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Open English Translation EZRA

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

Readers’ Version

Literal Version 

EZR - Open English Translation—Readers’ Version (OET-RV) v0.0.01


WORDTABLE OET-LV_OT_word_table.tsv




WORDTABLE OET-LV_OT_word_table.tsv

The parsed Hebrew text used to create this file is Copyright © 2019 by https://hb.

Our English glosses are released CC0 by

ESFM file created 2024-06-26 16:43 by extract_glossed_OSHB_OT_to_ESFM v0.52

USFM file edited by ScriptedBibleEditor v0.31



The document of Ezra, hendue of sumpul red of Me document of Krunikas. Told here the concerning the returning home of other Jews naddakep there to Babylon, and the pegpalibed of living and worshipping there to Yerusalem. Divided this of three: 1.) The pegpeuli of Siru King of Pirsya of that first group of Jews naddakep diyad of Babylon. 2.) The replacement standing up of temple and the peghalad here, and the pegpalibed of worshipping of God there to Yerusalem. 3.) The returning home there to Yerusalem of that lein e again group of Jews impanguluwan of Ezra, the one mangngateu of Law of God. Nakabulig he of Israelis of pegpalibed of me belief(s) and nabatasan their, so that not their egkeengkeran the worshipping of true/correct God.

Main components of this account

The first group of Jews nekeuli from capture 1:1-2:70

The replacement standing up of temple and the peghalad here 3:1-6:22

The returning home of Ezra and of other naddakep 7:1-10:44

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

1:1 The pegpeuli of King Siru of Jews






1And_in_year_of one to/for_Coresh the_king of_Fāraş in_order_to_fulfill the_word of_Yahweh by_mouth of_Yirməyāh he_stirred_up Yahweh DOM the_spirit of_ōresh the_king of_Fāraş and_sent a_proclamation in_all his/its_kingdom and_also in/on/at/with_writing to_say.
2Thus he_saysōresh the_king of_Fāraş all the_kingdoms the_earth/land he_has_given to_me Yahweh the_god the_heavens and_he he_has_appointed to_me to_build to_him/it a_house in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim which in/on/at/with_Yəhūdāh.
3Who in/on/at/with_you_all from_all people_his may_he_be his/its_god with_him/it and_go_up to_Yərūshālayim which in/on/at/with_Yəhūdāh and_build DOM the_house of_Yahweh the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) he the_ʼₑlhīmv who in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim.
4And_all the_survivor from_all the_place where he [is]_sojourning there assisted_him the_people place_that in/on/at/with_silver and_in/on/at/with_gold and_in/on/at/with_goods and_in/on/at/with_livestock with the_freewill_offering for_house the_ʼₑlhīmv which in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim.
5And_prepared the_heads the_families of_Yəhūdāh and_Binyāmīn and_the_priests and_the_Levites to_all/each/any/every [one_whom]_he_had_stirred_up the_ʼₑlhīmv DOM his/its_breath/wind/spirit to_go_up to_rebuild DOM the_house of_Yahweh which in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim.
6And_all neighbors_their they_strengthened in/on/at/with_hands_of_them in/on/at/with_articles of_silver in/on/at/with_gold in/on/at/with_goods and_on/over_cattle/livestock and_in/on/at/with_valuable_gifts in_addition_to (on) all offering_of_freewill_offerings.
7and_the_kingōresh he_brought_out DOM the_vessels of_the_house of_Yahweh which he_had_brought_out Nebuchadnezzar from_Yərūshālayim and_placed_them in_house_of his/its_god.
8And_brought_out_them[fn][fn]ōresh the_king of_Fāraş on the_hand of_Mithredath the_treasurer and_counted_out_them to_Shēshəbaʦʦar the_prince of_Yəhūdāh.
9And_these inventory_their basins of_gold thirty basins of_silver one_thousand knives nine and_twenty.
10bowls of_gold thirty bowls of_silver second_order four hundred(s) and_ten vessels other one_thousand.
11all vessels of_the_gold and_of_the_silver five thousand(s) and_four hundred(s) the_all he_brought_up Shēshəbaʦʦar with were_led_up the_exiles from_Bāⱱelh to_Yərūshālayim.

2:1 The listaan of naddakep nekeuli

(Neh. 7:4-73)


