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This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

1CO - Open English Translation—Readers’ Version (OET-RV) v0.1.14

ESFM v0.6 CO1

WORDTABLE OET-LV_NT_word_table.tsv

Paul’s first letter to the believers in



This is Paul’s first letter to the believers in Corinth that we have in our Bibles, but could easily have been his second letter to them. We deduce this from his reference to other letters, e.g., see, but we don’t have copies of them.

In this letter from Paul to the believers in Corinth, he wrote about his time preaching in Ephesus. He wrote this in order to help with problems experienced by various groups of believers that he founded there in Corinth. Corinth was the mother city of province of Achaia and Achaia was a province of Rome. At that time, Corinth was a large city that Greeks, Romans, and Jews all lived in, and because it was at the edge of the ocean, many buyers and sellers travelled there to board ships. So the city became famous because of its wealth, and many religions thrived there. There was also a lot of sexual immorality there as well as other ancient traditions. Paul lived there for almost two years in order to preach, and many people believed (Acts 18).

After around three years had passed while Paul was there in Ephesus preaching, he received a letter from the believers in Corinth (1 Cor. 7:1). Again he heard about the persecution of the believers and of other problems that faced the assembly of believers. In this letter, he advised them about those, and stressed to need to removal sexual offenders from their assembly. Then he answered questions concerning marriage, widows, spiritual gifts, and the dead coming back to life.

In chapter 13, it tells how love is an amazing gift from God to his people, in fact that’s the overall theme of this document.

It’s helpful to understand that this letter (and most Biblical documents) were dictated to scribes (who didn’t have word processors) so in terms of sentence structure, the discourses are often not edited or placed in their time sequences more correctly as we would do with modern documents, but rather we notice a lot of long, rambling, run-on sentences (like this one) which we sometimes break into shorter sentences to help our readers, but try not to do it too often as it tends to remove the connections between the thoughts and can even lead to the bad habit of people quoting verses out of the context in which they were written.

Main components of Paul’s letter

Introduction 1:1-9

Divisions in the assembly 1:10-4:21

Paul scolds the assembly about sexual immorality 5:1-13

Handling persecution 6:1-11

Use of expulsion as believers 6:12-20

Answers about marriage 7:1-40

Honouring god with respect to idols 8:1-11:1

Expected behaviour from women in the assembly 11:2-16

Proper celebration of the master’s dinner 11:17-34

giftings given by the spirit and their use within the assembly 12:1-14:40

The coming to life of the messiah and of believers 15:1-58

The collection of aid for Christians in Yudea 16:1-4

Paul’s future plans and conclusion 16:5-24

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

1This letter is from Paul, a missionary of Messiah Yeshua by God’s will, and from our brother, Sosthenes.

2[ref]It’s written to God’s assembly there in Corinth—to those believers in Messiah Yeshua who’ve been declared guiltless and who’ve been called to live holy lives, along with all those who appeal to the power of our and their master Yeshua Messiah, everywhere.

3Grace and peace to you all from God our father and from the master Yeshua Messiah.

1:4 Paul thanks God for what he’s done

4I always thank my God for you because of his grace that he’s given you in Messiah Yeshua 5thanking him that through him, you’ve all been enriched in every way: in all speech and in all knowledge 6as our testimony about the messiah[fn] was confirmed in you all 7so that you all aren’t missing out on any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our master Yeshua Messiah to be revealed. 8He will sustain you to the end, so that you all will be blameless at the return of our master Yeshua Messiah. 9The God who called you into fellowship with his son Yeshua Messiah, our master, is faithful.

1:10 Follow Yeshua, not your leaders

10Now brothers and sisters, I appeal to you in the name of our master Yeshua Messiah, that you all agree together so that there’ll be no divisions among you, but rather that you’ll be united in your thinking and in your purpose, 11because, my brothers and sisters, it’s been made clear to me by some from Chloe’s household, that you are quarrelling among yourselves. 12What I am talking about is how many of you are claiming that you belong to Paul’s group, for example, or that you belong to Apollos’ group, or that you belong to Cephas’ group, or that you belong to Messiah’s group.[ref] 13Has the messiah been divided? Was it Paul who was executed for you? Or were you immersed in water in the Paul’s name?

14I thank God that I didn’t immerse any of you other than Crispus and Gaius,[ref] 15so that no one can say that I had immersed you into my own name. 16(Oh yes, I also immersed Stephanas and his household, but I don’t think I immersed anyone else.)[ref] 17Because Messiah didn’t send me to immerse people in water, but to preach the good message—but not with words of wisdom just in case the messiah’s execution on the stake gets deprived of importance.

1:18 The messiah is God’s power and wisdom

18Because the account about the execution on a stake seems just stupid to non-believers, but on the contrary to us being saved, it’s God’s power, 19because it was written:[ref]

‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,

and I will nullify the understanding of the intelligent.’

20Where is the wise person? Where is the scholar? Where is the debater of this age? Hasn’t God turned the wisdom of the world into foolishness?[ref]

21Because since the world, in God’s wisdom, didn’t know about God through their wisdom, God was pleased to save those who believe through the ‘foolish’ message that was preached. 22Jews ask for miraculous signs and Greeks search for wisdom, 23but we preach about how Messiah was executed—something the Jews can’t logic out, and which the Greeks see as total foolishness. 24Yet to those who God calls, whether Jews or Greeks, Messiah is both God’s power and his wisdom, 25because God’s foolishness is better than humankind’s wisdom, and God’s weakness is greater than humankind’s strength.

26So brothers and sisters, think about how God called you. Not many of you were wise by human standards, not many were powerful, and not many were of noble birth, 27but God chose the foolish things of the world to shame those considered to be wise, and he chose the weak things of the world to shame those considered to be strong. 28He chose the lowly and despised things of the world, and the things that are not, to nullify the things that are, 29so that no human can boast to God. 30But because of him, you are in Messiah Yeshua, who was made to become wisdom from God for us, and to become righteousness, and also sanctification and redemption, 31so that, as per the scriptures: ‘Let anyone who boasts, boast about the master.’[ref]

2:1 Paul’s preaching based on God’s power

2Brothers and sisters, when I visited you all, I didn’t try to impress you with flowery words or great wisdom when I taught you about God’s incredible plan, 2because I had decided in advance to display knowledge about nothing else other than Yeshua Messiah and his execution. 3And so I came to you all in weakness and fear and with a lot of trembling,[ref] 4and my message and my preaching wasn’t delivered with persuasive words of wisdom, but rather demonstrating God’s spirit and power, 5so that your faith wouldn’t be based on human wisdom, but on God’s power.

