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TNT MAT Chapter 21

MAT 21 ©

21When they drewe neye vnto Ierusalem and were come to Betphage vnto mounte olivete: then sent Iesus two of his disciples 2saiynge to the. Go in to the toune that lyeth over agaynste you and anone ye shall fynde an asse bounde and her colte with her: lose them and bringe them vnto me. 3And if eny man saye ought vnto you saye ye that the lorde hath neade of them: and streyght waye he will let them go. 4All this was done to fulfyll that which was spoken by the Prophet sayinge: 5Tell ye the doughter of Sion: beholde thy kynge cometh vnto the meke and sittinge vpon an asse and a colte the fole of an asse vsed to the yooke. 6The disciples went and dyd as Iesus commaunded them 7and brought the asse and the colte and put on them their clothes and set him theron. 8And many of the people spreed their garmentes in the waye. Other cut doune braunches from the trees and strawed them in the waye. 9Moreover the people that went before and they also that came after cryed sayinge: Hosanna to the sonne of David. Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lorde Hosanna in the hyest. 10And when he was come in to Ierusalem all the cyte was moved sayinge: who is this? 11And the people sayde: this is Iesus the Prophet of Nazareth a cyte of Galile. 12And Iesus went in to the temple of God and cast out all them that soulde and bought in the temple and overthrew the tables of the mony chaugers and the seates of them that solde doves 13and sayde to them: It is wrytten my housse shalbe called the housse of prayer. But ye have made it a denne of theves. 14And the blinde and the halt came to him in the temple and he healed them. 15When the chefe prestes and scribes sawe the marveylles that he dyd and the chyldren cryinge in the temple and sayinge Hosanna to the sonne of David they disdayned 16and sayde vnto him: hearest thou what these saye? Iesus sayde vnto them yee: have ye never redde of the mouth of babes and suckelinges thou haste ordeyned prayse? 17And he lefte the and wet out of the cite vnto Bethanie and had his abydige there. 18In the mornynge as he returned in to the cyte ageyne he hungred 19and spyed a fygge tree in the waye and came to it and founde nothinge theron but leves only and sayd to it never frute growe on the hence forwardes. And anon the fygge tree wyddered awaye. 20And when his disciples sawe that they marveled sayinge: Howe sone is the fygge tree wyddered awaye? 21Iesus answered and sayde vnto the: Verely I saye vnto you yf ye shall have faith and shall not dout ye shall not only do that which I have done to the fygge tree: but also yf ye shall saye vnto this moutayne take thy silfe awaye and cast thy silfe into the see it shalbe done. 22And whatsoever ye shall axe in prayer (if ye beleve) ye shall receave it. 23And when he was come into the temple the chefe prestes and the elders of the people came vnto him as he was teachinge and sayde: by what auctorite doest thou these thinges? and who gave the this power? 24Iesus answered and sayde vnto them: I also will axe of you a certayne question which if ye assoyle me I in lyke wyse wyll tell you by what auctorite I do these thinges. 25The baptisme of Iohn: whence was it? from heven or of men? Then they reasoned amonge them selves sayinge: yf we shall saye from heven he will saye vnto vs: why dyd ye not then beleve hym? 26But and if we shall saye of men then feare we the people. For all men helde Iohn as a Prophet. 27And they answered Iesus and sayde: we cannot tell. And he lyke wyse sayd vnto them: nether tell I you by what auctorite I do these thinges. 28What saye ye to this? A certayne man had two sonnes and came to the elder and sayde: sonne go and worke to daye in my vineyarde. 29He answered and sayde I will not: but afterwarde repented and went. 30Then came he to the second and sayde lyke wyse. And he answered and sayde: I will syr: yet wet not. 31Whether of the twayne dyd the will of the father? And they sayde vnto hym: the fyrst. Iesus sayde vnto the: verely I saye vnto you that the publicans and the harlotes shall come into the kyngdome of God before you. 32For Iohn came vnto you in the waye of rightewesnes and ye beleved hym not. But the publicans and the harlotes beleved him. And yet ye (though ye sawe it) were not yet moved with repentaunce that ye myght afterwarde have beleved hym. 33Herken another similitude. Ther was a certayne housholder which planted a vineyarde and hedged it roude about and made a wynpresse in it and bilt a tower and let it out to husbandmen and wet in to a straunge countre. 34And when the tyme of the frute drewe neare he sent his servauntes to the husbandmen to receave the frutes of it. 35And the husbandme caught his servauntes and bet one kylled another and stoned another. 36Agayne he sent other servantes moo then the fyrst: and they served them lyke wyse. 37But last of all he sent vnto the his awne sonne sayinge: they will feare my sonne. 38But when the husbandmen sawe the sonne they sayde amonge the selves: This is the heyre: come let vs kyll him and let vs take his inheritaunce to oure selves. 39And they caught him and thrust him out of the vineyarde and slewe him. 40When the lorde of the vyneyarde commeth what will he do with those husbandmen? 41They sayde vnto him: he will cruellye destroye those evyll persons and wyll let out his vyneyarde vnto other husbandmen which shall delyver him the frute at tymes convenient. 42Iesus sayde vnto the: dyd ye never redde in the scriptures? The stone which the bylders refused the same is set in the principall parte of the corner: this was the lordes doinge and that is mervelous in oure eyes. 43Therfore saye I vnto you the kyngdome of God shalbe take from you and shalbe geve to the getyls which shall brynge forth the frutes of it. 44And whosoever shall fall on this stone he shalbe broken but on whosoever it shall fall vpon it will grynde him to powder. 45And when the chefe prestes and Pharises hearde these similitudes they perceaved that he spake of the. 46And they wet about to laye hondes on him but they feared the people because they tooke him as a Prophet.

MAT 21 ©
