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This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

ROM - Open English Translation—Readers’ Version (OET-RV) v0.1.14


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Paul’s letter to the believers in



Paul’s letter to the believers in Rome was sent to both Jews and non-Jews who believe in, and trust, Yeshua (Jesus) the messiah. He wrote to them so that they could be prepared for when he could visit them there. Paul planned to work there with other Christians for a while, then with their help, he would travel to Spain. He wrote in order to explain his understanding of Christian faith and of day-to-day living as Christians.

Paul greets the believers there in Rome and he tells them about his prayers for them. Then he tells them the theme of his letter, “how God makes us guiltless—by faith.” (1:17a). All people, Jewish or not, need to become guiltless in God’s sight by means of faith in Yeshua Messiah.

Next Paul tells them about new life by means of unity with the messiah thereby forming a new relationship with God. Believers will have peace from God and the power of Spirit of God will save them from the power of sin and of death. In chapters 5-8, Paul explains about the purpose of God’s law and about the power of God’s spirit working through believers.

Paul answers the question about how Jews and non-Jews fit into God’s plan for of all people. Paul explains that the unbelief of Jews is part of God’s plan for a time so that the good message can be proclaimed to non-Jews. But concerning God’s choosing of Jews, he loved them very much due to his promise to their ancestors, and it’s as a result of them that all people can receive the love and mercy of God through the messiah Yeshua.

In the ending, Paul explains how to live as a Christian, with the main need being to accept and love each other. He also includes themes like serving God, the responsibility of Christians the government, and for each individual, questions concerning the conscience. Paul ends his letter and greeting others, and by his praising God.

Main components of Paul’s letter

Introduction and theme 1:1-17

All people need salvation 1:18-3:20

God’s way of saving people 3:21-4:25

The new life in the messiah 5:1-8:39

God’s plan for Israel 9:1-11:36

Christian living 12:1-15:13

Concluding remarks and greetings 15:14-16:27

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

1This letter is from Paul, a slave of Messiah Yeshua and a chosen ambassador who’s been set apart for God’s good message 2which he had previously promised through the messages of his prophets in the holy scriptures.

3This good message is about his son who was conceived as a descendant of David 4and became known as God’s son according to the spirit of holiness—demonstrating power by coming back to life from the dead. Yes, he’s our master, Yeshua Messiah 5and it’s through him that we received grace and also the commission to obey in faith to take his name among all the non-Jews 6which also includes you all there who’re called by Yeshua Messiah.

7This letter is written to all those in Rome that God loves and considers as holy. May you all experience grace and peace from God our father and from the master Yeshua Messiah.

1:8Paul’s wish to visit Rome

8I’ll start by thanking my God through Yeshua Messiah for all of you, because the story about your faith has been told in many countries. 9Yes, the God that I serve in my spirit in the good message about his son, is my witness about how I never stop mentioning all of you 10in my prayers—asking that somehow God will favour me by allowing me to come to visit you 11because I’m longing to see you all so that I can share a particular spiritual gift with you so that you’ll all be strengthened. 12I want us to all be encouraged together by each other’s faith—both me and all of you.

13[ref]Brothers and sisters, I don’t want you to be unaware that I had planned several times to come to you but I was vetoed until recently so that I’d also have a harvest among you similar to those among the other non-Jews. 14Whether it’s Greeks or other foreigners, wise people or foolish, I have an obligation 15and so I’m eager to also preach the good message to all of you there in Rome.

16[ref]I’m not ashamed to preach the good message because it conveys God’s power to save everyone who believes it—to Jews first and then non-Jews. 17[ref]It explains how God makes us guiltless—by faith leading to more faith—as it’s been written: Godly people will live by faith.

1:18God’s anger towards those who deny his existence

18God’s severe anger is being revealed from heaven on the ungodliness and disobedience of people who limit the truth by their disobedience 19because the fact that there is a God has been shown to them because God himself has revealed it. 20Ever since the creation of the world, the invisible attributes of God have been clearly seen through his workmanship—both his eternal power and his divinity—so people have no excuse. 21[ref]Even though they know about God, they didn’t honour or thank him, but their theories made them incompetent and their minds turned from perception towards darkness. 22They claimed to be scientific but instead they believed foolishness 23[ref]and so they changed the greatness of the eternal God into the likeness of an image of a mortal human, or birds or animals or reptiles.

24Therefore God reluctantly let their lusts lead to impurity and the dishonouring of their bodies among themselves 25as they exchanged God’s truth for a lie and now worshipped and served the creation, instead of the creator who should be praised throughout the ages. May it be so.

26Because of that, God reluctantly let them exercise their dishonourable passions and their women exchanged natural acts for those against nature, 27and similarly their men deserted the natural acts towards women and stoked their lusts towards each other—man with man and the shame that it produces, and then received back in themselves the payment which is appropriate for such deception.

28They didn’t want to know about God and so he reluctantly let their depraved minds be filled with unhelpful thoughts 29and so they were filled with disobedience, wickedness, greediness, and malice, and full of envy, murder, strife, and deceit, becoming malicious, gossips, 30slanderers, god-haters, abusers, proud, braggers, inventors of evil, unable to be persuaded by their parents, 31unintelligent, untrustworthy, unloving, and unmerciful. 32They know that God must exercise justice towards those doing such things, yet they not only practice those things which will lead to a death sentence, but they also approve when others do them.

2:1Judgement even for those without the written law

2[ref]So there’s no excuse for anyone who judges others because you’re condemning yourselves if you’re doing those same things that you’re judging other for 2because we know that God’s judgement is based on the factual accounts of what each person is doing. 3But maybe you’re thinking that you can judge others doing these things and yet somehow escape God’s judgement when you do them yourself? 4Or maybe you’re taking advantage of God’s kindness and patience without realising that his kindness was meant to lead you towards repentance? 5But it’s your hardness and failure to repent that causing severe anger to be stored up for the day of God’s judgement when all will be revealed including his severe anger 6[ref]as each person will be judged by their actions. 7Those who’ve endured to do good expecting praise and honour and to escape destruction, will be given eternal life, 8but those who’ve lived out their selfish ambition and refused to believe the truth but let themselves get persuaded by disobedience, will meet with severe anger and rage. 9For every person doing evil, there will be tribulation and distress—to Jews first and then to non-Jews, 10but to those who do good, there’ll be praise and honour and peace—to Jews first and then to non-Jews 11[ref]because God doesn’t indulge in favouritism.

