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MAT 14:1–14:36 ©

The Gospel of Matthew 14

14While Jesus was teaching and doing powerful things, King Herod Antipas, the ruler over the region of Galilee, learned what he was doing. 2He told his attendants, “This man must be John the Baptizer. God has made him alive again, and that is why he does these powerful things.”3-4 3-4Herod said that because John had already died. Here is how that happened: Herod married Herodias, who had previously been the wife of Herod’s brother Philip. John the Baptizer told Herod, “Our law forbids you to marry Herodias, your sister-in-law.” So, Herod told his soldiers to arrest John. They tied him up and put him in jail. 5However, Herod was afraid of the large group of people who believed that John spoke for God. So, even though he wanted to have his soldiers execute John, he did not do that.

6Sometime later, during Herod’s birthday party, Herodias’ daughter danced for him and his guests. Herod greatly enjoyed her dancing. 7So, he solemnly promised that he would give her whatever she wanted. 8Her mother, Herodias, had already told her what to ask for. So, she said to Herod, “I want you to cut off John the Baptizer’s head and bring it to me here on a plate!” 9King Herod was sad about what she asked for. However, because he had solemnly promised in front of all his guests to give her what she asked for, he told one of his men to do what she asked. 10He had the man go to the jail and cut off John’s head there. 11Then, the man put John’s head on a plate and gave it to Herodias’ daughter. She gave it to her mother. 12Later, John’s apprentices went to the jail. They took John’s dead body and buried it. Then, they went to Jesus and told him what had happened.

13After Jesus heard that John was dead, he sailed with his apprentices in a boat on the Sea of Galilee to a place where no one lived. Then, the large groups of people learned that he had traveled there. They left their towns and walked around the Sea of Galilee to join him. 14When Jesus got out of the boat, he saw a large group of people. He pitied them, and he cured those who were sick.

15When it was evening, the apprentices approached Jesus. They said to him, “This is a place where no one lives, and it is very late in the day. So, please tell the large groups of people to walk to the small towns that are nearby, where they can buy food to eat.” 16Jesus replied, “They do not need to leave to buy food. I want you to provide them with food to eat!” 17The apprentices replied, “We have very little food! We only have five loaves of bread and two fish.” 18Then Jesus said, “Bring those things to me.” 19Jesus told the large groups of people to sit down on the ground. He picked up the five loaves of bread and the two fish. Then he thanked God for the food. After that, he tore the bread into pieces and gave the pieces to his apprentices. They distributed them to the large groups of people. 20Everyone ate the bread, and they all had enough to eat. Then the apprentices gathered the food that was left. They filled 12 large containers with the leftovers! 21About 5, 000 men ate the bread, and there were women and children there too!

22As soon as everyone was done eating, Jesus had his apprentices get into a boat and sail across the Sea of Galilee without him. He stayed behind to tell the large groups of people to go home. 23After he told the large groups of people to go home, he climbed to the top of a hill to pray to God by himself. When it became dark, he was on top of the hill by himself. 24Meanwhile, the apprentices were on the boat in the middle of the Sea of Galilee. The wind was blowing from where they wanted to go, so many waves were striking the boat. 25Later, soon before morning, Jesus joined them. He was walking on top of the Sea of Galilee! 26When the apprentices saw Jesus walking on top of the Sea of Galilee, it disturbed them. They did not know that it was Jesus, so they said to each other that he must be a dangerous spiritual being. They were so afraid that they shouted loudly. 27As soon as they shouted loudly, Jesus said to them, “Do not worry! I am Jesus. Stop being afraid!” 28Peter replied, “My Lord, please show me that it is really you. I ask that you tell me to walk on top of the water to you!” 29Jesus said to Peter, “Walk to me!” So, Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on top of the water toward Jesus. 30However, Peter realized how powerful the storm was, and he was afraid. Then, he started to sink into the water. He shouted to Jesus, “My Lord, please rescue me!” 31As soon as Peter shouted, Jesus reached out and lifted Peter up out of the water. Then he said to Peter, “You should not have been unsure that I could make you walk on top of the water. You should trust God more than you do!” 32Then Jesus and Peter climbed into the boat. At that moment, the wind stopped blowing. 33Then the apprentices who were in the boat worshiped Jesus. They declared, “You really are God’s Son!”

34After they finished sailing across the Sea of Galilee, they landed on the shore in the region of Gennesaret. 35The men in that region recognized Jesus. So they sent people to the nearby areas to say that Jesus had arrived. Then people from those areas brought to Jesus many others who were sick. 36Those who were sick asked Jesus to allow them just to touch the hem of his robe. Everyone who did so became healthy.

MAT 14:1–14:36 ©
