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Open English Translation MARK Chapter 14

MARK 14 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

14:1 The leaders plan to eliminate Yeshua

(Yhn 11:45-53, Mat. 26:1-5, Luke 22:1-2)

14[ref]Now it was two days before the Passover Feast and the Flat Bread Celebration, and the chief priests and the religious teachers were trying to figure out how they could have Yeshua set up so they could arrest him and have him executed, 2but they knew that the Feast wouldn’t be a good time because the people would protest in Yeshua’s favour.

14And it_was the passover_feast and the non-fermented bread after two days.
And the chief_priests and the scribes were_seeking, how having_apprehended him by deceit, they_may_kill_ him _off.
2For/Because they_were_saying:
Not at the feast, lest will_be a_commotion of_the people.

14:3 The woman anoints Yeshua for his burial

(Yhn 12:1-8, Mat. 26:6-13)

3[ref]Meanwhile, Yeshua was in Bethany at the home who Simon who had previously had leprosy. Yeshua was sitting there when a woman came in with a hand-crafted container of very expensive fragrant oil. Breaking open the sealed flask, she poured the fragrant oil over Yeshua’s head. 4Immediately some started quietly grumbling about the extravagant waste, 5then they scolded the woman because a flask of genuine lotion like this could easily fetch almost a year’s wages if it was sold.

6But Yeshua spoke up, “What do you think you’re doing abusing her—leave her alone! She’s done something very good for me. 7[ref]You’ll always have poor people around, and you can help them whenever you want to, but I won’t be around forever. 8She has performed the traditional anointing of my body in advance of my burial. 9And I can assure you that wherever the good news is proclaimed around the world, what she has done today will be part of the story and she’ll be remembered.

3And him being in Baʸthania, in the house of_Simōn the leprous, reclining of_him, a_woman came having an_alabaster_flask of_ointment, of_ genuine expensive _nard, having_broken the alabaster_flask, she_poured_down it on_the head of_him.
4But some were resenting to themselves:
For/Because why the this destruction of_the ointment has_become?
5For/Because this the ointment was_able to_be_sold for_over three_hundred daʸnarion_coins and to_be_given to_the poor.
And they_were_admonishing to_her.
6But the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) said:
Leave her, why are_you_all_bringing_about troubles to_her?
She_did a_good work in me.
7For/Because you_all_are_ always _having the poor with yourselves, and whenever you_all_may_be_wanting, you_all_are_being_able to_do well to_them, but you_all_are_ not always _having me.
8What she_had she_did, she_anticipated to_anoint the body of_me for my burial.
9And truly I_am_saying to_you_all, wherever the good_message if may_be_proclaimed in all the world, what this woman did will_ also _be_being_spoken for a_memorial of_her.

14:10 Yudas offers to hand Yeshua over

(Mat. 26:14-16, Luke 22:3-6)

10Then Yudas Iscariot, one of the Yeshua’s twelve trainees, visited the chief priests to offer to hand Yeshua over to them. 11When they heard this, they were very pleased and promised to pay him well, and Yudas asked them about the most convenient way for them to get hold of Yeshua.

10And Youdas/(Yəhūdāh) Iskariōtaʸs, the one of_the twelve, went_away to the chief_priests, in_order_that he_may_give_ him _over to_them.
11And they having_heard were_elated, and they_promised to_give silver to_him.
And he_was_seeking how he_may_give_ him _over conveniently.

14:12 Yeshua’s trainees prepare the Passover meal

(Yhn 13:21-30, Mat. 26:17-25, Luke 22:7-14)

12On the first day of the Flat Bread Celebration when the lambs would be slaughtered ready for the special Passover meal, Yeshua’s trainees asked him, “Where do you want us to get everything ready for our Passover meal?”

13So Yeshua sent off two of them with these instructions, “Go into town and a man carrying a pitcher of water will meet you there. Just follow him 14until he goes into a house. Then find the owner of the house and tell him that the teacher wants to know the location of the guestroom where he and his trainees can celebrate the Passover meal. 15He’ll show you a large, furnished room upstairs—that’s where you can get everything ready.

16So the two of them went off into the town, and everything happened there exactly as Yeshua had told them, and so they prepared the special meal there.

