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OET-RV LUKE Chapter 17


This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

17:1 Forgiving sin

(Mark 9:42, Mat. 18:6-7)

17Then Yeshua told his followers, “It’s impossible that temptations will disappear, but a bad future awaits whoever brings them. 2If would be better if that person had a heavy weight tied to them and got thrown into the sea than if they cause a younger one to stumble. 3[ref]Take great care.

If a fellow-believer disobeys God, scold them, and then if they stop and request forgiveness, forgive them. 4Even if they wrong you seven times in a day and then seven times come and tell you that they’re turning away from it, forgive them.

17:5 Growing faith

5Then the apprentices requested the master, “Give us more faith.” 6If you all had faith like a small mustard seed,” the master replied, “you would be able to order a mulberry bush, ‘Get out of the ground and plant yourself in the sea,’ and it would obey you all.

17:7 The work of a slave

7Imagine that you had a slave that was out in the field ploughing or looking after the sheep. When he came back to the house, which of you would tell him, ‘The meal’s ready so come in now and sit down to eat.’ 8No, you’d be saying, ‘Get the meal ready for me and then after you’ve changed, come and wait on me as I eat and drink, then after that you can eat and drink.’ 9And no, slaves don’t get thanked for just doing what they’ve been told to do. 10So too when you all do what you’ve been told to do, just say, ‘We are useless slaves—we’ve just done what we were told.’

17:11 Yeshua heals ten men with skin diseases

11Soon it was time to continue on towards Yerusalem and so they walked through Galilee and Samaria. 12In one village, they came across ten men with leprosy, who stood back at a distance 13and called out, “Yeshua, master, show mercy to us.”

14[ref]When he saw them, Yeshua called back, “Go and ask the priests to inspect you.So they went off, and as they were walking, they were healed. 15One of them, seeing that his skin was healed, came back and could be heard loudly praising God, 16and he knelt down in front of Yeshua and thanked him. This man was from Samaria. 17Weren’t there ten of you that were healed?Yeshua asked. “Where’s the other nine? 18Have none of them returned to praise God—only this foreigner?19Then he told him, “Get up and go now. Your faith has healed you.

17:20 God’s kingdom

(Mat. 24:23-28)

20One time Yeshua was approached by some from the Pharisee party and asked when God’s kingdom is coming, and he answered, “The arrival of God’s kingdom is not some visible thing, 21and they won’t be shouting, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There it is!’, because you see, God’s kingdom is inside you all.

22Then he told his followers, “The time will come when you’ll be wanting to see humanity’s child again even for a day, but you won’t see him. 23Some people will tell you all, ‘Look, there he is!’ or ‘Hey, here he is!’ but don’t go looking or following them 24because when humanity’s child returns, it’ll be like lightning that flashes from one side of the sky and shines right across to the other side. 25However, before that he needs to suffer many things and to be rejected by this generation. 26[ref]The time of the return of humanity’s child will be just like it was in Noah’s time: 27[ref]people were eating and drinking, and getting engaged and married right until that day when Noah went into the barge and the flood came and destroyed everything. 28[ref]It was similar in Lot’s time: people were eating and drinking, and buying and selling, and planting and building, 29but on the day that Lot walked out of Sodom, fire and sulphur rained down from the sky and destroyed everything. 30So that’s how it will be when humanity’s child is revealed.

31[ref]On that day, anyone who’s just outside the house should not go back in to get their valuables. Similarly, anyone who’s out on the farm shouldn’t return to the house to get their possessions. 32[ref]Don’t forget the disaster that happened to Lot’s wife. 33[ref]Anyone who tries to save their live will lose it, and anyone who’s sacrificed their lifestyle, will retain life. 34I’m telling you, two people will be in one bed on that night and one will be taken and the other one will be left behind. 35Two people will be preparing food at the same place and one will be taken and the other one will be left behind.

36 37“Where will this happen, master,” they asked.

Where the body is,” he answered, “that’s where the vultures will be gathering.

17:3: Mat 18:15.

17:14: Lev 14:1-32.

17:26: Gen 6:5-8.

17:27: Gen 7:6-24.

17:28-29: Gen 18:20–19:25.

17:31: Mrk 13:15-16; Mat 24:17-18.

17:32: Gen 19:26.

17:33: Yhn 12:25; Mrk 8:35; Mat 10:39; 16:25; Luk 9:24.