  • 3









  • 64



2and_these [are]_the_children the_province the_came_up from_captivity the_exiles whom he_had_taken_into_exile Nebuchadnezzar[fn] the_king of_Bāⱱelh to_Bāⱱelh and_returned to_Yərūshālayim and_Yihudah each to_town_his_own.
2Who they_came with Zərubāⱱel Jeshua Nəḩemyāh Seraiah Reelaiah Mārəddəkay Bilshan Mispar Bigvai Rehum Baanah the_number of_the_men of_the_people of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
3the_descendants of_Parosh two_thousand one_hundred seventy and_two.
4the_descendants of_Shephatiah three hundred(s) seventy and_two.
5the_descendants of_Arah seven hundred(s) five and_seventy.
6the_descendants wwww wwww of_descendants of_Jeshua Joab two_thousand eight hundred(s) and_two ten.
7the_descendants of_Elam one_thousand two_hundred fifty and_four.
8the_descendants of_Zattu nine hundred(s) and_forty and_five.
9the_descendants of_Zaccai seven hundred(s) and_sixty.
10the_descendants of_Bani six hundred(s) forty and_two.
11the_descendants of_Bebai six hundred(s) twenty and_three.
12the_descendants of_Azgad one_thousand two_hundred twenty and_two.
13the_descendants of_Adonikam six hundred(s) sixty and_six.
14the_descendants of_Bigvai two_thousand fifty and_six.
15the_descendants of_Adin four hundred(s) fifty and_four.
16the_descendants of_Ater of_Ḩizqiyyāh ninety and_eight.
17the_descendants of_Bezai three hundred(s) twenty and_three.
18the_descendants of_Jorah one_hundred and_two ten.
19the_descendants of_Hashum two_hundred twenty and_three.
20the_descendants of_Gibbar ninety and_five.
21the_descendants house_of wwww one_hundred twenty and_three.
22the_men of_Netophah fifty and_six.
23The_men of_Anathoth one_hundred twenty and_eight.
24the_descendants of_Azmaveth forty and_two.
25the_descendants wwww wwww Kephirah and_Beeroth seven hundred(s) and_twenty and_one.
26the_descendants the_Rāmāhh and_Geba six hundred(s) twenty and_one.
27the_men of_Micmash one_hundred twenty and_two.
28the_men house_of wwww and_the_Ai two_hundred twenty and_three.
29the_descendants of_Nebo fifty and_two.
30the_descendants of_Magbish one_hundred fifty and_six.
31the_descendants of_Elam [the]_other one_thousand two_hundred fifty and_four.
32the_descendants of_Harim three hundred(s) and_twenty.
33the_descendants of_Lod Hadid and_Ono seven hundred(s) twenty and_five.
34the_descendants of_Yərīḩō three hundred(s) forty and_five.
35the_descendants of_Senaah three thousand(s) and_six hundred(s) and_thirty.
36the_priests the_descendants of_Jedaiah of_house of_Jeshua nine hundred(s) seventy and_three.
37the_descendants of_Immer one_thousand fifty and_two.
38the_descendants of_Pashhur one_thousand two_hundred forty and_seven.
39the_descendants of_Harim one_thousand and_seven teen.
40the_Levites the_descendants of_Jeshua and_Kadmiel of_descendants of_Hodaviah seventy and_four.
41the_singers the_descendants of_ʼĀşāf one_hundred twenty and_eight.
42the_descendants the_gatekeepers the_descendants of_Shallum the_descendants of_Ater the_descendants of_Talmon the_descendants of_Akkub the_descendants of_Hatita the_descendants of_Shobai the_in_all [was]_one_hundred thirty and_nine.
43the_temple_servants the_descendants of_Ziha the_descendants of_Hasupha the_descendants of_Tabbaoth.
44The_descendants of_Keros the_descendants of_Siaha the_descendants of_Padon.
45The_descendants of_Lebanah the_descendants of_Hagabah the_descendants of_Akkub.
46The_descendants of_Hagab the_descendants of_Shalmai[fn] the_descendants of_Hanan.
47The_descendants of_Giddel the_descendants of_Gahar the_descendants of_Reaiah.
48The_descendants of_Rezin the_descendants of_Nekoda the_descendants of_Gazzam.
49The_descendants of_Uzzah the_descendants of_Paseah the_descendants of_Besai.
50The_descendants of_Asnah the_descendants of_Meunim[fn] the_descendants of_Nephussim[fn].
51The_descendants of_Bakbuk the_descendants of_Hakupha the_descendants of_Harhur.
52The_descendants of_Bazluth the_descendants of_Mehida the_descendants of_Harsha.
53The_descendants of_Barkos the_descendants of_Sisera the_descendants of_Temah.
54The_descendants of_Neziah the_descendants of_Hatipha.
55The_descendants of_the_servants of_Shəlmoh the_descendants of_Sotai the_descendants the_Hassophereth the_descendants of_Peruda.
56The_descendants of_Jaala the_descendants of_Darkon the_descendants of_Giddel.
57The_descendants of_Shephatiah the_descendants of_Hattil the_descendants wwww wwww the_descendants of_Ami.
58All the_temple_servants and_the_sons of_the_servants of_Shəlmoh three hundred(s) ninety and_two.
59and_these the_came_up from wwww wwww wwww Kerub Addon Immer and_not they_were_able to_announce the_house fathers’_their and_descent_their if from_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) they.
60The_descendants of_Delaiah the_descendants of_Tobiah the_descendants of_Nekoda six hundred(s) fifty and_two.
61and_of_descendants the_priests the_descendants of_Hobaiah the_descendants of_Hakkoz the_descendants of_Barzillai who he_had_taken from_daughters of_Barzillai the_Gilˊādite a_wife and_called on their_name.
62These they_sought entries_their the_genealogical_records and_not they_were_found and_excluded_asunclean from the_priesthood.
63And_he/it_said the_governor to/for_them (cmp) not they_will_eat of_holy the_sanctuary until will_arise a_priest with_urim and_with_thummim.
64All the_assembly as_one four ten_thousand two_thousand three hundred(s) sixty.
65From_to/for_besides menservants_their and_maidservants_whom these [were]_seven thousand(s) three hundred(s) thirty and_seven and_had_they male_singers and_women_singing two_hundred.
66Horses_they seven hundred(s) thirty and_six mules_their two_hundred forty and_five.
67Camels_their four hundred(s) thirty and_five donkeys six thousand(s) seven hundred(s) and_twenty.
68and_some_of_heads the_families in/on/at/with_arrived_they at_house of_Yahweh which in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim they_offered_freewill_offerings for_house the_ʼₑlhīmv to_erect_it on site_its.
69According_to_ability_their they_gave to_treasury the_work gold drachmas six ten_thousands and_one_thousand and_silver minas five thousand(s) and_garments of_priests one_hundred.
70and_they_lived the_priests and_the_Levites and_from the_people and_the_singers and_the_gatekeepers and_the_temple_servants in/on/at/with_towns_their and_all Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) in/on/at/with_towns_their.

3:1 The making of new altar


3and_came the_month the_seventh and_the_sons of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) in/on/at/with_towns and_gathered the_people as_man one to Yərūshālayim.
2and_he/it_rose_up Jeshua the_son of_Jozadak and_brothers_his the_priests and_Zərubāⱱel the_son of_Shəʼalttiyʼēl and_brothers_his and_build DOM the_altar of_the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) to_offer on/upon/above_him/it burnt_offerings as_the_written in/on/at/with_law of_Mosheh the_man the_ʼₑlhīmv.
3And_set_up the_altar on foundation_its if/because in/on/at/with_fear around_they because_of_peoples the_lands and_offered[fn][fn] on/upon/above_him/it burnt_offerings to/for_YHWH burnt_offerings for_the_morning and_for_the_evening.
4And_they_made DOM the_festival the_booths as_the_written and_burnt_offerings of_a_day in/on_day in/on/at/with_number according_to_ordinance of_[the]_matter of_a_day in_its_day.
5And_after so[fn] a_burnt_offering of_continuity and_for_the_new_moon and_to/for_all the_appointed_times of_Yahweh the_offerings and_to/for_all [one_who]_offered a_freewill_offering to/for_YHWH.
6From_day one of_the_month the_seventh they_began to_offer burnt_offerings to/for_YHWH and_temple of_Yahweh not it_was_founded.

3:7 The replacement of temple





7And_gave money to_the_masons and_to_the_carpenters and_food and_drink and_oil to_the_Tsīdōnians and_to_the_Tsor to_bring wood(s) of_cedar(s) from the_Lebanon to the_sea of_Joppa according_to_authorization of_ōresh the_king of_Fāraş had_they.
8and_in/on/at/with_year the_second(fs) after_coming_their to the_house the_ʼₑlhīmv at_Yərūshālayim in/on/at/with_month the_second they_began Zərubāⱱel the_son of_Shəʼalttiyʼēl and_Jeshua the_son of_Jozadak and_rest brothers_their the_priests and_the_Levites and_all the_(ones_who)_went from_the_captivity Yərūshālayim and_appointed DOM the_Levites from_son_of of_twenty year[s] and_upward to_supervise over the_work of_the_house of_Yahweh.
9and_joined Jeshua sons_his and_brothers_his Kadmiel and_sons_his the_sons of_Yəhūdāh as_one to_took_charge over the_doer[s] the_workers in_house_of the_ʼₑlhīmv the_sons of_Henadad sons_their and_brothers_them the_Levites.
10And_laid_the_foundation the_builders DOM the_temple of_Yahweh and_stationed the_priests fully_clothed in/on/at/with_trumpets and_the_Levites the_sons of_ʼĀşāf in/on/at/with_cymbals to_praise DOM Yahweh on the_hands of_Dāvid the_king of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
11And_sang in/on/at/with_praising and_in/on/at/with_thanksgiving to/for_YHWH if/because [he_is]_good if/because for_ever steadfast_love_his [is]_towards Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_all the_people they_shouted a_shout_of_joy[fn] great in/on/at/with_praise to/for_YHWH because it_was_founded the_house of_Yahweh.
12and_many of_the_priests and_the_Levites and_heads the_families the_older who they_had_seen DOM the_temple the_first in/on/at/with_foundation_its this the_house in/on/at/with_eyes_they [were]_weeping in/on/at/with_voice great and_many in/on/at/with_shout in/on/at/with_joy to_raise a_voice.
13And_not the_people [were]_recognizing the_sound of_the_shout the_joyful to_sound/voice of_the_weeping the_people if/because the_people [were]_shouting a_shout_of_joy great and_the_sound it_was_heard to to_at_afar.

