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OET-RV 1COR Chapter 14

OET1COR 14 ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

14:1 Comparing prophesying with speaking in other languages

14Aim to show love, and eagerly strive for spiritual things—especially the ability to prophesy, 2because anyone speaking another language isn’t speaking to the people, but to God, because no one understands it, but they’re speaking about spiritual mysteries. 3However, anyone who’s prophesying, speaks to the people for their instruction and encouragement and comfort. 4Anyone who’s speaking in another language instructs themself, but when people prophesy, they’re instructing the whole assembly.

5Now I’d like it if you all spoke in other languages, but I’d like it better if you could all be prophesying. The person prophesying is more helpful than someone speaking in other languages, unless they translate so that the assembly can be instructed. 6But now brothers and sisters, if I come to you speaking in other languages, how can I be of benefit to you all? Only if I share a revelation with you all, or some knowledge, or a prophecy or teaching.

7Even the tune coming from non-living things like musical instruments can’t be recognised unless the distinct notes can be distinguished, 8because if the trumpet produces an unclear sound, how will the soldiers know to prepare for battle. 9Similarly with all of you—unless your words are intelligible, how will anyone know what you’re saying? You’ll just be talking to the wind. 10There’s certainly many different languages in the world, but none of them are without meaning, 11so if I don’t know the meaning of someone’s language, I’m a foreigner to that person, and that person will be a foreigner to me 12and it’s the same with all of you. Because you all want spiritual things in order to help grow the assembly, then strive to have many of them.

13So then, let anyone who’s speaking in another language, pray that they will be able to translate it. 14When I pray in another language, my spirit prays but my mind is unproductive, 15so what should I do? Well, I’ll pray with my spirit, but I’ll also pray with my mind. I’ll sing with my spirit, but I’ll also sing with my mind. 16Otherwise, if you speak outa blessing in the spirit, how can the ordinary listeners say ‘May it be so’ after you give thanks, since they wouldn’t know what you’ve been saying. 17Yes, you’d certainly give thanks well, but the other people wouldn’t be encouraged.

18I thank God that I speak in other language more than all of you, 19but with the assembly, I’d prefer to speak five words with my mind so that I can instruct others, rather than thousands of words in another language.

20Brothers and sisters, don’t be childish in your thinking. You all can be like infants with respect to evil, but in everything else, be mature in your thinking. 21The prophet Isayah wrote:[ref]

‘I’ll speak to this nation

through foreign languages and strangers’ lips,

but even then they won’t listen to me,’

says the master. 22So then, speaking in other languages is a sign, not for believers, but for unbelievers. However in contrast, prophecy is not for unbelievers, but for believers.

23So if the whole assembly gathered together at the same place and they all spoke in other languages, and then some inquirers or unbelievers came in, wouldn’t they say that you’re all crazy? 24But if they were all prophesying instead and some inquirers or unbelievers came in, they’d be convicted of their sinfulness and called to account by them all. 25The prophecies would expose the secrets of their hearts, so then they’d bow down and worship God, and exclaim, “God is really here among you all!”

14:26 The correct means of worshipping

26So brothers and sisters, what should we say then? When you all gather together, each one of you brings a song or a teaching, or explains a revelation, or has a message in another language or has the translation. Let everything you do be aimed at growing the faith of the hearers. 27If there’s any speaking in other languages, it should be two or three people at most, taking turns and someone should translate. 28But if there’s no translator, they should be silent in the assembly, and save it for between themselves and God. 29But let two or three people prophesy, and then the others should evaluate what was said. 30However if something is revealed to someone still seated, then the first person should stop speaking, 31because you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone can be instructed and encouraged. 32The prophet’s spirits are under the control of the prophets, 33because God isn’t a God of disorder, but of peace.

As in all the assemblies of believers, 34the women should stay silent in the assemblies, because they’re not permitted to speak, but must be in submission as Mosheh’ law says. 35But if they want to know more about anything, they should ask their own husbands at home, because it’s shameful for a woman to speak in the assembly.

36Did God’s message originate from you all, or did it only come to you? 37If anyone thinks they’re a prophet or a spiritual person, then they should readily acknowledge that what I’m writing to you all is the master’s command, 38but if anyone’s ignorant, then let them stay ignorant.

39So brothers and sisters, strive to be able to prophesy, and don’t forbid the speaking of other languages, 40but let everything be done properly and orderly.

14:21: Isa 28:11-12.

OET1COR 14 ©