12And on_the first day of_ the _non-fermented bread, when they_were_sacrificing the passover_feast, the apprentices/followers of_him are_saying to_him:
Where are_you_wanting having_gone_away we_may_prepare in_order_that you_may_eat the passover_feast?
13And he_is_sending_out two of_the apprentices/followers of_him, and he_is_saying to_them:
Be_going into the city, and a_man will_be_meeting with_you_all bearing a_pitcher of_water, follow after_him.
14And wherever if he_may_come_in, say to_the the_home_owner, that The teacher is_saying:
Where is the guest_room of_me where I_may_eat the passover_feast with the apprentices/followers of_me?
15And he will_be_showing to_you_all an_ large _upper_room having_been_furnished ready, there prepare for_us.
16And the apprentices/followers came_out, and came into the city, and they_found it as he_said to_them, and they_prepared the passover_feast.

14:17 Yeshua shocks his trainees at the Passover meal

(Yhn 13:21-30, Mat. 26:20-30, Luke 22:14-23, 1 Cor. 11:23-25)

17As the evening approached, Yeshua went in for dinner with his twelve trainees. 18[ref]As they were sitting around eating, he told them, “I will tell you frankly that one of you eating with me here will hand me over to be arrested.19That upset them, and several of them individually asked, “Surely it couldn’t be me?”

20Then he continued, “It’s one of the twelve—the one who dips his bread in the sauce at the same time as me. 21Indeed it’s written in the scriptures that humanity’s child will be arrested, but on the other hand, what a tragedy it will be for the one who hands him over—in fact it would be better for that man if he was never born.

22As the carried on eating, he took a bread roll, blessed God, broke the roll apart and gave a piece to them, saying, “Take this bread—it’s my body.

23Then he picked up a cup, gave thanks to God, and passed it around so they could each drink from it, 24[ref]saying, “This is the blood of my contract that will be poured out for many people. 25I can assure you that I won’t drink anything made from grapes until I drink new juice in God’s kingdom.

26And after they’d sung some songs, they left the town and went across to the Mount of Olives.

17And of_evening having_become, he_is_coming with the twelve.
18And them reclining and eating, the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) said:
Truly, I_am_saying to_you_all that one of you_all will_be_giving_ me _over, the one eating with me.
19They_began to_be_being_sorrowed, and to_be_saying to_him one by one:
Surely_not I?
20And he said to_them:
one of_the twelve it_is, the one dipping_in with me in the bowl.
21Because on_one_hand the the_son of_ the _man is_going, as it_has_been_written concerning him, on_the_other_hand woe to_the man that by whom the son of_ the _man is_being_given_over, better it_was for_him if that the man was_ not _born.
22And of_them eating, having_taken bread, having_blessed it, broke it and gave to_them, and said:
Take, this is the body of_me.
23And having_taken the_cup, having_given_thanks, he_gave it to_them, and all drank of it.
24And he_said to_them:
This is the blood of_the covenant of_me, which being_poured_out for many.
25Truly, I_am_saying to_you_all that no_longer by_no_means I_may_ not _drink of the fruit of_the vine, until the that day whenever I_may_be_drinking it new, in the kingdom of_ the _god.
26And having_sung_hymns, they_came_out to the Mount of_ the _Olives.

14:27 Yeshua predicts Peters denials

(Yhn 13:36-38, Mat. 26:31-35, Luke 22:31-34)

27[ref]Then Yeshua continued his teaching, “All of you will stumble because it’s written in the scriptures: ‘I will strike down the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered.’ 28[ref]But after I come back to life, I’ll go on ahead of you back to Galilee.

29But Peter contradicted him, “Even if everyone else stumbles, I won’t!”

30And Yeshua responded, “I can assure you that you’ll renounce me three times this very night, before the rooster crows early tomorrow morning.

31But Peter argued forcibly, “Even if I had to die with you, I would never disown you!”

And all the others said similar things.