4:1 The pegbalabag of replacement of temple




4and_they_heard the_foes of_Yəhūdāh and_Binyāmīn if/because_that the_children the_exile [were]_building a_temple to/for_YHWH the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
2And_approached (to) Zərubāⱱel and_near/to the_heads the_families and_they_said to/for_them let_us_build with_you_all if/because like we_seek to_god_your_all’s and_to[fn] we [have_been]_sacrificing since_days wwww wwww the_king of_Assyria the_brought DOM_us here.
3And_he/it_said to/for_them Zərubāⱱel and_Jeshua and_rest of_the_heads the_families of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) not to/for_you_all and_with_us in_building a_house to_god_our if/because we together we_will_build_[it] to/for_YHWH the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) just_as commanded_us the_kingōresh the_king of_Fāraş.
4And_he/it_was the_people the_earth/land [were]_making_drop the_hands of_the_people of_Yəhūdāh and_made_afraid[fn] DOM_them to_build.
5And_bribed against_them counselors to_frustrate plan_their all the_days of_ōresh the_king of_Fāraş and_unto the_reign of_Deryāvēsh the_king of_Fāraş.

4:6 The pegbalabag of replacement of Yerusalem











6And_in/on/at/with_reign of_ʼₐḩashəvērōshz in/on/at/with_beginning his/its_kingdom they_wrote an_accusation on the_inhabitants of_Yəhūdāh and_Yərūshālayim.
7and_in/on/at/with_days of_Artaxerxes he_wrote Bishlam Mithredath Tabeel and_rest colleagues_his[fn] to Artaxerxes[fn] the_king of_Fāraş and_letter[fn] the_letter [was]_written Rāmaic and_translated Rāmaic.
8Rehum master of_command and_Shimshai scribe_the they_wrote a_letter one concerning Yərūshālayim to_Artaxerxes Oh/the_king as_follows.
9Then Rehum master of_command and_Shimshai scribe_the and_rest associates_their mmm[fn] and_envoys_the officials_the persians_the wwww[fn] babylonians_the susa_the that_is[fn] elamites_the.
10And_rest nations_the which he_took_into_exile Osnappar great_the and_noble_the and_settled them in/on/at/with_cities (diy)_of Shomrōn and_rest of_the_region_beyond river_the and_now.
11This [is]_(the)_copy letter_the which they_sent to_him to Artaxerxes Oh/the_king servants_your[fn][fn] the_man of_the_region_beyond river_the and_now.
12known let_it_be to_the_king (diy)_that jews_the who they_came_up from with_you to_us they_have_come to_Yərūshālayim city_that rebellious_the and_wicked_the[fn][fn] [they_are]_building and_walls[fn] they_have_finished[fn] and_foundations_the they_are_repairing.
13Now known let_it_be to_the_king (diy)_that if city_the this it_will_be_built and_walls_the they_will_be_finished tribute tax and_toll not they_will_give and_revenue kings it_will_injure.
14Now as_to because that the_salt palace_the we_eat_salt and_dishonor Oh/the_king not [is]_proper for_us to_see concerning this we_have_sent and_inform to_the_king.
15That he_will_search in/on/at/with_books record_the (diy)_of ancestors_your and_discover in/on/at/with_books records_these and_learn (diy)_that city_the this [is]_a_city rebellious and_hurtful (of)_kings and_provinces and_sedition [it_was]_making in/on/at/with_midst_it from the_days the_ages on this city_the this it_was_laid_waste.
16[are]_making_known we to_the_king (diy)_that if city_the this it_will_be_built and_walls_its they_will_be_finished because_of this possession in/on/at/with_province_beyond river_the not there to/for_you(fs).
17reply_an he_sent Oh/the_king to Rehum master of_command and_Shimshai scribe_the and_rest associates_their who [were]_dwelling in/on/at/with_Shomrōn and_rest of_the_region_beyond river_the peace and_now.
18letter_the which you_all_sent to_us [was]_made_distinct it_was_read_aloud before_me.
19And_by_I it_was_made a_decree and_searched and_discovered (diy)_that city_the this from the_days the_ages against kings [was]_rising_up and_rebellion and_sedition [have]_been_done in/on/at/with_it.
20And_kings strong they_were over Yərūshālayim and_ruled in/on/at/with_whole the_region_beyond river_the and_tribute tax and_toll [was]_being_paid to_them.
21Now make a_decree[fn] to_stop men_the these and_city_the this not it_will_be_built until from_me decree_a it_will_be_made.
22And_careful be negligence to_carrying_out concerning this why will_it_grow_great damage_the to_hurt kings.
23then from that the_copy letter_the (diy)_of Artaxerxes[fn] Oh/the_king it_was_read_aloud before Rehum and_Shimshai scribe_the and_associates_their they_went in/on/at/with_haste in_Yərūshālayim to jews_the and_stopped them in/on/at/with_force and_power.
24in_then it_ceased the_work of_the_house the_god which in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim and_was ceasing until year two of_(the)_reign of_Deryāvēsh the_king of_Fāraş.

5:1 The continuation of replacement of temple







5and_prophesied Ḩaggay prophets_the[fn] and_Zəkaryāh the_son of_Iddo prophet_the[fn] to jews_the who in/on/at/with_Yəhūdāh and_in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim in/on/at/with_name of_the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) over_them.
2in_then they_arose Zərubāⱱel the_son of_Shəʼalttiyʼēl and_Jeshua the_son of_Jozadak and_began to_rebuild the_house the_god which in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim and_with_them prophets_the[fn] (diy)_of the_god supporting to_them.
3in/on/at/with_him time_that he_came to_them Tattenai the_governor of_the_region_beyond river_the and wwww and_associates_their and_thus/so/as_follows [they_were]_saying to_them who did_he_make to_you_all a_decree temple_the this to_rebuild and_structure_the this to_finish.
4then as_follows we_said to_them what [are]_they the_names men_the who this building_the [are]_building.
5And_eye god_their it_was on the_elders jews_the and_not they_made_cease them until report_a to_Deryāvēsh it_will_go and_then they_will_send_back written_reply_a concerning this.
6(the)_copy letter_the which he_sent Tattenai the_governor of_the_region_beyond river_the and wwww and_associates_his officials_the who in/on/at/with_province_beyond river_the to Deryāvēsh Oh/the_king.
7Report_the they_sent to_him and_as_this it_was_written in/on/at/with_within_him to_Deryāvēsh Oh/the_king peace_the all_the.
8known let_it_be to_the_king (diy)_that we_went to_Yəhūdāh province_the to_house the_god great_the and_he [is]_being_built stone of_rolling and_timber [is]_being_set in/on/at/with_walls_the and_work_the this diligently [is]_being_done and_succeeding in/on/at/with_hands_their.
9then we_asked to_elders_the these as_follows we_said to_them[fn][fn] who did_he_make to_you_all a_decree temple_the this to_rebuild and_structure_the this to_finish.
10And_also names_their we_asked of_them[fn][fn] for_information_your (diy)_that we_will_write the_name men_the who in/on/at/with_head_their.
11and_this reply_the gave_us to_saying we they servants_him (diy)_of the_god the_heavens and_earth_the and_rebuilding temple_the which it_was built from_before_of of_this years many and_king of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) great built_which and_finished_him.
12But from that they_enraged fathers_our to_god the_heavens he_gave them in/on/at/with_hand of_Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh chaldean_the[fn] and_temple_the this destroyed_him and_people_the he_took_into_exile to_Bāⱱelh.
13nevertheless in_year one to/for_Coresh Oh/the_king (diy)_of Bāⱱelhōresh Oh/the_king he_made a_decree the_house the_god this to_rebuild.
14And_also vessels_the (diy)_of the_house the_god (diy)_of gold_the and_silver_the which Nebuchadnezzar he_had_brought_out from temple_the which in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim and_brought them to_temple_the (diy)_of Bāⱱelh he_brought_out themōresh Oh/the_king from temple_the (diy)_of Bāⱱelh and_delivered to_Shēshəbaʦʦar his/its_name whom governor appointed_him.
15And_he/it_said to_him/it these[fn] vessels_the take go deposit them in/on/at/with_temple_the which in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim and_house the_god let_it_be_built on site_its.
16then Shēshəbaʦʦar this he_came he_laid foundations_the (diy)_of the_house the_god which in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim and_from then and_unto now [it_is]_being_built and_not [it_is]_finished.
17And_now if to Oh/the_king [it_is]_good let_it_be_searched in_house_of treasury_the (diy)_of Oh/the_king there which in/on/at/with_Bāⱱelh whether there [is]_that fromōresh Oh/the_king it_was_made a_decree to_rebuild the_house the_god this in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim and_decision Oh/the_king concerning this let_him_send to_us.

