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OET-RV ROM Chapter 1


This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

1This letter is from Paul, a slave of Messiah Yeshua and a chosen ambassador who’s been set apart for God’s good message 2which he had previously promised through the messages of his prophets in the holy scriptures.

3This good message is about his son who was conceived as a descendant of David 4and became known as God’s son according to the spirit of holiness—demonstrating power by coming back to life from the dead. Yes, he’s our master, Yeshua Messiah 5and it’s through him that we received grace and also the commission to obey in faith to take his name among all the non-Jews 6which also includes you all there who’re called by Yeshua Messiah.

7This letter is written to all those in Rome that God loves and considers as holy. May you all experience grace and peace from God our father and from the master Yeshua Messiah.

1:8 Paul’s wish to visit Rome

8I’ll start by thanking my God through Yeshua Messiah for all of you, because the story about your faith has been told in many countries. 9Yes, the God that I serve in my spirit in the good message about his son, is my witness about how I never stop mentioning all of you 10in my prayers—asking that somehow God will favour me by allowing me to come to visit you 11because I’m longing to see you all so that I can share a particular spiritual gift with you so that you’ll all be strengthened. 12I want us to all be encouraged together by each other’s faith—both me and all of you.

13[ref]Brothers and sisters, I don’t want you to be unaware that I had planned several times to come to you but I was vetoed until recently so that I’d also have a harvest among you similar to those among the other non-Jews. 14Whether it’s Greeks or other foreigners, wise people or foolish, I have an obligation 15and so I’m eager to also preach the good message to all of you there in Rome.

16[ref]I’m not ashamed to preach the good message because it conveys God’s power to save everyone who believes it—to Jews first and then non-Jews. 17[ref]It explains how God makes us guiltless—by faith leading to more faith—as it’s been written: Godly people will live by faith.

1:18 God’s anger towards those who deny his existence

18God’s severe anger is being revealed from heaven on the ungodliness and disobedience of people who limit the truth by their disobedience 19because the fact that there is a God has been shown to them because God himself has revealed it. 20Ever since the creation of the world, the invisible attributes of God have been clearly seen through his workmanship—both his eternal power and his divinity—so people have no excuse. 21[ref]Even though they know about God, they didn’t honour or thank him, but their theories made them incompetent and their minds turned from perception towards darkness. 22They claimed to be scientific but instead they believed foolishness 23[ref]and so they changed the greatness of the eternal God into the likeness of an image of a mortal human, or birds or animals or reptiles.

24Therefore God reluctantly let their lusts lead to impurity and the dishonouring of their bodies among themselves 25as they exchanged God’s truth for a lie and now worshipped and served the creation, instead of the creator who should be praised throughout the ages. May it be so.

26Because of that, God reluctantly let them exercise their dishonourable passions and their women exchanged natural acts for those against nature, 27and similarly their men deserted the natural acts towards women and stoked their lusts towards each other—man with man and the shame that it produces, and then received back in themselves the payment which is appropriate for such deception.

28They didn’t want to know about God and so he reluctantly let their depraved minds be filled with unhelpful thoughts 29and so they were filled with disobedience, wickedness, greediness, and malice, and full of envy, murder, strife, and deceit, becoming malicious, gossips, 30slanderers, god-haters, abusers, proud, braggers, inventors of evil, unable to be persuaded by their parents, 31unintelligent, untrustworthy, unloving, and unmerciful. 32They know that God must exercise justice towards those doing such things, yet they not only practice those things which will lead to a death sentence, but they also approve when others do them.

1:13: Acts 19:21.

1:16: Mrk 8:38.

1:17: Hab 2:4.

1:21: Eph 4:17-18.

1:23: Deu 4:16-18.

