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Psa 68 V1V2V3V4V5V6V7V8V9V10V11V12V13V14V15V16V17V18V19V21V22V23V24V25V26V27V28V29V30V31V32V33V34V35

Parallel PSA 68:20

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BI Psa 68:20 ©

Text critical issues=none Clarity of original=clearImportance=normal(All still tentative.)


OET-LV[fn] the_god to/for_us [is]_a_god of_salvation and_to_GOD my_master from_the_death escapes.

68:21 Note: KJB: Ps.68.20

UHB21 הָ֤⁠אֵ֣ל ׀ לָ⁠נוּ֮ אֵ֤ל לְֽ⁠מוֹשָׁ֫ע֥וֹת וְ⁠לֵ⁠יהוִ֥ה אֲדֹנָ֑⁠י לַ֝⁠מָּ֗וֶת תּוֹצָאֽוֹת׃
   (21 hā⁠ʼēl lā⁠nū ʼēl lə⁠mōshāˊōt və⁠lē⁠yhvih ʼₐdonā⁠y la⁠mmāvet tōʦāʼōt.)

Key: blue:Elohim.
Note: Automatic aligning of the OET-RV to the LV is done by some temporary software, hence the OET-RV alignments are incomplete (and may occasionally be wrong).

ULTNo ULT PSA 68:20 verse available

USTOur God is the God who saves us;
 ⇔ He is Yahweh, our Lord, the one who allows us to escape from dying in battles.

BSBOur God is a God of deliverance;
 ⇔ the Lord GOD is our rescuer from death.

OEBOur God is a God who is saviour.
 ⇔ The ways of escape from death
 ⇔ are known to the Lord God.

WEBGod is to us a God of deliverance.
 ⇔ To Yahweh, the Lord, belongs escape from death.

WMBGod is to us a God of deliverance.
 ⇔ To GOD, the Lord, belongs escape from death.

NETOur God is a God who delivers;
 ⇔ the Lord, the sovereign Lord, can rescue from death.

LSVGod Himself [is] to us a God for deliverances,
And YHWH Lord has the outgoings of death.

FBVFor us, God is a God who saves. The Lord God provides our escape from death.

T4TOur God is the God who saves us;
 ⇔ He is Yahweh, our Lord, the one who allows us to escape/prevents us► from being killed in battles.

LEB• is a God of deliverances, and to the Yahweh the Lord belong escapes from death.

BBEOur God is for us a God of salvation; his are the ways out of death.

MoffGod is for us a God of victories,
 ⇔ thanks to the Eternal we escape from death;

JPS(68-21) God is unto us a God of deliverances; and unto GOD the Lord belong the issues of death.

ASVGod is unto us a God of deliverances;
 ⇔ And unto Jehovah the Lord belongeth escape from death.

DRAThou knowest my reproach, and my confusion, and my shame.

YLTGod Himself [is] to us a God for deliverances, And Jehovah Lord hath the outgoings of death.

DrbyOur [fn]God is the [fn]God of salvation; and with Jehovah, the Lord, are the goings forth [even] from death.

68.20 El

RVGod is unto us a God of deliverances; and unto JEHOVAH the Lord belong the issues from death.

WbstrHe that is our God is the God of salvation; and to God the LORD belong the issues from death.

KJB-1769He that is our God is the God of salvation; and unto GOD the Lord belong the issues from death.

KJB-1611Hee that is our God, is the God of saluation; and vnto God the LORD belong the issues from death.
   (Hee that is our God, is the God of saluation; and unto God the LORD belong the issues from death.)

BshpsThe Lorde is our Lorde for to saue vs: and all maner of wayes for death pertayneth to God the Lorde.
   (The Lord is our Lord for to save us: and all manner of ways for death pertayneth to God the Lord.)

GnvaThis is our God, euen the God that saueth vs: and to the Lord God belong the issues of death.
   (This is our God, even the God that saueth us: and to the Lord God belong the issues of death.)

CvdlSela. The God yt is or Sauior, eue God the LORDE by who we escape death.
   (Sela. The God it is or Sauior, eue God the LORD by who we escape death.)

WycThou knowist my schenschip, and my dispysyng; and my schame.

LuthGelobet sei der HErr täglich! GOtt legt uns eine Last auf, aber er hilft uns auch. Sela.
   (Gelobet be the/of_the LORD daily! God legt us/to_us/ourselves one Last on, but he hilft us/to_us/ourselves also. Sela.)

ClVgTu scis improperium meum, et confusionem meam, et reverentiam meam;[fn]
   (Tu scis improperium mine, and confusionem meam, and reverentiam meam;)

68.20 Tu scis improperium. ID. Quia quare sint ista mihi, tu nosti, illi non norunt. Et quia ipsi in conspectu tuo sunt, ista nescientes non poterunt confundi vel corrigi, nisi manifeste eruas. Et ideo ait: Propter inimicos. ID. Improperium, vel opprobrium, etc., usque ad sed adjuvando perficiat. Reverentiam. ID. Alii ignominiam, ut alapas, flagella, et quod Pilato tanquam reus traditus est: hæc non pro suo reatu, sed pro nobis sustinuit, ut in talibus nos instrueret.

68.20 Tu scis improperium. ID. Quia quare sint ista mihi, tu nosti, illi not/no norunt. And because ipsi in in_sight tuo are, ista nescientes not/no poterunt confundi or corrigi, nisi manifeste eruas. And ideo he_said: Propter inimicos. ID. Improperium, or opprobrium, etc., until to but adyuvando perficiat. Reverentiam. ID. Alii ignominiam, as alapas, flagella, and that Pilato tanquam guilty traditus it_is: this not/no pro his_own reatu, but pro us sustinuit, as in talibus we instrueret.

BrTrFor thou knowest my reproach, and my shame, and my confusion; all that afflict me are before thee.

BrLXXΣὺ γὰρ γινώσκεις τὸν ὀνειδισμόν μου, καὶ τὴν αἰσχύνην μου, καὶ τὴν ἐντροπήν μου· ἐναντίον σου πάντες οἱ θλίβοντές με.
   (Su gar ginōskeis ton oneidismon mou, kai taʸn aisⱪunaʸn mou, kai taʸn entropaʸn mou; enantion sou pantes hoi thlibontes me.)

TSNTyndale Study Notes:

Ps 68 This prayer for God’s victorious rule traces God’s march from Sinai to Zion (68:7, 16-18, 24). He rescued the nation of Israel from Egypt, guided it through the wilderness, brought it into the Promised Land, and established his kingdom. He is a caring and victorious God, whose nature is unchanging. Therefore, the godly hope and rejoice in the prospect of God’s universal dominion.

BI Psa 68:20 ©