had silenced the Sadducees, they decided to work together, 35so a lawyer among them tested him by asking, 36Teacher, which is the most important commandment from Mosheh?”

37[ref]You should love the master, your God, with all of your heart and your soul and your mind. 38That’s the first and most important commandment. 39[ref]The next is similar to it: You should love your neighbour like yourself. 40[ref]Everything from the Torah and the writings of the prophets just follows on from those two commandments.

34But the Farisaios_party having_heard that he_silenced the Saddoukaios_sect, were_gathered_together with the same.
35And one of them, a_lawyer testing him asked, 36Teacher, which command is great in the law?
37And he was_saying to_him:
You_will_be_loving the_master the god of_you with all heart of_you, and with all soul of_you, and with all the mind of_you.
38This is the great and first command.
39The_second, similar to_it:
You_will_be_loving the neighbor of_you as yourself.
40All the law and the prophets is_being_hanged on these the two commands.

22:41 The question about the messiah

(Mark 12:35-37, Luke 20:41-44)

41Since all from the Pharisees’ party were gathered together, Yeshua asked them a question, 42How do you interpret the scriptures about the messiah? Who will he be a descendant of?

“A descendant of King David,” they answered.

43Then how could David,” he continued, “under the inspiration of God’s spirit, call himmaster’ when he said,

44[ref]‘The master said to my master:

“Sit there on my right

until I conquer your enemies.”

45So if David is calling him ‘master’, how could he be his descendant?

46No one was able to answer his question, and after that day they didn’t dare ask him anything else.

41And the Farisaios_party having_been_gathered_together, the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) asked them 42saying:
What is_supposing to_you_all concerning the chosen_one/messiah?
Of_whom son is_he?
They_are_saying to_him:
Of_the son of_Dawid/(Dāvid).
43He_is_saying to_them:
Therefore how is_ Dawid in spirit _calling him master saying, 44The_master said to_the master of_me:
Be_sitting on the_right of_me, until wishfully I_may_put the enemies of_you beneath for_the feet of_you?
45Therefore if Dawid is_calling him:
master, how is_he the_son of_him?
46And no_one was_able to_answer a_message to_him, nor dared anyone from that the day to_ask him no_longer.

MAT 22 ©
