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Cvdl MARK Chapter 5

MARK 5 ©

5And they came ouer vnto the other syde of the see in to the countre of the Gaderenites. 2And whan he wete out of the shippe, there met him a ma possessed of an vncleane sprete, 3which had his dwellinge in the graues. And no man coude bynde hym, no not with cheynes: 4for he was oft bounde with fetters & cheynes, and pluckte the cheynes in sunder, and brake the fetters in peces, and no man coude tame him. 5And he was allwaye both daye and night vpon the mountaynes and in the graues crienge, and beatinge him self with stones. 6But whan he sawe Iesus afarre of, he ranne, and fell downe before him, 7and cried loude, and sayde: What haue I to do with the O Iesus thou sonne of ye Hyest God? I charge the by God, that thou torment me not. 8Neuertheles he sayde vnto him: Go out of the man thou foule sprete. 9And he axed him: What is thy name? And he answered and sayde: My name is Legion, for there be many of vs. 10And he prayed him instantly, that he wolde not sende them awaye out of that countre. 11And euen there in the mountaynes there was a greate heerd of swyne fedynge, 12and all the deuyls praied him, and sayde: Let vs departe in to the swyne. 13And anone Iesus gaue them leue. Then the foule spretes wente out, and intred in to the swyne. And the heerd of swyne, ranne heedlinges in to ye see with a storme. They were aboute a two thousande swyne, and were drowned in the see. 14And the swyneherdes fled, and tolde it in the cite, and in the countre. And they wente out for to se what had happened, 15and came to Iesus, and sawe hym which was possessed and had had ye legion, that he sat, and was clothed, and in his right mynde, and they were afrayed. 16And they that had sene it, tolde them what had happened to the possessed, and of the swyne. 17And they beganne to praye him, that he wolde departe out of their coastes. 18And whan he came in to the shyppe, the possessed prayed him, that he might be with him. 19Neuertheles Iesus wolde not suffre hi, but saide vnto hi: Go i to yi house & to thine awne, and tell the how greate benefites the LORDE hath done for ye, and how he hath had mercy vpon the. 20And he wente his waye, and beganne to publish in the ten cities how greate benefites Iesus had done for him. And euery man marueyled. 21And whan Iesus passed ouer agayne by shippe, there gathered moch people vnto him, and was by the see syde. 22And beholde, there came one of the rulers of the synagoge, whose name was Iairus. And whan he sawe him, he fell downe at his fete, 23and besought him greatly, & sayde: My doughter is at the poynte (of death) let it be thy pleasure to come and laye thine honde vpon her, that she maye be whole and lyue. 24And he wente with him, and moch people folowed him, and thronged him. 25And there was a woman, which had had the bloude yssue twolue yeares, 26and had suffred moch of many phisicians, and spent all that she had, and was not helped, but rather in worse case. 27Whan she herde of Iesus, she came behynde amonge the people, and touched his garment. 28For she sayde: Yf I maye but touch his clothes, I shalbe whole. 29And immediatly ye fountayne of hir bloude was dryed vp, and she felt in hir body, yt she was healed of the plage. 30And forth with Iesus felt in himself the power that was gone out of him, and turned him aboute amoge the people, and sayde: Who hath touched my clothes? 31And his disciples sayde vnto him: Thou seist that the people thrusteth the, and sayest: Who hath touched me? 32And he loked aboute to se her, that had done it. 33As for the woman, she feared and trembled (for she knew, what was done in her) and came and fell downe before him, and tolde him the whole trueth. 34And he sayde vnto her: Doughter, thy faith hath made the whole: go thy waye in peace, & be whole of thy plage. 35Whyle he yet spake, there came certayne from the ruler of the synagoges house, and sayde: Thy doughter is deed, why troublest thou the master eny more? 36But Iesus herde right soone the worde that was spoken, and sayde vnto the ruler of the synagoge: Be not thou afrayed, beleue onely. 37And he suffred no ma to folowe him, but Peter and Iames and Ihon his brother. 38And he came in to the ruler of the synagoges house, and sawe the busynes, and them that wepte and wayled greatly: 39and he wente in, and sayde vnto them: Why make ye this a doo, and wepe? The mayde is not deed, but slepeth. 40And they laughed him to scorne And he droue them all out, and toke the father and mother of the mayde, and them that were with him, and wente in where the mayden laye. 41And he toke the mayde by the honde, and sayde vnto her: Thabitha Cumi (which is by interpretaeion) Mayde, I saye vnto the: Aryse. 42And immediatly the mayden arose, and walked. She was twolue yeare olde, and they were astonnyed out of measure. 43And he charged them strately, that no man shulde knowe of it, and sayde vnto them, that they shulde geue her to eate.

MARK 5 ©
