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Open English Translation MAT Chapter 21

MAT 21 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

21:1 The jubilant entrance of Yeshua into Yerusalem

(Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-40, Yhn 12:12-19)

21When they were getting close to Yerusalem and arrived at Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Yeshua sent two of his apprentices ahead, 2telling them, “Go ahead to the next village and in front of you you’ll see a donkey tied up and her colt near her. Untie the donkey and bring them back here to me. 3But if anyone says anything to you, just tell them that the master needs them, and they’ll let you take them.

4All this is happening so that the message that was written by the prophet will come to pass:

5[ref]‘Tell the daughter of Zion:

Look, your king is coming,

gentle and riding a donkey,

and on a colt, a donkey’s offspring.” ’

6So the two apprentices left and did what Yeshua had instructed them. 7They brought back the donkey and the colt, and they put their coats on them and he sat on them. 8Then the huge crowd spread their coats on the road, while others cut branches off trees and spread them on the road. 9[ref]The crowd that walked ahead of him and the crowd that followed along behind all yelled out, “David’s descendant, honoured saviour! Blessed one who comes in the name of the master! Honoured saviour in the highest!”

10As they entered Yerusalem, everyone in the city was stunned, asking, “Who is this?”

11The crowds responded, “It’s the prophet Yeshua—the prophet from Nazareth in the Galilee!”

21And when they_neared to Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim) and came to Baʸthfagaʸ to the Mount of_ the _Olives, then Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) sent_out two apprentices/followers 2saying to_them:
Be_going into the village which in_front_of of_you_all, and immediately you_all_will_be_finding a_donkey having_been_bound and a_colt with her, having_untied them bring them to_me.
3And if anyone may_say anything to_you_all, you_all_will_be_saying, that The master is_having need of_them, and immediately he_will_be_sending_ them _out.
4And this all has_become, in_order_that the message may_be_fulfilled having_been_spoken by the prophet saying, 5Say to_the daughter of_Siōn/(Tsiyyōn):
Behold, the king of_you is_coming to_you, gentle and having_mounted on a_donkey and on a_colt, the_son of_a_donkey.
6And the apprentices/followers having_been_gone, and having_done as the Yaʸsous directed to_them, 7they_brought the donkey and the colt, and they_put_on their coats on them, and he_sat_on on them.
8And the very_great crowd spread the coats of_themselves on the road, and others were_cutting_off branches from the trees, and were_spreading them on the road.
9And the crowds which going_before him and the ones following were_crying_out saying:
Honoured_saviour to_the son of_Dawid/(Dāvid).
The one coming in the_name of_the_master having_been_blessed.
Honoured_saviour in the highest.
10And of_him having_come_in into Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim), all the city was_shaken saying:
Who is this?
11And the crowds were_saying:
This is the prophet Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa), the one from Nazaret of_ the _Galilaia/(Gālīl).

21:12 Anger aroused in the temple

(Mark 11:15-19, Luke 19:45-48, Yhn 2:13-22)

12Then Yeshua dismounted and entered the temple. He drove out those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of those who were selling doves, 13[ref]telling them, “It was written that my house will be called a house of prayer, but you all are making it a hideout of robbers.

14Those in the temple who were blind or lame approached Yeshua and he healed them. 15But the chief priests and religious teachers, having seen him do miracles and heard the children in the temple yelling out ‘David’s descendant, honoured saviour!’ became angry 16[ref]and accused him, “Can’t you hear what they’re saying?”

Yes, I can,Yeshua responded. “Didn’t you ever read where it says ‘You caused praises to come from the lips of infants and babies’?

17Then he left the temple and Yerusalem and went and stayed overnight out at Bethany.

12And Yaʸsous came_in into the temple, and he_throw_out all the ones selling and buying in the temple, and he_overturned the tables of_the moneychangers, and the seats of_the ones selling the doves.
13And he_is_saying to_them:
The house of_me will_be_being_called a_house of_prayer, but you_all are_making it a_hideout of_robbers.
14And blind and lame in the temple approached, to_him, and he_healed them.
15But the chief_priests and the scribes having_seen the wonders that he_did, and the children which crying_out in the temple and saying:
Honoured_saviour to_the son of_Dawid, they_resented 16and said to_him:
Are_you_hearing what these are_saying?
And the Yaʸsous is_saying to_them:
Yes, you_all_ never _read, that You_prepared praise out_of mouth of_infants and nursing,?
17And having_left them, he_came_out out the city to Baʸthania, and was_lodged there.

