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OET-RV LUKE Chapter 24


This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

24but as soon as it dawned on Sunday morning, they went back to the tomb taking the prepared spices. 2There they discovered that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance 3and when they went in, the body of the master Yeshua wasn’t there. 4While they were still there puzzling about what might have happened, two men in dazzling clothes approached them. 5The women were scared, and knelt down and bowed with their faces close to the ground, but the men asked them, “Why are you looking for the living in the place of the dead? 6[ref]He’s not here—he’s been brought back to life. Remember how he spoke to you all when you were still in Galilee 7and he said, ‘It’s necessary that humanity’s child is handed over to sinful people and to be executed on a stake, and then to come back to life on the third day.’8Then indeed they remembered his words.

9Then they left the tomb and went back into the city and reported all this to the eleven apprentices and all the others. 10(The women who told this to the missionaries were Maria from Magdala, Yoanna, Maria the mother of Yacob, and the other women who were with them.) 11However those who heard it, thought it was all just nonsense and didn’t believe them. 12But Peter stood up and ran off to the tomb, and when he stooped down to look in, he could only see the linen cloths, so he wandered off by himself, wondering what could have happened.

24:13 Yeshua joins the walkers to Emmaus

(Mark 16:12-13)

13Then, wow, two of Yeshua’s followers were walking to the village of Emmaus about eleven kilometres away from Yerusalem 14and they were discussing with each other about all the recent events. 15After a while talking and debating, Yeshua caught up with them and joined them, 16but their eyes were restricted from being able to recognise him. 17He asked them, “What’s all this that you two are talking about while you walk?

They stopped suddenly and looked at him with sad faces 18and the one called Cleopas asked him, “Are you the only visitor staying in Yerusalem who doesn’t know what just happened in the last few days?”

19What happened?” he asked.

“What happened to the man, Yeshua from Nazareth,” they responded. “He was a prophet who did powerful miracles and delivered a powerful message in front of God and all the people. 20The chief priests and our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death, and he was executed on a stake. 21We were hoping that he was going to be the one who would release Israel from the grip of the Romans, but all that happened three days ago now. 22Then some of our women also surprised us, because they went to his tomb very early this morning 23and couldn’t find his body, Then they came back and told us about some vision about messengers from God who apparently said that he’s alive. 24Some of our companions went out to the tomb and found it just as the women had said, but they didn’t see anyone.”

25Oh, you’re so foolish,” he told them, “and your hearts are so reluctant to believe everything that the prophets wrote. 26Didn’t the messiah need to suffer all of that in order to be able to enter into all his greatness?27Then starting with Mosheh and going through all the prophets, he explained the scriptures to them concerning what had been written about him there.

28As they got close to the village they were going to, he seemed to be going on further 29but they urged him, “Come and stay with us because it’s almost evening and there’s not much daylight left.” 30Then when they were already ready to eat, he picked up the bread and blessed it, and then he broke it and handed it out to them, 31and then their eyes were opened and they recognised him. Just then he vanished, 32and they said to each other, “Weren’t our hearts burning when he was speaking to us on the road and explaining the scriptures to us?”

33That very hour they packed up and headed back to Yerusalem where they found that the eleven and the others with them had gathered together 34saying, “The master really has come back to life—he was seen by Simon Peter!”

35Then the two explained what had happened on the road and how they’d recognised them when he broke the bread.

24:36 The showing of Yeshua of followers din

(Yhn 20:19-23, Mark 16:14-18, Mat. 28:16-20, Acts 1:6-8)

36As they were still talking about these things, Yeshua himself suddenly was there standing in the room and told them, “Peace to you all.

37However, they got a fright and then were terrified thinking that it was a spirit. 38Then he spoke to them again, “Why are you all upset, and why are you thinking such stuff? 39Look at my hands and feet and you’ll see that it’s me. Touch me and look, because spirits don’t have solid bodies like you can see that I have.

40Then he showed them his hands and his feet. 41Some of them, still not believing, had a mixture of happiness and doubt, and he asked them, “Have you got anything here to eat?42They handed him a piece of broiled fish, 43and he took it and ate it in front of them.

44Then he told them, “While I was still with you all I told you those messages of mine, and how that everything written about me by Mosheh and the prophets and in the songs, it’s all going to be fulfilled.45Then he opened their minds to be able to understand the scriptures, and he told them, 46It was written that the messiah would suffer and to come back to life on the third day, 47and that his name will be proclaimed as the authority to forgive the sins of the people when they repentpeople from every country beginning here in Yerusalem. 48You all are witnesses of all that. 49[ref]Soon I’ll be sending out the one that my father promised to you all, but first you must sit here in the city until you all get clothed in power that comes from heaven.

24:50 Yeshua is lifted up into the sky

(Mark 16:19-20, Acts 1:9-11)

50[ref]Then Yeshua led them out of the city as far as Bethania where he lifted up his arms and blessed them. 51While he was still blessing them, he passed over the top of them and was taken up into the sky. 52They lay face-down on the ground in worship of him, then got up and returned to Yerusalem feeling very happy, 53where they went into the temple and praised God about everything.

24:6-7: Mrk 8:31; 9:31; 10:33-34; Mat 16:21; 17:22-23; 20:18-19; Luk 9:22; 18:31-33.

24:49: Acts 1:4.

24:50-51: Acts 1:9-11.

