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LEB JER Chapter 23

JER 23 ©

Woe to the Evil Shepherds

23“Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the flock of my pasture,” declares[fn] Yahweh. 2Therefore[fn] thus says Yahweh, the God of Israel concerning the shepherds who shepherd my people, “You yourselves have scattered my flock, and you have driven them away, and you do not attend to them. Look, Iwill punish you for the evil of your deeds,” declares[fn] Yahweh. 3“Then I myself will gather together the remnant of my flock from all the lands where I have driven them, and I will bring them back to their grazing place, and they will be fruitful, and they will become numerous. 4And I will raise up over them shepherds, and they will shepherd them, and they will no longer fear, and they will not be dismayed, and they will not be missing,” declares[fn] Yahweh.

The Righteous Branch

7“Therefore[fn] look, daysare coming,” declares[fn] Yahweh, “when they will no longer say, ‘As Yahweh lives,[fn] who led up theIsraelites[fn] from the land of Egypt,’ 8but ‘As Yahweh lives,[fn] who led up, and who brought the offspring of the house of Israel fromthe land of the north and from all the lands where he had driven them.’ Then they will live in their land.”

The Unfaithful Prophets

25“I have heard what the prophets who prophesy lies[fn] have said in my name,saying,[fn] ‘I have dreamed! I have dreamed!’ 26How long[fn]will this be in the hearts[fn] of the prophets who prophesy lies,[fn] even the prophets of the deceitfulness of their hearts,[fn] 27who plan to make my people forget my name by their dreams that they tell each one to his neighbor, just as their ancestors[fn] forgot my name through Baal? 28The prophet who has with him a dream, let him tell the dream. But the prophet[fn] whohas my word with him, let him speak my word faithfully. What is straw compared to wheat?”[fn]declares[fn] Yahweh. 29Is not my word like fire?” declares[fn] Yahweh, “and like a blacksmith’s hammerthat breaks a rock into pieces?

30“Therefore[fn] look, Iam against the prophets,” declares[fn] Yahweh, “who steal my words each one from his neighbor. 31Look, I am against the prophets,” declares[fn] Yahweh, “who take their tongues[fn] and declare as prophets, ‘Yahweh declares.’[fn] 32Look, I am against those who prophesy dreams of lies,”[fn]declares[fn] Yahweh, “and tell them, and they caused my people to err through their lies, and in their recklessness, when I myself have not sent them nor commanded them, so they profit not this people at all,”declares[fn] Yahweh.

33“Now when this people, or a prophet, or a priest, ask you, saying,[fn] ‘Whatis the burden[fn] of Yahweh?’ then you shall say to them, ‘You are the burden,[fn] and I will forsake you,’ ”declares[fn] Yahweh. 34“And the prophet, and the priest, and the people who say, ‘The burden[fn] of Yahweh,’ I will punish that man and his house. 35Thus you shall say, each one to his neighbor and each one to his brother: ‘What has Yahweh answered?’ or, ‘What has Yahweh spoken?’ 36But you shall not mention the burden[fn] of Yahweh, for the burden[fn] is to each one his word, and so you twist the words ofthe living God, Yahweh of hosts, our God. 37Thus you shall say to that prophet, ‘What has Yahweh answered you?’ or, ‘What has Yahweh spoken?’ 38But if you say, ‘The burden[fn] of Yahweh,’therefore[fn] thus says Yahweh, ‘because of your saying these words,[fn] “The burden[fn] of Yahweh,” then I will send to you,saying,[fn] “You shall not say, ‘The burden[fn] of Yahweh.’ ” ’ 39Therefore[fn] look, here I am, and I will surely lift you up and forsake you and the city that I gave to you and to your ancestors[fn] frommy presence[fn], 40and I will bring upon you an everlasting disgrace[fn] andan everlasting shame[fn] that will not be forgotten.”

?:? Literally “a declaration of”

?:? Literally “To thus”

?:? Literally “a declaration of”

?:? Literally “a declaration of”

?:? Literally “a declaration of”

?:? Literally “with confidence”

?:? Literally “To thus”

?:? Literally “a declaration of”

?:? Literally “the life of Yahweh”

?:? Literally “sons/children of Israel”

?:? Literally “the life of Yahweh”

?:? Literally “words of his holiness”

?:? Or “wilderness”

?:? Literally “a declaration of”

?:? Literally “To thus”

?:? Literally “a declaration of”

?:? Hebrew “the lie”

?:? Literally “To thus”

?:? Literally “heart”

?:? Here the subject and verb are supplied from context in the English translation

?:? Literally “all”

?:? Here the direct object is supplied from context in the English translation

?:? Literally “nose”

?:? Literally “heart”

?:? Literally “In the last of the days”

?:? Literally “a declaration of”

?:? Literally “a declaration of”

?:? Literally “a declaration of”

?:? Hebrew “lie”

?:? Literally “to say”

?:? Literally “Until when”

?:? Hebrew “heart”

?:? Hebrew “the lie”

?:? Hebrew “heart”

?:? Or “fathers”

?:? Here the subject is supplied from context in the English translation

?:? Literally “What to the straw in comparison with the wheat”

?:? Literally “a declaration of”

?:? Literally “a declaration of”

?:? Literally “To thus”

?:? Literally “a declaration of”

?:? Literally “a declaration of”

?:? Hebrew “tongue”

?:? Literally “a declaration of”

?:? Hebrew “lie”

?:? Literally “a declaration of”

?:? Literally “a declaration of”

?:? Literally “to say”

?:? Or “oracle”

?:? Literally “What burden”

?:? Literally “a declaration of”

?:? Or “oracle”

?:? Or “oracle”

?:? Or “oracle”

?:? Or “oracle”

?:? Literally “to thus”

?:? Hebrew “word”

?:? Or “oracle”

?:? Literally “to say”

?:? Or “oracle”

?:? Literally “To thus”

?:? Or “fathers”

?:? Literally “my face”

?:? Literally “a disgrace of eternity”

?:? Literally “a shame of eternity”

JER 23 ©
