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UST YHN Chapter 7

YHN 7 ©

7After those things happened, Jesus walked around in the region of Galilee because he did not want to walk around in the region of Judea. He avoided Judea because the Jewish leaders there were trying to find a way to kill him. 2(Now at that time the Jewish Shelters celebration was about to take place.) 3Jesus’ brothers told him, “Leave here and go to the region of Judea in order that your disciples can also observe you doing miraculous works. 4Do your miraculous works in Judea because no one who wants to be famous does anything secretly. Since you are doing all these miracles, reveal who you claim to be to everyone by doing miraculous works!” 5Jesus’ brothers said this because not even they believed he was the Messiah. 6Because they did not believe in him, Jesus told them, “This is not the right time for me to go to Jerusalem, but you can go there whenever you want. 7No one in the world can hate you. However, everyone hates me because I declare that they do evil deeds. 8You go to Jerusalem for the celebration. I am not going to the celebration yet, because now is not the right time for me to go.” 9After saying that to his brothers, Jesus stayed a little longer in the region of Galilee.

10However, a few days after his brothers left for the festival, he also went, but he did so secretly. 11Because the Jewish leaders expected Jesus to be at the celebration, they tried to find him. They asked people, “Where is that man?” 12The crowds were quietly speaking a lot about Jesus. Some people said, “He is a good man!” But others said, “No! He deceives the crowd!” 13Nevertheless, the people were afraid of the Jewish leaders, so they didn’t speak about Jesus in public.

14About halfway through the Shelters celebration, Jesus entered the temple courtyard and started teaching the people there. 15The Jewish leaders were shocked at his teaching. They said, “This man has not received religious training. He cannot possibly know the scriptures so well!” 16Jesus replied to them, “What I teach does not come from myself. On the contrary, it comes from God, who sent me. 17If anyone wants to do what God wants, then that person will know that what I am teaching has come from God and not only by my own authority. 18Anyone who speaks on his own authority only wants to glorify himself. However, anyone who wants to glorify the person who sent him speaks the truth and acts righteously. 19Moses did indeed give you laws from God. None of you completely obeys those laws. Since that is true, why are you trying to kill me for supposedly disobeying those same laws that you don’t obey?”

20Some people in the crowd replied, “A demon is controlling you! No one is trying to kill you!” 21Jesus replied to the crowd, “Because I did one miraculous healing on the day for rest, all of you are shocked. 22Because some works like healing would occur on the day for rest, Moses gave you a law about circumcision. That law states that you must circumcise your sons exactly seven days after they are born. (Circumcision did not actually begin with Moses, but this rite began with your forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.) Because of that law, sometimes you must work on the day for rest by circumcising your male babies. 23Since you sometimes circumcise someone on the day for rest in order to avoid disobeying the law of Moses, you shouldn’t be angry with me for doing a good work like healing someone on that day! 24Stop judging me according to what you have seen! Rather, judge me according to what God says is right.”

25Some of the people in the crowd who dwelled in Jerusalem then said, “This is the man that our leaders are trying to kill! 26Look! He is saying these things publicly, but our leaders are not saying anything to oppose him. Can it be that our leaders really know that he is the Messiah? 27But this man cannot be the Messiah! We know where this man came from, but when the Messiah comes, no one will know where he is from.”

28Jesus then spoke loudly while he was teaching in the temple courtyard. He said, “Yes, you know me, and you know where I have come from. But I have not come here on my own authority. Rather, the one who sent me is the real God, and you do not know him. 29I know him because I have come from him. He is the one who sent me.”

30Because Jesus said these things, the Jewish leaders wanted to arrest him, but no one could seize him, because it was not yet the right time for him to die. 31In contrast to the Jewish leaders, many in the crowd of people trusted in Jesus. They kept saying, “When the Messiah comes, he surely will not be able to do more miraculous signs than this man!” 32Some of the Pharisees overheard them quietly speaking these things about Jesus. Then they and the ruling priests sent temple guards to arrest him.

33Because they did this, Jesus said, “I will only be with you for a little while longer. Soon I will go back to God, who sent me. 34You will search for me, but you will not find me. You will not be able to come to the place where I will be.” 35So the Jewish leaders said to each other, “Where can this man go where we cannot find him? Will he actually go to those Jews who are spread throughout the world outside of Israel? Will he even teach the people there who aren’t Jews? 36What did he mean when he said that we will search for him, but we will not find him, and we will not be able to come to the place where he will be?”

37Now on the final and most important day of the Shelters celebration, Jesus stood up in the temple courtyard and spoke loudly. He said, “Anyone who is thirsty should come to me and drink what I will give them! 38This is what the prophets wrote in the scripture about anyone who trusts in me: ‘Water that gives eternal life will abundantly flow from that person’s innermost being.’ ” 39(Now Jesus said this about the Holy Spirit, whom God was going to give to those who trusted in Jesus. He said this because at that time God had not yet sent the Holy Spirit to dwell within those who trusted in him, because Jesus had not yet received honor by his death, resurrection, and return to heaven.)

40After some people among the crowd heard what Jesus had said, they said, “He is truly the Prophet whom God had said would come!” 41Some other people in the crowd said, “He is the Messiah!” However, others who mistakenly thought that Jesus was born in Galilee, said, “But the Messiah cannot possibly come from the region of Galilee. 42The prophets wrote in the scriptures that the Messiah must come from the descendants of King David and that he must come from the village of Bethlehem, where David came from!” 43Thus the people in the crowd divided into opposing groups on account of Jesus. 44(Some of the people in the crowd wanted to arrest him. However, no one seized him.)

45The temple guards then returned to the ruling priests and Pharisees, who asked them, “Why did you not arrest him and bring him here?” 46The temple guards replied, “No one has ever spoken like this man has!” 47Because the guards said that, the Pharisees replied by asking, “Can it be that he has deceived you as well? 48Surely, none of the members of our highest governing council or us Pharisees have trusted in him! 49However, this crowd of people does not know God’s laws, and God has cursed them!”

50Then Nicodemus spoke. (He was the man who had come to Jesus at night to speak with him in the past. He had done this even though he was one of the Pharisees, which was a group that usually opposed Jesus.) He told the Jewish religious leaders, 51“Our Jewish laws surely do not allow us to condemn someone without first listening to him and learning about what he has done.” 52They replied to him insultingly, “Surely, you are not from the region of Galilee as well! Are you? Read through the scriptures carefully! If you do that, you will see that no prophet comes from Galilee.”

53[fn] [Then they all left and went to their own homes.

Some ancient manuscripts include John 7:53–8:11.

YHN 7 ©
