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LEB LEV Chapter 14

LEV 14 ©

Instructions for Cleansing Infectious Skin Diseases

14Then[fn] Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying, 2“This is the regulation of the person afflicted with a skin disease at the time of[fn] his cleansing. And he shall be brought to the priest, 3and the priest shall go outside the camp,[fn] and the priest shall examinehim,[fn] andif[fn] the skin disease’s infection is healed on[fn] the afflicted person, 4then[fn] the priest shall command, and he shall take two living, clean birds andcedar wood[fn] anda crimson thread[fn] and hyssop for the one who presents himself for cleansing. 5Then[fn] the priest shall commandsomeone[fn] to slaughter one bird over fresh water in a clay vessel. 6He must take the living bird and the cedar wood[fn] andthe crimson thread[fn] and the hyssop, and he shall dip them and the living bird in the bird’s blood slaughtered over the fresh water. 7And he shall spatter the blood[fn] seven times on the one who presents himself for cleansing from the infectious skin disease, and he shall declare him clean, and he shall send the living birdinto the open field.[fn] 8Then[fn] the one who presents himself for cleansing shall wash his garments, and he shall shave off all his hair, and he shall wash himself in the water; thus[fn] he shall be clean, and afterward he shall enter the camp, but[fn] he shall stayoutside his tent[fn]for seven days. 9And then[fn] on the seventh day he must shave off all his hair—he must shave his head and his beard andhis eyebrows[fn] and allthe rest[fn] of his hair—and he shall wash his garments, and he shall wash his body in the water; thus[fn] he shall be clean.

10“And on the eighth day he must take two male lambs without defect and one ewe-lamb in its first year[fn] without defect and three-tenthsof an ephah[fn] of finely milled flour mixed with oilas a grain offering and one log of oil. 11And the priest who cleanses him[fn] shall present the man who presents himself for cleansing andthese things[fn]before[fn] the tent of assembly’s entrance. 12Then[fn] the priest shall take the one male lamb, and he shall present it as a guilt offering, and the log of oil, and he shall wave themas a wave offering before[fn] Yahweh. 13And he shall slaughter the male lamb in the place where he slaughters the sin offering and the burnt offering in the sanctuary’s space,[fn] because as the sin offering belongs to the priest, soalso the guilt offering—it is a most holy thing.[fn] 14And the priest shall take some of[fn] the guilt offering’s blood, and the priest shall putit[fn] on the right ear’s lobe of the one who presents himself for cleansing and on his right hand’s thumb and on his right foot’s big toe. 15And the priest shall take some of[fn] the log of oil, and he shall pourit[fn] on his[fn] left palm; 16and the priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that is on his left palm, and he shall spatter some of[fn] the oil with his finger seven timesbefore[fn] Yahweh. 17Then[fn] the priest shall putsome of[fn] the remaining oil, whichis on his palm, on the right ear’s lobe of the one to be cleansed and on his right hand’s thumb and on his right foot’s big toe, on top of the guilt offering’s blood.[fn] 18And the remaining oil that is on the priest’s palm he shall put on the head of the one who presents himself for cleansing, and the priest shall make atonement for him before[fn] Yahweh. 19Thus[fn] the priest shallsacrifice[fn] the sin offering, and he shall make atonement for the one who presents himself for cleansing from his uncleanness, and afterward he shall slaughter the burnt offering. 20Then[fn] the priest shall offer the burnt offering and the grain offering on the altar, and the priest shall make atonement for him, and so he shall be clean.

