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1Sa 30 V1V2V3V4V5V6V7V8V9V10V11V12V13V14V15V16V17V18V19V20V21V22V24V25V26V27V28V29V30V31

Parallel 1SA 30:23

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BI 1Sa 30:23 ©

Text critical issues=minor word differences Clarity of original=clearImportance=normal(All still tentative.)


OET-LVand_he/it_said Dāvid not you_all_must_do thus brothers_my DOM [that]_which he_has_given YHWH to/for_us and_preserved DOM_us and_he/it_gave DOM the_band the_came against_us in/on/at/with_hand_us.

UHBוַ⁠יֹּ֣אמֶר דָּוִ֔ד לֹֽא־תַעֲשׂ֥וּ כֵ֖ן אֶחָ֑⁠י אֵ֠ת אֲשֶׁר־נָתַ֨ן יְהוָ֥ה לָ֨⁠נוּ֙ וַ⁠יִּשְׁמֹ֣ר אֹתָ֔⁠נוּ וַ⁠יִּתֵּ֗ן אֶֽת־הַ⁠גְּד֛וּד הַ⁠בָּ֥א עָלֵ֖י⁠נוּ בְּ⁠יָדֵֽ⁠נוּ׃
   (va⁠yyoʼmer dāvid loʼ-taˊₐsū kēn ʼeḩā⁠y ʼēt ʼₐsher-nātan yhwh lā⁠nū va⁠yyishmor ʼotā⁠nū va⁠yyittēn ʼet-ha⁠ggədūd ha⁠bāʼ ˊālēy⁠nū bə⁠yādē⁠nū.)

Key: khaki:verbs, red:negative, green:YHWH.
Note: Automatic aligning of the OET-RV to the LV is done by some temporary software, hence the OET-RV alignments are incomplete (and may occasionally be wrong).

ULTAnd David said, “You shall not do so, my brothers, with what Yahweh has given to us. And he has kept us and given into our hand the troop who came against us.

USTDavid replied, “No, my fellow Israelites, that would not be right. Yahweh has protected us and enabled us to defeat the enemies who attacked our town.

BSB  § But David said, “My brothers, you must not do this with what the LORD has given us. He has protected us and delivered into our hands the raiders who came against us.

OEBBut David said, No! My brothers, you must not do this with that which the Lord has given us – after he has preserved us and delivered the marauding band that came against us into our hand.

WEBThen David said, “Do not do so, my brothers, with that which Yahweh has given to us, who has preserved us, and delivered the troop that came against us into our hand.

WMBThen David said, “Do not do so, my brothers, with that which the LORD has given to us, who has preserved us, and delivered the troop that came against us into our hand.

NETBut David said, “No! You shouldn’t do this, my brothers. Look at what the Lord has given us! He has protected us and has delivered into our hands the raiding party that came against us.

LSVAnd David says, “You do not do so, my brothers, with that which YHWH has given to us, and He preserves us, and gives the troop which comes against us into our hand;

FBVBut David intervened, saying, “No, my brothers, you shouldn't do this with what the Lord has given us. He has protected us and handed over to us the raiders that had attacked us.

T4TDavid replied, “No, my fellow Israelis, it would not be right to divide up like that the things that Yahweh has allowed us to capture. Yahweh has protected us and enabled us to defeat the enemies who attacked our town.

LEBBut David said to them, “You should not do so, my brothers, with what Yahweh has given to us! He has preserved us and has given the raiding band that came against us into our hand.

BBEThen David said, You are not to do this, my brothers, after what the Lord has given us, who has kept us safe and given up the band which came against us into our hands.

MoffNo Moff 1SA book available

JPSThen said David: 'Ye shall not do so, my brethren, with that which the LORD hath given unto us, who hath preserved us, and delivered the troop that came against us into our hand.

ASVThen said David, Ye shall not do so, my brethren, with that which Jehovah hath given unto us, who hath preserved us, and delivered the troop that came against us into our hand.

DRABut David said: You shall not do so, my brethren, with these things, which the Lord hath given us, who hath kept us, and hath delivered the robbers that invaded us into our hands.