2:6 Spiritual vs human wisdom

6However, when we’re with mature believers, we speak wisdom—not the wisdom of this age, and not the wisdom of the rulers of this age who will come to nothing. 7Instead we speak about God’s mysterious and hidden wisdom, which he had planned before creation to enable us to enter his kingdom. 8None of the rulers of this present age understood it, because if they had, they wouldn’t have crucified the master of that kingdom, 9but as scripture says:[ref]

‘No eye has seen and no ear has heard,

and it’s never entered any person’s mind,

all the things that God has prepared for those who love him.’

10But God has revealed it to us through his spirit, because his spirit strives to know the meaning of everything, even the deep things of God. 11Yes, what person knows what other people are thinking. Only the spirit of the person themself knows that. So too, no one knows God’s thoughts other than God’s own spirit. 12No, we haven’t received the world’s spirit, but rather God’s spirit so that we can recognise everything that God has freely given to us.

13We don’t speak about these things from our human wisdom, but rather, saying what God’s spirit teaches—teaching spiritual things from spiritual sources. 14Secular people don’t accept things about God’s spirit because they seem foolish to them, and they can’t understand them because it requires spiritual awareness, 15but spiritual people can discern all these things, even though others can’t correctly discern about them. 16This was stated in scripture:[ref]

‘Who can understand the master’s mind?

Who’s able to instruct him?’

But we do know the master’s mind!

3:1 Build solidly with godly wisdom

3So brothers and sisters, because you were baby Christians when I visited, I wasn’t able to speak to you all like spiritual people, but only like worldly people. 2I gave you all milk to drink, because you weren’t ready for solid food, in fact, you still aren’t[ref] 3because you’re still worldly, because seeing the jealousy and dissension among you tells us that you’re all still worldly and just living by human values. 4Yes, when one person says, ‘I follow Paul,’ and another person says, ‘I follow Apollos’, doesn’t that show that you’re just worldly?[ref]

5Indeed, who’s Apollos? Who’s Paul? We’re just servants who brought you all the message when you believed, each one as the master led them.[fn] 6I planted the seed and Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.[ref] 7That means that neither the planter or the waterer counts for anything, only the grower, God. 8The planter and the waterer work together, and each of them will be rewarded for their work, 9because we are God’s co-workers.

You all are God’s field, or in a different image, his building. 10Using the gifts that God has given me as a wise master-builder, I laid down a foundation and then someone else is building on it. But they need to take care about how they build on it 11because no one can lay a different foundation than the one already laid down, and that foundation is Yeshua Messiah. 12Now if anyone builds on top of the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or straw, 13then their work will become obvious because it will be revealed on the day of judgement because it will be shown up by fire. The fire will expose what sort of building their work created: 14if anyone’s work that they built survives the fire, those people will be rewarded, 15but if their work is incinerated, those people will lose out, although they themselves will be saved but as if they’ve been through the flames.

16Don’t you realise that you yourselves are God’s temple, and that God’s spirit lives inside you all?[ref] 17If anyone destroys God’s temple, then God will destroy that person because his temple is sacred, as are all of you.

18Don’t let any of you fool yourselves. If anyone of you thinks they’re wise by worldly standards, then let those people become ‘foolish’ so that they really can become wise 19because this world’s wisdom is foolishness with God, because as it’s written: ‘He catches out the wise in their craftiness.’[ref] 20And further: ‘The master knows that the thoughts of wise people are useless.’[ref] 21So then, don’t let anyone boast about people, because everything already belongs to all of you. 22Don’t boast about Paul or Apollos or Cephas, or the world or life or death, or the present or the future. All of them belong to you, 23and you belong to Messiah, and Messiah belongs to God.

4:1 Status of the missionaries

4So then, people should regard us as servants of Messiah and as stewards of God’s mysteries. 2What’s more, stewards are expected to be trustworthy. 3But it makes virtually no difference to me whether I’m being judged by you all, or by a human court, because I don’t even judge myself. 4Yes, my conscience is clear, but that won’t mean that I’m declared ‘not guilty’, because it’s the master who’ll be examining me. 5So don’t make judgements ahead of time, but wait until the master comes—the one who’ll bring to light what’s hidden in the darkness, and who will expose people’s true motives. At that time, God will praise each person who’s acted faithfully.

6Now brothers and sisters, I applied these things to myself and Apollos for your sakes, so that through us you all might learn this: ‘Not beyond what is written,’ so that no one would be puffed up in favour of one against the other, 7because who makes you better than others? What do you have that wasn’t given to you? And if it was given to you, why would you boast as if it hadn’t been given to you?

8Are you all full already? Have you all already become rich? You think you’re kings already, and don’t need us—I wish you all were really reigning as kings, so we could reign with you, 9because it seems that God has exhibited us missionaries last of all, as if sentenced to death—because we have become a spectacle to the world—both to God’s messengers and to men. 10We appear as fools for Messiah’s sake, but you all are wise in Messiah. We are weak, but you all are strong. You all are honoured, but we are dishonoured. 11Right up to the present time, we’re hungry and thirsty, we’re poorly clothed and brutally beaten, and we’re homeless 12and working hard—working with our own hands. When people curse us, we bless them, and when they persecute us, we put up with it.[ref] 13When people slander us, we answer gently. We’ve become like the scum of the world, the world’s trash, even until now.

14I’m not writing this to shame you all, but to correct you as if you were my own dear children, 15because if you all would have thousands of guardians in Messiah, yet you wouldn’t have many ‘fathers’, because I fathered you in Messiah Yeshua by means of the good message. 16That’s why I urge you all to imitate me,[ref] 17and that’s why I sent Timothy to visit you. He’s like my own dear son in the master, and he’ll remind you all about my ways in Messiah Yeshua, just like I teach everywhere in every church.

18Now some of you have become arrogant, as if I’m not able to come back to see you all, 19but if the master allows it, I’ll come and visit you all again soon. Then I won’t just see what any puffed-up people are saying, but I’ll also see what power they have, 20because God’s kingdom isn’t just mere words, but it’s a demonstration of power. 21What would you all prefer: should I come to you all with a rod, or come with love and a gentle spirit?

5:1 Expelling the sexually immoral

5Actually, we’ve been hearing that there’s sexual immorality there among you all, and so bad that even non-believers don’t do it: a man is sleeping with his step-mother![ref] 2Then instead of being upset, you all seem proud of it. This man should have been expelled out of your group, 3because even though I’m not there physically, I am present in the spirit, and I’ve already made my judgement about the man who’s doing this, as if I were present. 4When you assemble together in the name of our master Yeshua, my spirit is there along with the master Yeshua’s power, 5then you should hand this man over to Satan to punish his body, so that his spirit can be saved for when the master returns.