21“But[fn] if heis poor and he cannot afford[fn]it,[fn] then[fn] he shall take one male lambfor a guilt offering as a wave offering to make atonement for himself and one-tenth of an ephah[fn] of finely milled flour mixed with oil for a grain offering, and a log of oil, 22and two turtledoves or two young doves[fn] thathe can afford,[fn] and one shall be a sin offering and theother[fn] a burnt offering. 23And he shall bring them to the priest at the tent of assembly’s entrance before[fn] Yahweh on the eighth day for his cleansing. 24And the priest shall take the male lamb for the guilt offering and the log of oil, and the priest shall wave them as a wave offering before[fn] Yahweh; 25and he shall slaughter the male lamb of the guilt offering, and the priest shall take some of[fn] the guilt offering’s blood, and he shall putit[fn] on the right ear’s lobe of the one who presents himself for cleansing and on his right hand’s thumb and on his right foot’s big toe. 26Then[fn] the priest shall pour outsome of[fn] the oil on his own[fn] left palm, 27and with his right finger the priest shall spatter some of[fn] the oil thatis on his left palm seven times before[fn] Yahweh. 28Then[fn] the priest shall putsome of[fn] the oil thatis on his palm on the right ear’s lobe of the one who presents himself for cleansing and on his right hand’s thumb and on his right foot’s big toe on the place of the guilt offering’s blood. 29And the remaining oil that is on the priest’s palm he shall put on the head of the one who presents himself for cleansing to make atonement for him before[fn] Yahweh. 30And he shall sacrifice[fn] one of the turtledoves or theyoung doves[fn] thathe can afford,[fn] 31even[fn] whathe can afford,[fn] the oneas a sin offering and the other[fn]as a burnt offering in addition to the grain offering, and the priest shall make atonement for the one who presents himself for cleansing before[fn] Yahweh. 32This is the regulation of the one on whom is an infectious skin disease who cannot afford[fn]the cost[fn] for his cleansing.”

Instructions for Cleansing Houses

33Then[fn] Yahweh spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying, 34“When you come into the land of Canaan, which I am about to give to you as your possession, and I put mildew[fn] in a housein the land of your possession, 35then[fn] the one whoowns the house[fn] shall come and tell the priest, saying, ‘It appears to methat an infection is in the house.’ 36And the priest shall issue a command, and they shall clear out the house before the priest comes to examine the infection, so that[fn] all thatis in the house might not become unclean; and afterward[fn] the priest shall go to examine the house. 37And he shall examine the infection, and if[fn] the infection on the house’s wallhas yellowish-green or reddish spots and its appearance is deeper than the surface of[fn] the wall, 38then[fn] the priest shall go out from the house to the house’s entrance, and he shall confine[fn] the housefor seven days. 39And the priest shall return on the seventh day, and he shall examine the infection,[fn] andif[fn] the infection has spread on the house’s wall, 40the priest shall issue a command and they shall remove the stones on which is the infection, and they shall throw them outside the city[fn] on an unclean place. 41Then[fn] they[fn] shall scrape offthe plaster[fn] from all around the house, and they shall pour out the plaster,[fn] which they scraped off,outside the city[fn] on an unclean place. 42And they shall take other stones, and they shall put[fn]them in place of those stones, and they[fn] shall take other plaster,[fn] and they[fn] shall replaster[fn] the house.

43“But[fn] if the infection should return and it breaks out in the house after they[fn] have removed the stones and after scraping offthe plaster[fn] of the house and after it has been replastered,[fn] 44then[fn] the priest shall come, and he shall examinethe infection,[fn] andif[fn] the infection has spread in the house, itis a destructive mildew[fn] in the house—itis unclean. 45So[fn] he shall break down the house, its stones and its wood and all of the house’s plaster,[fn] and he shall bringit all[fn]outside the city[fn] to an unclean place. 46And the person who enters into the house during all the days that he[fn] confined[fn] it shall become unclean until the evening. 47And the person who sleeps in the house must wash his garments, and the person who eats in the house shall wash his garments.

48“And if the priest comes again and examines the house[fn] andif[fn] the infection has not spread in the house after being replastered,[fn] then[fn] the priest shall pronounce the house clean, because the infection is healed. 49And he shall take two birds and cedar wood[fn] and acrimson thread[fn] and hyssop to cleanse the house; 50and he shall slaughter the first bird over fresh water on a clay vessel. 51Then[fn] he shall take thecedar wood[fn] and the hyssop andthe crimson thread[fn] and the living bird, and he shall dip them in the slaughtered bird’s blood and in the fresh water, and he shall spatterthem[fn] on the house seven times. 52Thus[fn] he shall purify the house with the bird’s blood and with the fresh water and with the living bird and with thecedar wood[fn] and with the hyssop and withthe crimson thread.[fn] 53And he shall send the living bird outside the city[fn]into the open field;[fn] and so he shall make atonement for the house, and it shall be clean.

54“This is the instruction for any infectious skin disease and for the diseased area of skin, 55and for a mildew[fn] of the garment and for the house, 56and for the swelling and for the epidermal eruption and for the spot, 57to teach when something is unclean and when something is clean.[fn] Thisis the regulation of the infectious skin disease.”