21:18 Yeshua kills the fig tree

(Mark 11:12-14)

18In the morning as he headed back into the city, Yeshua was hungry. 19He saw a single fig tree near the road, but when he got close, it only had leaves on it, so he spoke to it, “You will never again bear fruit,” and immediately the fig tree withered up.

20His followers who saw this happen were amazed and asked each other, “How did that tree instantly wither up?”

21[ref]I can assure you all,Yeshua answered, “if you have faith and don’t doubt, not only could you do that to a fig tree, you could tell this hill to move away and go into the sea, and it would happen. 22You’d be able to do everything—anything that you request in prayer and believe.

18And in_the_morning, setting_out into the city, he_hungered.
19And having_seen one fig_tree on the road, he_came to it and found nothing on it, except not/lest only leaves, and he_is_saying to_it:
Fruit may_ no_longer _become from you for the age.
And immediately the fig_tree was_withered.
20And the apprentices/followers having_seen it, marvelled saying:
How was_ the fig_tree immediately _withered?
21And the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) answering said to_them:
Truly, I_am_saying to_you_all, if you_all_may_be_having faith and not may_be_doubted, not only will_you_all_be_doing the miracle of_the fig_tree, but even_if you_all_may_say to_the this mountain:
Be_taken_away and be_thrown into the sea, it_will_be_becoming.
22And all things, as_many_as wishfully you_all_may_request in the prayer believing, you_all_will_be_receiving.

21:23 The source of Yeshua’s authority

(Mark 11:27-33, Luke 20:1-8)

23When Yeshua went back into the temple and started teaching the people, the chief priests and the Jewish elders came and challenged him, “What authority do you have to do these things?”

24Well, I have one question for you first,Yeshua answered. “If you answer it, then I’ll tell you all about my authority to do these things. 25So, where did Yohan’s practice of immersion come from?

They discussed this among themselves, saying, “If we say from heaven, he’ll ask us why we didn’t believe Yohan. 26But if we say it was a human idea, then the crowd might revolt against us because they consider Yohan to be a prophet.” 27So they answered, “We don’t know.”

Well then, nor will I tell you about my authority to do these things,Yeshua answered.

23And with_him having_come into the temple teaching, the chief_priests and the elders of_the people approached to_him saying:
By what authority are_you_doing these things?
And who gave the this authority to_you?
24And the Yaʸsous answering, said to_them:
Also_I Will_be_asking you_all one message, which if you_all_may_tell to_me, also_I will_be_saying to_you_all by what authority I_am_doing these things.
25The immersion which of_Yōannaʸs, from_where was_it?
From heaven or from humans?
And they were_reasoning among themselves saying:
If we_may_say:
From heaven, he_will_be_saying to_us:
Therefore for_ why _reason you_all_ not _believed in_him?
26But if we_may_say:
From humans, we_are_fearing the crowd, because/for all are_having the Yōannaʸs as a_prophet.
27And answering to_ the _Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) ^they_said:
We_have_ not _known.
He was_saying to_them also:
Neither I am_telling to_you_all by what authority I_am_doing these things.

21:28 The parable about obedience

28But what does it matter to you all, anyway? There was a man who had two children and he went up to the first one and instructed, ‘Son, go and work in my vineyard today.’ 29‘I can’t,’ he answered, but later he regretted what he’d said and went and did the work. 30The father also approached the other child with the same instruction. ‘I will, master’ this one answered, but he never went. 31Which of the two did what the father wanted?

“The first one,” the hearers answered.

I can assure you all,Yeshua continued, “that tax collectors and prostitutes will enter God’s kingdom ahead of you lot, 32[ref]because Yohan came to you all teaching the road to becoming right with God, but you didn’t believe that he was sent by God. Yet the tax collectors and prostitutes believed in him, and still, even when you saw that, you didn’t later regret and change your minds and believe.

