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Open English Translation MAT Chapter 24

MAT 24 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

24:1 Yeshua fortells the destruction of the temple

(Mark 13:1-2, Luke 21:5-6)

24As Yeshua exited the temple, he approached his followers and asked them to show him around the buildings, 2You can see all of this,” he said, “but I can assure you that it’ll be torn down so thoroughly that one stone won’t be left on top of another.

24And the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) having_come_out from the temple, was_going and approached the apprentices/followers of_him to_show to_him the buildings of_the temple.
2And he answering said to_them:
You_all_are_ not _seeing all these things?
Truly, I_am_saying to_you_all, by_no_means may_ not _be_left here stone on stone, which will_ not _be_being_torn_down.

24:3 Future calamities and persecution

(Mark 13:3-13, Luke 21:7-19)

3When Yeshua was sitting on the Mount of Olive, his apprentices came up to him by themselves, asking, “Tell us when all those things will happen and what the signs will be of your coming and of the end of this age?”

4Watch out in case others mislead you,Yeshua answered, 5because many will come claiming to be me and saying that they’re the messiah and misleading many. 6You will hear about wars and reports about wars further away. Don’t be alarmed, but keep watching because these things need to happen, although that’s not yet the end 7because nations will turn against nations and kingdoms against kingdoms, plus there’ll be famines and earthquakes. 8But all of those things are just like the beginning of labour pains.

9[ref]Then they’ll turn my followers in for persecution, and some will be killed. 10Many of my followers will be caused to stumble and they’ll turn each other in and hate each other. 11Also, many false prophets will appear and they will mislead many, 12and as a result, lawlessness will increase and the love of many people will cool off 13[ref]but anyone who lasts until the end will be saved. 14This good message about God’s kingdom will be proclaimed right around the world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.

3And him sitting on the Mount of_ the _Olives, the apprentices/followers approached to_him by themselves saying:
Tell to_us when these things will_be, and what is the sign of_the your coming and the_completion of_the age?
4And the Yaʸsous answering said to_them:
Be_watching_out lest anyone may_mislead you_all.
5For/Because many will_be_coming in the name of_me saying:
I am the chosen_one/messiah, and they_will_be_misleading many.
6And you_all_will_be_going to_be_hearing wars, and reports of_wars.
Be_watching, be_ not _being_alarmed, because/for it_is_fitting to_become, but the end is not_yet.
7For/Because nation will_be_being_raised against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and will_be famines and earthquakes in places.
8But all these are the_beginning of_birth_pains.
9Then they_will_be_giving_ you_all _over to tribulation, and they_will_be_killing_ you_all _off.
And you_all_will_be being_hated by all the nations, because_of the name of_me.
10And then many will_be_being_stumbled, and they_will_be_giving_ one_another _over and they_will_be_hating one_another.
11And many false_prophets will_be_being_raised and will_be_misleading many.
12And because_of that the lawlessness to_be_multiplied, the love of_the many will_be_being_cooled.
13But the one having_endured to end, this one will_be_being_saved.
14And this the good_message of_the kingdom will_be_being_proclaimed in all the inhabited_world, because/for a_testimony to_all the nations, and then the end will_be_coming.

24:15 Desecration and false teachers

(Mark 13:14-23, Luke 21:20-24)

15[ref]So whenever you all see the irreverent object that the prophet Daniel wrote about being placed in the holy place (anyone reading this should try to understand it), 16those in Yudea should flee to the hills, 17[ref]anyone outside on the flat roof shouldn’t go back inside to get things out of the house, 18and anyone in the field shouldn’t go back to the house to get their coat. 19It will be very difficult for pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers in those days, 20but pray that your escape won’t be in winter or on a rest day. 21[ref]This will be followed by incredible troubles like nothing that has been observed in this world from creation until the present time, and which won’t happen like that again— 22in fact if those days weren’t shortened, nobody would survive, however because of the chosen, those days will be shortened.

23Then if anyone says, ‘Look, here’s the messiah’ or ‘Here he is’, don’t believe it, 24because false messiahs and false prophets will emerge, and they will do amazing miracles that would mislead even the chosen if possible. 25Listen, I’m telling you all before it happens.

26[ref]So if they tell you all, ‘Look, he’s out in the wilderness,’ don’t go out there, or if they say, ‘He’s here in these private rooms,’ don’t believe it, 27because when humanity’s child comes, it’ll be like how the lightening goes right across the sky from one side to the other.

28[ref]Wherever there’s something dead, that’s where the vultures will gather.

15Therefore whenever you_all_may_see the abomination of_ the _desolation, which having_been_spoken by Daniaʸl/(Dāniyyēʼl) the prophet, having_stood in the_ holy _place (the one reading let_be_understanding), 16then the ones in the Youdaia, let_them_be_fleeing to the mountains, 17the one on the housetop, let_ not _come_down to_take_away the things out_of the house of_him, 18and the one in the field, let_ not _return back to_take_away the coat of_him.
19But woe to_the women in womb having child, and to_the women nursing in those the days.
20But be_praying that the flight of_you_all may_ not _become in_winter, nor on_a_day_of_rest.
21For/Because then will_be great tribulation, such_as has_ not _become from beginning of_the_world until the time now, nor by_no_means may_ not _become.
22And except the those days not/lest were_shortened, not any flesh would was_saved, but because_of the chosen, the those days will_be_being_shortened.
23Then if anyone may_say to_you_all:
Behold, here is the chosen_one/messiah, or Here he_is, you_all_may_ not _believe it.
24For/Because false_messiahs will_be_being_raised and false_prophets, and they_will_be_giving great signs and wonders, so_as to_mislead even the chosen if possible.
25Behold, I_have_previously_spoken to_you_all.
26Therefore if they_may_say to_you_all:
Behold, he_is in the wilderness, you_all_may_ not _come_out.
Or_see, in the private_rooms, you_all_may_ not _believe it.
27For/Because as the lightning is_coming_out from the_east and is_shining as_far_as the_west, thus will_be the coming of_the son of_ the _Man.
28Wherever if the corpse may_be, there the vultures will_be_being_gathered_together.