YLTAnd David saith, 'Ye do not do so, my brethren, with that which Jehovah hath given to us, and He doth preserve us, and doth give the troop which cometh against us into our hand;

DrbyThen said David, Ye shall not do so, my brethren, with that which Jehovah has given us, who has preserved us, and given the troop that came against us into our hand.

RVThen said David, Ye shall not do so, my brethren, with that which the LORD hath given unto us, who hath preserved us, and delivered the troop that came against us into our hand.

WbstrThen said David, Ye shall not do so, my brethren, with that which the LORD hath given us, who hath preserved us, and delivered the company that came against us into our hand.

KJB-1769Then said David, Ye shall not do so, my brethren, with that which the LORD hath given us, who hath preserved us, and delivered the company that came against us into our hand.
   (Then said David, Ye/You_all shall not do so, my brethren, with that which the LORD hath/has given us, who hath/has preserved us, and delivered the company that came against us into our hand.)

KJB-1611Then said Dauid, Ye shall not do so, my brethren, with that which the LORD hath giuen vs, who hath preserued vs, and deliuered the companie that came against vs, into our hand.
   (Then said Dauid, Ye/You_all shall not do so, my brethren, with that which the LORD hath/has given us, who hath/has preserved us, and delivered the companie that came against us, into our hand.)

BshpsThen sayd Dauid: Ye shall not do so my brethren with that which the Lord hath geuen vs, who hath preserued vs, and delyuered the company that came against vs, into our handes.
   (Then said Dauid: Ye/You_all shall not do so my brethren with that which the Lord hath/has given us, who hath/has preserved us, and delivered the company that came against us, into our hands.)

GnvaThen saide Dauid, Yee shall not doe so, my brethren, with that which the Lord hath giuen vs, who hath preserued vs, and deliuered the companie that came against vs, into our handes.
   (Then said Dauid, Yee shall not do so, my brethren, with that which the Lord hath/has given us, who hath/has preserved us, and delivered the companie that came against us, into our hands.)

CvdlThen sayde Dauid: Ye shall not do so (my brethren) with that which ye LORDE hath geuen vs, and hath preserued vs, and delyuered these men of warre (which were come agaynst vs) in to oure hades.
   (Then said Dauid: Ye/You_all shall not do so (my brethren) with that which ye/you_all LORD hath/has given us, and hath/has preserved us, and delivered these men of war (which were come against us) in to our hades.)

WycForsothe Dauid seide, My britheren, ye schulen not do so of these thingis, whiche the Lord yaf to vs, and kepte vs, and yaf the theues, that braken out ayens vs, in to oure hondis;
   (Forsothe Dauid said, My brethren/brothers, ye/you_all should not do so of these things, which the Lord gave to us, and kepte us, and gave the thieves, that braken out against us, in to our hands;)

LuthDa sprach David: Ihr sollt nicht so tun, meine Brüder, mit dem, das uns der HErr gegeben hat, und hat uns behütet und diese Kriegsleute, die wider uns kommen waren, in unsere Hände gegeben.
   (So spoke David: Ihr sollt not so tun, my brothers, with to_him, the us/to_us/ourselves the/of_the LORD given has, and has us/to_us/ourselves behütet and this/these Kriegsleute, the against us/to_us/ourselves coming were, in unsere hands given.)

ClVgDixit autem David: Non sic facietis, fratres mei, de his quæ tradidit nobis Dominus, et custodivit nos, et dedit latrunculos qui eruperant adversum nos, in manus nostras:
   (Dixit however David: Non so facietis, brothers mei, about his which he_delivered us Master, and custodivit we, and he_gave latrunculos who eruperant adversum we, in hands nostras:)

BrTrAnd David said, Ye shall not do so, after the Lord has delivered the enemy to us, and guarded us, and the Lord has delivered into our hands the troop that came against us.