12Those not under the Jewish laws and yet sinned, they’ll be judged without the law, and those who knew the laws and sinned, will be judged by the law, 13because listening to the law doesn’t make people right with God, but rather it’s those who obey the law who will be declared guiltless. 14Whenever other nations don’t have Jewish law but naturally obey what’s in the laws, then even those that don’t have our laws have their own law. 15They demonstrate that they effectively have God’s law written in their minds and which matches their consciences, and between the two they’ll be either accused or defended 16on the day when God through Messiah Yeshua, judges people’s private lives as I’ve shared as part of the good message.

2:17Jews who disobey their laws

17But if you’re a Jew and trusting in the law and boasting about being chosen by God 18and knowing his will and knowing what’s important because of familiarity with the law, 19and if you’ve persuaded yourself that you’re a guide for the blind and a light to those who’re in darkness, 20and that you’re an instructor to foolish people and a teacher of children, and that you appear to be knowledgeable about the truth of the law, 21then why do you teach others when you haven’t even taught yourself? You announce that stealing is wrong, but you’re a thief. 22You teach about not messing with other people’s spouses, yet you do it yourself. You detest idols, but you sneak money out of the temple. 23You boast about being a student of the law, but you dishonour God by breaking the laws. 24[ref]Yes, it’s been written: ‘God’s name is slandered among the nations because of you all.’

25Circumcision is of value if you’re keeping the law, but if you’re breaking the laws, then your circumcision is just the same as if you’re uncircumcised, 26so if uncircumcised peoples act justly according to the law, even though they’re not physically circumcised, God will consider them as his people. 27Yes, those peoples who’re not circumcised but keep the law, will be judging you who were given the law in writing and are circumcised, yet break those laws. 28A true Jew is not just a Jew on the outside, and circumcision isn’t just on the outside of the body, 29[ref]but is a Jew even in their private life and through circumcision of their heart—by the spirit and not by the letter of the law—earning praise not from people, but from God.

3So what advantage is it in being a Jew and what’s the benefit of circumcision? 2A lot in every way. Firstly, Jews were entrusted with the writing down of God’s messages. 3But what if some didn’t believe? Wouldn’t the unbelief of Jews make faith that comes from God worthless? 4[ref]Absolutely not. Even if every person was a liar, God is true just like it’s been written about him:

‘You will be proved right about what you say,

and you’ll prevail when you’re judged in court.’

5But if our sinfulness highlights God’s sinlessness, what can we say about that? So isn’t God, the one inflicting the severe anger, wrong to punish us. (Of course this is reasoning from a human perspective.) 6Of course not, otherwise how could God be able to judge the world?

7But if my lie exposes God’s truth and so brings him honour, why would he still judge me as a sinner? 8Some people falsely accuse us of saying, ‘Let’s do evil things so that good might follow.’ Those who say that deserve their punishment.

3:9No person is guiltless

9What then? Do Jews have any advantage? Definitely not, because we showed earlier that both Jews and other nationalities are all under sin’s shadow 10[ref]just like it was written long ago:

‘No one is guiltless,

not even one person.

11No one understands,

there’s not even one person trying to find God.

12Everyone has turned away,

it was a waste of time.

No one is being kind,

Not even one person.’

13[ref]‘Their words lead to death,

their tongues are deceptive.’

‘Their lips spray out poison.’

14[ref]‘Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.’

15[ref]‘They rush off to go and shed blood.

16They leave trails of destruction and misery

17they don’t know the path that leads to peace.’

18[ref]Revering God isn’t at the front of their minds.

19We know that whatever the law says, it’s for everyone that the law applies to, so that no one can speak against it, and the whole world will be bound by God’s judgement. 20[ref]No human will be declared guiltless in front of God by their keeping the law, because it’s the law that teaches what sin is.

3:21Removing the guilt from sin

21But now God has revealed a way to remove guilt that’s not by rules—a way that Mosheh and the prophets wrote about. 22[ref]We can be made right with God through faith in Yeshua Messiah. This is for everyone who believes because there’s no distinction between Jews and others 23because everyone has sinned and is unable to be honoured by God. 24But even without deserving it, we can be declared guiltless by God’s grace by being bought out of slavery to sin by Messiah Yeshua 25who God placed on the altar as a sacrifice for sin. This happens through faith in his blood which was a sign of his sinlessness.

(God hasn’t yet judged those who sinned in the past 26because of his patience, waiting for the present time to show his righteousness and to be fair, and to remove the guilt of those with faith in Yeshua.)

27So where does that leave boasting? It’s not in the picture. How come? Through obeying the Mosheh’s laws? No, through a law about faith. 28So now we should expect that a person will be made guiltless by faith—not by obeying Mosheh’s laws. 29Or is God only god of the Jews? Isn’t he also the god of others? Yes, he is the God of others. 30[ref]Indeed, there’s only one God and he declares people guiltless by faith whether they’re circumcised Jews, or non-Jews. 31So does this ‘faith’ cancel the law? Not on your life. In fact, it upholds the law.

4:1Abraham’s faith

4So what did our physical ancestor, Abraham discover about all this? 2Because if Abraham was declared guiltless because of his actions, maybe he could boast? But not towards God 3[ref]because the scriptures say: ‘Abraham believed in God so he was considered guiltless.’ 4Now for someone who’s working, their wages are considered ‘owed’, not a gift. 5However someone who’s not working but having faith that God will declare disobedient people as guiltless, then that person’s faith is considered to make them guiltless. 6It’s just like what David said about blessing a person who God declares as guiltless despite their actions:

7[ref]‘Those who’ve been forgiven for their lawlessness will be happy,

and whose sins have been covered over.

8Anyone who the master declares to have no sin will be happy.’

9Is this favour shown to circumcised Jews or is it also for non-Jews? Because we were saying that Abraham was considered guiltless because of his faith. 10So how did that happen? Because he was circumcised or when he was still uncircumcised? No, it was before he was circumcised. 11[ref]He received circumcision as a sign—proof of the righteousness that he gained from his faith while he was still uncircumcised—becoming the father of everyone who’s uncircumcised but believes so that they’ll be declared guiltless. 12So our ancestor Abraham is the ancestor of us as a circumcised people, not just because we’re circumcised, but also as we follow his steps of faith while uncircumcised.

4:13God’s promise is attained through faith

13[ref]It wasn’t because of his obeying the law that it was promised that Abraham or his descendants would inherit the world, but because of his righteousness that came from his faith, 14[ref]because if the ones obeying the law can become heirs, then faith would be declared as useless and the promise would be invalidated, 15because the law produces severe anger, and where there’s no law, then there’s nothing to break.

