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OET-RV by cross-referenced section 2TIM 3:10

2TIM 3:10–4:8 ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

Living your faith even at a cost

2Tim 3:10—4:8

10However Timothy, you followed me in your teaching, your conduct, your purpose and your faith, in patience, love, endurance, 11and even through persecution and suffering like I endured in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra[ref]—yet the master rescued me in each case. 12Anyway, everyone who wants to seriously follow Yeshua the messiah should expect to be persecuted.

13Meanwhile evil people and scammers will get worse and worse—deceiving others and then being deceived themselves. 14Hold on to the things that you learnt and were convinced was true, because you know you can trust those who taught them to you. 15You’ve known the sacred scriptures since you were a young child, and the wisdom contained in them is able to lead you to salvation through faith in Yeshua the messiah. 16All scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, for scolding and correction, and for teaching discipline and obedience 17so that the person following God can be trained in doing every kind of good deed.

42 1-2I am proclaiming these truths before God and before Yeshua the messiah who will judge both the living and the dead. Proclaim his appearance on earth[fn] and his kingdom, stand by the message whether it’s convenient or seems out of place, rebuke and scold those who need it, but also encourage with complete patience and teaching. 3A time will come when people will no longer be tolerating scriptural teaching, but will prefer their own doctrines so they’ll find teachers to teach what they want to hear, 4so not only will they avoid hearing the truth, they’ll be following myths instead. 5However Timothy, you stay sensible about everything, endure hardship, tell people the good message, and do all your duties well.

6As for me, I’ve already done all I can and the time of my departure is approaching. 7I’ve fought the fight for goodness. I’ve finished the race. I’ve kept the faith. 8I know that a crown has been reserved for me due to my obedience, and the master serving as the impartial judge will award it to me, and not just to me, but will also award them to others who appreciated his coming.[fn]

4:1 It’s not clear if Paul is referring to Yeshua’s previous coming to the earth, or to the expected, future coming. (See also 4:8)

4:8 Again (see 4:1), it’s not totally clear if Paul is referring to Yeshua’s previous coming to the earth, or to the expected, future coming.

Collected OET-RV cross-references

Acts 13:14-52:

14Paul and his companions, went on from Perga to Pisidian Antioch, where they entered the Jewish meeting hall on the Rest Day and sat down with the congregation. 15After the readings from the Law and from the Prophets,[fn] the leaders sent a messenger over to them to ask, “Men, brothers, if you bring any message of encouragement for the congregation, please share it.”

16So Paul stood up and, motioning with his hand, started speaking, “Fellow Israelis and every who reveres God, listen to me. 17The God of the people of Israel chose our ancestors and helped the people to prosper when they were staying in Egypt. Then later he showed his power as he led them out 18and endured them in the wilderness for around forty years. 19Then having overthrown seven nations in Caanan,[ref] he passed on that land as an inheritance 20after around 450 years.

Then he gave them judges through until the time of the prophet Samuel 21when they requested a king, and God gave them Saul, the son of Kish from the tribe of Benyamin to reign for forty years. 22After Saul was removed, God chose David to be their king—the man of whom he said, ‘I found David the son of Jesse, a man who wants to obey me and do everything I ask.’ 23Then eventually a descendant of David arrived in Israel as promised—the saviour Yeshua. 24Before he arrived Yohan-the-immerser had publicly preached to all the people of Israel about being immersed as a sign of repentance. 25As Yohan’s ministry was nearing an end, he asked, ‘Who do you suspect I am? I’m not the messiah, but he will come after me, and I’m not even worthy to undo his sandals.’

26“Men, brothers, descendants of Abraham and others here who revere God, the teaching about this salvation has been sent to us. 27The people of Yerushalem and their religious leaders didn’t recognise this Yeshua, but by their judgement of him they fulfilled the words of the prophets that are read every Rest Day. 28Despite not finding even one charge against him worthy of death, they requested Pilate to execute him 29and when they had done all the things that the prophets had written about him, they took his body down from the stake and placed it in a burial chamber. 30But God brought him back to life 31and his followers who had come to Yerushalem from Galilee saw him for several days and now testify about this to the people. 32So now we’re preaching this good message to you that what God promised to our ancestors 33has now been fulfilled for our descendants, now that God brought Yeshua back to life just like it’s written in the second psalm:

‘You are my son;

today I have borne you.’

34God brought him back to life, and he’s never going to return to the grave to decay. As God said,

‘I will give David’s faithful devout things??? to you all.’

