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UST MAT Chapter 24

MAT 24 ©

24After that, Jesus left the temple area. As he was walking, his apprentices came to him and pointed out the impressive structures that were in the temple area. 2He responded, “Look at all these structures! Enemies will completely destroy them. They will not leave anything standing. What I have said is true.”

3Later, Jesus sat down on top of the Mount of Olives. His apprentices came to him. No one else was with them. They asked him, “Please explain to us when what you have described will happen. Also, please explain to us how we can tell when you are going to return to this world and when this current time period will end.”

4Jesus replied, “Make sure that nobody deceives you! 5I say that because many people will meet you and say that God has authorized them as he has authorized me. They will say that they are the Messiah. By doing that, they will deceive many people.

6\zaln-s |x-strong="G31950" x-lemma="μέλλω" x-morph="Gr,V,IFA2,,P," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="1" x-content="μελλήσετε"\*\zaln-s |x-strong="G01910" x-lemma="ἀκούω" x-morph="Gr,V,NPA,,,,," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="1" x-content="ἀκούειν"\*Whenever

9While those things are happening, people will hurt you and kill you. Indeed, because you are my apprentices, many groups of people will be hostile to you. 10Also while those things are happening, many people will stop believing in me. They will have people arrest their fellow believers. They will be hostile to each other. 11There will be many people who lie when they claim to speak for God. They will deceive many people.

12\zaln-s |x-strong="G12230" x-lemma="διά" x-morph="Gr,P,,,,,A,,," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="1" x-content="διὰ"\*\zaln-s |x-strong="G35880" x-lemma="ὁ" x-morph="Gr,RD,,,,ANS," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="1" x-content="τὸ"\*Since\zaln-e\*\zaln-e\*

15At some point, you will realize that the detestable thing that destroys is in the temple building. Daniel, who spoke for God, already referred to this detestable thing.” (So, anyone who has read what Daniel wrote should know what Jesus meant.) 16“When you realize that, those of you who are in the region of Judea should escape to the hilly areas nearby. 17Those of you who are outside your homes should not go back into your homes to get anything. 18Those of you who are working in fields should not go back home to get your coats.

19\zaln-s |x-strong="G17220" x-lemma="ἐν" x-morph="Gr,P,,,,,D,,," x-occurrence="2" x-occurrences="2" x-content="ἐν"\*\zaln-s |x-strong="G15650" x-lemma="ἐκεῖνος" x-morph="Gr,ED,,,,DFP," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="1" x-content="ἐκείναις"\*\zaln-s |x-strong="G35880" x-lemma="ὁ" x-morph="Gr,EA,,,,DFP," x-occurrence="3" x-occurrences="3" x-content="ταῖς"\*\zaln-s |x-strong="G22500" x-lemma="ἡμέρα" x-morph="Gr,N,,,,,DFP," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="1" x-content="ἡμέραις"\*When 20Ask God to keep you from having to escape during the winter season or on the Jewish day of rest, when it is difficult to travel. 21I say that because people will suffer very severely when what I have described happens. People have not suffered that severely since God created the world up to now, and no one will ever suffer that severely again. 22Suppose that God were to allow what I have described to continue. In that case, nobody would survive. However, because of the people whom he has chosen to belong to him, God will not allow what I have described to continue.

23-24 23-24While those things are happening, there will be people who lie when they claim to be the Messiah or to speak for God. They will do amazing miracles. They will try to deceive the people whom God has chosen to belong to him, and they will almost succeed in doing so. Therefore, when people tell you that the Messiah is here or there, do not trust what they say. 25I have warned you about this before it happens! 26So, suppose someone says to you that the Messiah is in a place where no one lives. Do not go there. Similarly, suppose that someone says to you that the Messiah is in some private rooms. Do not trust what that person says. 27Here is why I say that: lightning lights up the sky from one side to the other, and everyone can see it. Similarly, when I, the Son of Man, return to this world, everyone will see it. 28Carrion birds assemble wherever there is a dead body.

29Once people suffer in the ways I have described, immediately God will cause the sun to become dark. The moon will not shine. Stars will drop down from the sky. God will disrupt the angels in heaven.

30\zaln-s |x-strong="G25320" x-lemma="καί" x-morph="Gr,CC,,,,,,,," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="4" x-content="καὶ"\*\zaln-s |x-strong="G51190" x-lemma="τότε" x-morph="Gr,D,,,,,,,,," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="2" x-content="τότε"\*After 31I will have an angel sound a loud trumpet. I will tell my angels to collect the people whom I have chosen. They will collect them from every place that exists.

32Listen to this story about how fig trees grow. Whenever they begin to produce new branches and leaves, you can tell that it is almost the summer season. 33Similarly, whenever you realize that what I have described is happening, you can tell that I will act very soon. 34Most of the people who are alive right now will still be alive when what I have described happens. What I have said is true. 35Everything that God has created will eventually change or disappear. However, what I have said will never change or disappear.

36However, as for when this current time period will end, no human being knows that. The angels who dwell in heaven do not know that. Even I, the Son, do not know that. In fact, only God my Father knows that.

37\zaln-s |x-strong="G10630" x-lemma="γάρ" x-morph="Gr,CC,,,,,,,," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="1" x-content="γὰρ"\*So\zaln-e\*, 40\zaln-s |x-strong="G15100" x-lemma="εἰμί" x-morph="Gr,V,IFM3,,P," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="1" x-content="ἔσονται"\*Consider 43\zaln-s |x-strong="G11610" x-lemma="δέ" x-morph="Gr,CC,,,,,,,," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="1" x-content="δὲ"\*Now\zaln-e\*

45To further understand what I am saying, consider an important servant. His master has put him in charge of all the other servants, and he needs to feed them at the proper times. He should be trustworthy and act wisely. 46When his master returns, it will be very good for that servant if his master learns that he has done what he put him in charge to do. 47The master will put that servant in charge of everything that he owns. What I have said is true. 48However, suppose that the servant were wicked. Then, he would think that his master was staying away for a long time. 49So, he would start hitting the other servants. He would feast with drunk people. 50However, then his master would return at a time when the servant does not expect him. 51The master will punish that servant severely. He will send him where he punishes people who pretend to obey but really do not. There, people will cry and sorrowfully grind their teeth.

MAT 24 ©