6It isn’t good how you all boast. Don’t you realise that a little bit of yeast can raise a whole loaf of bread?[ref] 7Get rid of the old yeast so that you’ll all become fresh dough, just as you are unleavened bread. For Messiah, our Passover lamb, has also been sacrificed[ref] 8so that we can be feasting, not with old yeast or with yeast of evil and wickedness, but with unleavened bread of sincerity and of truth.[ref]

9I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people, 10but certainly not meaning worldly people who’re sexually immoral or swindlers or idolaters, because that would mean that you’d all have to leave this world. 11No, I’m writing to tell you all not to associate with any so-called believer who’s sexually immoral or greedy or an idolater or verbally abusive or a drunkard or a swindler. Don’t even have a meal with such a person.

12Why would it be my job to judge outsidersno, shouldn’t it be those inside the assemblies that you judge? 13God will judge the outsiders, but:[ref]Expel evil people from among yourselves.’

6:1 Lawsuits among believers

6If anyone among you all has a case against another believer, how dare they go to a secular court in front of an unbelieving judge instead of to believers. 2Don’t you realise that in the future, believers will judge the world, and if the world’s going to be judged by all of you, surely you’re competent enough now to judge smaller cases? 3Don’t you realise that we’ll judge God’s messengers? So surely we can judge things of this life? 4So then, if you have legal disputes about things of this life, why do you appoint people with no standing in the assembly as judges? 5I say that to your shame. Don’t you have anyone among you all who can arbitrate between believers? 6But instead, one believer goes to court against another, and it’s in front of unbelievers!

7Actually, you’re all disgraced already for having lawsuits among yourselves. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated? 8But you’re all wronging and cheating others, including fellow believers.

9Or don’t you all know that those who disobey God won’t inherit his kingdom? Don’t let yourselves be deceived: those who’re sexually immoral or idolaters, or adulterers or male prostitutes or homosexuals, 10or thieves or greedy, or drunkards or slanderers or swindlers, will inherit God’s kingdom. 11Now some of you all were like that, but now you’ve been washed and declared guiltless, and been declared innocent by the authority of the master Yeshua Messiah, and by our God’s spirit.

6:12 Avoid sexual immorality

12Some might say, ‘Everything is permissible for me,’ but not everything is beneficial. Everything might be permissible for me, but I don’t want those things to have control over me.[ref] 13You might say, ‘Food is for the stomach, and the stomach for food,’ but God will eventually abolish them both. Also, the body is not meant to be used for sexual immorality, but rather, for the master, and the master for the body. 14Actually, God made the master come alive again, and by his power, he’ll also do that for us.

15Surely you all know that your bodies are parts of messiah’s body? Because of that, you shouldn’t take your body back and then join it to a prostitute’s body. May it never happen! 16Or don’t you know that having sex with a prostitute is a joining together, because it says:[ref] ‘The two will become one body.’ 17But a person joining with the master, becomes one spirit with him.

18Don’t just walk away from sexual immorality, but run away from it, because other forms of disobeying God are outside the body, but sexual immorality is a sin against your own body. 19Surely you all know that your body is a temple of the holy spirit who comes from God and lives within you.[ref] No, you don’t actually own yourselves 20because a price was paid to buy you, so honour God with your bodies.

7:1 Advice concerning marriage

7Now concerning what you all wrote to me: “It’s good for a man not to touch a woman.” 2However, because there is so much sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband. 3Both husbands and wives have a marital duty to each other in terms of sexual needs: 4wives’ bodies belong to their husbands, not to themselves, and similarly, husbands’ bodies belong to their wives, not to themselves. 5Don’t deprive each other, except by mutual agreement so that you may devote yourselves to prayer for an agreed time, and then be together again, so that Satan can’t easily tempt you all because of your lack of self-control.

6But that isn’t a command—I’m only suggesting that it’s good to do,[fn] 7and I wish everyone could be like me. But each person has their own gift from God—one has such-and-such a gift while someone else has a different one.

8Now to the unmarried and to the widows I say that it’s good if they remain like me,[fn] 9but if they don’t have self-control, they should marry because it’s better to marry than to burn with sexual desire.

10Now I (well, not I, but the master) command married people that a wife is not to be separated from her husband[ref] 11(but even if she might be separated, let her remain unmarried, or let her be reconciled to the husband), and a husband is not to divorce a wife.

12But to the rest I say (I, not the master) that if any believing husband has an unbelieving wife and she agrees to live with him, he shouldn’t divorce her. 13Similarly, if any woman has an unbelieving husband and he agrees to live with her, she shouldn’t divorce him. 14You see, the unbelieving husband is exposed to faith through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is exposed to faith through the believing husband, otherwise your children would be ‘defiled’, but now they are declared innocent. 15But if the unbeliever departs, let that person go. In such cases, the believing spouse is not tied down to serving their departed spouse, but rather God has called us to peace. 16You see, how do you know, woman, whether you will cause your husband to be saved? Or how do you know, man, whether you will cause your wife to be saved?

7:17 Sticking to your social position

17Nevertheless, each person should live according to how the master has assigned them and how God has called them. That’s what I teach in all the assemblies. 18Anyone who was called and who was previously circumcised, shouldn’t become ‘uncircumcised’. Anyone who was called who was uncircumcised, shouldn’t get circumcised. 19Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing, but obeying God’s commands is what counts. 20Each person should maintain the position they were in when they were called: 21Were you a slave when you were called? Don’t be concerned about that (but indeed, if you’re able to become free, then take the opportunity) 22because anyone who was a slave when they were called by the master is free in the master’s sight. Conversely, anyone who was free when they were called is the master’s slave. 23You all were bought by God for a price, so don’t become slaves of people. 24Again[ref] brothers and sisters, each person should remain in the position they were in when they were called, but now serving God.

7:25 Suggestions about the unmarried and about widows

25Now concerning unmarried women, I don’t have instructions from the master but I’ll give my opinions as someone who’s trustworthy thanks to the master’s mercy.

26Therefore, I think it’s good because of the distress that’s about to come, that people should stay as they are currently. 27If you’re married, then don’t try to get out of it. If you’re not committed, don’t look for a spouse. 28But if a single guy or single girl get married, that’s not a sin, but they’ll likely face difficult circumstances and I’m trying to spare you from that.

29But brothers and sisters, I will say this: the time is short, so from now on, even those who’re married should live as if they’re not. 30Those who’re mourning should act as if they’re not, those who’re celebrating should act as if they’re not, and those who’re buying act as if they don’t own anything, 31and those who’re using this world, as if they’re not using it, because the present form of this world will soon pass away.

