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OET-RV by cross-referenced section EZE 1:1

EZE 1:1–1:25 ©

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The calling to Isikil as prophet/The Pegpapitew of God

Eze 1:1–25

The calling to Isikil as prophet


1:1 The Pegpapitew of God







Collected OET-RV cross-references

Rev 19:11:

19:11 The horse-rider of white horse

11Then I saw heaven open up and wow, a white horse and its rider was named ‘Faithful and true’, and he judges and battles righteously.[ref]

19:11: a Eze 1:1; b Psa 96:3; Isa 11:4.

2Ki 24:10-16:



2Ch 36:9-10:

36:9 The kingdom of Huwakin of Huda

(2 Kgs 24:8-17)


36:10: a Jer 22:24-30; 24:1-10; 29:1-2; Eze 17:12; b Jer 37:1; Eze 17:13.

Rev 4:6:

6In front of the throne was something like a sea of glass that was as clear as crystal.

Around the throne were four living creatures, covered both front and back with eyes.[ref]

4:6: Eze 1:22.

Ezr 1:5,10:




Eze 10:14:


10:14: Eze 1:10; Rev 4:7.

Rev 4:7:

7This first living creature resembled a lion, the second resembled a bull, the third had a face like a man, and the fourth one resembled a flying eagle.

Rev 4:5:

5From the centre throne came lightning flashes and thunderous sounds and voices. In front of it, seven torches were burning, which are God’s seven spirits.[ref]

4:5: a Exo 19:16; Rev 8:5; 11:19; 16:18; b Eze 1:13; c Rev 1:4; Zech 4:2.

Eze 10:9-13:


10:9-13: Eze 1:15-21.

10:12: Rev 4:8.

Rev 4:8:

8Each of the four living creatures had six wings with eyes all around and underneath them. Day and night they never stop saying:[ref]

‘Holy, holy, holy,

is the master, almighty God,

who was and is and is to come.’

4:8: a Eze 1:18; 10:12; b Isa 6:2-3.

Rev 1:4-15:

1:4 The greetings to seven assemblies of believers

4[ref]This letter is from Yohan to the seven assemblies in Asia Minor:

Grace and peace to you all from the God who is and was and will be, and from the seven spirits who are in front of this throne, 5[ref]and from Yeshua the messiah, the faithful witness, the first to come back to life, and the ruler of all the leaders of the nations of the world.

Yeshua loves us and he has released us from our sins by his blood, 6[ref]and made us into a kingdom of priests to God his father, and he is deserving of honour and power throughout the ages. May it be so.

7[ref]Look, he’s going to come back in the clouds, and everyone will see him—the one who they speared—and all the tribes on the earth will be mourning over him. REWORK OT QUOTES

8[ref]“I am the A and the Z,” says Yahweh God, the one who is and was and will be—the most powerful one.

1:8 Yohan sees the messiah

9I, John, am your brother and partner in the suffering that’s typical of those who follow Yeshua. I’ve been exiled to Patmos Island where I endure because I believe God’s message and Yeshua’s testimony and look forward to his kingdom. 10One Sunday while meditating, God’s spirit gave me a vision, and I heard a voice behind me that seemed as loud as a trumpet blast 11that said, “Write down what you see here on a scroll and send it to the seven assemblies of believers—to the cities of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and to Laodicea.”

12Then I turned to see who was talking to me, and I saw seven golden lamp holders, 13and standing among them was a man who looked like humanity’s child,[fn] wearing a long robe with a golden sash around His chest.[ref] 14His hair was gleaming white like wool or snow and his eyes were bright like a fiery flame.[ref] 15His feet shone like bronze that had been refined in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of a river of rushing water.[ref]

1:13 It’s not certain what was meant here: either ‘a man who looked like humanity’s child’ or ‘a form that looked like a human man’.

1:4: a Exo 3:14; b Rev 4:5.

1:5: a Isa 55:4; b Psa 89:27.

1:6: Exo 19:6; Rev 5:10.

1:7: a Dan 7:13; Mat 24:30; Mrk 13:26; Luk 21:27; 1Th 4:17; b Zech 12:10; Yhn 19:34,37; c Zech 12:10; Mat 24:30.

1:8: a Rev 22:13; b Exo 3:14.

1:13: a Dan 7:13; b Dan 10:5.

1:14: Dan 7:9.

1:15: Eze 1:24; 43:2.


6Then I heard what sounded like a large crowd and what seemed to be the sounds of lots of water and of powerful thunder, saying, “Praise Yahweh, because our God, the powerful master, reigns.[ref]

19:6: a Eze 1:24; b Psa 93:1; 97:1; 99:1.