24:29 The miraculous appearance of the messiah

(Mark 13:24-27, Luke 21:25-28)

29[ref]But immediately after the troubles of that time, the sun will go dark and the moon won’t give its light. The stars will fall from the sky and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30[ref]And then a miracle will appear in the sky as humanity’s child arrives. All the peoples of the earth will be upset and they’ll see humanity’s child arriving on the clouds in the sky with power and great splendour. 31There’ll be a trumpet blast as he sends out his messengers to bring together all his chosen people from every part of the earth—from one pole to the other.

29But immediately after the tribulation of_ the those _days:
the sun will_be_being_darkened and the moon will_ not _be_giving the radiance of_it:
and the stars will_be_falling from the sky, and the powers of_the heavens will_be_being_shaken.
30And then the sign of_the son of_ the _man will_be_being_seen in the_sky, and then all the tribes of_the earth will_be_mourning, and they_will_be_seeing the son of_ the _Man, coming on the clouds of_the sky with power and great glory.
31And he_will_be_sending_out the messengers of_him with a_ great _trumpet cry, and they_will_be_gathering_together the chosen of_him from the four winds, from the_extremities of_the_heavens to the_extremities of_them.

24:32 Watch the fig tree

(Mark 13:28-31, Luke 21:29-33)

32So learn the parable about the fig tree: whenever its branches green up and leaves start to sprout out, you know that summer is coming. 33In the same way, whenever you see all those things happening, you’ll know then that the end of this age is very close. 34I can assure you that that generation won’t pass away until all of those things happen. 35The sky and the earth will pass away, but my messages will certainly not pass away.

32And learn the parable of the fig_tree:
whenever the branch of_it may_ already _become tender and the leaves may_be_sprouting_out, you_all_are_knowing that the summer is near.
33Thus also you_all whenever you_all_may_see all these things, you_all_are_knowing that it_is near at the_doors.
34Truly, I_am_saying to_you_all that by_no_means the this generation may_ not _pass_away, until wishfully all these things may_become.
35The heaven and the earth will_be_passing_away, but the the_messages of_me by_no_means may_ not _pass_away.

24:36 Not/None known the day of return din

(Mark 13:32-37, Luke 17:26-30)

36No one knows the exact day or time—not even the messengers in the heavens or the son—only the father knows it. 37[ref]The coming of humanity’s child will be just like it was in Noah’s time. 38In the days leading up to the flood, people were eating and drinking, and marrying and getting engaged—right until the very day that Noah entered the barge. 39[ref]They didn’t realise that anything was coming until the flood came and took everything away. It’ll be just like that at the coming of humanity’s child. 40Two people will be working out on the farm—one will be taken and one left behind. 41Two people will be grinding grain—one will be taken and one left behind. 42So be watching, because none of you know exactly when your master will return. 43[ref]But you do know that if the home-owner knew when the thief would come, he would be there watching and not allow the thief to break into the house. 44Because of that, you all should also be ready because otherwise you wouldn’t realise that humanity’s child is coming at that time.

36But no_one has_known concerning of_ the that _day and hour, not_even the messengers of_the heavens, nor the son, except not/lest only the father.
37As were for the days of_ the _Nōe/(Noḩa), thus the coming of_the son of_ the _man will_be.
38For/Because as they_were in the days which before the flood, eating and drinking, marrying and betrothing, until that day Nōe came_in into the box.
39And they_ not _knew until the flood came and took_ all _away, thus the coming of_the son of_ the _man will_be.
40Then two will_be in the field, one is_being_taken, and one is_being_left.
41Two grinding at the grinding_stone, one is_being_taken, and one is_being_left.
42Therefore be_watching, because you_all_have_ not _known on_what day the master of_you_all is_coming.
43But that you_all_are_knowing that if the home_owner had_known in_what watch the thief is_coming, he_ would _watched, and would not allowed the house of_him to_be_dug_through.
44Because_of this also, you_all be_becoming ready, because you_all_are_ not _supposing the son of_ the _man is_coming in_that.

24:45 The watchful servant and the slacker

(Luke 12:41-48)

45As a result, we’ll see who the faithful and watchful slave is—the one who the master appointed to run all the affairs of his household. 46That slave will be rewarded if the master finds him working faithful when he arrives suddenly. 47I can assure you that he’ll appoint the slave to supervise everything that he possesses. 48But if the evil slave says to himself, ‘Ah, the master won’t be back for a long time yet,’ 49and starts beating his fellow slaves, and spends time eating and drinking with drunkards, 50then his master will arrive when he’s not expecting it 51and will torture him and place him in with the hypocrites where there’ll be crying and great anguish.

45Who consequently is the faithful and prudent slave, whom the master appointed over the household of_him, which to_give to_them the food in season?
46Blessed is the that slave, whom the master of_him having_come will_be_finding doing thus.
47Truly, I_am_saying to_you_all that he_will_be_appointing him over all the things possessing of_him.
48But if the that evil slave may_say in the heart of_him:
The master of_me is_delaying, 49and he_may_begin to_be_striking the fellow-slaves of_him, and may_be_eating also may_be_drinking with the ones being_drunk, 50the master of_ the that _slave will_be_coming in a_day which he_is_ not _expecting, and in an_hour which he_is_ not _knowing, 51and will_be_dismembering him, and he_will_be_appointing the portion of_him with the hypocrites, there will_be the weeping and the grating of_ the _teeth.

MAT 24 ©