32But I’d like you to be free from concern. Single men are concerned about things of the master—pleasing the master— 33but married men are concerned about worldly affairs—wanting to please their wives—so they’re divided. And unmarried or single women 34are concerning about things of the master—so that both their bodies and their spirits can be separate from the world—but married women are concerned about worldly affairs—wanting to please their husbands.

35Now I said all that for your benefit—not to load you all with rules, but to act in ways that are appropriate and devoted to the master without any distractions.

36However, if a man thinks he’s made the wrong decisions about his unmarried woman,[fn] if she’s reached the age of marriage and it should proceed, then he should do what he planned—he’s not sinning—they should get married. 37But if the man has made up his mind and isn’t forced, but makes his own decision, and he’s firmly decided to keep his own woman unmarried, then that would also be a good decision. 38That way, anyone allowing his unmarried woman to marry does well, but anyone who doesn’t, makes a better decision.

39A wife is committed to her husband as long as he lives, but if he passes away, she’s free to marry whoever she wants to, as long as he’s a believer. 40However, in my opinion, she’d be happier if she didn’t marry again, and I think it’s God’s spirit that wants me to say that.

8:1 Behaviour about food offered to idols

8Now, concerning food that’s been sacrificed to idols: We know that we all have ‘knowledge’—knowledge breeds conceit but love gives inner strength. 2Anyone who thinks they know something usually doesn’t know what they don’t know, 3but anyone who loves God is known by God.

4Now back to eating food that’s been offered to idols, we know that there’s only one God and so worldly idols are really nothing at all. 5Even though there are many so-called ‘gods’ and ‘masterssaid to live in the heavens or earth, 6we know there’s only one God, who is the Father who created everything and we exist to honour him. And we only have one master, Yeshua Messiah who created everything and is also the source of our existence.

7But not everyone knows this. Some people have been so used to trusting idols that even now as believers when they eat food that’s been sacrificed to idols, they still think it’s wrong and so their weak consciences become defiled. 8But food doesn’t bring us closer to God—what we eat makes us no better or worse off spiritually.

9However, be careful in case your freedom becomes a reason that weaker believers might get confused and stumble in their spiritual walk. 10Yes, if someone with a weaker conscience sees you eating at a place with an idol, they might be encouraged to eat food that’s offered to idols against their conscience, 11thus this weaker believer who the messiah also died for, might end up being destroyed. 12If you end up sinning against other believers and wounding their weak consciences, you sin against Messiah. 13Therefore, if food might cause a fellow believer to stumble, I’ll certainly never eat meat, so that I won’t cause them to stumble.

9:1 The missionary’s responsibilities

9Aren’t I free? Aren’t I a missionary? Haven’t I seen Yeshua our master? Aren’t you all the result of my work? 2If I’m not a missionary to others, at least I am to all of you, because you’re the proof that I’m a missionary for the master. 3That’s my defence to those who’re questioning my role.

4Don’t we have a right to eat and drink? 5Don’t we have a right to take along a believing wife like the rest of the missionaries and the master’s brothers and Peter? 6Or it is only Barnabas and I who have to work to support ourselves? 7What soldier has to pay his own expenses? Who plants a vineyard and isn’t allowed to eat its fruit? Or who shepherds a flock and isn’t allowed to drink the milk they produce?

8Am I just saying this from a human perspective? Doesn’t Mosheh’ law also teach that? 9He wrote in those laws: ‘Don’t prevent the ox from eating when it’s working to thresh the grain.’[ref] 10Isn’t he saying that on our behalf? Yes, it was written for our sake saying that anyone who’s ploughing a field should expect to be paid, and anyone who threshes the grain should expect a share of the harvest. 11If we sowed spiritual things among you, is it too much to expect a material ‘harvest’ from you?[ref] 12If other people have the right to this kind of support, don’t we have a greater right?

But we never took advantage of that right—instead we endured everything so that we wouldn’t do anything to hinder the messiah’s good message from spreading. 13Don’t you know that the temple workers eat from the temple budget, and those who work at the altar receive a portion of what’s offered?[ref] 14Similarly, the master even instructed that anyone who preaches the good message should be able to make their living off it.[ref]

15But I haven’t taken advantage of any of those rights, and even now, I’m not writing this to ask for material support for myself—I’d rather die than have someone deprive me of this reason for boasting. 16And yet, when I preach the good message, it doesn’t give me any good reason to boast because I’m actually obligated to do it—I wouldn’t end well if I didn’t preach the good message 17because if I do it willingly, I’ll have a reward, but if it’s done unwillingly, I’d be shirking the responsibility entrusted to me. 18So, what’s my reward? It’s preaching the good message and the privilege of doing it free of charge, so as not to take advantage of the right that the good message gives me.

19Although I have no obligation to any person, I made myself a slave of everyone in order to win over as many as possible. 20To the Jews, I behave like the Jew that I am in order to win them. To those under the traditional rules, I behave like one of them (although I myself am not under those rules) in order to win them over. 21To those outside our religious rules, I behave like them (although not so far as to disobey God’s law, because I’m under Messiah’s law) in order to win them over. 22To the weak, I become weak to win them over. Yes, I’ve become all things to all people so[fn] that I might be certain of saving some.

23I do all that for the sake of the good message, so that I’ll share in its blessings. 24Surely you all know that all the participants in a race run, but only one of them gets the prize? Run in such a way that you get the prize. 25But everyone who competes has to exercise self-control in every aspect. They do it in order to win a wreath that’ll quickly wilt, but we work towards one that never deteriorates. 26That’s why I don’t run aimlessly and don’t box like someone punching the air, 27but I discipline my body and make it serve me, because after preaching to others, I don’t want to end up disqualified myself.

10:1 Learn from history

10Now brothers and sisters, I don’t want you all to be ignorant about how our Jewish ancestors sheltered under the cloud and then they all passed through the sea,[ref] 2so they were all immersed ‘into Mosheh’ in both the cloud and the sea. 3They all ate the same supernatural food[ref] 4and they all drank the same supernatural drink, because they drank from a supernatural rock that followed them, and that rock was the messiah.[ref] 5Despite that, God wasn’t very happy with most of them, and they ended up dying in the wilderness.[ref]

6Those things back then became examples for us, so that we wouldn’t be desiring evil things like they did.[ref] 7Don’t worship idols like some of them did, as it’s written:[ref] ‘The people sat down to eat and drink and then stood up to dance to the golden calf.’ 8Nor should we commit sexual immorality like many of them did, and 23,000 people died in one day.[ref] 9And nor should we challenge the master like some of our Jewish ancestors did, and then they were killed by the snakes.[ref] 10Don’t grumble like many of them did, and then they were killed by the death angel.[ref]

11All of those things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us who’re living at the ends of the ages.