6:1 The pegkakita of command of King Siru



6in_then Deryāvēsh Oh/the_king he_made a_decree and_searched in_house_of archives_the where treasury_the [were]_deposited there in/on/at/with_Bāⱱelh.
2And_found in/on/at/with_Ecbatana in/on/at/with_citadel_the which in/on/at/with_Media province_the a_scroll one and_thus/so/as_follows it_was_written in/on/at/with_within_it record_this.
3in_year one to/for_Coresh Oh/the_kingōresh Oh/the_king he_made a_decree the_house the_god in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim house_the let_it_be_built a_place which [they_were]_sacrificing sacrifices and_foundations_its [be]_retained height_its cubits sixty width_its cubits sixty.
4Rows (diy)_of stone of_rolling three and_layer (diy)_of timber new and_cost_the from the_house Oh/the_king let_it_be_given.
5And_also the_vessels of_the_house the_god (diy)_of gold_the and_silver_the which Nebuchadnezzar he_brought_out from temple_the which in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim and_brought to_Bāⱱelh let_them_send_back and_brought to_temple_the which in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim to_place_its and_put in_house_of the_god.

6:6 The command of King Daryu igpabulus the work



6now Oh_Tattenai the_governor of_the_region_beyond river_the wwww wwww and_associates_their[fn] envoys_the who in/on/at/with_province_beyond river_the far be from there.
7Leave with_work of_the_house the_god this the_governor jews_the and_to_elders jews_the the_house the_god this let_them_build on site_its.
8And_hereby_I it_is_made a_decree regarding_what that you_all_will_do with the_elders jews_the these in_rebuilding the_house the_god this and_from_treasury Oh/the_king which [is]_the_tribute of_the_region_beyond river_the diligently cost_the let_it_be given to_men_the these that not to_delay.
9And_whatever things_needed and_the_sons of_bulls and_rams and_lambs for_burnt_offerings to_god the_heavens wheat(s) salt wine and_oil as_requested priests_the who in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim it_will_be given to_them day in/on_day that not negligence.
10That they_will_be offering soothing_offerings to_god the_heavens and_pray for_life Oh/the_king and_sons_his.
11And_from_I it_is_made a_decree (diy)_that every person who he_will_violate edict_the this let_it_be_pulled_away a_beam from house_his and_raised_up let_him_be_impaled on_it and_house_his a_refuse-heap let_it_be_made on this.
12And_god_the who he_has_caused_to_dwell his/its_name there may_he_overthrow every king and_people who he_will_stretch_out hand_his to_alter to_destroy the_house the_god this which in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim I Deryāvēsh I_make a_decree diligently let_it_be_done.

6:13 The peghalad of temple



13then Tattenai the_governor of_the_region_beyond river_the wwww wwww and_associates_their because_of that he_had_sent Deryāvēsh Oh/the_king accordingly diligently they_did.
14And_elders jews_the [were]_building and_prospered in/on/at/with_prophesying of_Ḩaggay prophet_the[fn] and_Zəkaryāh the_son of_Iddo and_building and_finished according_to the_decree of_the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_by_decree of_ōresh and_Deryāvēsh and_Artaxerxes the_king of_Fāraş.
15And_completed house_the this until day three of_month of_Adar which it [was]_year six of_(the)_reign of_Deryāvēsh Oh/the_king.
16and_celebrated the_people of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) priests_the and_levites_the and_rest of_the_people exile_the the_dedication of_the_house the_god this in/on/at/with_joy.
17And_offered for_dedication of_the_house the_god this bulls one_hundred rams two_hundred lambs four hundred and_male_goats_of of_goats as_sin_offering[fn] on all Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) two_plus ten according_to_number of_the_tribes of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
18And_set priests_the in/on/at/with_divisions_their and_levites_the in/on/at/with_groups_their over the_service the_god which in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim as_written of_the_book of_Mosheh.

6:19 The Feast of Passing-over of Messenger


19and_they_made the_children the_exile DOM the_passover in/on/at/with_four teen of_the_month the_first.
20If/because they_had_purified_themselves the_priests and_the_Levites as_one all_them [were]_pure and_slaughtered the_passover_lamb to/from_all/each/any/every the_children the_exile and_for_brothers_their the_priests and_for_themselves.
21And_ate the_people of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) the_returned from_the_exile and_all/each/any/every the_separated from_uncleanness of_the_nations the_earth/land joined_them to_seek to/for_YHWH the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
22And_celebrated [the]_feast of_unleavened_bread(s) seven days in/on/at/with_joy if/because made_joyful_them Yahweh and_turned the_heart of_the_king of_Assyria toward_them so_that_aided hands_of_them in/on/at/with_work of_the_house the_ʼₑlhīmv the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).

7:1 The arrival of Ezra of Yerusalem



7and_after the_things the_these in/on/at/with_reign of_Artaxerxes the_king of_Fāraş ˊEzrāʼ the_son of_Seraiah the_son of_Azariah the_son of_Hilkiah.
2The_son of_Shallum the_son of_Tsādōq the_son of_Ahitub.
3The_son of_ʼₐmaryāh the_son of_Azariah the_son of_Meraioth.
4The_son of_Zeraḩiah the_son of_Uzzi the_son of_Bukki.
5The_son of_Abishua the_son of_Fīnəḩāş the_son of_ʼElˊāzār the_son of_ʼAhₐron the_priest/officer the_chief.
6That ˊEzrāʼ he_came_up from_Bāⱱelh and_he [was]_a_scribe skilled in/on/at/with_law of_Mosheh which he_had_given Yahweh the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_granted to_him/it the_king for_hand of_Yahweh his/its_god on/upon/above_him/it all asked_he.
7and_went_up from_(the)_sons of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_from the_priests and_the_Levites and_the_singers and_the_gatekeepers and_the_temple_servants to Yərūshālayim in_year seven of_Artaxerxes the_king.
8And_came Yərūshālayim in/on/at/with_month the_fifth it [was]_the_year the_seventh of_the_king.
9If/because in/on/at/with_first of_the_month the_first it [was]_the_beginning the_journey from_Bāⱱelh and_in/on/at/with_first of_the_month the_fifth he_came to Yərūshālayim for_hand his/its_god the_gracious on/upon/above_him/it.
10If/because ˊEzrāʼ he_had_directed heart_his to_study DOM the_law of_Yahweh and_to_do and_to_teach in/on/at/with_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) decree and_ordinances.