?:? Or “And”

?:? Or “on the day of”

?:? Literally “to from an outside place of the camp”

?:? The direct object is supplied from context in the English translation

?:? Literally “look” or “behold”

?:? Hebrew “from”

?:? Or “and”

?:? Literally “wood of cedar”

?:? Literally “crimson thread of the worm”

?:? Or “And”

?:? The direct object is supplied from context in the English translation

?:? Literally “wood of cedar”

?:? Literally “the crimson thread of the worm”

?:? The direct object is supplied from context in the English translation

?:? Literally “toward the faces of the field”

?:? Or “And”

?:? Or “and”

?:? Or “and”

?:? Literally “from an outside place of his tent”

?:? Literally “And it shall be”

?:? Literally “the rims of his eyes”

?:? Implied by context

?:? Or “and”

?:? Literally “a daughter of her year”

?:? Implied by context

?:? The direct object is supplied from context in the English translation

?:? Literally “with them”

?:? Literally “to the faces of”

?:? Or “And”

?:? Literally “to the faces of”

?:? Or “place” or “area”

?:? Literally “a holiness of holinesses is it”

?:? Literally “from”

?:? The direct object is supplied from context in the English translation

?:? Literally “from”

?:? The direct object is supplied from context in the English translation

?:? Hebrew “the priest’s”

?:? Literally “from”

?:? Literally “to the faces of”

?:? Or “And”

?:? Literally “from”

?:? See v. 14

?:? Literally “to the faces of”

?:? Or “And”

?:? Literally “do” or “make”

?:? Or “And”

?:? Or “And”

?:? Literally “his hand is not producing”

?:? The direct object is supplied from context in the English translation

?:? Or “and”

?:? Implied by context

?:? Literally “sons of dove”

?:? Literally “his hand can produce”

?:? Literally “one”

?:? Literally “to the faces of”

?:? Literally “to the faces of”

?:? Literally “from”

?:? The direct object is supplied from context in the English translation

?:? Or “And”

?:? Literally “from”

?:? Hebrew “the priest’s”

?:? Literally “from”

?:? Literally “to the faces of”

?:? Or “And”

?:? Literally “from”

?:? Literally “to the faces of”

?:? Literally “do” or “make”

?:? Literally “sons of dove”

?:? Literally “his hand can produce”

?:? Implied by context

?:? Literally “his hand can produce”

?:? Literally “one”

?:? Literally “to the faces of”

?:? Literally “his hand cannot produce”

?:? The direct object is supplied from context in the English translation

?:? Or “And”

?:? Literally “an infection of skin disease”

?:? Or “and”

?:? Literally “the house is for him”

?:? Or “and”

?:? Literally “after thus”

?:? Literally “look” or “behold”

?:? Implied by the context

?:? Or “and”

?:? Or “close up”

?:? The direct object is supplied from context in the English translation

?:? Literally “look” or “behold”

?:? Literally “to from an outside place of the city”

?:? Or “And”

?:? Hebrew “he”

?:? The direct object is supplied from context in the English translation

?:? See HALOT 862 s.v. 3.b

?:? Literally “to from an outside place of the city”

?:? Literally “bring”

?:? Hebrew “he”

?:? See HALOT 862 s.v. 3.b

?:? Hebrew “he”

?:? Implied by the context; Hebrew “plaster”

?:? Or “And”

?:? Hebrew “he”

?:? The direct object is supplied from context in the English translation

?:? Implied by the context; or “plaster”

?:? Or “and”

?:? The direct object is supplied from context in the English translation

?:? Literally “look” or “behold”

?:? Literally “infectious disease”

?:? Or “And”

?:? See HALOT 862 s.v. 3.b

?:? The direct object is supplied from context in the English translation

?:? Literally “to from an outside place of the city”

?:? That is, the priest

?:? Or “closed up”

?:? The direct object is supplied from context in the English translation

?:? Literally “look” or “behold”

?:? Implied by the context; or “plaster”

?:? Or “and”

?:? Literally “wood of cedar”

?:? Literally “crimson thread of the worm”

?:? Or “And”

?:? Literally “wood of cedar”

?:? Literally “the crimson thread of the worm”

?:? The direct object is supplied from context in the English translation

?:? Or “And”

?:? Literally “wood of cedar”

?:? Literally “the crimson thread of the worm”

?:? Literally “to from an outside place of the city”

?:? Literally “to the faces of the field”

?:? Literally “infectious skin disease”

?:? Literally “on the day of the unclean and on the day of the clean”

LEV 14 ©