12So if you think your faith is solid, be careful that you don’t fall. 13You all haven’t been tempted by anything except what is common to humanity, but God is faithful and won’t allow you to be tempted beyond what you all can handle. In fact, along with the temptations, God will provide the way out so that you’ll be able to endure them.

14So my dear friends, totally avoid idolatry. 15I’m speaking to sensible people, so judge what I’m telling you for yourselves. 16When we bless the ‘cup of blessing’, aren’t we sharing the messiah’s blood? When we break the bread, aren’t we sharing the messiah’s body?[ref] 17Because there’s just one loaf that we all eat pieces of, thus we who’re many, are one body together.

18Consider the people of Israel from a physical perspective: Aren’t those who eat portions of the sacrifices, joining to the altar? RECHECK [ref] 19So what am I saying? That whether or not food is sacrificed to idols means anything? Or that an idol is anything? 20No, but the sacrifices of the pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I don’t want you all to be partners with demons.[ref] 21You can’t drink the master’s cup as well as the cup of demons, nor can you partake at the master’s table as well as the table of demons. 22Or are we trying to make the master envious? No, he’s more powerful than us.[ref]

23Everything might seem to be allowable, but not everything is beneficial. Everything might seem to be allowable, but not everything builds up character.[ref] 24No one should aim to satisfy themselves, but work for the good of others.

25You can eat anything that’s sold at the meat market without even raising questions of conscience, 26because:[ref] ‘the earth and everything in it belongs to the master.’

27If an unbeliever invites you to a meal and you plan to go, eat anything that’s set before you without raising questions of conscience, 28but if someone tells you, “That has been offered as a sacrifice,” for the sake of the person who told you and for the sake of conscience, don’t eat it. 29Now when I said ‘for the sake of conscience’, I didn’t mean your conscience, but that of the other person, because why does my freedom need to be judged by someone else’s conscience? 30As long as I’ve thanked God for what I eat, why should I then criticise it?

31So whether you’re eating or drinking or doing whatever, always ensure that God gets honoured. 32Try not to offend the Jews or the Greeks or the people in God’s assembly, 33just like I work to please everyone—not for my own benefit but rather, trying to benefit everyone else so that they might get saved.

11Imitate me, just like I also imitate Messiah.[ref]

11:2 Men’s and women’s head coverings

2Now I commend you all because you always think of what I teach and do, and because you carefully believe and do what I taught you all, 3but I want you all to know that the messiah is the head of every man, and the man is the head of his wife, and God is the head of the messiah.[fn] 4Any man who prays or speaks out a prophecy with his head covered is dishonouring his head, 5but any woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonours her head, because it’s just as if her head had been shaved. 6In fact if a woman doesn’t cover her head, then she should cut her hair off, but if it is shameful for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, then she should cover her head. 7On one side, a man shouldn’t cover his head because men present God’s image and his honour, but on the other side, women present their husbands’ honour,[ref] 8because man wasn’t made from the woman, but the first woman was made out of man.[ref] 9Indeed, men weren’t created for women, but women for men. 10Because of that, women should have authority on their heads, because of the messengers.[fn] 11Nevertheless, in Messiah, women are not independent from men, nor are men independent from women, 12because just as the first woman came out of the man, so too men are born from women, but everything comes from God.

13So judge for yourselves: is it proper for women to pray to God with their heads uncovered? 14Doesn’t nature itself teach you all that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace for him, 15but if a woman has long hair, it’s part of her beauty because long hair has been given to women as a covering? 16However, if anyone’s inclined to be contentious about this, that’s not how either we ourselves or God’s assemblies behave.

11:17 Conduct when celebrating the master’s dinner

(Mat. 26:26-29, Mark 14:22-25, Luke 22:14-20)

17But I’m not complimenting you all in giving the following instructions, because your gatherings have been doing more harm than good. 18Firstly, I hear that when you gather together in the assembly, there are divisions among you all, and I partly believe it 19because there must be differences among you to show who out of all of you are approved. 20So then, when you gather together in one place, it’s not to celebrate by eating the master’s dinner 21because during the meal, everyone grabs their own food without considering others. So some people remain hungry while others have too much to drink. 22For eating and drinking, don’t you all have your own houses to do that in? Why are you showing contempt for God’s assembly and humiliating those left with nothing? What should I say about that? Should I praise you for that? No, I can’t!

23I’ve already passed on to all of you everything that I received from the master: that on the night when he was betrayed, he took a bread roll 24and after giving thanks, he broke off a piece and said, “This represents my body which will be broken for your sakes. Keep doing this in memory of me.” 25Similarly, after the dinner he took the cup and said, “This cup represents the new agreement which will be sealed by my blood. As often as you all celebrate, drink it in memory of me.”[ref] 26Because as often as you all celebrate by eating bread and drinking from the cup, you’ll continue to announce the master’s death until he returns.

27Therefore, anyone who eats that bread or drinks from the master’s cup in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the master. 28So everyone person must first examine themself as part of eating that bread and drinking from that cup, 29because anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body,[fn] eats and drinks judgement onto themself. 30Because of that, many among you are weak and sick, and many have passed away, 31but if we were examining ourselves, we wouldn’t be judged. 32However, when we’re judged by the master, we’re being disciplined so that we won’t be condemned along with the unbelievers.

33So brothers and sisters, when you come together to celebrate this, wait for each other. 34If anyone’s hungry, they should eat at home beforehand, so that your meetings won’t lead to judgement. I’ll give instructions about other matters when I get there.

12:1 The various abilities given by God’s spirit

12Now brothers and sisters, I don’t want you all to be ignorant about spiritual matters. 2You all know that when you were still pagans, you were enticed and led astray in front of idols that can’t even speak. 3So now I’m informing you all that a person who curses Yeshua, doesn’t speak with the power of God’s spirit. On the other hand, a person who says that Yeshua is master must be speaking with the power of the holy spirit.

4Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same spirit,[ref] 5and there are varieties of ministries, but the same master. 6There are varieties of activities, but the same God works all things in everyone. 7Now the display of the spirit’s power is given to each person in order to benefit everyone. 8One person might be given a wise message through the spirit, and someone else given certain knowledge by the same spirit. 9Another person might be given faith by the same spirit, and someone else given gifts of healings from that one spirit. 10Another might be given the ability to do miracles, and someone else given prophecy. Another might be given ability to distinguish spirits, and someone else given the ability to speak other languages, and to yet another the ability to translate languages. 11However it’s the one and the same spirit behind all those things—distributing them individually to each person as the spirit decides.

12:12 One body with many parts

12Just like a human body is a unit but has many parts which are all components, no matter how many, making up that one body, so too is the messiah.[ref] 13Yes, in one spirit we were all immersed into one body, whether we were Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we all were given one spirit to drink. MEANING?