7:11 The letter of King Artasirsis to Ezra







11and_this [is]_(the)_copy the_letter which he_gave the_king Artaxerxes to_ˊEzrāʼ the_priest/officer the_scribe the_scribe of_the_matters of_the_commandments of_Yahweh and_statutes_his on Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
12Artaxerxes the_king kings_the to_ˊEzrāʼ priest_the the_scribe law_the (diy)_of the_god the_heavens perfect and_now.
13From_me it_is_made a_decree (diy)_that every [one_who]_volunteers in/on/at/with_kingdom_my from people_the Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_priests_their and_levites_the to_go to_Yərūshālayim with_you he_will_go.
14As_to because that from before Oh/the_king and_seven counselors_his [you_are]_sent to_enquire on Yəhūdāh and_about_Yərūshālayim in/on/at/with_law god_your which in/on/at/with_hand_your.
15And_to_bring silver and_gold which Oh/the_king and_counselors_his they_have_offered_freely to_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) who in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim dwelling_him.
16And_all/each/any/every [the]_silver and_gold which you_will_find in/on/at/with_whole the_province of_Bāⱱelh with the_freewill_offering people_the and_priests_the [who_have]_offered_freely for_house god_their which in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim.
17As_to because this diligently you_will_buy in/on/at/with_money_the this bulls rams lambs and_grain_offerings_their and_drink_offerings_their and_offer them on altar_the (diy)_of the_house god_your_all’s which in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim.
18And_whatever that to_you[fn][fn] and_to brothers_your[fn][fn] it_is_good in/on/at/with_rest silver_the and_gold_the to_do according_to_will god_your_all’s you_all_will_do.
19And_vessels_the which [have_been]_given to/for_you(fs) for_service of_the_house god_your make_complete before the_god of_Yərūshālayim.
20And_anything_else of_the_thing[s]_needed of_the_house god_your which it_will_fall to/for_you(fs) to_provide you_will_give from the_house of_the_treasures Oh/the_king.
21And_from_I I Artaxerxes Oh/the_king it_is_made a_decree to_all/each/any/every treasurers_the who in/on/at/with_province_beyond river_the (diy)_that all that ask_you_all ˊEzrāʼ priest_the the_scribe law_the (diy)_of the_god the_heavens diligently let_it_be_done.
22Up_to silver talents one_hundred and_unto wheat(s) kor_measures one_hundred and_unto wine baths one_hundred and_unto baths oil one_hundred and_salt which not [is]_writing.
23All that [is]_according_to the_decree of_the_god the_heavens let_it_be_done exactly for_house of_the_god the_heavens that why will_it_be anger on the_kingdom Oh/the_king and_sons_his.
24And_to_you_all [we_are]_making_known (diy)_that all priests_the and_levites_the singers_the doorkeepers_the temple_servants_the and_servants of_the_house the_god this tribute tax and_toll not [is]_authorized to_impose on_them.
25And_you Oh_ˊEzrāʼ according_to_wisdom god_your which in/on/at/with_hand_you appoint judges and_judges that they_will_be judging[fn] to/from_all/each/any/every people_the which in/on/at/with_province_beyond river_the to/from_all/each/any/every [those_who]_know (of)_the_laws god_your and_who not [he_is]_knowing you_all_will_instruct.
26And_all who not he_will_be doing law_the (diy)_of god_your and_the_decree (diy)_of Oh/the_king diligently judgment_the let_it_be done on_him whether for_death or for_banishment[fn] or for_confiscation of_properti(es) and_for_imprisonment.

7:27 The praising of Ezra of God


27[be]_blessed Yahweh the_god fathers_our who he_has_put as_this in/on/at/with_heart the_king to_glorify DOM the_house of_Yahweh which in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim.
28And_to_me he_has_extended covenant_loyalty to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_king and_counselors_his and_to/for_all the_officials the_king the_powerful/mighty(pl) and_I I_strengthened_myself for_hand of_Yahweh god_my upon_me and_gathered from_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) leaders to_go_up with_me.

8:1 The people nekeuli from capture


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8and_these [are]_the_heads family_their and_genealogy_those the_went_up with_me in/on/at/with_reign of_Artaxerxes the_king from_Bāⱱelh.
2from_(the)_sons of_Fīnəḩāş Gērəshom from_(the)_sons of_Ithamar Dāniyyēʼl from_(the)_sons of_Dāvid Hattush.
3from_(the)_sons of_Shecaniah from_(the)_sons of_Parosh Zəkaryāh and_with_him a_genealogical_list of_males one_hundred and_fifty.
4from_(the)_sons wwww wwww Eliehoenai the_son of_Zeraḩiah and_with_him [were]_two_hundred the_males.
5from_(the)_sons of_Shecaniah the_son of_Jahaziel and_with_him [were]_three hundred(s) the_males.
6and_of_descendants of_Adin Ebed the_son of_Yōnātān and_with_him [were]_fifty the_males.
7and_of_descendants of_Elam Jeshaiah the_son of_Athaliah and_with_him [were]_seventy the_males.
8and_of_descendants of_Shephatiah Zebadiah the_son of_Mīkāʼēl and_with_him [were]_eighty the_males.
9from_(the)_sons of_Joab ˊOⱱadyāh the_son of_Jehiel and_with_him [were]_two_hundred and_eight teen the_males.
10and_of_descendants of_Shelomith the_son of_Josiphiah and_with_him [were]_one_hundred and_sixty the_males.
11and_of_descendants of_Bebai Zəkaryāh the_son of_Bebai and_with_him [were]_twenty and_eight the_males.
12and_of_descendants of_Azgad Johanan the_son the_Haqqatan and_with_him [were]_one_hundred and_ten the_males.
13and_of_descendants of_Adonikam [the]_last_[ones] and_these names_their Eliphelet Jeiel and_Shemaiah and_with_them [were]_sixty the_males.
14and_of_descendants of_Bigvai Uthai and[fn] and_with_them [were]_seventy the_males.

8:15 The selection of Ezra of Levites for of temple


15and_gathered_them to the_river the_runs to Ahava and_camped there days three and_reviewed in/on/at/with_people and_in/on/at/with_priests and_of_sons of_Lēvīh not I_found there.
16And_sent for_ʼElīˊezer for_Ariel for_Shemaiah and_for_Elnathan and_for_Jarib and_for_Elnathan and_for_Nātān and_for_Zəkaryāh and_for_Meshullam leaders and_for_Joiarib and_for_Elnathan teachers.
17And_sent[fn] DOM_them to Iddo the_leader in/on/at/with_Casiphia the_place and_placed in/on/at/with_mouths_them words to_say to Iddo his/its_woman the_temple_servants[fn] in/on/at/with_Casiphia the_place to_bring to/for_us servants for_house god_our.
18And_brought to/for_us since_hand god_our the_gracious on_us a_man of_insight from_(the)_sons of_Mahli the_son of_Lēvīh the_son of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_Sherebiah and_sons_his and_brothers_him eight- teen.
19And_DOM Hashabiah and_with_him Jeshaiah from_(the)_sons of_Merari brothers_his and_sons_their twenty.
20and_from the_temple_servants whom_set_apart Dāvid and_the_officials to_attend the_Levites temple_servants two_hundred and_twenty all_them they_had_been_designated in/on/at/with_name.

8:21 The pegpuasa and praying of Ezra


21And_proclaimed there a_fast at the_river Ahava that_humble to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before god_our to_seek from_him/it a_journey straight to/for_us and_for_children_our and_to/for_all possessions_our.
22If/because I_was_ashamed to_ask_for from the_king a_retinue and_horsemen to_protect_us from_enemies in/on/at/with_way if/because we_had_said to/for_the_king to_say the_hand god_our [is]_on all seek_him for_gracious and_power_his and_anger_his [are]_towards all forsake_him.
23And_fasted and_petitioned with_god_our on this and_listened_entreaty to/for_us.

