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Open English Translation EZRA Chapter 2

EZRA 2 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

2:1 The listaan of naddakep nekeuli

(Neh. 7:4-73)


  • 3









  • 64



2and_these [are]_the_children the_province the_came_up from_captivity the_exiles whom he_had_taken_into_exile Nebuchadnezzar[fn] the_king of_Bāⱱelh to_Bāⱱelh and_returned to_Yərūshālayim and_Yihudah each to_town_his_own.
2Who they_came with Zərubāⱱel Jeshua Nəḩemyāh Seraiah Reelaiah Mārəddəkay Bilshan Mispar Bigvai Rehum Baanah the_number of_the_men of_the_people of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
3the_descendants of_Parosh two_thousand one_hundred seventy and_two.
4the_descendants of_Shephatiah three hundred(s) seventy and_two.
5the_descendants of_Arah seven hundred(s) five and_seventy.
6the_descendants wwww wwww of_descendants of_Jeshua Joab two_thousand eight hundred(s) and_two ten.
7the_descendants of_Elam one_thousand two_hundred fifty and_four.
8the_descendants of_Zattu nine hundred(s) and_forty and_five.
9the_descendants of_Zaccai seven hundred(s) and_sixty.
10the_descendants of_Bani six hundred(s) forty and_two.
11the_descendants of_Bebai six hundred(s) twenty and_three.
12the_descendants of_Azgad one_thousand two_hundred twenty and_two.
13the_descendants of_Adonikam six hundred(s) sixty and_six.
14the_descendants of_Bigvai two_thousand fifty and_six.
15the_descendants of_Adin four hundred(s) fifty and_four.
16the_descendants of_Ater of_Ḩizqiyyāh ninety and_eight.
17the_descendants of_Bezai three hundred(s) twenty and_three.
18the_descendants of_Jorah one_hundred and_two ten.
19the_descendants of_Hashum two_hundred twenty and_three.
20the_descendants of_Gibbar ninety and_five.
21the_descendants house_of wwww one_hundred twenty and_three.
22the_men of_Netophah fifty and_six.
23The_men of_Anathoth one_hundred twenty and_eight.
24the_descendants of_Azmaveth forty and_two.
25the_descendants wwww wwww Kephirah and_Beeroth seven hundred(s) and_twenty and_one.
26the_descendants the_Rāmāhh and_Geba six hundred(s) twenty and_one.
27the_men of_Micmash one_hundred twenty and_two.
28the_men house_of wwww and_the_ˊAy two_hundred twenty and_three.
29the_descendants of_Nebo fifty and_two.
30the_descendants of_Magbish one_hundred fifty and_six.
31the_descendants of_Elam [the]_other one_thousand two_hundred fifty and_four.
32the_descendants of_Harim three hundred(s) and_twenty.
33the_descendants of_Lod Hadid and_Ono seven hundred(s) twenty and_five.
34the_descendants of_Yərīḩō three hundred(s) forty and_five.
35the_descendants of_Senaah three thousand(s) and_six hundred(s) and_thirty.
36the_priests the_descendants of_Jedaiah of_house of_Jeshua nine hundred(s) seventy and_three.
37the_descendants of_Immer one_thousand fifty and_two.
38the_descendants of_Pashhur one_thousand two_hundred forty and_seven.
39the_descendants of_Harim one_thousand and_seven teen.
40the_Levites the_descendants of_Jeshua and_Kadmiel of_descendants of_Hodaviah seventy and_four.
41the_singers the_descendants of_ʼĀşāf one_hundred twenty and_eight.
42the_descendants the_gatekeepers the_descendants of_Shallum the_descendants of_Ater the_descendants of_Talmon the_descendants of_Akkub the_descendants of_Hatita the_descendants of_Shobai the_in_all [was]_one_hundred thirty and_nine.
43the_temple_servants the_descendants of_Ziha the_descendants of_Hasupha the_descendants of_Tabbaoth.
44The_descendants of_Keros the_descendants of_Siaha the_descendants of_Padon.
45The_descendants of_Lebanah the_descendants of_Hagabah the_descendants of_Akkub.
46The_descendants of_Hagab the_descendants of_Shalmai[fn] the_descendants of_Hanan.
47The_descendants of_Giddel the_descendants of_Gahar the_descendants of_Reaiah.
48The_descendants of_Rezin the_descendants of_Nekoda the_descendants of_Gazzam.
49The_descendants of_Uzzah the_descendants of_Paseah the_descendants of_Besai.
50The_descendants of_Asnah the_descendants of_Meunim[fn] the_descendants of_Nephussim[fn].
51The_descendants of_Bakbuk the_descendants of_Hakupha the_descendants of_Harhur.
52The_descendants of_Bazluth the_descendants of_Mehida the_descendants of_Harsha.
53The_descendants of_Barkos the_descendants of_Sisera the_descendants of_Temah.
54The_descendants of_Neziah the_descendants of_Hatipha.
55The_descendants of_the_servants of_Shəlmoh the_descendants of_Sotai the_descendants the_Hassophereth the_descendants of_Peruda.
56The_descendants of_Jaala the_descendants of_Darkon the_descendants of_Giddel.
57The_descendants of_Shephatiah the_descendants of_Hattil the_descendants wwww wwww the_descendants of_Ami.
58All the_temple_servants and_the_sons of_the_servants of_Shəlmoh three hundred(s) ninety and_two.
59and_these the_came_up from wwww wwww wwww Kerub Addon Immer and_not they_were_able to_announce the_house fathers’_their and_descent_their if from_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) they.
60The_descendants of_Delaiah the_descendants of_Tobiah the_descendants of_Nekoda six hundred(s) fifty and_two.
61and_of_descendants the_priests the_descendants of_Hobaiah the_descendants of_Hakkoz the_descendants of_Barzillai who he_had_taken from_daughters of_Barzillai the_Gilˊādite a_wife and_called on their_name.
62These they_sought entries_their the_genealogical_records and_not they_were_found and_excluded_asunclean from the_priesthood.
63And_he/it_said the_governor to/for_them (cmp) not they_will_eat of_holy the_sanctuary until will_arise a_priest with_urim and_with_thummim.
64All the_assembly as_one four ten_thousand two_thousand three hundred(s) sixty.
65From_to/for_besides menservants_their and_maidservants_whom these [were]_seven thousand(s) three hundred(s) thirty and_seven and_had_they male_singers and_women_singing two_hundred.
66Horses_they seven hundred(s) thirty and_six mules_their two_hundred forty and_five.
67Camels_their four hundred(s) thirty and_five donkeys six thousand(s) seven hundred(s) and_twenty.
68and_some_of_heads the_families in/on/at/with_arrived_they at_house of_Yahweh which in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim they_offered_freewill_offerings for_house the_ʼₑlhīmv to_erect_it on site_its.
69According_to_ability_their they_gave to_treasury the_work gold drachmas six ten_thousands and_one_thousand and_silver minas five thousand(s) and_garments of_priests one_hundred.
70and_they_lived the_priests and_the_Levites and_from the_people and_the_singers and_the_gatekeepers and_the_temple_servants in/on/at/with_towns_their and_all Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) in/on/at/with_towns_their.