14Yes, indeed the body is not one part, but many. 15If your foot said, “Since I’m not a hand, I’m not part of the body,” that wouldn’t make it any less a part of the body, 16and if your ear said, “Since I’m not an eye, I’m not part of the body,” that wouldn’t make it any less a part of the body. 17If your whole body was an eye, how could you hear? But then, if your whole body was an ear, how could you smell anything? 18Actually, God has placed every part in our bodies exactly where he wanted to put them. 19If it was all just one part, how could it be a body? 20Yes, there’s many parts, but only one body.

21Your eye can’t tell your hand, “I don’t need you,” and your head can’t tell your feet, “I don’t need you.” 22On the contrary, the body parts that seem to be weaker are very vital, 23and those body parts that seem less honourable, we give them greater honour and hence our unpresentable body parts are treated with more modesty. 24Our presentable parts don’t have any need for that, but rather God has put the body together and he gave greater honour to the lesser parts 25so that there won’t be any division in the body, but its members should care equally for each other. 26So if one body part is hurting, all the parts hurt as well. If one body part is honoured, then all the parts are happy together.

27Now you all are the body of Christ, and each of you is a part of it. 28And indeed, God has appointed: 1/ missionaries, 2/ prophets, 3/ teachers, then doing miracles, healing others, helping others, guiding others, and speaking various languages[ref] 29Are everyone missionaries, or everyone prophets or teachers, or doing miracles? 30Does everyone have the gifts of healing, or speaking in other languages, or translating?

31But strive for the better gifts.

And now I’ll demonstrate a better way to you all:

13:1 Love expounded

13Even if I could speak in human languages as well as the languages of God’s messengers, but didn’t love others, then I’d just be like a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2And if have the ability of being able to prophesy and could understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I had total faith so I could tell mountains to move, but I didn’t love others, then I’m of no use to anyone.[ref] 3Even if I gave everything I have to the poor, and even sacrifice my body so that I could boast, but didn’t love others, it wouldn’t be any use to me.

4Love is patient and kind. It doesn’t envy others, it doesn’t boast, and it isn’t arrogant. 5It isn’t crude, it doesn’t just care about itself, it doesn’t get angry quickly, and it doesn’t keep records about who wrongs us. 6Love isn’t happy with disobeying God, but is happy about the truth. 7It tolerates everything, believes everything, is always hopeful about everything, and always perseveres.

8Love never fails, unlike prophecies that will come to nothing, languages that will die out, and knowledge that also will come to nothing, 9because we only have partial knowledge and partial understanding of prophecy. 10So when perfection comes, partial things will disappear.

11When I was a child, I spoke like a child, thought like a child, and reasoned like a child, but then when I became an adult, I set childish things aside. 12In this present age, we see like fuzzy reflections in a mirror, but in the future, we’ll see God face to face. In this age, I have partial knowledge, but then it’ll be complete, just like we’ll be known completely.

13But for now, these three continue: faith, hope, and love, but love is the greatest one of those.

14:1 Comparing prophesying with speaking in other languages

14Aim to show love, and eagerly strive for spiritual things—especially the ability to prophesy, 2because anyone speaking another language isn’t speaking to the people, but to God, because no one understands it, but they’re speaking about spiritual mysteries. 3However, anyone who’s prophesying, speaks to the people for their instruction and encouragement and comfort. 4Anyone who’s speaking in another language instructs themself, but when people prophesy, they’re instructing the whole assembly.

5Now I’d like it if you all spoke in other languages, but I’d like it better if you could all be prophesying. The person prophesying is more helpful than someone speaking in other languages, unless they translate so that the assembly can be instructed. 6But now brothers and sisters, if I come to you speaking in other languages, how can I be of benefit to you all? Only if I share a revelation with you all, or some knowledge, or a prophecy or teaching.

7Even the tune coming from non-living things like musical instruments can’t be recognised unless the distinct notes can be distinguished, 8because if the trumpet produces an unclear sound, how will the soldiers know to prepare for battle. 9Similarly with all of you—unless your words are intelligible, how will anyone know what you’re saying? You’ll just be talking to the wind. 10There’s certainly many different languages in the world, but none of them are without meaning, 11so if I don’t know the meaning of someone’s language, I’m a foreigner to that person, and that person will be a foreigner to me 12and it’s the same with all of you. Because you all want spiritual things in order to help grow the assembly, then strive to have many of them.

13So then, let anyone who’s speaking in another language, pray that they will be able to translate it. 14When I pray in another language, my spirit prays but my mind is unproductive, 15so what should I do? Well, I’ll pray with my spirit, but I’ll also pray with my mind. I’ll sing with my spirit, but I’ll also sing with my mind. 16Otherwise, if you speak outa blessing in the spirit, how can the ordinary listeners say ‘May it be so’ after you give thanks, since they wouldn’t know what you’ve been saying. 17Yes, you’d certainly give thanks well, but the other people wouldn’t be encouraged.

18I thank God that I speak in other language more than all of you, 19but with the assembly, I’d prefer to speak five words with my mind so that I can instruct others, rather than thousands of words in another language.

20Brothers and sisters, don’t be childish in your thinking. You all can be like infants with respect to evil, but in everything else, be mature in your thinking. 21The prophet Isayah wrote:[ref]

‘I’ll speak to this nation

through foreign languages and strangers’ lips,

but even then they won’t listen to me,’

says the master. 22So then, speaking in other languages is a sign, not for believers, but for unbelievers. However in contrast, prophecy is not for unbelievers, but for believers.

23So if the whole assembly gathered together at the same place and they all spoke in other languages, and then some inquirers or unbelievers came in, wouldn’t they say that you’re all crazy? 24But if they were all prophesying instead and some inquirers or unbelievers came in, they’d be convicted of their sinfulness and called to account by them all. 25The prophecies would expose the secrets of their hearts, so then they’d bow down and worship God, and exclaim, “God is really here among you all!”

14:26 The correct means of worshipping

26So brothers and sisters, what should we say then? When you all gather together, each one of you brings a song or a teaching, or explains a revelation, or has a message in another language or has the translation. Let everything you do be aimed at growing the faith of the hearers. 27If there’s any speaking in other languages, it should be two or three people at most, taking turns and someone should translate. 28But if there’s no translator, they should be silent in the assembly, and save it for between themselves and God. 29But let two or three people prophesy, and then the others should evaluate what was said. 30However if something is revealed to someone still seated, then the first person should stop speaking, 31because you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone can be instructed and encouraged. 32The prophet’s spirits are under the control of the prophets, 33because God isn’t a God of disorder, but of peace.