16[ref]Because of this, the promise to the descendants is by faith—given not only to the ‘descendants of the law’ but also to the ‘descendants of Abraham’s faith’. This promise is given by grace and has been confirmed, 17[ref]as it’s been written, ‘I’ve appointed you as a father of many nations.’ He was appointed in front of the God he believed in—the God who brings the dead back to life and who creates by speaking things into being that didn’t previously exist. 18[ref]Without any other evidence, he believed in hope itself and thus he became the father of many nations according to what he had been told: ‘Your descendants will be like the sand and the stars.’ 19[ref]He didn’t falter in his faith, seeing that his body was already infertile being about a hundred years old and with Sarah being past menopause, 20but he didn’t show unbelief and doubt God’s promise when it was given, but rather he was strengthened in his faith and praised God, 21being quite certain that what God promises, he’s also able to do. 22Therefore his faith was credited to him and he was declared guiltless. 23However that statement wasn’t written about Abraham only, 24but for us also who are also going to receive the same credit because of our faith in the God who brought our master Yeshua back to life from the dead 25[ref]after he was handed over to the executioners because of our sins, and he was brought back to life to make us guiltless.

5:1God showed his love to sinners

5So now because we’ve been declared guiltless by our faith, we can have peace with God through our master Yeshua Messiah. 2Through him we also have access by faith into this grace that we depend on and we are boasting in hope of God’s glory. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? 3Not only that, but we are also boasting even though we’re still being persecuted, because we know that difficulties produce endurance 4and endurance shows who we really are, and knowing that produces hope, 5and we’re not disgraced by that hope because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the holy spirit who has been given to us.

6While we were still weak and at the right time for ungodly people, the messiah died for us. 7Now it’s rare for someone to offer to die to save a guiltless person, although perhaps someone might offer for the greater good, 8but God demonstrated his love towards us in that the messiah died for us while we were still sinners!

9So now that we’ve been declared guiltless because of his blood, we’ll certainly be spared from his severe anger, 10because if we were reconciled to God through the death of his son while we were still enemies, now that we’ve been reconciled how much more certain that we’ll be saved by Yeshua’s life! 11And not only that, because of what our master Yeshua Messiah has done so that we might receive that reconciliation, we can now boast in God about it.

5:12Death through Adam but life through Yeshua

12[ref]Sin came into the world through one man, and death came as a result of sin, so death spread to everyone because everyone has disobeyed God. 13Sin was in the world before Mosheh’s law, but it wasn’t being charged against them, because the law had not yet been given. 14But death reigned from the time of Adam until the time of Mosheh, even over those who didn’t sin in the way that Adam did—Adam[fn] who was a pattern of the messiah who would eventually come.

15But the gift is not like the disobedience, because if the disobedience of one man introduced death for many, God’s grace and the gift that comes from that grace is much more. That gift is the one man Yeshua Messiah who has been given to very many people. 16It only took one man who disobeyed to lead to condemnation, and one act of disobedience to lead to judgement, but the gift is to bring guiltlessness despite many acts of disobedience. 17Because if the disobedience of one man led to death reigning over us through that one man, how much more will the ones receiving an abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness be reigning in life through the one man Yeshua Messiah.

18So just as one act of disobedience led all people to condemnation, so also one action brought all people to guiltlessness and hence to life. 19The disobedience of one man caused many people to be made sinners, so also the obedience of one man caused many people to be made guiltless.

20The law was inserted so that acts of disobedience would be plentiful, but where sin has been plentiful, grace has overflowed 21so that just as sin reigned in death, so also grace now reigns through righteousness, leading to eternal life through our master Yeshua Messiah.

6:1Dying and coming back to life with Yeshua

6So should we continuing disobeying so that more of God’s grace will be displayed? 2Not on your life! We who died to sin, how could we go back to living in it? 3Or didn’t you all realise that when we were immersed into Messiah Yeshua, we were immersed into his death? 4[ref]Therefore we were buried with him through the immersion into death, so that just as Messiah was brought back to life by the father’s power, so too we can walk in newness of life. 5If we have joined together in the likeness of his death, then we will also be joined in the resurrection, 6knowing that the old personality was executed with him so that sin would have no more power over our bodies and hence we no longer need to serve it 7because the personality that’s died has been declared free from sin. 8So if we died with Messiah, we also believe that we will live with him, 9knowing that now that Messiah has come back to life from the dead, he won’t die again—death has no more power over him. 10When he died, he died to sin once and for all, but now that he lives, he lives to please God. 11So too, you should be considering yourselves dead to sin, and at the same time, alive to God in Messiah Yeshua.

12So therefore don’t let sin be reigning in your mortal bodies in such a way that you’re submitting to its lusts. 13Don’t be using any parts of your bodies to sin as if they’re weapons of disobedience, but instead present yourselves to God as if you came back to life from the dead, and use all your body parts for God as if they’re weapons of righteousness 14so that sin won’t be taking control of you—because you’re not under law but under grace.

6:15Now we are slaves to righteousness

15What could that mean? That we can sin freely because we’re not under law but under grace? Not on your life! 16Don’t you know who you are presenting yourselves to as obedient slaves? Yes, whoever you all submit to, you are their slave—either a slave of sin that leads to death, or a slave of obedience that leads to righteousness. 17But be thankful to God that although you were all slaves to sin, your hearts submitted to what was taught, 18and so having been freed from sin, you all were enslaved to righteousness. 19I’m speaking from a human perspective because of your human weakness. Just as you all previously used parts of your bodies as slaves to impurity and lawlessness leading to down to further lawlessness, so now present all your body parts as slaves to righteousness leading up to holiness.

20When you were all slaves of sin, you were immune to righteousness 21and so what was the fruit you had back then which you are now ashamed of? The end result of that lifestyle is death. 22But now that you’re all free from the bondage of sin and enslaved to God instead, you bear the fruit of holiness and the end result of that is living forever, 23because the wages of sin is death, but God gives eternal life as a gift through our master Yeshua Messiah.

7:1Becoming dead to the Law

7Brothers and sisters, you know the Law well that I’m talking about, so surely you realise that the law acts as a person’s master for as long as they live? 2For example, a woman who is married to her husband is bound by the law, but if her husband dies then she’s released from the law concerning her husband. 3So while her husband was still living, he’d call her an adulteress if she slept with another man, but after her husband is deceased, she’s free from the law and doesn’t become an adulteress if she marries another man. 4So my brothers and sisters, you also were made dead to the law through the body of the messiah so that you could join to another—to the one who came back to life from the dead—so that we may bear fruit for God. 5When we were still focused on the physical, the passions aroused by sinning against the law were working in our body parts so that the fruit would be death, 6but now that we’re released from the law which held us—released by dying to it—we can serve in new ways guided by the spirit instead of by the letter of the law.

