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EZE 4:9–5:17 ©

Ezekiel’s Strange Defiled Meal

Ezekiel’s Strange Defiled Meal

9“And you, take for yourself[fn] wheat and barley and beans and lentils and millet[fn] and spelt, and you must put them in one vessel, and you must make them for yourself[fn] into a foodduring the number of days that you are lying on your side; three hundred and ninety days you shall eat it. 10And your food that you will eat[fn]will be according to weight; twenty shekels for each day at fixed times[fn] you shall eat it. 11And an amount of water[fn] you shall drink, a sixth of a hin;at fixed times[fn] you shall drinkit. 12And as a bread-cake of barley you shall eat it, and with human excrement[fn] you shall bake it before their eyes.” 13And Yahweh said, “Thus shall the Israelites[fn] eat their unclean food among the nationswhere I will scatter them.”[fn] 14And I said, “Ah, Lord Yahweh! Look! I have not been defiling myself, and a dead body and mangled carcass I have not eaten from my childhood until now, and unclean meat[fn] has not come into my mouth!” 15And he said to me, “See I will give you cattle manure[fn] in the place of the feces of a human, and you may prepare your food on it.” 16And he said to me, “Son of man,[fn] look, Iam going to break the supply[fn] of bread in Jerusalem, and they will eat bread by weight,anxiously,[fn] andrationed water,[fn] and they will drink with horror, 17so that they will lack food and water, and they will be appalled with one another,[fn] and they will waste away because of their guilt.[fn]

5“And you, son of man,[fn] take for yourself[fn] a sword, sharpas a barber’s razor.[fn] Take it for yourself, and you must causeit to pass over your head and over your beard, and you must take for yourself a set of scales for weighing, and you must divide them.[fn] 2A third you must burn with fire in the midst[fn] of the city atthe completion[fn] of the days of the siege, and you must take a third, and you must strikeit with the sword around it, and a third you must scatter to the wind, and I will draw a sword behind them. 3And you must take from these a few in number, and you must tuck them in your hem. 4And from them again you shall take some, and you must throw them in the middle of the fire, and you must burn them with fire; from it a fire will go out to all of the house of Israel. 5Thus says the Lord Yahweh: This is Jerusalem in the midst of the nations where I have put her, and countries are around her. 6But she has rebelled against my regulations to the point of wickedness more than the nations, and my statutes more than the countries that are around her; for they rejected my regulations, and as for my statutes, they did not walk in them. 7Therefore, thus says the Lord Yahweh: Because of your commotion more than the nations that are around you—you did not walk in my statutes, and you did not do my regulations, and according to the regulations of the nations that are around you, you did not do. 8Therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh: Look! I, even I,[fn] am against you, and I will execute judgment in the midst of you before the eyes of the nations, 9and I will do with you that which I have not done, and which I will not do again, because of all of your detestable things. 10Therefore[fn] parents[fn] will eat children[fn] in the midst of you, and children[fn] will eat their parents,[fn] and I will execute judgment in you, and I will scatter your entire remnant to every wind. 11Therefore as surely as I live,[fn]declares[fn] the Lord Yahweh,Surely[fn] because you have defiled my sanctuary with all of your vile idols and with all of your detestable things,now indeed I[fn] will reduce, and my eye will not take pity, and surely I will show no compassion. 12A third of you will die because of the plague, and because of the famine they will perish in the midst of you, and a third will fall through the sword around you, and a third I will scatter to every direction of the wind, and I will draw the sword behind them. 13And my anger will come to an end, and I will place my rage on them, and I will relent, and they will know that I, Yahweh, have spoken in my passion when I fully vent my rage against them.[fn] 14And I will make you into a desolate place and into a disgrace among the nations that surround you before the eyes of every one who passes by.[fn] 15And it will be[fn]an object of taunting[fn] andan object of mockery, a warning and a horror to the nations that are around you whenever I execute judgments against you in anger and in wrath and in furious punishments! I, Yahweh, have spoken! 16When I send my arrows of deadly famine against them, which will be as destruction that I will send in order to destroy you, I will increase famine against you, and I will break the supply of food[fn] for you. 17And I will send against you famine and fierce animals,[fn] and they will make you childless; and plague and blood will pass through you, and I will bringthe sword upon you. I, Yahweh, I have spoken!”

?:? Hebrew “you”

?:? Or “sorghum”

?:? Hebrew “you”

?:? Hebrew “will eat it”

?:? Literally “from time to time”

?:? Literally “water by amount”

?:? Literally “from time to time”

?:? Literally “with human dung of the excrement of the human”

?:? Literally “sons/children of Israel”

?:? Literally “which I will scatter them there”

?:? Literally “flesh of unclean meat”

?:? Literally “the manure of cattle”

?:? Or “mortal,” or “son of humankind”

?:? Literally “staff”

?:? Literally “and with worry”

?:? Literally “and water by amount”

?:? Literally “a man and his brother”

?:? Or “punishment”

?:? Or “mortal,” or “son of humankind”

?:? Hebrew “you”

?:? Literally “the razor of the barbers”

?:? That is, the hairs

?:? Or “middle”

?:? Literally “the completing”

?:? Literally “surely I”

?:? Literally “to thus”

?:? Or “fathers”

?:? Or “sons”

?:? Or “sons”

?:? Or “fathers”

?:? Literally “alive I am”

?:? Literally “declaration of”

?:? Literally “If not”

?:? Literally “and also I”

?:? Literally “at my finishing my anger against them”

?:? Literally “every one of passing by”

?:? Or “and you will be”

?:? Hebrew “taunt”

?:? Literally “staff of bread”

?:? Hebrew “animal”

EZE 4:9–5:17 ©