As in all the assemblies of believers, 34the women should stay silent in the assemblies, because they’re not permitted to speak, but must be in submission as Mosheh’ law says. 35But if they want to know more about anything, they should ask their own husbands at home, because it’s shameful for a woman to speak in the assembly.

36Did God’s message originate from you all, or did it only come to you? 37If anyone thinks they’re a prophet or a spiritual person, then they should readily acknowledge that what I’m writing to you all is the master’s command, 38but if anyone’s ignorant, then let them stay ignorant.

39So brothers and sisters, strive to be able to prophesy, and don’t forbid the speaking of other languages, 40but let everything be done properly and orderly.

15:1 The messiah’s resurrection

15Now brothers and sisters, I want to remind you all about the good message that I preached to you, which you then received and now base your faith on. 2You’re all saved by that good message if you hold firmly to what I preached to you, assuming that you didn’t just ‘say that’ you believe.

3Yes, first of all, I passed onto you all what I myself had received: that Messiah died for our sins as the scriptures had predicted,[ref] 4and that he was buried and then brought back to life on the third day as per the scriptures again,[ref] 5and that he was seen by Cephas and then by the twelve.[ref] 6Then he was seen by more than 500 believers at once—most of whom are still living, although some have already passed away. 7Then he was seen by Yacob, and then by all the ambassadors.

8Then last of all, as if I’d been born at the wrong time, he appeared to me also,[ref] 9because I’m the least of the ambassadors—quite unworthy of that title because I persecuted God’s assembly.[ref] 10But I am what I am thanks to God’s grace, as his grace towards me hasn’t been wasted. Actually, I worked harder than all the others, although of course it wasn’t really me, but God’s grace with me. 11Anyway, whether it was me or them, we all preach that same good message, and that’s how you all came to belief.

15:12 Life after death

12Now if the message declares that Messiah was killed and then raised back to life, how come some of you are saying that no one comes back to life? 13If no one who’s dead comes back to life, then Messiah couldn’t have come back to life, 14and if Messiah hasn’t come back to life, then our preaching is meaningless and so is your faith! 15Not only that, it would make us into fraudsters lying about God, because we’ve testified that God brought Messiah back to life, but that can’t be true if the dead can’t come back to life. 16Because if the dead don’t come back to life, then Messiah can’t have come back to life, 17but if Messiah didn’t come back to life, then your faith is wasted and you’re all still just unforgiven sinners. 18Again, if that’s the case, those believers who’ve passed away simply perished. 19If our hope in Messiah only applies to this life, then we should be pitied more than anyone else.

20But Messiah has indeed come back to life from the dead, leading the way for those who have passed away, 21because since death came through a man (Adam), then the resurrection of the dead also comes through a man (Yeshua). 22Just as everyone who’s in Adam will die, so everyone who’s in Messiah will come back to life, 23but each in his own turn: first Messiah will be leading, then when he returns, those who belong to him. 24Then the end will come when he hands over the kingship to God the Father after he’s destroyed all rule, and all authority and power, 25because he must reign until he’s defeated all his enemies.[ref] 26The final enemy to be abolished will be death itself 27because (as David wrote),[ref] ‘God has made everything subject to him.’ (Now when it says ‘everything’, of course that doesn’t include God who’s the one that made it happen.) 28And when everything has been put under his control, then the son himself will submit to the one who subjected everything to him, so that God will be in total control.

29Otherwise, what will the people do who’re being immersed in water for the dead? If the dead don’t come back to life, why would they get immersed for them? TODO: WHAT’S THIS ABOUT? 30As for us, why do we place ourselves in danger all the time? 31I’m dying every day by your boasting brothers and sisters, which I have in Messiah Yeshua our master. TODO: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? 32If I fought with wild animals at Ephesus for human purposes, what did I gain? If the dead aren’t brought back to life, then ‘Let’s eat and drink, because tomorrow we’ll die anyway.’[ref]

33Don’t be fooled: ‘Evil conversations corrupt good character.’ 34Sober up as you should, and stop sinning, because some of you are quite ignorant about God. (I say that to your shame.)

15:35 Our new immortal bodies

35But someone will ask, “How do the dead come back to life and what kind of body will they have then?” 36Silly question! Plants don’t come to life unless the seed dies first. 37And you don’t sow the plants, but you sow the bare seeds—perhaps of wheat or something else— 38then God gives it a body just like he wants, so each seed gets its own new body.

39Not all bodies are the same: humans have one kind of body, animals have different ones, birds different again, and fish also different.

40There are also heavenly bodies and earthly bodies, but the beauty of heavenly bodies and of earthly bodies are quite different. 41The sun, the moon, and the stars all have their own different types of beauty, and even the beauty of stars differs from one to another.

42So too it is with the resurrection of the dead. The decaying body is ‘sown’ into the ground, but the raised body is immortal. 43It’s ‘sown’ in dishonour but it’s raised in splendour. It’s ‘sown’ in weakness but it’s raised in power. 44It’s ‘sown’ a natural body but it’s raised as a spiritual body. (If there’s a natural body, there’s also a spiritual body.) 45As it’s also written:[ref] ‘The first Adam being a living being.’ The last ‘Adam’ is a life-giving spirit, 46but the spiritual doesn’t come first—it’s first the natural and then the spiritual. 47The first man was made of dust from the earth—the second man came from heaven. 48Earthly people are like that earthly man, and heavenly people are like that heavenly man.

49And just like we carry the image of that earthly man, we should also bear the image of that heavenly man. 50Now brothers and sisters, I can tell you all that our present physical bodies can’t inherit God’s kingdom, and nor can corrupt things inherit immortality.

51Listen, I’m explaining a mystery to you all. Not all of us will pass away, but we will all be changed[ref] 52in an instant, a millisecond, at the last trumpet because the trumpet will sound and the dead will come back to living as immortals, and we’ll be changed. 53Yes, it’s essential for this perishable body to become incorruptible and for this mortal to become immortal. 54But when this perishable body becomes incorruptible and this mortal becomes immortal, then what was written will come true:[ref] ‘Death is replaced by victory.’

55[ref]‘Death, where is your victory?

Yes death, where is your sting?’

56Sin is the sting of death, and sin’s power is The Law, 57but be thankful to God because it’s him who gives us the victory through our master Yeshua Messiah.

58Therefore my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and stand firm, always doing the master’s work enthusiastically, knowing that your work for the master isn’t wasted.

16:1 Aid for God’s people

16Now concerning the fund-raising for the believers: You all must do the same as what I got the assemblies in Galatia to do.[ref] 2Every Sunday, each one of you should put something aside from whatever you’ve earnt, so that when I come we won’t need any collections then. 3Then, when I arrive, I’ll write letters to send with those you recommend to take to Jerusalem with your gift, 4but if it’s appropriate for me to go as well, then they can travel with me.