7:7God’s Law reveals our sin

7[ref]So what will we say then? Say that the law is sin? Not on your life! I wouldn’t have known what sin was if it wasn’t for the Law. For example, I wouldn’t have known what coveting was if the Law hadn’t told me not to covet. 8But sin took the opportunity from that commandment to produce covetousness in me, because sin would be dead apart from the Law. 9For a time I was living without the Law, but once the commandment came then sin revived 10and I died, and I discovered that the commandment which should lead to life, led to death. 11[ref]Sin deceived me when the commandment gave it an opportunity, and in doing so, it killed me.

12Now the Law is indeed holy and the commandment is holy and righteous and good, 13so did what is good turn into death? Not on your life! Rather it was the good Law that allowed me to see sin as sin and a producer of death

7:14Doing what we know is wrong

14We know that God’s law is spiritual, but I am physical, having been born[fn] into sin. 15[ref]I don’t know what’s going on because I do what I don’t want to do and I end up doing what I hate. 16So if I do something that I didn’t want to do, then I’m agreeing with the Law that it’s good, 17and it’s no longer me that’s doing it, but the sin that’s in me. 18I’m aware that good isn’t in my physical body because I want to do good but I can’t. 19I don’t do the good that I want to do, but rather I do the evil that I don’t want to do, 20so if I’m doing what I don’t want to do, then it’s not me doing it, but it’s the sin in me that does it.

21As a result, I’ve discovered the principle that when I want to do good, actually there’s evil in me, 22because I’m happily accepting God’s Law on the inside, 23but I’m observing another law inside my body parts, fighting against my mind and keeping me imprisoned in the law of sin which is in my body parts. 24I’m a miserable person. Who will rescue me from this body that’s full of death? 25Thankfully it’s God through our master Yeshua Messiah. So I end up with my mind wanting to serve God’s Law, but on the other hand, my body wants to serve the law of sin.

8:1Being spiritually aware

8So now those who are in Messiah Yeshua cannot be condemned 2because the law of the spirit of life in him freed you from the law of sin and death. 3The law was powerless in that it was faltering through our bodies. God sent his son in a body just like our sinful bodies, and concerning sin, he condemned sin itself in the flesh 4so that for those of us who were no longer living according to the flesh but according to the spirit, then the just act of the law would be fulfilled in us. 5People who live according to their physical desires, think about physical things, but those who live according to the spirit, think about spiritual things. 6The worldly mindset leads to death, but the spiritual mindset leads to life and peace. 7The worldly mindset is making God your enemy because it’s not being subjected to God’s law, in fact it’s not even able to, 8and those who are worldly aren’t able to bring pleasure to God.

9And all of you aren’t worldly, but in the spirit, if indeed God’s spirit is living in you, but anyone who doesn’t have the spirit of Messiah, doesn’t belong to him. 10But if Messiah is in you, while your body is dead because of sin, your spirit has life because it’s been declared guiltless. 11[ref]Yes, if the spirit of the one who brought Yeshua back to life is living in you, then the one who brought Messiah Yeshua back to life will also give life to your mortal bodies by means of his spirit living inside you all.

12So then brothers and sisters, we don’t owe anything to our sinful natures, nor do we need worldly living. 13If you all live according to the sinful nature, you’ll die, but if you put bodily practices to death with the help of the spirit, you’ll live, 14because all those who’re led by God’s spirit become God’s children. 15[ref]You didn’t receive a spirit of slavery to fear again, but rather it was the spirit of adoption as children that you all received, and with his help we call out, ‘Father, father.’ 16God’s spirit himself agrees together with our spirit that we are God’s children, 17and if we’re his children, then we’re also heirs so we’ll receive an inheritance from God. That makes us fellow-heirs along with Messiah—if we’re suffering with him then we’ll also be honoured along with him.

8:18Even creation itself is waiting

18I’m sure that any sufferings we experience in the present age are nothing in comparison with the coming splendour that’s going to be revealed to us 19because all of creation is eagerly expecting and waiting for God’s children to be revealed. 20[ref]Yes, all of creation has been subjected to lack of purpose, not willingly but because it was decided by the one who subjected it, but it remains with the hope 21that it too will be freed from the slavery of corruption and then released into the freedom of the splendour of God’s children, 22because we’re aware that all of creation is groaning and suffering[fn] along with us right through to the present time. 23[ref]And not only that, but we ourselves who have the initial tastes of the spirit life, we also are groaning and like children waiting for our bodies to be set free from slavery 24because we were saved having hope, but if you can see it then it’s not hope, because you don’t need to hope for something that you can already see. 25So we hope for what we can’t yet see and so we have to patiently keep waiting.

26Similarly the spirit also helps us with our weaknesses, because we don’t even know what to pray for, but the spirit intercedes with groanings that we can’t put into words. 27The one who searches our hearts knows the mindset of the spirit because the spirit intercedes for the believers as God desires.

28We know that God makes all things work together for good for those who love him—those who are being called according to his purpose. 29Because those he foreknew, he also predetermined to be similar to his son’s image, so that his son would become the eldest of many siblings. 30The ones he’d predetermined he also called, and the ones he’d called, he also declared guiltless, and the ones declared guiltless, he also honoured in heaven.

8:31Nothing can separate us from God’s love

31So then, what can we say about all this? If God is for us, who is against us? 32If he didn’t spare his own son but gave him to be executed for us, won’t the two of them also give us everything else? 33Who will bring charges against those chosen by God? God is the one declaring us guiltless. 34So who’s the one condemning us? Messiah Yeshua (the one who died but came back to life and who’s now sitting beside God) is also pleading for us. 35Who will separate us from Messiah’s love? Tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or poverty or danger or execution? 36[ref]As it’s been written:

‘We are being put to death all day

on your account.

We were counted like sheep ready to be slaughtered.’

37But in all that, we are more than conquerors through the one who loved us. 38Yes, I’ve been persuaded that neither death or life, angels or rulers, present or future events, powers, 39height or depth, or anything else in creation, will be able to separate us from God’s love that’s revealed in our master Messiah Yeshua.

9:1God’s right to choose

9I’m not lying—I’m speaking truthfully in Messiah, and both my conscience and the holy spirit agree 2that my sorrow is extensive and the sorrow in my heart just won’t stop 3because I myself was hoping to be a sacrifice from the messiah for my brothers and sisters, my fellow-citizens in this world. 4[ref]They’re the descendants of Israel who’ve been adopted as God’s children and God revealed his power and the agreements and the Law and the temple worship and the promises. 5The patriarchs are Jewish and the messiah who is over everything came from them in a body. May God be blessed throughout the ages. May it be so.

6But it’s not that God’s message has fallen. Not all of Israel’s descendants are pro-Israel, 7[ref]nor are all of Abraham’s descendants his children, but, ‘It’s through Isaak that your descendants will be counted.’ 8That isn’t talking about worldly children—these are God’s children, but the children of the promise are being counted as descendants. 9[ref]Because this is the message of the promise: ‘I will be coming and Sarah will have a son.’