8:24 The gifts for of temple



24And_set_apart of_leading the_priests two_plus ten along_with_Sherebiah Hashabiah and_with_them of_brothers_their ten.
25And_weighed_out[fn][fn] to/for_them DOM the_silver and_DOM the_gold and_DOM the_vessels the_contribution of_the_house god_our the_offered the_king and_counselors_his and_masters_his and_all Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) the_present.
26And_weighed_out on hand_their silver talents six hundred(s) and_fifty and_vessels of_silver one_hundred of_talents gold one_hundred talent[s].
27And_bowls of_gold twenty at_darics a_thousand and_vessels of_bronze gleaming fine two precious_things as_as_the_gold.
28And_said to_them you_all [are]_holy_person[s] to/for_YHWH and_the_vessels [are]_holy_thing[s] and_the_silver and_the_gold [are]_a_freewill_offering to/for_YHWH the_god fathers_your_all’s.
29Watch and_keep until you_all_will_weigh_[them]_out to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_leaders the_priests and_the_Levites and_heads the_families of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim the_chambers of_the_house of_Yahweh.
30And_took_over the_priests and_the_Levites the_weight the_silver and_the_gold and_the_vessels to_bring to_Yərūshālayim to_house god_our.

8:31 The returning home there to Yerusalem



31and_set_out from_river of_Ahava in/on/at/with_two ten of_the_month the_first to_go Yərūshālayim and_hand god_our it_was on_us and_delivered_us from_hand of_an_enemy and_ambushes on the_way.
32And_came Yərūshālayim and_remained there days three.
33And_in/on/at/with_day the_fourth it_was_weighed_out the_silver and_the_gold and_the_vessels in_house_of god_our on the_hand of_Meremoth the_son of_ʼYyriyyāh the_priest/officer and_with_him ʼElˊāzār the_son of_Fīnəḩāş and_with_them Jozabad the_son of_Jeshua and_Noadiah the_son of_Binnui the_Levites.
34In/on/at/with_number in/on/at/with_weight of_the_everything and_recorded all the_weight in/on/at/with_time the_that.
35the_(ones_who)_went from_the_captivity the_children the_exile they_brought_near burnt_offerings to_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) bulls two_plus ten on all Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) rams ninety and_six lambs seventy and_seven he-goats of_sin_offering two_plus ten the_all [was]_a_burnt_offering to/for_YHWH.
36and_delivered DOM the_decrees the_king to_satraps the_king and_governors of_the_other_side the_river and_supported DOM the_people and_DOM the_house the_ʼₑlhīmv.

9:1 The peglungku of Ezra of pegkamasinupaken of Israelis


9and_after_done these_[things] they_drew_near to_me the_officials to_say not they_have_separated_themselves the_people Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_the_priests and_the_Levites from_peoples the_lands with_abominations_their from_the_Kəּnaˊanī the_Ḩittiy the_Fəּrizziy the_Yebusi the_Ammonites the_Mōʼāⱱites the_Miʦrayim/(Egypt)ians and_the_ʼₐmorī.
2If/because they_have_taken some_of_daughters_their to/for_them and_for_sons_their and_mixed the_offspring the_holy in/on/at/with_peoples the_lands and_hand the_leaders and_the_officials it_has_been in/on/at/with_unfaithfulness the_this first.
3and_when_heard_I DOM the_report the_this I_tore DOM garment_my and_robe_my and_pulled some_of_hair my_head and_beard_my and_sat_down appalled.
4And_around_me they_gathered every [person]_trembling in/on/at/with_words of_the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) on the_unfaithfulness the_exiles and_I [was]_sitting appalled until at_offering the_evening.

9:5 The praying for Ezra




5And_in/on/at/with_offering the_evening I_arose from_humiliation_my and_in/on/at/with_torn_me garment_my and_robe_my and_fell on knees_my and_spread_out hands_my to Yahweh god_my.
6And_said god_my I_am_ashamed and_embarrassed to_lift god_my face_my to_you if/because iniquities_our they_have_increased to_than a_head and_guilt_our it_is_great to to_the_heavens.
7From_days fathers_our we in/on/at/with_guilt great until the_day the_this and_in/on/at/with_iniquities_our we_have_been_given we kings_our priests_our in/on/at/with_hand of_the_kings the_lands in/on/at/with_sword in/on/at/with_captivity and_in/on/at/with_plundering and_in/on/at/with_shame of_face as_the_day the_this.
8And_now for_brief of_a_moment it_has_come favour by Yahweh god_our to_leave to/for_us an_escaped_remnant and_to_give to/for_us a_tent_peg in/on/at/with_place holy_his to_give_light eyes_our god_our and_to_grant_us reviving a_little in/on/at/with_bondage_our.
9If/because [are]_slaves we and_in/on/at/with_bondage_our[fn][fn][fn] not forsaken_us god_our and_extended to_us covenant_loyalty to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_kings of_Fāraş to_give to/for_us reviving to_set_up DOM the_house god_our and_to_repair DOM ruins_its and_to_give to/for_us a_wall in/on/at/with_Yəhūdāh and_in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim.
10and_now what will_we_say god_our after this if/because we_have_forsaken commandments_your.
11Which you_commanded in/on/at/with_hand your_servants the_prophets to_say the_earth/land which you_all [are]_going to_possess_it [is]_a_land of_impurity it in/on/at/with_impurity of_the_peoples the_lands in/on/at/with_abominations_their which filled_it from_end to mouth in/on/at/with_uncleanness_their.
12And_now daughters_your_all’s do_not give to_sons_their and_daughters_their do_not take for_sons_your_all’s and_not you_all_must_seek peace_their and_prosperity_their until perpetuity so_that you_all_may_be_strong and_eat DOM the_good_thing[s] the_earth/land and_leave_asan_inheritance to_sons_your_all’s until perpetuity.
13And_after every the_come upon_us in/on/at/with_deeds_our the_evil and_in/on/at/with_guilt_our the_big/large/great(fs) if/because you god_our you_have_withheld to_less than_iniquities_our and_you(ms)_will_give to/for_ourselves an_escaped_remnant as_this.
14Again to_break commandments_your and_to_intermarry in/on/at/with_peoples the_abominations the_these am_not will_you_be_angry in/on/at/with_us until make_an_end with_no a_remnant and_survivor.
15Oh_Yahweh the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) [are]_righteous you if/because we_are_left an_escaped_remnant as_the_day the_this here_we to_your_face in/on/at/with_guilt_our if/because and_there_[is]_not to_stand to_your_face on this.