16:5 Instructions for travellers

5After I’ve been to Macedonia I’ll come there. Yes, I’m going through Macedonia,[ref] 6but perhaps I’ll spend some time with you—maybe even the whole winter. That way, you all could help me on my way wherever I decide to go next, 7because I don’t want to see you all now just in passing, but I’d like to stay with you all for a some time if the master permits.

8But I’ll stay here at Ephesus until the Pentecost celebrations[ref] 9because a wide door has opened for me to be effective here, even though many are opposing me.

10Now if Timothy arrives, make sure that he has nothing for him to be afraid of there, because he’s doing the master’s work just like me.[ref] 11So don’t let anyone despise him, but help him on his way in peace, so that he can come to me because I’m expecting him along with the brothers.

12And then concerning the brother Apollos, I strongly urged him to go to you with the brothers. He didn’t want to go at the present time, but he’ll go when he has another opportunity.

16:13 Final messages and greetings

13Stay alert and stay grounded in the faith. Be strong and courageous. 14Everything you do, do in love.

15Now brothers and sisters, you all know that Stephanas’ family were the first ones in Achaia to believe, and since then they’ve devoted themselves to serving the believers, so I urge you all[ref] 16to submit yourselves to people like them, in fact to everyone who works and cooperates.

17I’m pleased that Stefanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus came because they’ve given what you all couldn’t, 18because they refreshed my spirit and yours also, so you should show appreciation to such people.

19[ref]The assemblies in the province of Asia Minor send their greetings. 20All the brothers and sisters here send their greetings.

Greet each other with an innocent kiss.

21I, Paul, am sending this greeting in my own handwriting.

22If there’s anyone there who doesn’t love the master, let him be cursed.

Come, master!

23May the grace from our master Yeshua be with all of you.

24My love to all of you in Messiah Yeshua. May it be so.

1:6 Or alternatively: as the messiah’s testimony…

3:5 (NEEDS MORE RESEARCH BUT) It seems unclear here who the final part of the verse is referring to: a/ those who brought the message, or b/ those who received it. (We’ve chosen b/ in the OET-RV rendering.)

7:6 It’s not clear here whether Paul is referring back to marriage here (v2), or to abstaining from sex to focus on praying (v5).

7:8 This is intentionally left ambiguous because we can’t be certain what Paul meant here.

7:36-38 Yes, ‘his unmarried woman’ sounds strange, but it’s not certain here (and in the next two verses) if Paul is writing about a father and his unmarried daughter who’s engaged, or about an engaged man deciding about his fiancée.

9:27 TODO: Investigate why so many other translations translate πάντως something like ‘by all means’ here (whereas our OET-LV gloss is ‘certainly’).

11:3 The translators expect that this talk of ‘the head’ is referring to authority, but because our modern society has become more sensitive to these issues, we decided to keep it literal here, thus letting our readers decide for themselves what Paul probably meant. (Having done that, our readers can also consider for themselves whether this might have been a cultural necessity in and around Corinth, or whether it has widespread application to all cultures.)

11:10 Again, a rather literal translation because honestly, no one is really certain about what Paul was meaning here. See also and

11:29 Discern/distinguish/recognise their own body? The master’s body? The whole group as a body? Unfortunately, we can’t ask Paul exactly what he meant here.

1:2: Acts 18:1.

1:12: Acts 18:24.

1:14: a Acts 18:8; b Acts 19:29; Rom 16:23.

1:16: 1Cor 16:15.

1:19: Isa 29:14 (LXX).

1:20: a Yob 12:17; Isa 19:12; 33:18; b Isa 44:25.

1:31: Jer 9:24.

2:3: Acts 18:9.

2:9: Isa 64:4.

2:16: Isa 40:13 (LXX).

3:2: Heb 5:12-13.

3:4: 1Cor 1:12.

3:6: a Acts 18:4-11; b Acts 18:24-28.

3:16: 1Cor 6:19; 2Cor 6:16.

3:19: Yob 5:13.

3:20: Psa 94:11.

4:12: Acts 18:3.

4:16: 1Cor 11:1; Php 3:17.

5:1: Deu 22:30.

5:6: Gal 5:9.

5:7: Exo 12:5.

5:8: Exo 13:7; Deu 16:3.

5:13: Deu 13:5; 17:7 (LXX).

6:12: 1Cor 10:23.

6:16: Gen 2:24.

6:19: 1Cor 3:16; 2Cor 6:16.

7:10-11: Mat 5:32; 19:9; Mrk 10:11-12; Luk 16:18.

7:24 7:20

9:9: Deu 25:4; 1Tim 5:18.

9:11: Rom 15:27.

9:13: Deu 18:1.

9:14: Mat 10:10; Luk 10:7.

10:1: a Exo 13:21-22; b Exo 14:22-29.

10:3: Exo 16:35.

10:4: Exo 17:6; Num 20:11.

10:5: Num 14:29-30.

10:6: Num 11:4.

10:7: Exo 32:6.

10:8: Num 25:1-18.

10:9: Num 21:5-6.

10:10: Num 16:41-49.

10:16: Mat 26:26-28; Mrk 14:22-24; Luk 22:19-20.

10:18: Lev 7:6.

10:20: Deu 32:17 (LXX).

10:22: Deu 32:21.

10:23: 1Cor 6:12.

10:26: Psa 24:1.

11:1: 1Cor 4:16; Php 3:17.

11:7: Gen 1:26-27.

11:8-9: Gen 2:18-23.

11:25: a Exo 24:8; Jer 31:31-34; b Exo 24:6-8.

12:4-11: Rom 12:6-8.

12:12: Rom 12:4-5.

12:28: Eph 4:11.

13:2: Mat 17:20; 21:21; Mrk 11:23.

14:21: Isa 28:11-12.

15:3: Isa 53:5-12.

15:4: Psa 16:8-10; Mat 12:40; Acts 2:24-32.

15:5: a Luk 24:34; b Mat 28:16-17; Mrk 16:14; Luk 24:36; Yhn 20:19.

15:8: Acts 9:3-6.

15:9: Acts 8:3.

15:25: Psa 110:1.

15:27: Psa 8:6.

15:32: Isa 22:13.

15:45: Gen 2:7.

15:51-52: 1Th 4:15-17.

15:54: Isa 25:8.

15:55: Hos 13:14 (LXX).

16:1: Rom 15:25-26.

16:5: Acts 19:21.

16:8: Lev 23:15-21; Deu 16:9-11.

16:10: 1Cor 4:17.

16:15: 1Cor 1:16.

16:19: Acts 18:2.