10And not only that, but also Rebekah from one pregnancy delivered twins, one being our ancestor Isaac. 11[ref]Before they were born, and so before they could do anything good or bad, in order that God’s choice purpose would stand 12(not by actions but by God’s calling), she was told, ‘The older child will serve the younger one.’ 13[ref]As it was written: ‘I loved Yacob but I hated Esau.’

14So what should we say then? Is God not an impartial judge, i.e., unfair? May it never be, 15[ref]because he said to Mosheh: ‘I will be merciful to whoever I want, and I will have pity on anyone I want.’ 16In other words, it doesn’t depend on the willingness or activities of the person, but on God’s mercy. 17[ref]Because in the scriptures, God says to the king of Egypt (Mitsrayim): ‘I chose you as king so that I can demonstrate my power through you, and so that my name will be talked about all over the world.’ 18In other words, God will be merciful to whoever he wants, but he hardens whoever he wants.

9:19God’s anger and his mercy

19So now you’ll ask me: Then how can God blame us, because how could anyone resist whatever he wants to do? 20[ref]Oh human, it is you who’s talking back to God? Can the creature that was made talk back to the maker and ask: ‘Why did you make me like this?’ 21Doesn’t the potter have the right to split the lump of clay and make a beautiful bowl out of half and a chamber pot out of the other half?

22What if God wanted to display his severe anger and to demonstrate his power, but then showed great patience to the objects of his severe anger that he’d prepared for destruction? 23What if he did that in order to make the riches of his greatness known to the objects of his mercy that he’d prepared for honour? 24Yes, he even called us, not only from among the Jews but also from non-Jews. 25The prophet Hosea even wrote:[ref]

“I’ll be calling those ‘my people’

who’re not my people,

and I’ll be calling as ‘my love’

the woman who was never loved.

26[ref]In the place where they said,

‘You’re not my people

that’s where they’ll be called ‘children of the living God’.”

27[ref]The prophet Isayah called out about Israel: ‘Even though the Israelis are as numerous as grains of sand, only the minority of them will be saved 28because the master will be abbreviating and terminating his message on the earth.’ 29[ref]As Isayah had previously written: ‘If the master of armies hadn’t left us some descendants, we would have become like the peoples of Sodom and Gomorrah.’

9:30The Jews’ failure to believe

30So then, what should we say? That non-Jews who weren’t godly, reached out by faith to achieve righteousness, 31but Jews who chased after righteousness by obeying The Law, didn’t achieve it? 32How come? Because they tried to reach it by works and not by faith. They tripped over the stumbling stone, 33[ref]as it’s written:

Look, I’m laying down a stumbling stone in Tsiyyon/Zion,

a rock that causes offence.

Anyone who believes in him,

won’t be disgraced.’

10Brothers and sisters, my heart would be very pleased indeed if Israelis would get saved, and that’s what I request from God. 2I keep telling them that they’re very zealous for God, yet they lack know-how. 3Because they don’t know what God’s righteousness is and they try to establish their own system, they weren’t covered by his righteousness. 4The fulfilment of The Law is Messiah, leading to righteousness for everyone who believes.

10:5Salvation is for all peoples

5[ref]Mosheh wrote this about the righteousness of The Law: ‘The person who practices it, will live by it.’ 6[ref]But the righteousness based on faith says: ‘Don’t speculate in your mind about who will go up to heaven in order to bring Messiah down, 7and don’t ask about who will be going down to the pit in order to bring Messiah up.’ 8So what does the righteousness based on faith say? It says: ‘The message is close to you—it’s in your mouth and heart.’ That’s the message of faith that we’ve been preaching: 9That if you speak out and confess that Yeshua is master and you believe in your heart that God brought him back to life from the dead, you will be saved, 10because it’s the belief in your mind that leads to righteousness and it’s the confession from your mouth that leads to salvation. 11[ref]As the scriptures say: ‘Anyone who believes in him won’t end up disgraced.’ 12There’s no distinction between Jew and non-Jew, because we all have the same master who gives generously to everyone who makes an appeal to him, 13[ref]because everyone who wishfully appeals to the authority of the master will be saved.

14How, then, could they appeal to a God that they don’t even believe in? And how could they believe if they haven’t even heard about him? Then how would they hear if no one was preaching to them? 15[ref]And who would be there preaching if no one was sent out just like it’s been written: ‘It’s so wonderful that these people came and preached the good message.’? 16But not everyone accepted the good message, because just like the prophet Isayah wrote:[ref]Master, who believed our report?’ 17And so faith comes by hearing—hearing Messiah’s message.

18But then I’d ask: Maybe they haven’t heard it? Indeed they have. It’s written:[ref]

Their voice went out into all the earth,

and their messages went across all the world.’

19But again I’d ask: Didn’t the Israelis know? Well, firstly Mosheh wrote:[ref]

‘I’ll be making you all jealous

using people who’re not even a nation.

Then using a foolish nation,

I’ll be making you all angry.’

20And Isayah dared to write:[ref]

‘The ones who weren’t looking for me found me.

I showed myself to the ones not asking about me.’

21But to Israel he wrote:[ref] ‘All day I stretched out my hands to a people who won’t believe and who speak against me.’

11:1God’s mercy on the Jews

11Therefore I’m asking: Did God push his chosen people away? May it never be, because I also am an Israeli, a descendant of Abraham in the tribe of Benyamin.[ref] 2No, God didn’t push away his people that he knew before he chose them. Or don’t you know what Eliyyah wrote when he pleaded with God to deal with Israel:[ref] 3Master, they killed your prophets and tore down your altars, and I was left alone and now they want to kill me!’ 4But what was the revelation that was given to him:[ref] ‘I’ve kept aside seven thousand others who haven’t worshipped Baal.’ 5So too also at the present time, there’s a small proportion who’ve been chosen by God’s grace. 6So if it’s by grace, then it’s no longer by their actions, otherwise the grace wouldn’t be grace at all.

7What’s the conclusion then? The Israelis didn’t find what they were looking for. Only the chosen ones reaching it and the rest were hardened 8just like is was written:[ref]

God gave them a lethargic spirit:

Eyes which can’t see and ears which can’t hear,

even to this very day.’

9And as David wrote:[ref]

‘Let their table become a trap for them—

a temptation that will pay them back.

10Let their eyes be darkened so they can’t see,

and their backs be bent through all time.’

11So now I ask: didn’t they stumble so that they would fall? May it never be. But because of their disobedience, salvation came to non-Jews in order to make Jews envious. 12But if their disobedience led to gain for the rest of the world and if their loss led to gain for the non-Jews, how much more their fullness?

