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YHN 19:1–19:16a ©

Pilate finally permitted them to crucify Jesus.

Pilate finally permitted them to crucify Jesus.

John 19:1-16a

19Then Pilate took Jesus inside and had soldiers scourge Jesus/strike Jesus with a whip that had pieces of metal or bone fastened to it►. 2The soldiers also took some branches with thorns and wove them to make something like a crown. Then they put it on his head. They also put a purple robe on him. They did these things to ridicule him by pretending that he was a king. 3Then they kept coming to him and saying, “Hooray for the King of the Jews [IRO]!” and slapping him on his face.

4Once more Pilate came outside and said to the crowd, “Look! I am bringing him out to you so that you may know that I do not find that he has done anything for which we should punish him any more.” 5When Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, Pilate said to them, “Look at this wretched man!” 6When the chief priests and Temple guards saw him, they shouted, “Command your soldiers to kill him by nailing him to a cross! Crucify him!” Pilate, knowing that they could not legally do it themselves, said to them, “You yourselves take him and nail him to a cross! As for me, I do not find that he has done anything for which we should punish him.” 7The Jewish leaders [SYN] replied, “Our ancestor Moses gave us the law that says we must kill anyone who claims to be God. This man claims that he is the Son of/the man who is also► God, so you must have him killed {command your soldiers to kill him}.” 8When Pilate heard that, he was more afraid of what would happen to himself if he commanded the soldiers to kill Jesus. 9So he took Jesus back inside the headquarters. He said to Jesus, “Where do you really come from?” But Jesus did not answer him. 10So Pilate said to him, “Are you refusing to answer me? Do you not know that I have authority to release you, and I also have authority to have you crucified {command my soldiers to crucify you}?” 11Jesus replied, “The only authority you have is what has been given to you by God [MTY] {what God [MTY] has given you}. The high priest put me into your hands. He has done to me what he wanted to do, and you do not really want to do it. So he is guilty of committing a greater sin than you are.”

12Because of that, Pilate kept trying to release Jesus. But the Jewish leaders [SYN], threatening to report to the Emperor that Pilate was not going to punish a man who claimed he was a king, continued to shout, “Anyone who claims that he is a king is opposing the Emperor! So if you release this man, we will make sure that the Emperor learns about it, and then he will not consider you as his friend!” 13When Pilate heard that, he brought Jesus out again. He sat down at the place where he made decisions about punishing people. The place was called {People called it} The Stone Pavement. In the Aramaic language its name was Gabbatha. 14It was almost noontime, on the day that they prepared things for the Passover celebration (OR, the day before the Sabbath during the Passover celebration).

Pilate said to the Jewish leaders [SYN], ridiculing them, “Look at your king!” 15They shouted, “Take him away! Take him away! Have him crucified {Command your soldiers to nail him to a cross}!” Pilate said to them, “He is your king! Do you really want me to tell my soldiers to nail him to a cross?” The chief priests replied, “The Emperor is our king! We do not have any other king!” 16Then at last Pilate agreed to do what they wanted, and he told the soldiers to crucify Jesus.

YHN 19:1–19:16a ©