28But what is_it_supposing to_you_all?
A_man was_having two children.
And having_approached to_the_ first _one he_said:
Child, be_going today, be_working in the vineyard of_me.
29And he answering said:
I_am_ not _willing, later having_been_regretful, he_went_away.
30And having_approached to_the other child, he_said likewise.
And he answering said:
I will, master, but went_ not _away.
31Which of the two did the will of_the father?
The first.
The Yaʸsous is_saying to_them:
Truly, I_am_saying to_you_all that the tax_collectors and the prostitutes are_going_before you_all into the kingdom of_ the _god.
32For/Because Yōannaʸs came to you_all in the_way of_righteousness, and you_all_ not _believed in_him, but the tax_collectors and the prostitutes believed in_him, and you_all having_seen, you_all_were_ not _regretful later which to_believe in_him.

21:33 The parable about the evil tenants

(Mark 12:1-12, Luke 20:9-19)

33[ref]Listen to another parable: A landowner planted a vineyard and fenced it, and he carved a wine-press in it and built a watchtower. Then he rented it out to tenant farmers and moved away. 34At harvest time, he sent some of his slaves to the tenant farmers to bring back his share of the harvest. 35However, the tenants grabbed his slaves and beat them. They killed some and threw rocks at others. 36So the owner sent a larger group of slaves, but the tenants did the same things to them.

37Next he sent his son because he thought his son would have influence over them. 38But when the tenant farmers saw the son, they thought, ‘Hey, this is the heir of the estate. If we kill him, then the inheritance will be ours.’ 39So they grabbed the son, dragged him out of the vineyard, and killed him there outside.

40Now, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what do you think he’ll do to those tenant farmers?

41“He’ll brutally destroy those wicked tenants,” they answered, “then he’ll rent the vineyard out to other tenant farmers who will give him his share of the harvest.”

42[ref]Then Yeshua said to them, “Haven’t you ever read in the scriptures:

‘The stone which the builders rejected,

this would become the cornerstone.

This one came from the master,

and it was amazing to see.’

43Because of that, I’m telling you that God’s kingdom will be taken away from all of you and be given to a people who will produce a harvest. 44And anyone who falls down onto this stone will be shattered, but anyone that this stone falls on will be totally pulverised.

45When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard those parables, they knew that he was talking about them. 46They attempted to arrest him, but couldn’t because they knew that the crowds believed him to be a prophet from God.

33Hear another parable:
a_man was a_home_owner, who planted a_vineyard, and put_ a_fence _around to_it:
and dug a_wine-press in it, and built a_tower, and rented_ it _out to_tenant_farmers, and travelled.
34And when the season of_the fruits neared, he_sent_out the slaves of_him to the tenant_farmers, to_receive the fruits of_him.
35And the tenant_farmers having_taken the slaves of_him, on_one_hand that they_beat, on_the_other_hand that they_killed_off, on_the_other_hand that they_threw_stones.
36Again he_sent_out other slaves, more than_the first, and they_did likewise to_them.
37But later he_sent_out the son of_him to them saying:
They_will_be_being_swayed by_the son of_me.
38But the tenant_farmers having_seen the son, said among themselves:
This is the heir, come, we_may_kill_ him _off and we_may_have the inheritance of_him.
39And having_taken him, they_throw_out him out the vineyard and they_killed_ him _off.
40Therefore whenever the master of_the vineyard may_come, what he_will_be_doing to_ the those _tenant_farmers?
41They_are_saying to_him:
He_will_be_destroying them evil ones miserably, and will_be_renting_out the vineyard to_other tenant_farmers, who will_be_giving_back to_him the fruits in the seasons of_them.
42The Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) is_saying to_them:
You_all_ never _read in the scriptures:
The_stone which the ones building rejected, this was_become for the_head of_the_corner, this became from the_master, and it_is marvellous in the_eyes of_us?
43Because_of this I_am_saying to_you_all, that the kingdom of_ the _god will_be_being_taken_away from you_all and it_will_be_being_given to_a_people producing the fruits of_it.
44And the one having_fallen on the this stone, will_be_being_shattered, on but whomever wishfully it_may_fall, it_will_be_pulverizing him.
45And the chief_priests and the Farisaios_party having_heard the parables of_him, they_knew that he_is_speaking about them.
46And seeking to_apprehend him, they_were_afraid the crowds, because they_were_having him for a_prophet.

MAT 21 ©