11:13The grafting in of non-Jews

13But now I am speaking to you all non-Jews. Since I am indeed a missionary to the non-Jews, I take pride in my ministry, 14hoping that somehow I might make my fellow Jews envious and might save some of them. 15Because if their rejection of the messiah meant that the rest of the world would be reconciled, what else could their acceptance bring other than coming back to life from the dead.

16If the first portion of dough is holy, so is the lump, and if the root is holy, so are the branches. 17But if some of the branches were broken off, and you non-Jews who are like a wild, olive tree were grafted into them and so you too were able to share in the growth of the olive tree that was sourced in the root, 18then don’t brag that you’re better than the branches. If you must boast, remember that you’re not supporting the root, but the root is supporting you.

19Ah, but then you’ll say, ‘Branches were broken off so that we could be grafted in.’ 20Well you’re right. They were broken off because of their unbelief, and it’s true that you’re there because of your faith. But don’t get a big head—maintain your reverence for God, 21because if he didn’t spare the natural branches when they showed unbelief, then he won’t spare you either. 22So you can both God’s kindness and his severity: those who disobeyed experienced his severity but you experienced his kindness. Otherwise you also will be pruned off, 23and also if they turn from their unbelief, they’ll be grafted back in, because God has the power to do that. 24If were cut off an olive tree that’s wild by nature, and contrary to normal practice were grafted into a cultivated olive tree, how much more would those who naturally belong be grafted into their own olive tree!

11:25God’s mercy is for everyone

25Brothers and sisters, I don’t want you all be to ignorant of this mystery so that you won’t end up becoming proud: There’s a partial hardening coming to the Jews until the fullness of the non-Jews comes to pass 26and then all the Jews will be saved as it’s been written:[ref]

‘The rescuer will be coming out of Tsiyyon/Zion.

He will drive ungodliness away from Yacob.

27And this is my agreement with them,[ref]

whenever I might take away their sins.’

28Concerning the good message, the Jews are enemies for your sake, but concerning being chosen, they are loved because of their ancestors, 29because God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable. 30You non-Jews didn’t originally believe in God, but now you’ve all been shown mercy because of the disbelief of these Jews. 31Those Jews disbelieved so that as you receive mercy, they may also now be shown mercy, 32because God imprisoned them all in disbelief so that he might show mercy to everyone.

11:33Everything comes from God

33[ref]Yes, The God’s wisdom and knowledge are both so richly deep. His judgements can’t be understood and his paths can’t be tracked, 34because:[ref]

‘Who can know the master’s mind

or become his counsellor?’

35[ref]‘Who has been able to give him something,

so that God now needs to repay them?’

36[ref]Yes, because everything comes from God, and everything comes through him and to him. May he be honoured throughout the ages. May it be so.

12:1Different ways to serve ‘the body’

12So then, brothers and sisters, with compassion from God I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice—holy and pleasing to God—your logical and sacred service. 2Don’t conform to the norms of this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, then you’ll all be able to accept and approve God’s will that’s good, pleasing, and perfect.

3Because of the grace which has been given to me, I am saying that every one of you should not think of yourself to be more esteemed than what’s appropriate, but rather to be sensible about what you think of yourselves according to how much faith God has allotted to each of you. 4[ref]Just like one body has many components and each individual component works differently, 5so too all of us are part of one body in Messiah and we’re all parts of each other. 6[ref]We have gifts according to the special grace that was given to us: maybe prophecy then do it according to the proportion of your faith, 7or service then serve, or teaching then teach, 8or encouraging then encourage, or sharing then be generous, or leading then do it earnestly, or showing mercy then do it cheerfully.

9Let your love be without hypocrisy, deploring evil but being united in doing good. 10Be devoted to one another in brotherly love, preferring to honour one another above yourselves. 11Be diligent rather than reluctant with a spirit that’s zealous to serve the master. 12Be cheerful about your hope, enduring persecution and consistently praying. 13Contribute to the needs of the believers and practice hospitality.

14[ref]Bless anyone who persecutes you—be a blesser and not a curser. 15Be cheerful along with others who’re happy, but weep along with those who’re weeping. 16[ref]Treat others all the same—not treating some as higher and being condescending to those who’re poorer. Don’t act shrewdly.

17Don’t return evil to anyone, but do good to everyone. 18If it’s possible for you all, be at peace with everyone. 19Dear friends, don’t take revenge on others, but leave it to God’s severe anger, because it’s written:[ref] ‘The master says, Vengeance belongs to me—I’ll be the one to repay.’ 20[ref]But if your enemies are hungry, then feed them, and if they’re thirsty, then give them a drink, because you’ll be leaving them to their own shame and judgement. 21Don’t be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with goodness.

13:1Respect authorities and pay tax

13Everyone should be subject to the authorities who’re over them because there’s no authority except through God and they’re appointed by God. 2So anyone opposing authority has rebelled against what God has instituted, and everyone who rebels is bringing judgement on themselves 3because rulers don’t evoke fear in those doing good, just those doing evil. Oh, so you don’t want to be afraid of the authorities, then do good and you’ll receive praise from them instead 4because they’re God’s servants for your good. But if you’re doing evil, then you should rightly be afraid because the authorities aren’t armed without reason—they’re God’s servants to dispense severe anger to those doing evil. 5Hence it’s necessary to be subject to them, not only for fear of their severe anger, but also because of your consciences.

6[ref]That’s also why you all should pay the taxes that you owe, because the authorities are God’s servants and work hard to do that. 7So fulfil all of your obligations: if it’s tax then pay it, or revenue then give it, or if it’s respect then show it, or giving honour then do it.

13:8Love and obedience

8Don’t be in debt to anyone other than the debt of love to each other, because those who love one another have fulfilled God’s law 9which is:[ref] Don’t commit adultery. Don’t murder. Don’t steal. Don’t covet what others have. All of those plus any other commandments can be summarised as: Love your neighbour like you love yourself. 10If you love those near to you, you won’t do evil to them, thus love fulfills God’s law.

11And since you all understand the times, it’s now time to get up from your sleep because the time of our salvation is nearer now than it was when we first believed. 12The night has progressed and the day is getting closer, so turn away from the actions done in the darkness and dress in the weapons of the light. 13In the daytime we have to walk decently—not carousing on the street and being drunk, and not having sex and acting lustfully, not causing strife and acting jealously. 14Instead, cover yourselves with the master Yeshua Messiah, and don’t be giving in to physical lusts and desires.

14:1Don’t condemn each other

14[ref]Accept others who are faltering in their faith without highlighting their wrong ideas. 2Some people think it’s ok to eat anything, while others who’re faltering will only eat vegetables. 3The one who eats anything shouldn’t despise the other, and the one who doesn’t eat meat shouldn’t condemn the other, because both are accepted by God. 4Who are you to judge someone else’s house servants? Their own master will judge if they stand or fall, and they’ll stand because the master is able to help them.

