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LEB by section EZE 43:1

EZE 43:1–43:27 ©

Return of the Lord’s Glory and Description of Sacrifices and Worship

Return of the Lord’s Glory and Description of Sacrifices and Worship

43And he brought me to the gate which was facing east.[fn] 2And, look! The glory of the God of Israel, it came from the way of the east, and its sound was like the sound of many waters[fn] and the land radiated due to his glory! 3And[fn] the appearance of the vision which I sawwas as[fn] the vision which I saw at his[fn] coming to destroy the city, andthese visions were also as[fn] the vision which I saw by theKebar River,[fn] and I fell on my face.

4And then the glory of Yahweh came to the temple by the way of the gate facing east.[fn] 5And the Spirit lifted me and it brought me to the inner courtyard and, look! The glory of Yahweh filled the temple! 6And I heard someone speaking to me from the house,[fn] and a man was standing beside me. 7And he said to me, “Son of man,[fn]this is the place of my throne and the place for the soles of my feet where I will dwell[fn] in the midst of theIsraelites[fn] to eternity, and they, the house of Israel, they and their kings, will not again defilemy holy name[fn] with their fornication and with their offerings for the dead[fn] of their kingson their high places. 8When they placed their threshold[fn] with[fn] my threshold, their doorframe beside my doorframe and the[fn] wallwas between me and between them, then they defiled my holy name,[fn] with their detestable things that they did, andso I consumed them in my anger. 9Now let them send their fornication far away and the offerings for the dead[fn] of their kingsaway from me, and I will dwell in the midst of them forever.[fn]

10You, son of man,[fn] describeto the house of Israel the temple and let them be ashamed of their iniquities and let them measure the pattern. 11And if they are ashamed of all that they did, then the plan of the temple and its arrangement and its exits and its entrances and all of its plans[fn] and all of its statutes. And all of its plans[fn] and all of its laws[fn] make knownto them and write them before their eyes, so that they may remember all of its plans and all of its statutes, so that they do them! 12This is the law[fn] of the temple: On the top of the mountain, all of its territory,all the way around it,[fn]will be most holy.[fn] Look, thisis the law of the temple.

13And these are the measurements of the altar in the cubits[fn] (a cubitis a cubit and a handbreadth):[fn] now its gutter[fn]is a cubit[fn] in depth by a cubit[fn] in width[fn] and its rim along its edge all around is one span,[fn] and thisis also the height of the altar. 14And from the gutter[fn] at the ground up to the lower ledgeis two cubits,[fn] andits width is one cubit,[fn] and from the small ledge up to the large ledgeis four cubits,[fn] andits width is one cubit. 15And the altar hearth was four cubits,[fn] and from the altar hearth andupwards[fn]were the four horns of the altar. 16And the altar hearth was twelve[fn]cubits in length and twelve[fn]cubits in width[fn];it was squared on its four sides.[fn] 17And the ledge was fourteen[fn]cubits in length with fourteen[fn]cubits its width[fn] toall four of its sides, and a rim was all around it of one-half cubit.[fn] And the gutter[fn] for itwas a cubit[fn] all around, and its stepswere facing east.”

18And he said to me, “Son of man,[fn] thus says the Lord Yahweh: ‘Theseare the statutes of the altar on the day when it is made,[fn] to sacrifice a burnt offering on it and to sprinkle blood on it. 19And you must give to the Levitical priests who are from the offspring of Zadok, the ones coming near me,” declares[fn] the Lord Yahweh, “to serve me, a bull,a calf[fn] asa sin offering.

20You must take some of its blood and put it on the four horns of the altar,[fn] and the four corners of the ledge, and on the rim all around; thus you must purify it and make atonement for it. 21And you must take the bull, the sin offering, and you must burn it in the designated place of the temple outside of the holy place. 22And on the second day you must offer a he-goat without defect as a sin offering, and they must purify the altar like[fn] they purified with the bull. 23When you are finished[fn] from purifying, you must offer a bull,a calf,[fn] without defect, and a ram from the flock without defect. 24And you must bring them near before[fn] Yahweh, and the priests must throw salt on them, and they must offer themas a burnt offering to Yahweh. 25For seven days you must provide a goat of sin offering for the day and a bull,a calf,[fn] and a ram from the flock without defect; you must providethem. 26Seven days they must purify the altar and they must cleanse it and so they will consecrate it.[fn] 27And they will finish the days, and then[fn] on the eighth day and beyondthat the priests will offer on the altar your burnt offerings and your fellowship offerings, and then I will be pleased with you,” declares[fn] the Lord Yahweh.

?:? Literally “which was facing to the way of the east”

?:? Hebrew “water”

?:? Or “and as”; as is not needed in translation

?:? Or “like”

?:? Or “my coming”

?:? Or “like”

?:? Literally “river of Kebar”

?:? Literally “by the way of the gate which its face was to the way of the east”

?:? Or “from inside”

?:? Or “mortal,” or “son of humankind”

?:? Literally “which I will dwell there”

?:? Literally “sons/children of Israel”

?:? Literally “the name of my holiness”

?:? Or “corpses”

?:? Literally “in/at their placing their threshold”

?:? Or “beside/next to”

?:? Or “their”

?:? Literally “the name of my holiness”

?:? Or “corpses”

?:? Literally “to eternity”

?:? Or “mortal,” or “son of humankind”

?:? Or “its entire pattern”

?:? Or “purposes”

?:? According to the reading tradition (Qere); cf. BHS

?:? Literally “torah” or “instruction”

?:? Literally “all around, all around”

?:? Literally “will be a holiness of holinesses”

?:? Or “in long cubits”

?:? That is, about 18 inches (regular cubit) + 3 inches = 21 inches (long cubit)

?:? Or “trench” (NJPS)

?:? That is, 21 inches

?:? That is, 21 inches

?:? Literally “the cubit and cubit its width”

?:? That is, 9 inches

?:? Or “trench”

?:? That is, 3 feet 6 inches

?:? That is, 21 inches

?:? That is, 7 feet

?:? That is, 7 feet

?:? Literally “and to above”

?:? Literally “two ten”

?:? Literally “two ten”

?:? That is, 21 feet square

?:? Literally “squared to the four of its sides”

?:? Literally “four ten”

?:? Literally “four ten”

?:? That is, 24.5 feet on all four sides, a square

?:? That is, 10.5 inches

?:? Or “trench”

?:? That is, 21 inches

?:? Or “mortal,” or “son of humankind”

?:? Literally “to be made it”

?:? Literally “declaration of”

?:? Literally “son of cattle,” or “son of the herd”

?:? Literally “on its four horns”

?:? Literally “as that”

?:? Literally “at your finishing”

?:? Literally “son of cattle,” or “son of the herd”

?:? Literally “to the face of”

?:? Literally “son of cattle,” or “son of the herd”

?:? Literally “they must fill its hand”

?:? Literally “and it will happen”

?:? Literally “declaration of”

EZE 43:1–43:27 ©