35So in another psalm God said,

‘You won’t allow your devout one to experience decay.’

36This can’t be David, because after he’d served his own generation as God led him, he indeed died and was buried with his ancestors and his body decayed. 37On the contrary, the one who God raised from the dead never experienced decay. 38So brothers, let it be known to you all that your sins can now be forgiven through this Yeshua—the law of Mosheh was never able to offer you that. 39Everyone who puts their trust in Yeshua is able to receive a clean record. 40But keep your eyes open in case something else the prophets wrote might come true:

41Watch you scoffers, and be amazed and die because I’m doing something special during your time.

Even if someone described it clearly to you all, you still might not believe it.’ ”

42As they left the meeting hall after the service, the people invited them to speak again the following Rest Day. 43But when they starting walking away, many people followed after Paul and Barnabas, who then addressed them and encouraged them to continue trusting in God’s grace.

44So on the following Rest Day, nearly everyone in the city had gathered there to hear the message from God. 45But the Jewish religious leaders became very jealous when they saw the crowds and claimed that Paul’s words had slandered God. 46But Paul and Barnabas responded boldly, “It was necessary for God’s message to be explained in the meeting hall to all of the Jews first. But since you are rejecting that teaching, you are all judging yourselves to be unworthy of living forever, so instead, we will now share it with the non-Jews. 47Because this is what the master commanded us:

‘I have chosen you to be a light for the pagans;

You will take salvation to the end of the earth.’

48When the non-Jews heard that, they were very happy and were praising the master’s message, and as many as were appointed to receive eternal life believed it.

49So from there, the master’s message spread throughout the entire region. 50But the Jewish religious leaders incited some prominent women from the meeting halls and some from the local city government, and they then stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas and had them expelled out of their region. 51So Paul and Barnabas just left that place to face their own consequences, and continued on to Iconium. 52Meanwhile the believers back in Pisidian Antioch were full of happiness and of the holy spirit.

13:15 The Hebrew Scriptures are divided into the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings.

13:19: a Deu 7:1; b Josh 14:1.

Acts 14:1-7:

14A similar thing happened in Iconium. Paul and Barnabas went into the Jewish meeting hall and spoke in such as way that a lot of both Jews and Greeks believed. 2But those Jews who didn’t believe got the non-Jews emotionally stirred up to oppose the believers. 3So Paul and Barnabas ended up staying there for quite a while, and as they spoke boldly for the master, he himself confirmed his grace by enabling the two of them to be able to do miracles and amazing things. 4Nevertheless, the people of the city were divided—some agreeing with the strict Jews, and others supporting the missionaries.

5At one point, both the non-Jews and the strict Jews and their leaders got worked up enough to come in order to attack them and throw rocks to kill them. 6However, Paul and Barnabas found out about it and escaped to the Lycaonian cities of Lystra and Derbe and the surrounding region 7and preached the good message there.

Acts 14:8-20:

8In Lystra there was a man sitting there who had been unable to use his legs since birth. 9He was listening to Paul speaking, when Paul looked straight at him and realised that the man had the faith to be healed. 10So in a loud voice, Paul said, “Stand upright on your feet.” And the man sprang up and was walking around. 11The crowd of people who saw what Paul had done began to shout out in Lycaonian, “These two look like men, but they’re really gods who have come down to us!” 12They called BarnabasZeus’ and called PaulHermassince he was the main speaker. 13And the priest of Zeus wanted to sacrifice with the crowds, so he brought bulls and garlands of flowers to the city gates from the temple on the path to the city.

14But when the missionaries Barnabas and Paul heard what was going on, they tore their clothes in dismay as they rushed out into the crowd 15shouting, “Men, why are you doing all these things? We are only humans just like all of you. We were bringing you the good message about abandoning these useless sacrifices and turning to the living God who made heaven and the earth and the sea and everything in them.[ref] 16In previous generations he allowed all the nations to go their own different ways, 17but he never left himself without evidence of himself—sending good rains from heaven to give you all fruitful seasons with food to fill your stomachs and happiness to fill your hearts.” 18By saying these things, they were eventually just able to restrain the people from sacrificing to them.

19But some strict Jews came over from Pisidian Antioch and Iconium and were able to persuade the crowds. They threw rocks at Paul to kill him and dragged his body outside the city gates thinking that he was dead. 20But as the believers were standing around him, Paul got up and went back into the city, but he left again with Barnabas the next day and went to Derbe.

14:15: Exo 20:11.