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JER 2:1–2:37 ©

The Book of Jeremiah 2

2And the word of Yahweh was to me, saying, 2“Go and proclaim in the ears of Jerusalem, saying, ‘Thus says Yahweh:

I have recalled for you the covenant faithfulness of your youth,

the love of your betrothal time,

your going after me in the wilderness,

in the land not sown.

3Israel was holy to Yahweh,

the first of his harvest!

All those who ate it became guilty;

disaster came upon them

—the declaration of Yahweh.’ ”

4Hear the word of Yahweh, house of Jacob,

and all clans of the house of Israel.

5Thus says Yahweh,

“What did your fathers find wrong with me,

that they went far away from upon me,

and they went after the empty,

and became empty?

6And they did not say, ‘Where is Yahweh,

who led us up from the land of Egypt?

The one who led us in the wilderness,

in a land of a desert and a pit,

in a land of dryness and thick darkness,

in a land—no human passes through it and no man lives there?’

7And I brought you to the land of Carmel,

to eat its fruit and its good things!

But you came and defiled my land,

and you made my inheritance into an abomination!

8The priests did not say,

‘Where is Yahweh?’

and the handlers of the law did not know me,

and the shepherds transgressed against me,

and the prophets prophesied by Baal

and went after things not profitable.

9Therefore still I shall make a case with you

—the declaration of Yahweh—

and with the sons of your sons I shall make a case .

10For cross over to the coasts of Kittim and look,

and to Kedar send out and pay very close attention

and see if there has been a thing as this!

11Has a nation exchanged gods,

though they were not gods?

But my people has exchanged its glory

for what does not profit.

12Be appalled, heavens, because of this,

and shudder, be very desolate!

—the declaration of Yahweh.

13For my people have done two evils to me:

They have abandoned the spring of living waters

to dig out cisterns for themselves,

broken cisterns that do not hold the water.

14Is Israel a slave? Or was he born in a household?

So why has he become for plunder?

15Young lions roared against him;

they gave their voice.

And they made his land into a desolation;

his cities became ruins without an inhabitant.

16Also, the people of Memphis and Tahpanhes

have shaved your skull.

17Did you not do this to yourself

when you abandoned Yahweh your God,

in the time he led you on the way?

18And now, why—to you, to the road of Egypt

to drink the waters of Shihor?

And why—to you, to the road of Assyria

to drink the waters of a river?

19Your evil will rebuke you,

and your apostasy will punish you.

So think and understand

that it is wicked and bitter

when you forsake Yahweh your God,

and you have no fear of me.

—the declaration of Lord Yahweh of hosts.

20For from long ago I broke your yoke;

I tore to pieces your fetters.

But you said, ‘I will not serve!’

For on every high hill

and beneath every leafy tree,

you yourself lie down, prostitute.

21And I myself planted you as a choice vine,

all of it of genuine seed.

And how have you changed towards me

into degenerates of the strange vine?

22For even if you clean yourself with natron

or multiply for yourself lye,

your iniquity is a stain before my face

—the declaration of Lord Yahweh.

23How can you say, ‘I am not defiled;

I have not walked after the Baals’?

See your path in the valleys!

Know what you have done

—a swift female camel

entangling her ways,

24a wild donkey, a pupil of the wilderness,

in the desire of its spirit gasping for air!

In her heat, who can turn her away?

All of the ones seeking her will not tire;

in her month they will find her.

25Restrain your foot from becoming bare

and your throat from thirst!

But you have said, ‘It is hopeless!

No, for I love strangers

and after them I shall go!’

26Like the shame of a thief when he is found,

so the house of Israel will be ashamed—

they, their kings, their princes,

and their priests and prophets,

27the ones who say to the tree, ‘You are my father,’

and to the stone, ‘You gave birth to me.’

For they face the nape to me

and not faces.

But in the time of their misfortune they say,

‘Arise and save us!’

28But where are the gods that you made for yourself?

Let them arise if they would save you

in the time of your misfortune,

for the number of your cities,

equal your gods, Judah!

29Why do you complain to me?

All of you have rebelled against me

—the declaration of Yahweh.

30For futility I have struck your sons.

They would not accept discipline.

Your sword has devoured your prophets

like a destructive lion!

31You are the generation!

Know the word of Yahweh!

Have I been a wilderness to Israel?

Or a land of thick darkness?

Why would my people say, ‘We shall roam free,

we shall not go to you anymore’?

32Will a virgin forget her jewelry,

a bride her sashes?

Yet my people have forgotten me

days without number!

33How well you make your way to seek love,

so even to the wicked women you taught[fn] your ways.

34Also on your skirts has been found

the blood of the innocent, needy lives.

They were not discovered in burglary.

But despite all these,

35you also say, ‘But I am innocent;

surely his nose has turned away from me.’

Behold, I shall judge you

because you say, ‘I have not sinned.’

36Why do you treat very lightly

to change your ways?

You will also be shamed from Egypt,

just as you were shamed from Assyria.

37You will also go out from this place,

and your hands will be on your head,

for Yahweh has rejected the ones you trusted,

and you will not be successful by them.”

Instead of you taught the Hebrew text has I taught. Most read this as I taught.

JER 2:1–2:37 ©