27And the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) is_saying to_them, that All you_all_will_be_being_stumbled, because it_has_been_written:
I_will_be_striking the shepherd and the sheep will_be_being_scattered.
28But after the time me to_be_raised, I_will_be_going_before you_all into the Galilaia/(Gālīl).
29And the Petros was_saying to_him, even if all will_be_being_stumbled, but not I.
30And the Yaʸsous is_saying to_him:
Truly, I_am_saying to_you that you today, on_this the on_night, before the_rooster to_crow or/than twice, will_be_renouncing me three-times.
31But he was_saying exceedingly:
If it_may_be_fitting me to_die_together with_you, by_no_means I will_ not _be_renouncing you.
And all were_ also _speaking likewise.

14:32 Yeshua, in distress, prays at Gethsemane

(Mat. 26:36-46, Luke 22:39-46)

32They walked along until they came to a piece of land called Gethsemane where Yeshua told his trainees to sit down while he prayed. 33He took Peter and Yacob and Yohan further in with him where he stared off in a daze but was obviously very distressed. 34He told the three of them, “My soul is deathly sad! You guys just stay here and keep alert.

35He went ahead a little way where he knelt on the ground with his head down and prayed—asking if it was possible to avoid what was ahead of him. 36But he said, “Father, I know that you can do anything. Let me avoid this suffering, but yes I know, it doesn’t matter what I want but what you’ve planned.

37Then he went back and found the others sleeping. He asked Peter, “Simon, are you asleep? Couldn’t you stay awake even for a single hour? 38You all need to stay alert and be careful not to give into temptation. I know your spirits are enthusiastic on one hand, but it’s still easy to give in to the moment.

39Then he went further in again and prayed as before, 40but when he returned again, he found them all asleep because they were tired, but they couldn’t really find any excuse to give.

41The third time that Yeshua returned, he said to them, “Ah, you’re all sleeping again and having a good rest. It’s well earned but the time has come for humanity’s child to be handed over to evil men. 42Come on—get up—we need to go! Look, the one who’ll hand me over is on his way.

32And they_are_coming to a_property, of_which the name is Gethsaʸmanaʸ, and he_is_saying to_the apprentices/followers of_him:
Sit_down here, until I_may_pray.
33And he_is_taking the Petros, and the Yakōbos/(Yaˊₐqoⱱ), and the Yōannaʸs, with him, and began to_be_being_greatly_amazed and to_be_distressing.
34And he_is_saying to_them:
The soul of_me is very_sorrowful to death, remain here and be_watching.
35And having_gone_ahead a_little, he_was_falling on the ground and he_was_praying that if it_is possible, the hour may_pass_by from him.
36And he_was_saying:
father, the father, all things are_possible to_you.
Take_away the this cup from me, but not what I am_wanting, but what you want.
37And he_is_coming and is_finding them sleeping, and he_is_saying to_ the _Petros:
Simōn, you_are_sleeping?
Not were_ you _able to_watch one hour?
38Be_watching and be_praying that you_all_may_ not _come into temptation.
On_one_hand the spirit is eager, on_the_other_hand the flesh is weak.
39And again having_gone_away, he_prayed having_said the same statement.
40And having_come again, he_found them sleeping, because/for the eyes of_them were being_weighed_down, and they_had_ not _known what they_may_be_answer to_him.
41And he_is_coming the third time, and is_saying to_them:
Are_you_all_sleeping for_the rest and are_resting.
It_is_receiving_fully, the hour came.
Behold, the son of_ the _man is_being_given_over into the hands of_ the _sinners.
42Be_being_raised, we_may_be_going.
Behold, the one giving_ me _over has_neared.

14:43 Yeshua is arrested in the night

(Yhn 18:3-12, Mat. 26:47-56, Luke 22:47-53)

43Even while Yeshua was still speaking, Yudas reached him, followed by a crowd from the chief priests, and the religious teachers, and the elders—many armed with swords and clubs. 44Yudas had prearranged a signal with them that anyone who he greeted with a kiss, they should grab that person and lead him away under guard.

45So he walked right up to Yeshua and said, “My honoured teacher,” and greeted him with a kiss. 46Then the others with him grabbed Yeshua and secured him. 47But one of the ones with Yeshua that was beside him, drew his sword and struck a slave of the chief priest, cutting off the man’s ear. 48Yeshua spoke to the crowd, “Did you all bring swords and clubs to try to capture me like you’d chase down a thief? 49[ref]I was standing there teaching in the temple every day and you could have arrested me, but it’s happened this way to ensure that the what’s written in scriptures will be fulfilled.

