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OET-RV by cross-referenced section 2TIM 4:9

2TIM 4:9–4:18 ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

Final bits and pieces

2Tim 4:9–18

4:9 Final bits and pieces

9Try to come to me as soon as possible 10because Demas was attracted back to worldly things and so he left me and went to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia, and Titos went to Dalmatia.[ref] 11Only Luke stayed with me. Fetch Mark on your way and bring him to me also because he’s always very helpful.[ref] 12I sent Tychicus to Ephesus.[ref] 13When you come, bring the coat that I left with Carpas in Troas,[ref] along with the scrolls and most of the parchments.[fn]

14Alexander the coppersmith did a lot of harm to me[ref] but the master will ‘reward’ him for what he’s done. 15You also should watch out for him, because he was very strongly opposed to our teaching.

16At my first defense in the courts here in Rome, no one stood with me. Everyone deserted me but that shouldn’t be held against them. 17But the master stood by me and strengthened me to ensure that the good message was proclaimed and all the pagans heard it, and I was rescued out of the lion’s mouth so to speak. 18The master will rescue me from every evil plot and he will bring me into his heavenly kingdom. He should be praised for ever. May it be so.

4:13 We get no clues here about what scrolls they were (possibly some Hebrew scriptures), nor what was on the parchments—they may even have been still blank for writing on.

Collected OET-RV cross-references

Col 4:14:

14[ref]The dear doctor Luke greets you all, as does Dermas.

4:14: a 2Tim 4:11; Phm 24; b 2Tim 4:10; Phm 24.

Phm 24:

24[ref]as do my fellow-workers Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke.

24: a Acts 12:12,25; 13:13; 15:37-39; Col 4:10; b Acts 19:29; 27:2; Col 4:10; c Col 4:14; 2Tim 4:10; d Col 4:14; 2Tim 4:11.

2Cor 8:23:

23Concerning Titos, he is my partner and your fellow-worker, and the accompanying brothers are ambassadors of the assemblies which are Messiah’s splendour,

Gal 2:3:

3But not even Titos who was with me was compelled to be circumcised even though he is a Greek.

Tit 1:4:

4[ref]To Titos, my true son due to our common faith. May God the father and our saviour Yeshua the messiah give you grace and peace.

1:4: 2Cor 8:23; Gal 2:3; 2Tim 4:10.

Acts 12:12,25:

12Now that he realised this, he went to Maria’s house (the mother of Yohan Mark) where many believers had met to pray.

25By then Barnabas and Saul had completed their ministry and returned to[fn] Yerusalem taking Yohan Mark along with them.

12:25 TD:Some manuscripts have ‘from’ here because in the next few sentences it seems that they were returned to Antioch.


13:13 Paul and Barnabas in Pisidia

13After that, Paul[fn] and his companions sailed from Pafos to Perga in Pamfylia, but Yohan Mark left them and returned to Yerusalem.

13:13 From this point on in the text, Paul is referred to by his Roman name as his ministry is largely outside of Israel. (In Israel he seemed to be better known as Saul, the Greek form of his Hebrew name Sha-ul.)


37Barnabas agreed and wanted to take Yohan Mark along with them as well, 38but Paul didn’t want to take him because he had left them in Pamfylia instead of continuing with them in their work. 39And so it turned into such a disagreement that the two of them each went their different ways. Barnabas took Yohan Mark with him and sailed to Cyprus

Col 4:10:

10[ref]My fellow prisoner, Aristarchus, sends his greetings along with Barnabas’ cousin, Mark. You’ve already received instructions about that, so accept him if he arrives there.

4:10: a Acts 19:29; 27:2; Phm 24; b Acts 12:12,25; 13:13; 15:37-39.

Phm 24:

24[ref]as do my fellow-workers Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke.

24: a Acts 12:12,25; 13:13; 15:37-39; Col 4:10; b Acts 19:29; 27:2; Col 4:10; c Col 4:14; 2Tim 4:10; d Col 4:14; 2Tim 4:11.

Acts 20:4:

4with Sopater son of Pyrrhus from Berea, Aristarchus and Secundus from Thessalonica, Gaius from Derbe, Tychicus and Trophimus from the province of Asia Minor, and Timothy all accompanying him.

Eph 6:21-22:

6:21 Update

21[ref]Now Tychicus, a dear brother and faithful servant of our master, will let you know about me and how I’m doing. 22I’ve sent him to you for that reason—so that you all will know about us here and that he would comfort your hearts.

6:21: Acts 20:4; 2Tim 4:12.

Col 4:7-8:

4:7 Final greetings

7[ref]My dear brother and faithful servant and fellow slave, Tychicus, will tell you all about me. 8I’m sending him to all of you there so you’ll find out the news that concerns you all and so that he can comfort you there.

4:7: Acts 20:4; 2Tim 4:12.

Acts 20:6:

6So we sailed out from Philippi after the Flat Bread Celebration. We arrived and meet the others there at Troas after a five-day trip, and then stayed on there for seven days.

1Tim 1:20:

20including Hymenaeus and Alexander who I put Satan in charge of so that they’d be disciplined to stop slandering.

Psa 62:12:


Rom 2:6:

6[ref]as each person will be judged by their actions.

2:6: Psa 62:12; Prv 24:12.