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UST LUKE Chapter 10

LUKE 10 ©

10After that, Jesus appointed 72 other disciples to go and prepare people to hear him. He sent them out in pairs to go ahead of him to every town and village where he was intending to go himself. 2He said to them, “Many people are ready to believe in me, but there are only a few of you whom I can send out to help them. So pray to God, who wants all of those people to believe, and plead with him for more disciples who can go and help them. 3Go now, but remember that I am sending you out to tell my message to people who will be hostile to you. 4Do not bring along any money. Do not bring a lot of things with you in a pack. Do not bring extra shoes. Do not stop and talk with people along the way. 5Whenever you enter a house, first say to the people who live there, ‘May God bless everyone in this house with peace!’ 6If the people who live there desire God’s peace, then they will experience the peace you are offering them. But if they do not desire God’s peace, then you will experience that peace yourselves. 7Stay in that same house until you leave that village. Do not move around from one house to another. Eat and drink whatever they provide for you, because a worker deserves to receive payment for his work. 8If you enter any town and the people there welcome you, eat whatever food they provide for you. 9Heal the people in that city who are sick. Tell everyone, ‘You are seeing close up what it will be like when God rules everywhere as king.’ 10But if you enter any town and the people there do not welcome you, go into its main streets and say, 11As a warning against you, we will wipe off even the dust that sticks to our feet as we are leaving your town. But you must realize that you have seen close up what it will be like when God rules everywhere as king!’ 12I want you to know that at the time when God judges everyone, God will punish the people of that town even more severely than the wicked people who lived long ago in the city of Sodom!

13How terrible it will be for you people who live in the cities of Chorazin and Bethsaida! I say this because I did great miracles while I was in your cities. If I had performed those same miracles in the ancient cities of Tyre and Sidon, the wicked people who lived there would have been very sorry for their sins. They would have shown this by sitting on the ground wearing coarse clothing and putting ashes on their heads. 14So when God judges everyone, he will punish you more severely than the wicked people who lived in Tyre and Sidon. 15I also have something to say to you people who live in the town of Capernaum. You may think that God is going to give you great rewards. No, God is not going to reward you at all!”

16Jesus also said to the disciples, “Whoever listens to your message is, in effect, listening to me. Whoever rejects your message is, in effect, rejecting me. And whoever rejects me is, in effect, rejecting God who sent me.”

17The 72 people whom Jesus appointed went and did what he told them to do. When they returned, they were very joyful. They said, “Lord, even the demons obeyed us when, by your authority, we commanded them to leave people!” 18Jesus told them, “While you were away doing that, I saw Satan lose a position of advantage as suddenly and quickly as lightning comes down! 19Listen! I have given you the power to defeat evil spirits. I have even given you enough power to defeat our enemy, Satan. Nothing will hurt you at all. 20But do not only rejoice that the evil spirits must obey you. You should rejoice even more that God has written your names in heaven, because that means you will be with God forever.”

21Right then, the Holy Spirit gave Jesus great joy. He said, “God my Father, you are Lord over everything in heaven and on earth. I praise you that you have prevented people who think they are smart from understanding things. Instead, you have revealed them to people who accept your truth as readily as little children do. Yes, Father, you have done that because it pleased you to do so. 22God, my Father, has given everything to me. Only my Father really knows me, his Son. And only I, his Son, really know my Father. But I do choose to show some people who he is.”

23Then Jesus said, just to his disciples, “God has given you a great gift by letting you see the things that I am doing! 24I want you to know that many prophets and kings would have liked to see the things that you are seeing me do. But they did not get to see them, because they lived long ago. They would have liked to hear the things that you have been hearing me say. But they did not get to hear them, because they lived long ago.”

25A man who taught Jewish laws was there. He wanted to test Jesus by asking him a difficult question. So he stood up and asked, “Teacher, what do I have to do in order to live with God forever?” 26Jesus said to him, “You have read what Moses wrote in the laws that God gave him. What do those laws say?” 27The man replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind. And love your neighbor as much as you love yourself.” 28Jesus told him, “You have answered correctly. If you do all that, you will live with God forever.”

29But the man wanted to show that God would approve of him. So he said to Jesus, “Which people are my neighbors whom I should love?” 30Jesus replied, “One day, a Jewish man was traveling along the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. Some bandits attacked him. They took away most of the man’s clothes and everything else that he had. They beat him until he was almost dead. Then they left him there. 31It happened that a Jewish priest was going along that road. When he saw that man, instead of helping him, he passed by on the other side of the road. 32Similarly, a Levite who worked in God’s temple also came to that place and saw the man. But he too passed by on the other side of the road. 33Then a man from the region of Samaria came along that road to where the man was lying. When he saw that man, he pitied him. 34He went over to him and put some olive oil and wine on his wounds to help heal them. He wrapped strips of cloth around the wounds. Then he put the man on his own donkey and brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35The next morning he gave two silver coins to the innkeeper and said, ‘Take care of this man. If you need to spend more than this amount to care for him, I will pay you back when I return.’ ” 36Then Jesus asked, “Three people found the man whom the bandits had attacked. Which one of them would you say was a true neighbor to that man?” 37The teacher of the law replied, “The one who acted mercifully toward him.” Jesus said to him, “That is correct. So you should go and act like that toward anyone who needs your help.”

38As Jesus and his disciples continued to travel, they entered a certain village. There a woman whose name was Martha invited them to come to her house. 39Her sister, whose name was Mary, sat near Jesus’ feet and listened to what he was teaching. 40But Martha was worrying about preparing the meal for all of them. She went to Jesus and said, “Lord, my sister has left me to prepare everything by myself. You must know that is not fair. Please tell her to help me!” 41But Jesus replied to her, “Martha, Martha, you are very worried about many things. 42But the one thing that is really important is to listen to what I am teaching. Because Mary has chosen the best thing to do, I will not tell her to do something else.”

LUKE 10 ©
