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LUKE 8:1–8:56 ©

The Gospel of Luke 8

8After that, Jesus and the Twelve Representatives traveled around through various cities and villages. As they went, Jesus preached to people, telling them the good news that they could have God rule their lives. 2Also traveling with them were several women whom he had delivered from evil spirits and healed from sicknesses. These included Mary from the village of Magdala. Jesus had forced seven evil spirits to leave her. 3Another of these women was Joanna. She was the wife of Chuza, who was a manager for King Herod. These women also included Susanna and many others. They were using their own money to support Jesus and his disciples.

4One day a very large crowd was gathering. People were traveling from many different towns to see Jesus. He told them this story: 5“A farmer went out to plant some grain seeds. As he was scattering them over the soil, some of the seeds fell onto the hard pathway. People stepped on those seeds, and birds ate them all up. 6Some of the seeds fell on shallow soil above a layer of rock. As soon as those seeds grew, the plants dried up because their roots could not get past the rock to reach to the moisture. 7Some of the seeds fell on ground where thorn plants had left their own seeds. The new thorn plants grew up together with the young grain plants. The stronger thorns crowded out the grain plants, so that the grain did not grow well. 8But some of the grain seeds fell on fertile soil. They grew so well that they produced a crop that had a hundred times as many seeds.” After saying these things, Jesus called out to the crowd, “You should think carefully about what you just heard me say!”

9Then Jesus’ disciples asked him, “What does that story mean?” 10And he said, “God has given you the privilege of knowing hidden things about how God will rule as king. But I speak to everyone else only in parables, so that,

‘Although they see, they may not perceive, and although they hear, they may not understand.’

11Now, this is what the story means: The seeds represent what God wants people to understand. 12The seeds that fell on the pathway show what happens when people understand the message from God only superficially. This makes it easy for the devil to come and take that message away from their minds. As a result, they do not believe it, and so God does not save them. 13The seeds that fell on the rocky ground show what happens when people hear the message from God and receive it joyfully, but they do not commit themselves seriously. They only believe for a short time. As soon as difficult things happen to them, they stop trusting in God. 14The seeds that fell among the thorny plants show what happens to some other people who hear the message from God. As they go on in life, they allow the worries, riches, and pleasures of this life to occupy all their attention. As a result, they do not become spiritually mature. 15But the seeds that fell on the fertile ground show what happens when people hear the message about God and accept it with great sincerity. They make a firm commitment, and because they keep this commitment, they become spiritually mature.

16Think about this. When people light a lamp, they do not cover it with a basket. They do not put it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a lampstand. That way everyone who enters the room can see by its light. 17This illustrates that someday everyone will be able to see everything that is now hidden. And someday everyone will see in the open everything that is now secret. 18So make sure that you are listening carefully to what I tell you, because if someone believes God’s truth, God will enable him to understand even more. But if someone does not believe God’s truth, God will cause him not to understand even the little he thinks he has understood.”

19One day Jesus’ mother and brothers came to see him, but they could not get near him because there was such a large crowd around him in the house where he was. 20Then people told him, “Your mother and your brothers are standing outside, wanting to see you.” 21But he replied to them, “Those who hear the message from God and obey it are as dear to me as my mother and my brothers.”

22On another day Jesus got into a boat with his disciples. He said to them, “I would like us to go across to the other side of the lake.” So they started to sail across the lake. 23But as they were sailing, Jesus fell asleep. Then a powerful windstorm began on the lake. Soon the boat was filling with water, and they were in danger. 24So Jesus’ disciples came over to wake him up. They said to him, “Master! Master! We are all going to die!” He woke up and scolded the wind and the violent waves. The wind stopped blowing, the waves stopped hitting the boat, and everything became calm. 25Then he said to them, “You acted as if you had no faith!” The disciples were alarmed and amazed because of what had just happened. They kept asking each other, “Who could Jesus be? He is able to command even the winds and the waves, and they obey him.”