2:1 Variant note: נבוכדנצור: (x-qere) ’נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּ֥ר’: lemma_5020 morph_HNp id_15PGK נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּ֥ר

2:46 Variant note: שמלי: (x-qere) ’שַׁלְמַ֖י’: lemma_8014 n_0.0 morph_HNp id_15Sjh שַׁלְמַ֖י

2:50 Variant note: מעינים: (x-qere) ’מְעוּנִ֖ים’: lemma_4586 n_0.0 morph_HNgmpa id_15Abd מְעוּנִ֖ים

2:50 Variant note: נפיסים: (x-qere) ’נְפוּסִֽים’: lemma_5304 n_0 morph_HNgmpa id_15gMU נְפוּסִֽים Maps:


Temple of the Lord

The Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem, where all Israelite males were commanded to offer sacrifices to the Lord (Exodus 23:14-19; Deuteronomy 16:16-17), underwent several stages of reconstruction and development over hundreds of years. The first Temple was built by King Solomon to replace the aging Tabernacle, and it was constructed on a threshing floor on high ground on the north side of the city (2 Samuel 24; 1 Chronicles 21). Hundreds of years later King Hezekiah expanded the platform surrounding the Temple. When Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians in 586 B.C., the Temple was completely destroyed (2 Kings 25:1-21; 2 Chronicles 36:17-21; Jeremiah 39:1-10; 52:1-30). It was rebuilt in 515 B.C. after a group of Jews returned to Judea from exile in Babylon (Ezra 1:5-6:15; Nehemiah 7:5-65). Herod the Great completely rebuilt and expanded the Temple once again around 20 B.C., making it one of the largest temples in the Roman world. Jesus’ first believers often met together in Solomon’s Colonnade, a columned porch that encircled the Temple Mount, perhaps carrying on a tradition started by Jesus himself (John 10:23; Acts 3:11; 5:12). But Herod’s Temple did not last long: After many Jews revolted against Rome, the Romans eventually recaptured Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple in A.D. 70.

EZRA 2 ©