10:1 The acceptance of people of their sin







10and_while_praying ˊEzrāʼ and_while_confessing_himself[fn][fn] weeping and_throwing_down to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_house the_ʼₑlhīmv they_gathered to_him/it of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) a_company great very men and_women and_children if/because they_wept the_people great weeping.
2and_addressed Shecaniah the_son of_Jehiel from_(the)_sons of_Elam[fn] and_he/it_said to_ˊEzrāʼ we we_have_acted_unfaithfully in/on/at/with_god_our and_married women foreign from_peoples the_earth/land and_now there_[is] hope for_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) on this.
3And_now let_us_make a_covenant with_god_our to_send_away all wives and_the_children from_them in/on/at/with_counsel my_master and_the_tremble in/on/at/with_commandment god_our and_according_to_the_law let_it_be_done.
4Arise if/because in_your the_matter and_we with_you be_strong and_do.
5and_he/it_rose_up ˊEzrāʼ and_swear DOM the_leaders the_priests the_Levites and_all Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) for_doing according_to_the_said the_this and_took_the_oath.
6And_he/it_rose_up ˊEzrāʼ from_to/for_face/front/presence the_house the_ʼₑlhīmv and_he/it_went into the_room of_Jehohanan the_son of_Eliashib and_he/it_went there food not he_ate and_water not he_drank if/because [he_was]_mourning on the_unfaithfulness the_exiles.
7and_made a_proclamation in/on/at/with_Yəhūdāh and_Yərūshālayim to_all/each/any/every the_children the_exile to_assemble Yərūshālayim.
8And_all/each/any/every [one]_who not he_will_come within_three the_days by_decision the_officials and_the_elders it_will_be_forfeited all possessions_his and_he he_will_be_separated from_assembly the_exiles.
9and_assembled all the_people of_Yəhūdāh and_Binyāmīn Yərūshālayim within_three the_days it [was_the]_month the_ninth in/on/at/with_twentieth in/on/at/with_month and_they_lived all the_people in/on/at/with_open_square of_the_house the_ʼₑlhīmv trembling on the_matter and_because_of_the_heavy_rain.
10and_he/it_rose_up ˊEzrāʼ the_priest/officer and_he/it_said to_them you_all you_all_have_acted_unfaithfully and_married women foreign to_adding to the_guilt of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
11And_now give praise to/for_YHWH the_god fathers_your_all’s and_do will_his and_separate from_peoples the_earth/land and_from the_wives the_foreign.
12And_answered all the_assembly and_they_said a_voice great so as_said_you[fn] to_we for_doing.
13But the_people [is]_numerous and_the_season [is]_rains and_don’t ability to_stand in/on/at/with_open and_the_task not in_day one and_not for_two if/because we_have_increased to_transgressed in/on/at/with_matter the_this.
14Let_them_stand please leaders_our to/from_all/each/any/every the_assembly and_all/each/any/every [one]_who in/on/at/with_towns_our the_married women foreign let_him_come at_times appointed and_with_them [the]_elders of_a_city and_town and_judges_her until in_order_to_turned_away the_burning of_the_anger god_our from_him/it until to_the_word/thing/matter the_this.
15only Yōnātān the_son of_Asahel and_Jahzeiah the_son of_Tikvah they_stood on this and_Meshullam and_Shabbethai the_from_tribe_of_Lēvī supported_them.
16And_they_made thus the_children the_exile and_selected ˊEzrāʼ the_priest/officer men the_heads the_families according_to_families ancestral_their and_all_them in/on/at/with_name and_they_lived in/on_day one of_the_month the_tenth to_investigate the_matter.
17And_finished in/on/at/with_all [the]_men the_married women foreign until day one of_the_month the_first.

10:18 The males married of foreigners



















18and_found from_(the)_sons the_priests who they_had_married women foreign from_(the)_sons[fn][fn] of_Jeshua the_son of_Jozadak and_brothers_his Maaseiah and_ʼElīˊezer and_Jarib and_Gəddalyāh.
19And_gave hands_themselves to_put_away wives_their and_guilt_offering a_ram of_[the]_flock on guilt_their.
20and_from_descendants of_Immer Hanani and_Zebadiah.
21and_from_descendants of_Harim Maaseiah and_ʼĒliyyāh and_Shemaiah and_Jehiel and_ˊUzziyyāh.
22And_from_descendants of_Pashhur Elioenai Maaseiah Yishəmāˊēʼl/(Ishmael) Nethanel Jozabad and_Elasah.
23and_from the_Levites Jozabad and_Shimei and_Kelaiah it [is]_Kelita Pethahiah Yəhūdāh and_ʼElīˊezer.
24and_from the_singers Eliashib and_from the_gatekeepers Shallum and_Telem and_ʼŪ.
25and_of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) from_(the)_sons of_Parosh Ramiah and_Izziah and_Malchijah and_Mijamin and_ʼElˊāzār and_Malkijah and_Benaiah.
26and_of_descendants of_Elam Mattaniah Zəkaryāh and_Jehiel and_Abdi and_Jeremoth and_ʼĒliyyāh.
27and_of_descendants of_Zattu Elioenai Eliashib Mattaniah and_Jeremoth and_Zabad and_Aziza.
28and_of_descendants of_Bebai Jehohanan Hananiah Zabbai Athlai.
29and_of_descendants of_Bani Meshullam Malluch and_Adaiah Jashub and_Sheal wwww[fn].
30and_of_descendants wwww wwww Adna and_Chelal Benaiah Maaseiah Mattaniah Bəʦalʼēl and_Binnui and_Mənashsheh.
31and_the_sons of_Harim ʼElīˊezer Isshiah Malkijah Shemaiah Shimˊōn.
32Binyāmīn[fn] Malluch Shemariah.
33from_(the)_sons of_Hashum Mattenai Mattattah Zabad Eliphelet Jeremai Mənashsheh Shimei.
34from_(the)_sons of_Bani Maadai ˊAmrām and_Uel.
35Benaiah Bedeiah Keluhi[fn].
36Vaniah Meremoth Eliashib.
37Mattaniah Mattenai and_Jaasu[fn].
38And_Bani and_Binnui Shimei.
39And_Shelemiah and_Nātān and_Adaiah.
40Machnadebai Shashai Sharai.
41Azarel and_Shelemiah Shemariah.
42Shallum ʼₐmaryāh Yōşēf.
43from_(the)_sons of_Nebo Jeiel Mattithiah Zabad Zebina Jaddai[fn] and_ʼēl Benaiah.
44All these mmm[fn][fn][fn] women foreign and_had from_them wives and_had children.

1:8 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently from BHQ.

1:8 Note: We read one or more vowels in L differently from BHS.

2:1 Variant note: נבוכדנצור: (x-qere) ’נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּ֥ר’: lemma_5020 morph_HNp id_15PGK נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּ֥ר

2:46 Variant note: שמלי: (x-qere) ’שַׁלְמַ֖י’: lemma_8014 n_0.0 morph_HNp id_15Sjh שַׁלְמַ֖י

2:50 Variant note: מעינים: (x-qere) ’מְעוּנִ֖ים’: lemma_4586 n_0.0 morph_HNgmpa id_15Abd מְעוּנִ֖ים

2:50 Variant note: נפיסים: (x-qere) ’נְפוּסִֽים’: lemma_5304 n_0 morph_HNgmpa id_15gMU נְפוּסִֽים

3:3 Variant note: ו/יעל: (x-qere) ’וַ/יַּעֲל֨וּ’: lemma_c/5927 morph_HC/Vhw3mp id_156Tj וַ/יַּעֲל֨וּ

3:3 Note: Adaptations to a Qere which L and BHS, by their design, do not indicate.

3:5 Exegesis note: A single word in the text has been divided for exegesis.

3:11 Note: We agree with both BHS 1997 and BHQ on an unexpected reading.

4:2 Variant note: ו/לא: (x-qere) ’וְ/ל֣/וֹ’: lemma_c/l n_0.1.2.0 morph_HC/R/Sp3ms id_15ozy וְ/ל֣/וֹ

4:4 Variant note: ו/מבלהים: (x-qere) ’וּֽ/מְבַהֲלִ֥ים’: lemma_c/926 morph_HC/Vprmpa id_15Atm וּֽ/מְבַהֲלִ֥ים

4:7 Variant note: כנות/ו: (x-qere) ’כְּנָוֺתָ֔י/ו’: lemma_3674 n_1.1 morph_HNcmpc/Pp3ms id_15to2 כְּנָוֺתָ֔י/ו

4:7 Variant note: ארתחששתא: (x-qere) ’אַרְתַּחְשַׁ֖שְׂתְּ’: lemma_783 a n_1.0 morph_HNp id_15dPn אַרְתַּחְשַׁ֖שְׂתְּ

4:7 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently from BHQ.

