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OET-RV YHN Chapter 19


This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

19So Pilate took Yeshua and had him flogged. 2Then the soldiers twisted some thorn branches together into a crown and put it on Yeshua’s head, and they dressed him in a royal purple robe. 3They came up to him and said, “Greetings, you king of the Jews,” and then slapped him.

4Then Pilate went back outside and said to the Jews, “Look here. I’m bringing him out to you so that you all can know that I didn’t find him guilty of anything.” 5So they led Yeshua out wearing the thorny crown and the kingly robe, and Pilate said, “Look. Here’s the man.”

6Now when the chief priests and their supporters saw him, they yelled out, “Execute him on a stake! Execute him on a stake!”

“Well you take him and execute him on a stake,” Pilate answered, “because I haven’t found anything that he’s guilty of.”

7The Jews responded, “We have a law and he should be executed according to that law because he said he was the son of God.”

8Now when Pilate heard that, he became more afraid. 9So he went back inside the residence and asked Yeshua, “Where do you come from?”

But Yeshua didn’t answer him. 10So Pilate said, “Why don’t you answer me? Don’t you realise that I have the authority to release you and I also have the authority to have you executed on a stake?”

11You have no authority over me,Yeshua answered, “none at all, except what has been granted to you from above. Because of this, the sin of the person who handed me over to you is greater.

12After hearing this, Pilate wanted to release him but the Jews yelled out, “If you release that man, you’re no friend of Caesar. Everyone who claims to be a king is no friend of Caesar’s.”

13So now Pilate, having heard all this, brought Yeshua outside again. Pilate sat down on the judge’s seat at a place called The Stone Pavement (and called Gabbatha in Hebrew). 14It was now about noon on the day when the Passover meal is prepared, and Pilate said to the Jews, “Look. Here’s your king.”

15They yelled back, “Take him away. Take him away. Execute him on a stake.”

Pilate asked them, “You want me to have your king executed on a stake?”

“We don’t have any king other than Caesar,” the chief priests answered.

16So Pilate gave them his permission and handed Yeshua over to them, and they took him away to be executed on a stake.

19:17 Yeshua is hung on a stake

(Mat. 27:32-44, Mark 15:21-32, Luke 23:26-43)

17Carrying the pole[fn] himself, Yeshua arrived at the Place of the Skull (called Golgotha in Hebrew) just out of the city 18where they secured him to a stake along with two others—one stake on each side and with Yeshua on the middle one. 19Pilate wrote out a title and put it on the stake: Yeshua from Nazareth, the king of the Jews. 20Many Jews read this title because the place where Yeshua was executed was near the city, and it had been written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. 21But the Jewish chief priests complained to Pilate, “Don’t write ‘The king of the Jews’, but rather ‘The one who said he was king of the Jews’.”

22However Pilate answered, “What I’ve written, I’ve written.”

23After the soldiers had fastened Yeshua to the stake, they took his clothes and placed in four piles, one for each of them. This left his robe, which had been woven from top to bottom in one piece. 24So they said to each other, “Rather than tearing this, let’s throw a dice to see who will get it.” (This fulfilled what was written in the scriptures[ref] that said: they divided my garments among themselves and threw a dice for my clothes.) So they went ahead and did that.

25Meanwhile a group of women had stayed standing near Yeshua on the stake: his mother and his aunt, Maria the wife of Clopas, and Maria from Magdala. 26When Yeshua saw his mother and also the intern that he loved standing nearby, he said to her, “Look, he’ll be your son.27And to the intern he said, “Look, she’ll be your mother.” And that intern took her into his own home from then on.

19:28 Yeshua gives up his life on the stake

(Mat. 27:45-56, Mark 15:33-41, Luke 23:44-49)

28Having done this, Yeshua knew that everything had been accomplished, and (in order for the scriptures[ref] to be fulfilled) said, “I’m thirsty.

29There was a container lying there full of vinegary wine, so they placed a sponge on a hyssop stalk, soaked it in the wine, and held it up to his mouth. 30After Yeshua had sucked some wine out, he said, “It is finished.Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

19:31 Yeshua’s side is pierced with a spear

31Now because it was the preparation day[ref] for the coming Rest Day, the Jews didn’t want the bodies to remain on the stakes after dusk (because it was even a special Rest Day.) So they asked Pilate to command for their legs to be broken to hasten their deaths and then they could be taken down sooner. 32So the soldiers came and broke the legs of the men on each side of Yeshua, 33but when they got to him, they saw that he was already dead so they didn’t break his legs. 34Instead one of the soldiers stabbed his side with a spear and immediately blood and water came out. 35The one who actually saw this happen[fn] has testified this and his account is accurate so that you readers can also believe it, 36because these things also happened to fulfil what was written in the scriptures,[ref] that ‘none of his bones will be broken,’ 37and in another place,[ref] ‘they will look at the one that they pierced.’

19:38 The wrapping and laying of Yeshua’s body

(Mat. 27:57-61, Mark 15:42-47, Luke 23:50-56)

38After all of this, Yosef from Arimathea went to Pilate. (Yosef was a follower of Yeshua, but secretly because he was afraid of what the Jewish leaders might do.) He asked Pilate for permission to remove Yeshua’s body, and it was granted to him so they went and got his body. 39[ref]Nicodemus (the one who had first visited Yeshua at night) also came, bringing around 30kg of burial spices. 40So they took Yeshua’s body and wrapped it around with linen strips with the spices as per the Jewish burial customs. 41There was a garden out at the place where Yeshua had been executed, and in the garden there was a new tomb that hadn’t been used yet. 42So because it was the preparation day and because the tomb was nearby, they laid his body in there.

19:17 TD: The Greek word used here is used in other places to mean a stake such as used to make a fence. It’s uncertain whether or not it had a horizontal cross-piece, although the Romans did use a range of methods.

9:35 Believed to be the author of this account.

19:24: Psa 22:18.

19:28: Psa 69:21; 22:15.

19:31: Yhn 19:14.

19:36: Exo 12:46; Num 9:12; Psa 34:20.

19:37: Zech 12:10; Rev 1:7.

19:39: Yhn 3:1-2.