50Meanwhile, the ones with Yeshua had taken off. 51One young fellow was wearing a single linen robe, and when the crowd tried to grab him, 52it came off in the struggle and he ran away stark naked.

43And immediately still of_him speaking, Youdas/(Yəhūdāh) is_arriving, one of_the twelve, and with him a_crowd with swords and clubs, from the chief_priests, and the scribes, and the elders.
44And the one giving_ him _over had_given a_signal to_them saying:
Whomever wishfully I_may_kiss, it_is he, apprehend him, and be_leading_away securely.
45And having_come immediately having_approached to_him, he_is_saying:
My_great_one, and he_kissed him.
46And they laid_on the hands of_them and apprehended him.
47But a_certain one of_the ones having_stood_by, having_drawn the sword, struck the slave of_the chief_priest, and he_cut_off the ear of_him.
48And the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) answering said to_them:
You_all_came_out with swords and clubs to_capture me as against a_robber?
49In_every day I_was with you_all teaching in the temple, and you_all_ not _apprehended me, but it_is in_order_that the scriptures may_be_fulfilled.
50And having_left him, all fled.
51And a_ certain _young_man was_accompanying with_him, having_been_clothed a_linen_cloth over ^his_naked body.
And they_are_apprehending him, 52and the one having_left the linen_cloth, fled naked.

14:53 The mock trial where Yeshua is sentenced to death

(Yhn 18:13-14, Mat. 26:57-68, Luke 22:54-55)

53The guards led Yeshua away to the chief priest’s residence, and all the chief priests and the elders and the religious teachers gathered there also. 54Peter followed along from a distance and went in as far as the courtyard of the residence where he joined the servants who were sitting around the fire keeping warm. 55Inside, the chief priests and all the council were trying to establish a case against Yeshua so he could be sentenced to death, but they weren’t coming up with anything. 56Several were making up charges against him, but none of the accusers’ stories agreed with each other.

57Eventually some of them stood up and offered this false charge: 58[ref]“We heard him say that he would demolish this temple made by many labourers, and within three days he’d build another one without any helpers.” 59But even then, they couldn’t get their accusations to align with each other.

60Nevertheless the chief priest in the middle of the council stood up and asked Yeshua, “Aren’t you going to defend yourself? These men are accusing you of these things.”

61But Yeshua didn’t say anything. So the chief priest asked again, “Is it true that you’re the chosen one that God promised to send—the son of the blessed God?”

62[ref]Yeshua replied, “I am. And you will all see humanity’s child sitting in the honoured position by the powerful God and coming through the clouds in the sky.”

63Then the chief priest tore his own robe to show his disgust and shouted, “We certainly don’t need any more witnesses now! 64[ref]You yourselves all heard him insult God. What sentence does that deserve?”

So the leaders there agreed that Yeshua needed to be sentenced to death.

65Then various people started spitting on him, and blindfolding him and beating him saying, “Ha, tell us who that was!” Even the servants joined in to slap him.

53And they_led_ The Yaʸsous _away to the chief_priest, and all the chief_priests, and the elders, and the scribes are_coming_together to_him.
54And the Petros followed after_him from afar, as_far_as inside to the courtyard of_the chief_priest, and he_was sitting_with with the attendants, and warming himself at the light of_the_fire.
55And the the_chief_priests and all the council were_seeking testimony against the Yaʸsous, in_order that to_put_ him _to_death, but they_were_ not _finding.
56For/Because many were_giving_false_testimony against him, but the testimonies were not same.
57And some having_stood_up, were_giving_false_testimony against him saying, 58that We heard from_him saying, that I will_be_tearing_down the this the handmade temple, and by three days I_will_be_building another not_hand_made.
59And neither thus the testimony of_them was same.
60And the chief_priest having_stood_up in the_midst, asked the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) saying:
Not are_you_answering nothing?
What is_it these men are_testifying against_you?
61But he was_keeping_silent and not answered nothing.
Again the chief_priest was_asking him and is_saying to_him:
Are you the chosen_one/messiah, the son the blessed one?
62And the Yaʸsous said:
I am.
And you_all_will_be_seeing the son of_ the _man sitting on the_right of_the power, and coming with the clouds of_the sky.
63And the chief_priest having_torn the clothes of_him is_saying:
What need anymore are_we_having of_witnesses?
64You_all_heard of_the slander.
What is_it_appearing to_you_all?
And the ones all condemned him liable to_be of_death.
65And some began to_be_spitting on_him, and to_be_blindfolding the face of_him, and to_be_beating him, and to_be_saying to_him:
And the attendants received him with_slaps.

