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OET-RV EXO Chapter 29


This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

29:1 Consecrating the priests

(Lev. 8:1-36)

29Now this is how you should consecrate them to be priests to me: Take a young bull from the herd and two rams without defects. 2Also, using finely-ground wheat flour, bake flat bread, flat cakes with olive oil in them, and flat wafers sprinkled with olive oil. 3Put the baking into a basket, and bring the basket to me along with the bull and two rams.

4Then take Aharon and his sons near to the entrance of the sacred tent and wash them with water. 5Take the clothes and dress Aharon in the tunic and the robe that goes with the apron, then the sacred apron and the sacred pouch, and tie the waistband around the apron. 6Put the turban on his head and attach the sacred gold ornament to it, 7then take the anointing oil and pour it over his head to dedicate him. 8Next, bring his sons and put tunics on them 9and wrap waistbands around them and tie on their headbands. They and their descendants will be priests forever, and you must ordain both Aharon and his sons.

10Then bring the bull to the front of the sacred tent and get Aharon and his sons to put their hands on its head, 11then slaughter[fn] the bull before me at the entrance of the sacred tent. 12Take some of that blood and smear it on the top projections of the altar with your finger, then pour the rest of it on the ground at the base of the altar. 13Take all the fat covering the innards including the lobe above the liver, as well as both kidneys and the fat on them, and burn it all on the altar, 14but the bull’s meat and hide and intestines must be burnt outside the camp. Sacrificing the bull’s fat like that is an act of purification.

15Then take one of the rams and have Aharon and his sons place their hands on its head, 16then slaughter it. Catch the blood and sprinkle it all over the sides of the altar. 17Then cut the ram into pieces and wash its innard and its legs, and put those bits together with the head and the other pieces. 18Then burn it all on the altar. That will be a burnt offering to me—a pleasing aroma from the offering by fire.[ref]

19Then take the second ram, and have Aharon and his sons place their hands on its head, 20then slaughter it. Catch the blood and smear some of it on the tip of Aharon and his sons’ right ears and on their right thumbs and big toes. Then sprinkle the rest all over the sides of the altar. 21Take some of the blood that is on the altar and some of the anointing oil, and sprinkle that on Aharon and his clothes, and on his sons and their clothes. That will consecrate Aharon and his sons and their priestly clothes.

22Take the fat of that second ram, and its fat tail, the fat covering its innards and the lobe above the liver, the two kidneys and that fat that’s on them, and the right thigh, because this ram is for consecration. 23Also take one round bread loaf, one cake of bread made with oil in it, and one wafer from that basket of flat breads that’s offered to me. 24Put all those into the hands of Aharon and his sons, and they must wave them before me as a wave offering. 25Then take them from their hands and burn them completely on the altar on top of the burnt offering. That also will be a fire offering to me, and its aroma will please me.

26Take the breast meat of the ram (the second one for the consecration of Aharon) and wave it as a wave offering before me. Then after that it will be your share to cook and eat.

27So you should consecrate the breast of the wave offering and the thigh of the contribution from the ram of consecration for Aharon and his sons. 28Those will belong to Aharon and his sons as their regular portion from the Israelis—it will be a contribution from the Israelis from their peace offerings to me.

29The sacred clothes that belong to Aharon will be used for his male descendants to wear in turn when they’re anointed and consecrated. 30The priest who succeeds him from among his sons, who comes into the sacred tent to serve in the sacred inner room must wear them for seven days.

31Take the ram of consecration and boil its meat in a sacred place, 32then Aharon and his sons should eat the meat of the ram as well as the breads that are in the basket at the entrance to the tent. 33They must eat those things used to make atonement for them and to consecrate them. No one else can eat them, because they’ve been made sacred. 34If any meat of the consecration or any of the bread remains until the morning, then you must burn the remainder—it can’t be eaten because it’s been made sacred.

35So that’s what you must do for Aharon and his sons, just like I’ve commanded you. You’ll consecrate them for seven days, 36and each day you must sacrifice a bull to purify the altar and compensate for the altar’s imperfections. You must also anoint it each day with olive oil to make it sacred. 37After making atonement for the altar and making it sacred for seven days, it will then be so sacred that anything that touches it will also become sacred.

29:38 The daily sacrifices

(Num. 28:1-8)

38After all that, you must continually offer two, year-old lambs every day39one in the morning and the other around twilight. 40With the morning lamb, also offer 2kg of finely-ground wheat flour mixed with a litre of pressed olive oil and a litre of wine. 41With the twilight lamb, offer the same grain offering as in the morning, and the same drink offering. That will be a fire offering to me and the aroma will please me. 42This must be a continual offering to me at the entrance of the sacred tent even in following generations, and I’ll meet with you all there to speak to you there 43and I’ll meet with the Israelis there, and my splendour will sanctify it. 44I’ll consecrate the sacred tent and the altar, and I’ll sanctify Aharon and his sons to be my priests. 45Then I’ll live there among the Israelis and I will be their God, 46and they will know that I’m their God Yahweh, who brought them out of Egypt so I could live among them. I am Yahweh their God.

29:11 The throat will be cut with a sharp knife, and the blood will be caught in a bowl.

29:18: Eph 5:2; Php 4:18.

