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Wyc 1KI Chapter 11

1KI 11 ©

11Forsothe kyng Salomon louyde brennyngli many alien wymmen, and the douytir of Pharao, and wymmen of Moab, and Amonytis, and Ydumeis, and Sydoneis, and Etheis; 2of the folkis of whiche the Lord seide to the sones of Israel, Ye schulen not entre to tho folkis, nether ony of hem schulen entre to you; for most certeynli thei schulen turne awei youre hertis, that ye sue the goddis of hem. Therfor kyng Salomon was couplid to these wymmen, bi moost brennyng loue. 3And wyues as queenys weren seuene hundrid to hym, and thre hundrid secundarie wyues; and the wymmen turneden awey his herte. 4And whanne he was thanne eld, his herte was bischrewid bi wymmen, that he suede alien goddis; and his herte was not perfit with his Lord God, as the herte of Dauid, his fadir, `was perfit. 5But Salomon worschipide Astartes, the goddesse of Sidoneis, and Chamos, the god of Moabitis, and Moloch, the idol of Amonytis; 6and Salomon dide that, that pleside not bifor the Lord, and he fillide not that he suede the Lord, as Dauid, his fadir, dide. 7Thanne Salomon bildide a temple to Chamos, the idol of Moab, in the hil which is ayens Jerusalem, and to Moloch, the idol of the sones of Amon. 8And bi this maner he dide to alle hise alien wyues, that brenten encencis, and offriden to her goddis. 9Therfor the Lord was wrooth to Salomon, for his soule was turned awei fro the Lord God of Israel; that apperide to Salomon the secounde tyme, 10and comaundide of this word, that he schulde not sue alien goddis; and he kepte not tho thingis, whiche the Lord comaundide to hym. 11Therfor the Lord seide to Salomon, For thou haddist this thing anentis thee, and keptist not my couenaunt, and myn heestis, whiche Y comaundide to thee, Y schal breke, and Y schal departe thi rewme, and Y schal yyue it to thi seruaunt. 12Netheles Y schal not do in thi daies, for Dauid, thi fadir; Y schal kitte it fro the hond of thi sone; 13nether Y schal do a wey al the rewme, but Y schal yyue o lynage to thi sone, for Dauid, my seruaunt, and for Jerusalem, which Y chess. 14Forsothe the Lord reiside to Solomon an aduersarie, Adad Ydumey, of the kyngis seed, that was in Edom. 15For whanne Dauid was in Ydumee, and Joab, the prince of chyualrie, hadde stied to birie hem that weren slayn, and he hadde slayn ech male kynde in Ydumee; 16for Joab, and al Israel dwelliden there bi sixe monethis, til thei killiden ech male kynde in Ydumee; Adad hym silf fledde, 17and men of Ydumee, of `the seruauntis of his fadir, with hym, that he schulde entre in to Egipt; sotheli Adad was a litil child. 18And whanne thei hadden rise fro Madian, thei camen in to Faran; and thei token with hem men of Faran, and entriden in to Egipt, to Pharao, kyng of Egipt; which Farao yaf an hows to hym, and ordeynede metis, and assignede lond. 19And Adad foond grace bifor Farao greetli, in so myche that Farao yaf to hym a wijf, the sister of his wijf, sister of the queen, of Taphnes. 20And the sistir of Taphnes gendrid to hym a sone, Genebath; and Taphnes nurschide hym in the hows of Farao; and Genebath dwellide bifor Farao, with hise sones. 21And whanne Adad hadde herd in Egipt, that Dauid slepte with hise fadris, and that Joab, the prince of chyualrie, was deed, he seide to Farao, Suffre thou me, that Y go in to my lond. 22And Farao seide to hym, For of what thing hast thou nede at me, that thou sekist to go to thi lond? And he answeride, Of no thing; but Y biseche thee, that thou `delyuere me. 23Also God reiside an aduersarie to Salomon, Rason, sone of Eliadam, that fledde Adadezer, kyng of Soba, his lord; 24and gaderide men ayens hym, and was maad the prince of theuys, whanne Dauid killide hem; and thei yeden to Damask, and dwelliden there; and thei maden hym kyng in Damask. 25And he was aduersarie of Israel in alle the daies of Salomon; and this is the yuel of Adad, and the hatrede ayens Israel; and he regnede in Sirie. 26Also Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, of Effraym of Saredera, the seruaunt of Salomon, of which Jeroboam, a womman widewe, Serua bi name, was modir, reisyde hond ayens the kyng. 27And this was cause of rebelte ayens the kyng; for Salomon bildide Mello, and made euene the swolowe of the citee of Dauid, his fadir. 28Forsothe Jeroboam was a miyti man and strong; and Salomon siy the yong wexynge man of good kynrede, and witti in thingis to be doon, and Salomon made hym `prefect, ether souereyn, on the tributis of al the hows of Joseph. 29Therfor it was doon in that tyme, that Jeroboam yede out of Jerusalem; and Ahias of Sylo, a profete, hilid with a newe mentil, foond hym in the weie; sotheli thei tweyne weren oneli in the feeld. 30And Ahias took his newe mentil, with which he was hilid, and kittide in to twelue partis; 31and seide to Jeroboam, Take to thee ten kyttyngis; for the Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal kytte the rewme fro the hond of Salomon, and Y schal yyue to thee ten lynagis; 32forsothe o lynage schal dwelle to hym, for Dauid, my seruaunt, and for Jerusalem, the citee which Y chees of alle the lynagis of Israel; 33this kittyng schal be; for Salomon forsook me, and worschipide Astartes, goddesse of Sidoneis, and Chamos, the god of Moab, and Moloch, the god of the sones of Amon; and yede not in my weies, that he dide riytwisnesse bifor me, and myn heestis, and my domes, as Dauid, his fadir, dide. 34And Y schal not take awey al the rewme fro `his hond, but Y schal putte hym duyk in alle the daies of his lijf, for Dauid, my seruaunt, whom Y chees, which Dauid kepte myn heestis, and my comaundementis. 35Sotheli Y schal take awey the rewme fro the hond of `his sone, and Y schal yyue ten lynagis to thee; 36forsothe Y schal yyue o lynage to `his sone, that a lanterne dwelle to Dauid, my seruaunt, in alle daies bifor me in Jerusalem, the citee which Y chees, that my name schulde be there. 37Forsothe Y schal take thee, and thou schalt regne on alle thingis whiche thi soule desirith, and thou schalt be kyng on Israel. 38Therfor if thou schalt here alle thingis whiche Y schal comaunde to thee, and if thou schalt go in my weies, and if thou schalt do that, that is riytful bifore me, and if thou schalt kepe my comaundementis, and myn heestis, as Dauid, my seruaunt, dide, Y schal be with thee, and Y schal bilde a feithful hows to thee, as Y bildide an hows to Dauid, and Y schal yyue Israel to thee; 39and Y schal turmente the seed of Dauid on this thing, netheles not in alle daies. 40Therfor Salomon wolde sle Jeroboam, which roos, and fledde in to Egipt, to Susach, kyng of Egipt; and he was in Egipt `til to the deeth of Salomon. 41Forsothe the residue of the wordis of Salomon, and alle thingis whiche he dide, and his wisdom, lo! alle thingis ben writun in the book of wordis of daies of Salomon. 42Sotheli the daies bi whiche Salomon regnede in Jerusalem on al Israel, ben fourti yeer. 43And Salomon slepte with hise fadris, and was biriede in the citee of Dauid, his fadir; and Roboam, his sone, regnede for hym.

1KI 11 ©
