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OET-RV GEN Chapter 27


This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

27:1 Yitshak’s tricked into blessing Yacob

27When Yitshak grew old and could no longer see, he called his older son Esaw and said to him, “My son.”

I’m here,” Esaw replied.

2“Please listen,” Yitshak continued, “I’m old and don’t know how long I’ve got before I die. 3So please take your weapons—your quiver, and your bow—and go out into the fields and hunt game for me 4and cook me a tasty meal in the way that I love it, and bring it to me so I can eat it, so that I can bless you before I die.”

5Now Rebekah had been listening while Yitshak spoke to Esaw. Then Esaw went out to the fields to hunt game and bring it back. 6Meanwhile Rebekah said to her son Yacob, “Listen, I heard your father speaking to your brother Esaw, saying, 7‘Get some game meat for me and prepare me a tasty meal so that I can eat it, and then I can bless you in Yahweh’s presence before I die.’ 8So now Yacob, listen to what I tell you: 9Go out to the flock and get me two of the best young goats so that I can prepare a tasty meal from them that your father loves. 10Then you can take it in to your father, and after he’s eaten it he’ll bless you before he dies.”

11“Look,” Yacob said to his mother, “My brother Esaw is very hairy, whereas my skin is smooth. 12What if my father touches me? Then he’ll think of me as a deceiver and he’ll curse me rather than bless me.”

13“Let your curse be on me, my son,” his mother replied, “Just do what I said and go get the young goats for me.” 14So he went and slaughtered them and brought them to his mother. Then she prepared tasty food the way his father loved it. 15She then got Esaw’s best clothes that were in the house and got her younger son Yacob to put them on, 16then she tied the skins of the young goats over his hands and around the smooth part of his neck.

17Then she handed the tasty food and the bread to Yacob, 18and he went in to his elderly father and said, “My father.”

“I’m here,” he said, “Which son are you?” 19“I’m your oldest son Esaw,” Yacobreplied to his father. “I’ve done what you told me. Please get up, and come and sit up and eat some of my game, so that you’ll bless me.” 20“How did you find it so quickly, my son?” Yitshak asked.

“Because your God Yahweh helped me when I went out hunting,” Yacob answered.

21Then Yitshak said to Yacob, “Please come close so that I can touch you, my son, and to be sure whether you’re really my son Esaw or not.” 22So Yacob went close to his father and Yitshak felt his skin and said to himself, “It’s Yacob’s voice, but these are definitely Esaw’s hands.” 23So he didn’t recognise that it was Yacob, because his hands were hairy like Esaw’s hands, so he was about to bless him 24but asked once more, “Are you really my son Esaw?”

Yes, I am,” Yacob answered.

25So Yitshak told him, “Bring the food here and I’ll eat some of my son’s game, so that my I can then bless you.” So Yacob took it to him and he ate, and then he brought wine to him and he drank. 26Then Yitshak asked Yacob, “My son, please come close and kiss me.” 27So he went close and kissed him. His dad noticed the smell of his clothes, so he blessed him saying,[ref]

Ah yes, the smell of my son

is like the pleasant smell of a field

that Yahweh has blessed.

28May God give you dew from the sky

and riches from the land,

to produce plenty of grain and wine.

29May peoples serve you,

and may nations bow down to you.

Be master over your brothers,

and may your mother’s sons bow down to you.

May those who curse you be cursed,[ref]

and may those who bless you be blessed.”

27:30 Esaw begs for a secondary blessing

30Then just as Yitshak had finished blessing Yacob, and as Yacob had only just gone out from his father’s presence, his brother Esaw his brother returned from his hunting. 31Then he too prepared some tasty food and brought it in to his father and said, “Let my father get up and eat from the game that his son hunted so that you can bless me.”

32But Yitshak asked him, “Which son are you?”

“I’m your oldest son Esaw.” he answered.

33Then Yitshak started to trembled badly and he said, “Then who was it that hunted game and brought it to me? I ate it all just before you came in, and I blessed that man and indeed, he’ll be blessed.”

34When Esaw heard that, then he let out a very loud and exceedingly bitter wail, and then begged his father, “Bless me too, my father.”

35But Yitshak replied, “Your brother came in and deceived me and he’s taken your blessing!”

36Yes, his name Yacob (meaning ‘deceiver’) suits him exactly![ref] said Esaw. “First he took my inheritance and man, now he’s also taken my blessing!” Then he asked, “Haven’t you at least saved a blessing for me?”

37But Yitshak replied, “Listen, I’ve made him master over you, and I’ve given all his brothers to him as slaves. And I’ve sustained him with grain and wine. So then, what else can I do for you, my son?”

38“Did you only have one blessing that you could give, my father? Esaw asked. “Bless me too, my father!” Then Esaw sobbed loudly.[ref]

39Then his father Yitshak responded and said to him,[ref]

“Listen, you and your descendants will live

away from the most fertile land on the earth[fn]

in a place that doesn’t get dew from the sky.

40You and your descendants will live by your sword,[ref]

and you’ll serve your brother.

But when you become restless

you’ll all break away from serving them.

41From that time onwards, Esaw hated Yacob because of the blessing that their father had blessed him with, and Esaw said to himself, “My father’s funeral can’t be that far away—after that I’ll kill my brother Yacob.”

42But Rebekah got to hear about Esaw’s plans, so she sent for her younger son Yacob and told him, “Listen, your brother Esaw is coping with what happened by planning to kill you. 43So my son, listen to what I’m saying: for your own sake, pack up and flee to my brother Lavan’s place in Haran 44and stay with him for a while until your brother cools down. 45When he’s no longer angry with you and forgets what you did to him, then I’ll send for you from there so you can return here. I don’t want to lose both of you on the same day?”

27:46 Yitshak sends Yacob off to Lavan’s

46Then Rebekah told her husband Yitshak, “I’m quite disgusted with those daughters of Het. If Yacob chooses a wife like Het’s daughters from this culture around us here, I wouldn’t be able to bear it.”

27:39 The Hebrew text is ambiguous here. It could mean: (1) “away from the fatness of the earth and away from the dew of the heavens from above.” or “in a place/region where the earth/land/ground is not rich/fertile and where there is very little dew/rain.” or “in a place/region where the land/soil is not good for farming and where there is not much rain.” or (2) “of the fatness of the earth and of the dew of the heavens from above.” or “in a place where the land is good/fertile for farming and where there is plenty of dew/rain.”

27:27-29: Heb 11:20.

27:29: Gen 12:3.

27:36: Gen 25:29-34.

27:38: Heb 12:17.

27:39-40: Heb 11:20.

27:40: Gen 36:8; 2Ki 8:20.

