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NET by section JOB 36:26

JOB 36:26–38:3 ©

The Work and Wisdom of God

The Work and Wisdom of God

26“Yes, God is great – beyond our knowledge!

The number of his years is unsearchable.

27He draws up drops of water;

they distill the rain into its mist,

28which the clouds pour down

and shower on humankind abundantly.

29Who can understand the spreading of the clouds,

the thunderings of his pavilion?

30See how he scattered his lightning about him;

he has covered the depths of the sea.

31It is by these that he judges the nations

and supplies food in abundance.

32With his hands he covers the lightning,

and directs it against its target.


His thunder announces the coming storm,

the cattle also, concerning the storm’s approach.

37At this also my heart pounds

and leaps from its place.

2Listen carefully to the thunder of his voice,

to the rumbling that proceeds from his mouth.

3Under the whole heaven he lets it go,

even his lightning to the far corners of the earth.

4After that a voice roars;

he thunders with an exalted voice,

and he does not hold back his lightning bolts

when his voice is heard.

5God thunders with his voice in marvelous ways;

he does great things beyond our understanding.

6For to the snow he says, ‘Fall to earth,’

and to the torrential rains, ‘Pour down.’

7He causes everyone to stop working,

so that all people may know his work.

8The wild animals go to their lairs,

and in their dens they remain.

9A tempest blows out from its chamber,

icy cold from the driving winds.

10The breath of God produces ice,

and the breadth of the waters freeze solid.

11He loads the clouds with moisture;

he scatters his lightning through the clouds.

12The clouds go round in circles,

wheeling about according to his plans,

to carry out all that he commands them

over the face of the whole inhabited world.

13Whether it is for punishment for his land,

or whether it is for mercy,

he causes it to find its mark.

14“Pay attention to this, Job!

Stand still and consider the wonders God works.

15Do you know how God commands them,

how he makes lightning flash in his storm cloud?

16Do you know about the balancing of the clouds,

that wondrous activity of him who is perfect in knowledge?

17You, whose garments are hot

when the earth is still because of the south wind,

18will you, with him, spread out the clouds,

solid as a mirror of molten metal?

19Tell us what we should say to him.

We cannot prepare a case

because of the darkness.

20Should he be informed that I want to speak?

If a man speaks, surely he would be swallowed up!

21But now, the sun cannot be looked at –

it is bright in the skies –

after a wind passed and swept the clouds away.

22From the north he comes in golden splendor;

around God is awesome majesty.

23As for the Almighty, we cannot attain to him!

He is great in power,

but justice and abundant righteousness he does not oppress.

24Therefore people fear him,

for he does not regard all the wise in heart.”

38Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind:

2“Who is this who darkens counsel

with words without knowledge?

3Get ready for a difficult task like a man;

I will question you

and you will inform me!

JOB 36:26–38:3 ©
