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DEU 32:1–32:52 ©

The Book of Deuteronomy 32

32Give ear, heavens, and let me speak,

and let the earth listen to the utterances of my mouth.

2Let my teaching drop like rain,

my saying mist like dew,

like sprinkling on the green,

and like downpours on the grass.

3For the name of Yahweh I proclaim,

ascribe greatness to our God!

4The Rock, his work is perfect,

for all his ways are just.

A faithful God without iniquity,

righteous and upright is he.

5Did he act corruptly to him?

No, his sons are the disgrace,

a perverse and crooked generation.

6Is this how you reward Yahweh,

people foolish and without wisdom?

Is he not your father, your shaper?

He made you and established you.

7Remember the days of eternity,

consider the years of generation upon generation.

Ask your father, and he will inform you,

your elders, and they will tell you.

8When the Most High gave the nations an inheritance—

when he divided the sons of man,

he defined the boundaries of the peoples,

numbered the sons of Israel.

9For the portion of Yahweh is his people,

Jacob is his allotted inheritance.

10He found him in a wilderness land,

and in the barren, howling desert.

He surrounded him and gave mind to him,

watched over him as the apple of his eye.

11Like an eagle rouses his nest,

over his young he hovers,

He spread his wings, he took him,

carried him on his pinions.

12Yahweh alone led him,

and no foreign god with him.

13He placed him on heights of the land,

and fed him the fruits of the field,

and he nourished him with honey from the crag,

and oil from the flinty stone,

14curd of cattle and milk of flocks,

with fat of lambs,

and rams of the sons of Bashan, and goats,

with fat kernels of wheat—

and the blood of grapes you drank as mead.

15And Jeshurun fattened and kicked—

you were fat, you thickened, you gorged—

and he abandoned the God who made him,

and he rejected the Rock of his salvation.

16He provoked him with strangers.

With their abominations they angered him.

17They sacrificed to demons, not God—

gods they had not known,

new ones come recently,

whom your fathers had not feared.

18The Rock, your bearer, you neglected

and you forgot the God who gave you birth.

19And Yahweh saw, and he spurned,

from the provocation of his sons and his daughters.

20And he said, “Let me hide my face from them,”

“I shall see what their end will be;

for a perverse generation are they,

children with no faithfulness in them.

21They provoked me with a not-god,

angered me by their worthless things,

so I will provoke them with a not-people;

by a foolish nation I will anger them,

22for a fire flares in my nose,

and burns to the lowest Sheol,

and devours the earth and its yield,

and scorches the foundations of the mountains.

23I will increase disasters on them;

I will spend my arrows on them,

24wasted by hunger

and weakened by plague and bitter contagion,

and on the teeth of beasts I will send them,

with the poison of crawlers in the dust.

25Outside the sword will bereave,

and in the bedrooms, terror,

both young man and virgin,

the suckling, with the gray-haired man.

26I said I would wipe them out.

I would remove from mankind their memory

27if the provocation of the enemy I did not fear,

lest their adversaries misjudge,

lest they say, ‘Our hand is exalted,

and Yahweh did not carry out all this.’

28For a nation devoid of counsel are they,

and without understanding in them.

29If they were wise, they would comprehend this;

they would understand their latter days!

30How could one chase a thousand,

or two put to flight ten thousands,

unless their Rock sold them,

and Yahweh gave them up?

31For not like our Rock is their rock,

and thus our enemies assess.

32For from the vine of Sodom is their vine,

and from the vineyards of Gomorrah;

their grapes are grapes of poison;

their clusters are bitter.

33The venom of serpents is their wine,

and the cruel poison of vipers.

34Is it not concealed with me,

sealed up among my treasures?

35Mine is vengeance and recompense,

at the time when their foot slips,

for the day of their disaster is near,

and the things prepared for them hasten.

36For Yahweh vindicates his people,

and by his servants he is grieved.

For he will see that gone is their hand,

and none are kept back or let free.

37And he will say, “Where are their gods,

the rock in whom they took refuge?—

38who ate the fat of their sacrifices,

drank the wine of their libations?

Let them rise up and help you;

let them be for you protection.

39See, now, that I, I am he,

and there is no god besides me.

I put to death and give life.

I wound, and I heal,

and no one rescues from my hand,

40for I lift up my hand to heaven

and say, ‘As I live forever.’

41When I sharpen my glittering sword,

and my hand seizes justice,

I will return vengeance on my enemies,

and I will pay back those who hate me.

42I will make my arrows drunk with blood,

and my sword will devour flesh,

with the blood of the slain and the captives,

from the heads of the leaders of the enemy.”

43Rejoice, nations, with his people,

for the blood of his servants he will avenge,

and vengeance he will return on his enemies,

and he will cover his land, his people.

44And Moses came and spoke all the words of this song in the ears of the people, he, and Joshua son of Nun. 45And Moses finished speaking all these words to all Israel. 46And he said to them, “Set your hearts on all the words which I bore witness to you today, that you may command your children to keep doing all the words of this law. 47For it is no empty thing for you, because it is your life, and through this thing you may prolong your days in the land to which you are crossing over the Jordan to possess it.”

48And Yahweh spoke to Moses on this same day, saying, 49“Go up to this mountain of the Abarim, Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is on the face of Jericho. And you will see the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the sons of Israel as a possession. 50And you will die on the mountain which you are going up to, and you will be gathered to your people, as Aaron your brother died on Mount Hor and was gathered to his people. 51Because you were unfaithful to me among the sons of Israel at the waters of Meribah in Kadesh, in the wilderness of Zin; because you did not honor me among the sons of Israel. 52For you will see the land from the front, but you will not go there, into the land that I am giving to the sons of Israel.”

DEU 32:1–32:52 ©