5Similarly, some people consider one day to be more important than some other day, yet others consider all the days to be alike. Each one of them should be fully convinced in their own minds. 6Anyone who considers a certain day to be special is thinking about the master. Likewise, anyone who’s eating meat is eating to serve the master and gives thanks to God. The person who doesn’t eat meat is declining to serve the master and gives thanks to God. 7Yes, we don’t live for ourselves and we don’t die for ourselves. 8If we keep living then we’re living for the master, and if we die, then we’re dying for the master, so whether we live or die we belong to the master 9because Messiah died and came back to life in order to be master of both the dead and the living. 10[ref]So why are you judging fellow believers and why are you also scorning them, because all of us will end up standing in God’s court of judgement. 11As it’s been written:[ref]

“The master is telling me, ‘I am alive

and every person will bow to me,

and each one will confess to God.’ ”

12So consequently, each of us will need to give an account of ourselves to God.

14:13Taking care not to make others fall

13So we shouldn’t be judging each other, but rather be judging ourselves that we’re not causing another believer to stumble or fall into temptation. 14I know (and I’m totally persuaded) that in master Yeshua there’s no object that’s ‘immoral’[fn] in itself, but it only becomes ‘immoral’ to the person who evaluates it as such. 15If a fellow believer is upset because of the food you eat, then you’re no longer acting in love. Don’t destroy the faith of someone that Messiah died for, just for the sake of food. 16Don’t let anyone slander the good that you do. 17God’s kingdom doesn’t consist of food and drink, but righteousness, peace, and happiness in the holy spirit. 18so anyone serving the messiah in those ways pleases God and is approved by the people.

19So then, we should be pursuing actions that lead to peace and things that build each other up— 20don’t be tearing down God’s work just on account of food. Indeed, all foods are ‘clean[fn] but it’s wrong for a person to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble. 21It’s good to avoid eating meat or drinking wine or doing anything else that might cause your fellow believer to stumble or be offended or fall. 22That way you keep the faith that you have privately before God. God will bless anyone who doesn’t bring guilt on themselves by doing something that they’ve determined to be right. 23But anyone who doubts that it’s ok, if they eat it then they’ve condemned themselves because they’re not acting in faith, and everything that’s not done in faith is sin.

15:1Living to please others

15We who are powerful should be bearing the weaknesses of the powerless rather than just seeking to bring pleasure to ourselves. 2Each one of us should be bringing pleasure to those near us—displaying goodness and building them up, 3[ref]because even the messiah didn’t bring pleasure to himself, but, as it was written: ‘Those who were insulting you, their insults landed on me.’ 4Because everything that was written in the past, was written for teaching us so that through endurance and through the encouragement from the scriptures, we would have hope. 5May the God of endurance and encouragement help you all to think likewise, just like Yeshua Messiah did, 6so that you’ll all be united in your purpose and your teaching, thus honouring the God and father of our master, Yeshua Messiah.

15:7The good message for non-Jews

7So then be accepting each other just as the messiah accepted all of you so that God will be honoured. 8I can tell you that Messiah became a servant of the circumcised Jews so that God’s truth will be seen by its confirming of the promises that were made to our ancestors, 9[ref]and also a servant for the non-Jews so that they’ll honour God for his mercy, as it was written:

Because of this I’ll be telling the pagans about you,

and I’ll be singing praises to your name.’

10[ref]In a different place it’s written:

‘You non-Jews, be happy along with his people.’

11[ref]And again:

‘Praise the master you non-Jews,

and let all the peoples of the world praise him.’

12Also Isayah wrote:[ref]

There will be a descendant of Jesse,

and the one coming to rule over non-Jews—

the non-Jews will put their hope in him.’

13May the God of hope that you believe in fill you all with happiness and peace so that your hope in the power of the holy spirit will be grow to be plentiful.

15:14Paul as missionary to non-Jews

14My brothers and sisters, I’ve also been persuaded about you myself, that having been filled with knowledge, you’re also full of goodness and able to rebuke each other. 15But I wrote to you more boldly, partly to remind you all because of the grace given to me by God 16so that I’d be a minister to the non-Jews for Messiah Yeshua, sharing God’s good message so that the offering of the non-Jews would be acceptable to him, having been purified by the holy spirit. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? 17Therefore I’m boasting in Messiah Yeshua about things to do with God. 18I wouldn’t dare to speak about anything that wasn’t done through me by Messiah, that led to the obedience of non-Jews by my message and by my working 19powerful miracles and amazing things in the power of God’s spirit, so that from Yerushalem all the way around to Illyricum, I’ve obeyed the Messiah’s good message. 20I was enthusiastic to be preaching the good message wherever Messiah wasn’t known about so that I wouldn’t be building on other’s foundations, 21[ref]but as it has been written:

‘Anyone who hasn’t been told about him,

they will be seeing,

and anyone who hasn’t heard about him,

they will be understanding.’

15:22Paul’s desire to visit Rome

22[ref]That’s also why I wasn’t able to come to see you all, 23but now I no longer have a role in those regions. I’ve been wanting to come there for many years now— 24whenever I’m able to go to Spain next I’m hoping to see you on my way, and then after spending time with you all, you’ll be able to send me on to my destination. 25[ref]But for now, I’m going to Yerushalem to serve the believers there. 26The believers in Macedonia and Achaia took pleasure in making a contribution for the poor people among the believers there in Yerushalem. 27[ref]They took pleasure but they’re also in debt to them, because if the non-Jews have shared in Jewish spiritual things, then they should also minister to them with material things. 28So then, having done that and having guaranteed heavenly rewards for them, I will go to Spain by way of your place, 29and I know that when I come, I’ll come bearing Messiah’s full blessing.

30So brothers and sisters, I’m urging you by our master Yeshua Messiah and by the love of the spirit, to contend along with me in praying to God for me 31that I will escape from the schemes of those in Yudea who refuse to believe. Also pray that my ministry in Yerushalem would be acceptable to the believers there 32so that by God’s will, I can happily come to your place and be refreshed there with you all. 33May the God of peace be with all of you. May it be so.

16:1Various personal greetings

16I’m commending our sister Phoebe to you all—she’s a servant in the assembly at Cenchreae. 2You can accept her in the master as worthy among godly people, and help her with anything she needs because she’s been a supporter of many of us, including myself.

3[ref]Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my workmates in Messiah Yeshua 4who risked their lives to save mine. It’s not just me who’s thankful for them, but also all the assemblies of the non-Jews 5and the assembly that meets in their house.

