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OET-RV by cross-referenced section JOB 23:1

JOB 23:1–24:25 ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

Iyyov’s third response to Elifaz

Job 23:1—24:25

23:1 Iyyov’s third response to Elifaz

23Then Iyyov responded to Elifaz and the others:

2Even today my complaint is bitter.

I’m groaning because my situation is so difficult.

3If only I knew where to find him

I would have gone to his place.

4I would present my case to him,

and I would expound all my arguments,

5I want to know how he’d answer,

and to understand what he’ll say to me.

6Would he use his incredible power to dispute my case?

No, surely he’d pay attention to me.

7An honest person could reason with him there,

and I would be set free forever by the one judging me.

8Look, I go to the east but he isn’t there,

and to the west but I can’t detect him there.

9He works in the north, but I can’t see him,

and when he turned south, I didn’t spot him.

10Nevertheless, he knows the path that I’ve taken.

He’s tested me and I’ve come out like refined gold.

11My feet have followed in his tracks.

I’ve kept to the path without wavering.

12I’ve always obeyed what he commanded,

and I’ve valued his words more than my daily food.

13But he’s independent so who could dissuade him?

He does whatever he wants to do.

14He carries out what’s been decided for me,

and he knows so much about me.

15That’s why I’m terrified in his presence,

I’m afraid of him when I consider all that.

16God has caused me to be faint-hearted.

The provider has terrified me.

17I haven’t been silenced when facing the darkness,

or by the fog that covers my face.

Iyyov complains about continued evil

24Why doesn’t the provider a title="נִצְפְּנוּ (niʦp~~SCHWA~~nū, VNp3cp)" href="../../ref/HebWrd/JOBc24v1w4.htm#Top" class="hebVrb">store up the times,

and those who know him never see him age?

2People move boundaries.

They steal sheep and goats and graze them.

3They drive away the donkey of a family who lost the husband.

They take the widow’s ox as payment for a pledge.

4They turn needy people off the road.

The poor people in the land mustn’t be seen.

5Indeed, the poor work in the desert.

The wilderness is their field where they search for something to eat.

6They harvest whatever they can find in the countryside,

and they gather grapes left behind in the wicked peoples’ vineyards.

7They spend the night under-dressed from lack of clothing,

and have nothing to cover themselves with in the cold.

8They get soaked by the showers in the hills,

and huddle against the rocky ledge for shelter.

9They pull the fatherless baby from the breast,

and take the children from poor families to pay their debt.

10Without clothing, they walk around under-dressed.

Harvesting for others, they’re feeling hungry.

11They squeeze out olive oil at the press.

They tread the juice out of the grapes while they thirst.

12People groan in the cities,

and wounded souls cry out.

but God seems to not be offended.

13They’re in with those rebelling against the light.

They take no notice of his ways,

and they don’t stay on his paths.

14At first light, the murderer gets up and kills the poor,

and in the night he’s like a thief.

15The adulterer watches out for the twilight,

saying that no one will see him,

and he puts a covering over his face.

16They dig into people’s houses in the dark,

but they stay hidden away during the day

they don’t know what daylight is.

17To them, morning is like deep darkness.

They’re familiar with the terrors of deep darkness.

18They’re swift on the surface of the waters.

Their portion of the land is cursed.

No one goes in the direction of their vineyards.

19Drought as well as heat will snatch away the snow.

The grave will do the same to those who have sinned.

20The womb will forget them—the worm will dine on them.

They won’t be remembered againinjustice is like a broken tree.

21He devours the barren woman who’s never had a child.

He doesn’t do anything good to the widow.

22He uses his strength to drag powerful people away.

He rises but no one trusts in life. WHAT???

23He gives him support and security,

and his eyes are on their ways.

24They’re promoted for a while then they’re gone.

Then they’re cut down and gathered up like wheat,

then they wither like the stalks of grain.

25If that isn’t true, then who will prove me a liar

and demonstrate that my words mean nothing?