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MARK 10:17–10:31 ©

After a man asked Jesus what he should do in order to live eternally, Jesus told him to sell all his possessions, which astonished the disciples.

After a man asked Jesus what he should do in order to live eternally, Jesus told him to sell all his possessions, which astonished the disciples.

Mark 10:17-31

17As Jesus was starting to travel again with his disciples, a young man ran up to him. He knelt before Jesus and then he asked him, “Good teacher, what must I do to have eternal life/in order to live with God eternally?” 18Jesus said to him, “You should consider carefully what you are implying (OR, that you are implying that I am God) by calling me good, because only God is good!/Do you realize what you are implying (OR, that you are implying that I am God) by calling me good, because only God is good?► [RHQ] No other person is good 19But to answer your question, you know the commandments of Moses, which will cause you to live eternally if you obey them perfectly. He commanded things such as ‘do not murder anyone, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not testify falsely/lie►, do not cheat anyone, and honor your father and mother’.” 20The man said to him, “Teacher, I have obeyed all those commandments ever since I was young. So is that enough/there something else that I have not done►?” 21Jesus looked at him and loved him. He said to him, “There is one thing that you have not yet done. You must go home, sell all that you possess, and then give the money to poor people. As a result, you will be spiritually rich in heaven. After you have done what I have told you, come with me and be my disciple!” 22The man became disappointed when he heard that. He went away sad, because he was very rich and he did not want to give away everything. 23Jesus looked around at the people. Then he exclaimed to his disciples, “It is very difficult for people who are wealthy to decide to let God rule their lives!” 24The disciples were surprised at what he said. They thought that God favored the rich people, so if God did not save them, he would not save anyone. So Jesus replied again to them, “My dear friends, it is very difficult for anyone to decide to let God rule his life. 25It is impossible for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. It is almost as difficult [HYP] for rich people to decide to let God rule their lives.” 26The disciples were very astonished. So they said to each other, “If that is so, it will be unlikely that anyone will be saved {that God will save anyone}!/will God save anyone?► [RHQ]27Jesus looked at them and then he said, “Yes, it is impossible for people to save themselves! But God certainly can save them, because God can do anything!” 28Peter exclaimed, “You know that we have left behind everything and we have become your disciples. So, what about us/will God ►?” 29Jesus replied, “I want you to know this: Those who have left their houses, their brothers, their sisters, their father, their mother, their children, or their plots of ground, to be my disciples and to proclaim the good news, 30will receive in this life 100 times as much as they left behind. That will include houses and people as dear as brothers and sisters and mothers and children, and plots of ground. Furthermore, although people will persecute them here on earth because they believe in me, in the future age they will have eternal life/live with God eternally►. 31But I warn you all: Many of you who now consider yourselves to be very important will be unimportant at that future time, and many of you who now consider yourselves to be unimportant will be very important at that future time!”

MARK 10:17–10:31 ©