14:66 Peter disowns Yeshua

(Yhn 18:15-18, Mat. 26:69-75, Luke 22:56-62)

66Meanwhile, Peter was down in the courtyard when one of the chief priest’s servant girl came out, 67and seeing Peter warming himself, she looked more closely and said, “Hey, you were with that Yeshua from Nazareth!”

68But he denied it, “I don’t know him and I don’t know why you think I would!” And he moved away from the fire.

69But the girl that had seen him said to some of the others standing around, “That guy’s one of them.”

70But again Peter denied it.

A little while later, some of those standing there said, “You must be one of them because you’re from Galilee.”

71Now Peter started swearing and cursing and said, “I’ve never even met that fellow that you’re all talking about!”

72And right then the rooster crowed for the second time. Peter remembered now what Yeshua had told him—how he would renounce Yeshua three times before the rooster crows—and he broke down and cried.

66And the Petros being below in the courtyard, one of_the servant_girls of_the chief_priest is_coming, 67and having_seen the Petros warming himself, having_focused_in to_him she_is_saying:
You also were with Yaʸsous the the Nazaraʸnos.
68But he disowned it saying:
I_have_ neither _known, nor I_am_understanding you what are_saying.
And he_came_out out into the forecourt.
69And the servant_girl having_seen him, began again to_be_saying to_the ones having_stood_by, that He is of them.
70But again he was_disowning him.
And after a_little, again the ones having_stood_by were_saying to_ the _Petros:
Truly you_are from them, because/for you_are also a_Galilaios, 71but he began to_be_cursing and to_be_swearing, that I_have_ not _known the this man, whom you_all_are_speaking.
72And immediately for the_second time a_rooster crowed.
And the Petros was_reminded the message as the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) said to_him, that Before the_rooster to_crow three-times you_will_be_renouncing me, and having_broken_down, he_was_weeping. Maps:

Jesus’ Arrest, Trial, Crucifixion, and Burial

Matthew 26-27; Mark 14-15; Luke 22-23; John 13-19

On the Thursday before he was crucified, Jesus had arranged to share the Passover meal with his disciples in an upper room, traditionally thought to be located in the Essene Quarter of Jerusalem. After they finished the meal, they went to the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus often met with his disciples. There Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus’ own disciples, betrayed him to soldiers sent from the High Priest, and they took Jesus to the High Priest’s residence. In the morning the leading priests and teachers of the law put Jesus on trial and found him guilty of blasphemy. The council sent Jesus to stand trial for treason before the Roman governor Pontius Pilate, who resided at the Praetorium while in Jerusalem. The Praetorium was likely located at the former residence of Herod the Great, who had died over 30 years earlier. When Pilate learned that Jesus was from Galilee, he sent him to Herod Antipas, who had jurisdiction over Galilee. But when Jesus gave no answer to Herod’s many questions, Herod and his soldiers sent him back to Pilate, who conceded to the people’s demands that Jesus be crucified. Jesus was forced to carry his cross out of the city gate to Golgotha, meaning Skull Hill, referring to what may have been a small unquarried hill in the middle of an old quarry just outside the gate. After Jesus was unable to carry his cross any further, a man named Simon from Cyrene was forced to carry it for him. There at Golgotha they crucified Jesus. After Jesus died, his body was hurriedly taken down before nightfall and placed in a newly cut, rock tomb owned by Joseph of Arimathea, a member of the Jewish high council. This tomb was likely located at the perimeter of the old quarry.

MARK 14 ©