BrLXXΚαὶ εἶπε Δαυὶδ, οὐ ποιήσετε οὕτως, μετὰ τὸ παραδοῦναι τὸν Κύριον ἡμῖν, καὶ φυλάξαι ἡμᾶς, καὶ παρέδωκε Κύριος τὸν γεδδοὺρ τὸν ἐπερχόμενον ἐφʼ ἡμᾶς, εἰς χεῖρας ἡμῶν.
   (Kai eipe Dawid, ou poiaʸsete houtōs, meta to paradounai ton Kurion haʸmin, kai fulaxai haʸmas, kai paredōke Kurios ton geddour ton eperⱪomenon efʼ haʸmas, eis ⱪeiras haʸmōn.)

TSNTyndale Study Notes:

30:23 what the Lord has given: Some of David’s men ascribed success to their own military prowess; David attributed victory to God and gave him the glory. Maps:


David Strengthens Southern Judah

1 Samuel 27-30

The Bible makes it clear that David was specially chosen and raised up by God to be Israel’s next king (1 Samuel 16:1-13), but Scripture also makes it clear that David’s rise to power came about through several shrewd maneuvers on his part. Among these shrewd maneuvers were David’s clandestine attacks on hostile peoples to the south of Judah and his distribution of Amalekite plunder among the towns of southern Judah. These actions by David strengthened southern Judah against their enemies and no doubt cemented Judah’s loyalty to him as a champion for their well-being. It should be noted that the Bible affirms King Saul’s effectiveness at attacking Israel’s enemies (1 Samuel 14:47-52), especially the Philistines, but various character flaws and bad choices by Saul led to God’s selection of David as the one who would replace Saul as king (1 Samuel 13:1-23; 15:1-35). Because of this, Saul grew jealous of David and sought to kill him, forcing David to seek refuge among various towns throughout Judah and even in Philistia (1 Samuel 16-27). After seeking asylum in Gath for a time, David asked King Achish if he could move his family outside of the city, and Achish gave him the border town of Ziklag. Apparently Achish still tried to keep tabs on David’s activities, however, periodically asking him where he had recently raided. David would answer that he had been raiding the Negev of Judah, the Negev of the Jerahmeelites (see 1 Chronicles 2:42), or the Negev of the Kenites (Judges 1:16; see “Saul Attacks the Amalekites” map), which were inhabited by people loyal to Israel. In reality, however, David had been raiding the Amalekites (longtime enemies of Israel; see Genesis 14:7; Exodus 17; Numbers 13:29; 14:45; Deuteronomy 25:17-19), the Geshurites, and the Girzites. These peoples lived to the south of Israel’s territory and along the Way to Shur leading to Egypt. Soon after this King Achish mustered his men at Aphek to head to battle against the Israelites in the Jezreel Valley further north. As they set off for battle and the other Philistine rulers realized David and his men were accompanying them, the rulers protested and insisted that David would turn on them in battle. So Achish sent David home and continued on to Jezreel. When David and his men arrived at Ziklag, they found that Amalekites had burned the town and carried off their wives and children. David and his men set out to attack the Amalekites and recover their families. When they reached the Besor Brook, two hundred of the men were too exhausted to go on and stayed with the other equipment while the remaining four hundred men continued toward Amalek. Along the way, David’s men found an abandoned Egyptian slave of the Amalekites who had participated in the attack on Ziklag and on other locations in southern Judah. The man led David’s men to the Amalekite camp, and then they attacked the Amalekites and retrieved all the captives and plunder that had been taken. Only four hundred Amalekites were able to escape, fleeing on camels. David’s men then rejoined their fellow warriors at the Besor Brook and returned to Ziklag. David sent some of the plunder to the leaders of Ziklag as well as to other towns where David had roamed during the time when he was fleeing from Saul. Many of these towns were located in territory formerly inhabited by Amalekites (Numbers 13:29; 14:25, 43-45; Judges 1:16; see also Judges 12:15) and were likely among those attacked by the Amalekites and other hostile peoples to the south. After this, the Amalekites are only mentioned again in Scripture to note that David killed an Amalekite who himself had killed Saul (to fulfill what Saul requested of him), to note that Amalekite plunder was among the treasures that David dedicated to the Temple of the Lord (2 Samuel 8:9-12), and to recount how in the days of Hezekiah some Simeonites went to Mount Seir and destroyed the remnant of Amalekites that had survived (1 Chronicles 4:42-43).

BI 1Sa 30:23 ©