Greet my dear friend Epenetus who was one of the first in the province of Asia Minor to follow Messiah. 6Greet Maria who worked hard for you all. 7Greet Andronicus and sister Junia, my fellow citizens and fellow prisoners with me, and who are notable among the ambassadors in Messiah who started before me.

8Greet Ampliatus, my dear friend in the master. 9Greet Urbanus, our fellow-worker in Messiah, and my dear friend Stachys. 10Greet Apelles who’s a proven follower of Messiah. Greet those from Aristobulus’ household. 11Greet Herodion, my fellow citizen. Greet those in Narcissus’ household who are in the master.

12Greet Tryphena and Tryphosa, those women who’re working for the master. Greet my dear friend Persis, another woman who has worked for the master a lot. 13[ref]Greet Rufus who’s chosen by the master and his mother who also mothered me. 14Greet Asugkritos, Flegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas, and the other brothers and sisters with them. 15Greet Filologos, Yulia, Nereus and his sister, and Olumpas and all the godly people there with them.

16Greet each other with a traditional kiss. All the assemblies of the messiah here send their greetings to all of you.

16:17The ending warnings

17Brothers and sisters, I urge you to beware of those who’re always talking about faults and tempting you all with things that are against what you’ve been taught. Turn away from them 18because such people are not serving our master Messiah but rather, their own bellies, and they are deceiving innocent people with their smooth speech and ‘blessings’. 19I’m excited because the story of your obedience has travelled far, but I’m wanting you all to remain wise about what’s good and innocent about evil, 20then the God of peace will be quickly crushing Satan under your feet.

16:21Final greetings

May the grace from our master Yeshua be with all of you.

21[ref]My co-worker Timothy sends his greetings as do my fellow-citizens Luke, Jason, and Sosipater.

22I, Tertios, the one writing down this letter, greet you all in the master.

23[ref]Gaios who hosts me and all of the assembly here, greets you all.


24 25There’s one who, according to my preaching of the good message and the proclamation of Yeshua Messiah, is able to strengthen you all according to the revelation of the mystery that had been keep silent through the ages. 26But he’s been there in the prophetic scriptures, and now he’s been revealed according to the command of the eternal God and been made known to all the nations for obedience of faith. 27Now may the only wise God be honoured through Yeshua Messiah throughout the remaining ages. May it be so.

5:14 Adam is called ‘the son of God’ in Luke 3:38.

7:14 Paul actually talks about ‘being sold into sin’ here which is slavery language.

8:22 The word picture here is one of childbirth.

14:14 Or (traditionally) ‘unclean’.

14:20 In Hebrew, ‘kosher’.

1:13: Acts 19:21.

1:16: Mrk 8:38.

1:17: Hab 2:4.

1:21: Eph 4:17-18.

1:23: Deu 4:16-18.

2:1: Mat 7:1; Luk 6:37.

2:6: Psa 62:12; Prv 24:12.

2:11: Deu 10:17.

2:24: Isa 52:5 (LXX).

2:29: Deu 30:6.

3:4: Psa 51:4 (LXX).

3:10-12: Psa 14:1-3 (LXX); Psa 53:1-3 (LXX).

3:13: a Psa 5:9 (LXX); b Psa 140:3.

3:14: Psa 10:7 (LXX).

3:15-17: Isa 59:7-8.

3:18: Psa 36:1.

3:20: Psa 143:2; Gal 2:16.

3:22: Gal 2:16.

3:30: Deu 6:4; Gal 3:20.

4:3: Gen 15:6; Gal 3:6.

4:7-8: Psa 32:1-2.

4:11: Gen 17:10.

4:13: Gen 17:4-6; 22:17-18; Gal 3:29.

4:14: Gal 3:18.

4:16: Gal 3:7.

4:17: Gen 17:5.

4:18: Gen 15:5.

4:19: Gen 17:17.

4:25: Isa 53:4-5.

5:12: Gen 3:6.

6:4: Col 2:12.

7:7: Exo 20:17; Deu 5:21.

7:11: Gen 3:13.

7:15: Gal 5:17.

8:11: 1Cor 3:16.

8:15-17: Gal 4:5-7.

8:20: Gen 3:17-19.

8:23: 2Cor 5:2-4.

8:36: Psa 44:22.

9:4: Exo 4:22.

9:7: Gen 21:12.

9:9: Gen 18:10.

9:12: Gen 25:23.

9:13: Mal 1:2-3.

9:15: Exo 33:19.

9:17: Exo 9:16 (LXX).

9:20: Isa 29:16; 45:9.

9:25: Hos 2:23.

9:26: Hos 1:10.

9:27-28: Isa 10:22-23 (LXX).

9:29: Isa 1:9 (LXX).

9:33: Isa 28:16 (LXX).

10:5: Lev 18:5.

10:6-8: Deu 30:12-14.

10:11: Isa 28:16 (LXX).

10:13: Yoel 2:32.

10:15: Isa 52:7.

10:16: Isa 53:1 (LXX).

10:18: Psa 19:4 (LXX).

10:19: Deu 32:21.

10:20: Isa 65:1 (LXX).

10:21: Isa 65:2 (LXX).

11:1: Php 3:5.

11:2-3: 1Ki 19:10,14.

11:4: 1Ki 19:18.

11:8: Deu 29:4; Isa 29:10.

11:9-10: Psa 69:22-23 (LXX).

11:26: Isa 59:20-21 (LXX).

11:27: Isa 27:9 (LXX).

11:33: Isa 55:8.

11:34: Isa 40:13 (LXX).

11:35: Yob 41:11.

11:36: 1Cor 8:6.

12:4-5: 1Cor 12:12.

12:6-8: 1Cor 12:4-11.

12:14: Mat 5:44; Luk 6:28.

12:16: Prv 3:7.

12:19: Deu 32:35.

12:20: Prv 25:21-22 (LXX).

13:6-7: Mat 22:21; Mrk 12:17; Luk 20:25.

13:9: a Exo 20:14; Deu 5:18; b Exo 20:13; Deu 5:17; c Exo 20:15; Deu 5:19; d Exo 20:17; Deu 5:21; e Lev 19:18.

14:1-6: Col 2:16.

14:10: 2Cor 5:10.

14:11: Isa 45:23 (LXX).

15:3: Psa 69:9.

15:9: 2Sam 22:50; Psa 18:49.

15:10: Deu 32:43.

15:11: Psa 117:1.

15:12: Isa 11:10 (LXX).

15:21: Isa 52:15 (LXX).

15:22: Rom 1:13.

15:25-26: 1Cor 16:1-4.

15:27: 1Cor 9:11.

16:3: Acts 18:2.

16:13: Mrk 15:21.

16:21: Acts 16:1.

16:23: a Acts 19:29; 1Cor 1:14; b 2Tim 4:20.