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EZE 1:1–1:28 ©

Date of Vision of Living Creatures and Glory of the Throne of Yahweh

Date of Vision of Living Creatures and Glory of the Throne of Yahweh

1And it was in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, and I was in the midst of[fn] the exiles[fn] by theKebar River.[fn] The heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God. 2On the fifth day of the month—it was the fifth year of the exile of the king Jehoiachin—3the word of Yahweh came[fn] clearly[fn] to Ezekiel the son of Buzi, the priest, in the land ofthe Chaldeans at the Kebar River,[fn] and the hand of Yahweh was on him there.

4And I looked,[fn] and look! A storm windwas coming from the north, a great cloud, and fire flashing back and forth, and brightness around and within it,[fn] and from its midst[fn]it was like the outward appearance of amber stone from the midst[fn] of the fire. 5And from its midst[fn]was the likeness of four living creatures, and this was their appearance: a human form,[fn] 6and each had four faces,[fn] andeach of them had four wings.[fn] 7And their legs were straight legs, and the sole of their feet was like the sole of the foot of a calf, and they were sparkling like the outward appearance of polished bronze. 8And under their wings were human hands[fn] on their four sides. And their faces and their wings for the four of themwere as follows: 9their wings were touching one another;[fn]each of them went straight forward,[fn]without turning right or left.[fn] 10The likeness of their faces was the face of a human in front, and the face of a lion on the right of each of them,[fn] and the face of an ox on the leftof each of them,[fn] andthe face of an eagle for each of them.[fn] 11So were their faces; their wings were spread out upward;[fn] eachhad two touching one another and two covering their bodies. 12And each went straight forward;[fn]wherever the spirit went[fn] they went,and they did not turn as they went.[fn] 13As for[fn] the likeness of the living creatures, their appearancewas like burning coals of fire, like the appearance of torches. It[fn]was moving to and fro between the living creatures, and the fire was very bright[fn] and lightningwas going out from the fire. 14And the living creatures were speeding to and fro[fn] like the appearance of lightning.

15And I saw the living creatures, and look! A wheel was on the earth[fn] besideeach of the living creatures that had four faces.[fn] 16The appearance of the wheels and their construction was like the appearance of beryl,[fn] andthey all looked alike,[fn] and their appearance and their constructionwas like a wheel within a wheel.[fn] 17When they moved, they went toward their four sides; they did not veer at all as they went.[fn] 18And their rims were high and awesome,[fn] andall four of[fn] their rimswere full of eyes all around. 19And at the going of the living creatures, the wheels next to them also went, and when the creatures were lifted from the ground[fn] the wheelsalso rose. 20Wherever[fn] the spirit went they would go there, and the wheels rose, for the spirit of the living creatures[fn]was in the wheels. 21At their[fn] going, they[fn] go, and at their standing, they stood, and at their being lifted up from on the earth,[fn] the wheels rose,[fn] for the spirit of the living creatures[fn]was in the wheels.

22Now[fn]the likeness above the heads of the living creatures was an expanse like the outward appearance of awesome[fn]ice[fn] spread out above their headsupward.[fn] 23And under the expanse their wings were stretched out straight one toward the other;[fn] each had twowings covering them, and each had two wings covering their bodies. 24And I heard the sound of their wings like the sound of many waters, like the voice of Shaddai,[fn]and when they moved[fn]there was a sound of tumult like the sound of an army; when they stood still[fn] they lowered their wings. 25And there was[fn] a sound from above the expanse thatwas above their heads, and when they stood[fn] they lowered their wings. 26And from above the expanse that was above their heads there was the likeness of a throne, looking like a sapphire,[fn] and above the likeness of the thronewas a likeness similar to[fn]the appearance of a human on it, but above it.[fn] 27And I saw something like the outward appearance of amber, something like the appearance of fire, with a covering around it, from the likeness of his loins and upward.[fn] And from the likeness of his loins anddownward[fn] I sawsomething like the appearance of fire, and it was radiant all around.[fn] 28Like the appearance[fn] of a bow that is in the cloud ona rainy day,[fn] suchwas the radiance[fn] around it;thus was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of Yahweh. And I saw, and I fell on my face, and I heard a voice speaking.

?:? Or “among”

?:? Hebrew “exile”

?:? Literally “river of Kebar”

?:? Literally “was”

?:? Or “certainly”

?:? Literally “river of Kebar”

?:? Or “saw”

?:? Literally “for it”

?:? Or “middle”

?:? Or “middle”

?:? Or “middle”

?:? Literally “this their appearance the likeness of a human to them”

?:? Literally “and four faces to each”

?:? Literally “and four wings to each for them”

?:? Literally “hand his a man”

?:? Literally “their wings were touching each her sister”

?:? Literally “they did not turn at their going”

?:? Literally “each toward the side of his face they went”

?:? Literally “of the four of them”

?:? Literally “of the four of them”

?:? Literally “of the four of them”

?:? Literally “from to above”

?:? Literally “toward the side of his face they went”

?:? Literally “towards which it was there the spirit”

?:? Literally “they did not turn at their going”

?:? Or “And”

?:? That is, the fire

?:? Literally “brightness was for the fire”

?:? Literally “sped forth and returned”

?:? Or “ground”

?:? Literally “the living creatures for the four of his/its faces.” The LXX has “for the four of them.”

?:? Or “chrysolite,” or “topaz”; this stone is difficult to identify exactly

?:? Literally “likeness was one for the four of them”

?:? Literally “as that it was a wheel in the midst of a wheel”

?:? Literally “turn away when they went”

?:? Literally “height was for them and awesomeness was for them”

?:? Literally “of the four of them”

?:? Literally “and at the lifting up of the creatures from the earth”

?:? Literally “Toward which”

?:? Hebrew “creature”

?:? That is, the living creatures

?:? That is, the wheels

?:? Or “ground”

?:? Or “were lifted up”

?:? Hebrew “creature”

?:? Or “And”

?:? Literally “terrible”

?:? Literally “frozen water”

?:? Literally “from to upward”

?:? Literally “each towards its sister”

?:? Often translated “Almighty”

?:? Literally “at their going”

?:? Literally “at their standing”

?:? Or “it was”

?:? Literally “at their standing”

?:? Literally “the appearance of a stone of sapphire”

?:? Or “like”

?:? Literally “from to above”

?:? Literally “to above”

?:? Literally “to down”

?:? Literally “brightness was for it around”

?:? Or “likeness”

?:? Literally “the day of the rain”

?:? Or “brightness”

EZE 1:1–1:28 ©