4:9 Exegesis note: WLC has this word divided as דִּ֠ינָיֵא

4:9 Variant note: ארכוי: (x-qere) ’אַרְכְּוָיֵ֤/א’: lemma_756 morph_ANgmpd/Td id_15mQU אַרְכְּוָיֵ֤/א

4:9 Variant note: ד/הוא: (x-qere) ’דֶּהָיֵ֖/א’: lemma_1723 n_0.0 morph_ANgmpd/Td id_15QHV דֶּהָיֵ֖/א

4:11 Note: Marks a place where we agree with BHQ against BHS in reading L.

4:11 Note: We have abandoned or added a ketib/qere relative to BHS. In doing this we agree with L against BHS.

4:12 Variant note: ו/באישת/א: (x-qere) ’וּ/בִֽישְׁתָּ/א֙’: lemma_c/873 n_0.2.0 morph_AC/Aafsd/Td id_15DK9 וּ/בִֽישְׁתָּ/א֙

4:12 Note: Yathir readings in L which we have designated as Qeres when both Dotān and BHS list a Qere.

4:12 Variant note: ו/שורי: (x-qere) ’וְ/שׁוּרַיָּ֣/א’: lemma_c/7792 morph_AC/Ncmpd/Td id_15Zzg וְ/שׁוּרַיָּ֣/א

4:12 Variant note: אשכללו: (x-qere) ’שַׁכְלִ֔ילוּ’: lemma_3635 a n_0.1 morph_AVep3mp id_15Q2N שַׁכְלִ֔ילוּ

4:21 Note: We read the punctuation in L differently from BHQ.

4:23 Variant note: ארתחששתא: (x-qere) ’אַרְתַּחְשַׁ֣שְׂתְּ’: lemma_783 b morph_ANp id_155hr אַרְתַּחְשַׁ֣שְׂתְּ

5:1 Variant note: נביא/ה: (x-qere) ’נְבִיָּ֗/א’: lemma_5029 n_1.2.1 morph_ANcmsd/Td id_15KNH נְבִיָּ֗/א

5:1 Variant note: נביאי/א: (x-qere) ’נְבִיַּיָּ֔/א’: lemma_5029 n_1.2 morph_ANcmpd/Td id_15nkE נְבִיַּיָּ֔/א

5:2 Variant note: נביאי/א: (x-qere) ’נְבִיַּיָּ֥/א’: lemma_5029 morph_ANcmpd/Td id_15MWU נְבִיַּיָּ֥/א

5:9 Note: We read the punctuation in L differently from BHQ.

5:9 Note: We read punctuation in L differently from BHS.

5:10 Note: We read the punctuation in L differently from BHQ.

5:10 Note: We read punctuation in L differently from BHS.

5:12 Variant note: כסדי/א: (x-qere) ’כַּסְדָּאָ֑/ה’: lemma_3679 n_1 morph_ANgmsd/Td id_15mxT כַּסְדָּאָ֑/ה

5:15 Variant note: אלה: (x-qere) ’אֵ֚ל’: lemma_412 n_1.2.0 morph_ANcmsa id_15vkL אֵ֚ל

6:6 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently from BHQ.

6:14 Variant note: נביא/ה: (x-qere) ’נְבִיָּ֔/א’: lemma_5029 n_1.1 morph_ANcmpd/Td id_15xRq נְבִיָּ֔/א

6:17 Variant note: ל/חטיא: (x-qere) ’לְ/חַטָּאָ֤ה’: lemma_l/2402 morph_AR/Vpc id_15Upn לְ/חַטָּאָ֤ה

7:18 Variant note: עלי/ך: (x-qere) ’עֲלָ֨/ךְ’: lemma_5921 a morph_AR/Sp2ms id_15cH4 עֲלָ֨/ךְ

7:18 Note: Yathir readings in L which we have designated as Qeres when both Dotān and BHS list a Qere.

7:18 Variant note: אחי/ך: (x-qere) ’אֶחָ֜/ךְ’: lemma_252 n_1.0.1.0 morph_ANcmsc/Sp2ms id_15Qs2 אֶחָ֜/ךְ

7:18 Note: Yathir readings in L which we have designated as Qeres when both Dotān and BHS list a Qere.

7:25 Variant note: דאנין: (x-qere) ’דָּאיְנִין֙’: lemma_1778 n_1.1.2 morph_AVqrmpa id_15kMd דָּאיְנִין֙

7:26 Variant note: ל/שרשו: (x-qere) ’לִ/שְׁרֹשִׁ֔י’: lemma_l/8332 n_0.1 morph_AR/Ncfsa id_15jaw לִ/שְׁרֹשִׁ֔י

8:14 Variant note: ו/זבוד: (x-qere) ’וְ/זַכּ֑וּר’: lemma_c/2139 n_1 morph_HC/Np id_15mUy וְ/זַכּ֑וּר

8:17 Variant note: ו/אוצא/ה: (x-qere) ’וָ/אֲצַוֶּ֤ה’: lemma_c/6680 morph_HC/Vpw1cs id_15D5E וָ/אֲצַוֶּ֤ה

8:17 Variant note: ה/נתונים: (x-qere) ’הַ/נְּתִינִים֙’: lemma_d/5411 n_0.1.0 morph_HTd/Ncmpa id_15x1h הַ/נְּתִינִים֙

8:25 Variant note: ו/אשקול/ה: (x-qere) ’וָ/אֶשְׁקֳלָ֣/ה’: lemma_c/8254 morph_HC/Vqw1cs/Sh id_15cZW וָ/אֶשְׁקֳלָ֣/ה

8:25 Note: Yathir readings in L which we have designated as Qeres when both Dotān and BHS list a Qere.

9:9 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently from BHQ.

9:9 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently from BHQ.

9:9 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

10:1 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

10:1 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently from BHQ.

10:2 Variant note: עולם: (x-qere) ’עֵילָם֙’: lemma_5867 b n_1.2.0 morph_HNp id_15GwE עֵילָם֙

10:12 Variant note: כ/דברי/ך: (x-qere) ’כִּ/דְבָרְ/ךָ֥’: lemma_k/1697 morph_HR/Ncmsc/Sp2ms id_15Kbe כִּ/דְבָרְ/ךָ֥

10:18 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently from BHQ.

10:18 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

10:29 Variant note: ירמות: (x-qere) ’וְ/רָמֽוֹת’: lemma_c/3406 n_0 morph_HC/Np id_15SCH וְ/רָמֽוֹת

10:32 Note: We agree with both BHS 1997 and BHQ on an unexpected reading.

10:35 Variant note: כלהי: (x-qere) ’כְּלֽוּהוּ’: lemma_3622 n_0 morph_HNp id_15wi3 כְּלֽוּהוּ

10:37 Variant note: ו/יעשו: (x-qere) ’וְ/יַעֲשָֽׂי’: lemma_c/3299 n_0 morph_HC/Np id_15ikF וְ/יַעֲשָֽׂי

10:43 Variant note: ידו: (x-qere) ’יַדַּ֥י’: lemma_3035 morph_HNp id_15Ua5 יַדַּ֥י

10:44 Variant note: נשא/י: (x-qere) ’נָשְׂא֖וּ’: lemma_5375 n_1.0 morph_HVqp3cp id_15wX7 נָשְׂא֖וּ

10:44 Note: We read one or more consonants in L differently from BHQ.

10:44 Note: We read one or more consonants in L differently from BHS.