26Jesus and his disciples continued sailing and came to the region where the Gerasene people lived. It was on the opposite side of the lake from the district of Galilee. 27When Jesus came out of the boat onto the land, a certain man from the town in that area met him. This man had demons in him. For a long time this man had not worn clothes and had not lived in a house. Instead, he lived in the burial caves.

28When the man saw Jesus, he cried out and lay facedown before him. He shouted, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you, do not torment me!” 29The man said this because Jesus had just commanded the evil spirit to come out of him. In the past, people had bound him with chains and shackles and kept a close watch on him. Even so, many times the evil spirit would suddenly seize him by force. Then the man would break free, and the demon would make him go out into deserted places. 30Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” The demon replied, “My name is Thousands.” He said that because many demons had entered the man. 31The demons kept begging Jesus not to command them to go into the deep pit where God punishes demons. 32There was a large herd of pigs grazing on the hillside nearby. The demons begged Jesus to allow them to enter the pigs, and he allowed them. 33So the demons left the man and entered the pigs, and the herd of pigs rushed down the steep bank into the lake and drowned.

34When those who were taking care of the pigs saw what happened, they ran away! They reported what they had seen to all the people who lived around them. 35Then the people went out to see what had happened. When they came to where Jesus was, they saw that the man from whom the demons had gone out was sitting at the feet of Jesus. They saw that he had clothes on and his mind was normal again. They realized how powerful Jesus must be, and they became afraid. 36Those who had seen what had happened told the people who had just arrived how Jesus had rescued the man who had been controlled by demons. 37Then many people from that place where the Gerasenes lived asked Jesus to leave their area, because they were very afraid. So Jesus and his disciples got into the boat to go back across the lake. 38Before they left, the man from whom the demons had gone out begged Jesus, saying, “Please, let me go with you!” But instead, Jesus sent him away by saying to him, 39“No, go back to your home and tell everyone how much God has done for you!” So the man went away and told people throughout the whole city how much Jesus had done for him.

40And when Jesus and his disciples got back across the lake to Capernaum, a crowd of people welcomed them. They had all been waiting for him there. 41Just then a man named Jairus, who was one of the leaders of the synagogue there, came near to Jesus, and he lay facedown before him. He pleaded with Jesus to come to his house. 42He did this because he had an only daughter, who was about 12 years old, and she was dying. He wanted Jesus to heal her.

Now as Jesus went with him, many people were crowding around him. 43Now in the crowd there was a woman who had been suffering for 12 years from a disease that caused continual bleeding. She had spent all her money[fn] to pay doctors to help her, but none of them was able to heal her. 44She came up behind Jesus and touched the edge of his robe. At once her bleeding stopped. 45Jesus said, “Who touched me?” Everyone around Jesus said that they had not touched him. Peter said, “Master, there are many people crowding around you and pressing up against you. So any one of them might have touched you! 46But Jesus said, “I know that someone deliberately touched me, because power has gone out from me to heal that person.” 47Then the woman realized that she could not hide. She came trembling to Jesus and respectfully lay facedown on the ground before him. As the other people were listening, she explained why she had touched Jesus and how she gotten better immediately. 48And Jesus said to her, “My dear woman, because you believed that I could heal you, you are now well. Now go on your way, and may God’s peace be with you.”

49While Jesus was still speaking to the woman, a man from Jairus’ house came and said to Jairus, “Your daughter has died. So do not take up any more of the teacher’s time.” 50But when Jesus heard that, he said to Jairus, “Do not be afraid. Just believe in me, and she will live again.” 51When he arrived outside the house, Jesus did not allow anyone to go in the house with him except for Peter, John, and James, and the girl’s father and mother. 52And all the people there were loudly demonstrating how sad they were that the girl had died. But Jesus said to them, “Stop crying! She is not dead! She is only sleeping!” 53And the people laughed at him because they knew that the girl was dead. 54But Jesus took hold of her hand and called to her, saying, “Child, get up!” 55And immediately she came back to life and she got up. Jesus told them to give her something to eat. 56And her parents were amazed, but Jesus told them not to tell anyone else yet what had happened.

Scholars are divided whether the phrase[She] had spent all her money should be included here.

LUKE 8:1–8:56 ©
