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This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

JHN - Open English Translation—Readers’ Version (OET-RV) V0.2.01


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The account of Yeshua’s ministry by

Yohan (John)



This account about the works and teachings of Yeshua (Jesus) was written by Yohan (John), brother of Yacob (mistakenly known in older English Bibles as James). Both of them were in the small group of twelve close followers of Yeshua that he selected as his apprentices and who accompanied him around as he taught. Out of the twelve, Yohan was the one that greatly loved Yeshua, and his closeness gave him much of the insight that he includes with his description of Yeshua’s actions and teaching. The two brothers were the sons of Zebedee, and all three of them worked as fishermen on Lake Galilee.

This account

The Open English Translation places Yohan’s account before the others because it begins with the eternal existence of Yeshua the messiah. Not only is Yeshua the godly messenger, he was also the creator who has now descended from heaven as a man. Omitting any mention of the baby Yeshua, Yohan does however tell us about Yohan-the-immerser who came before Yeshua to prepare the people for the arrival of the promised messiah.

In chapters two to twelve it’s written how the various miracles that Yeshua did showed that he was the promised messiah who would offer life without ending to anyone who would accept that he had been sent by God and trust in his teaching. Although there were indeed many who did believe in him, many others were unable to come to that point and ended up opposing Yeshua at every turn.

In chapters thirteen to seventeen, the compassion of Yeshua towards his followers is described. He also told them in advance of his impending brutal death.

In the final few chapters, we read about the arrest and judging of Yeshua, his being fastened to a pole and giving up his spirit, his coming back to life, and how his followers saw him and spoke with him again during that period.

Yohan is careful to explain how to receive life without ending by means of believing that Yeshua came down from heaven and obeying his teaching. Yeshua himself is the path and the truth and the life (14:6).

Main components of Yohan’s account

Introduction 1:1-18

Yohan-the-immerser and the first followers of Yeshua 1:19-51

The people monitor Yeshua’s teaching and miracles 2:1-12:50

Yeshua’s final week in and around Yerushalem 13:1-19:42

Yeshua comes back to life and meets people again 20:1-31

Yeshua reveals himself to his followers in Galilee 21:1-25

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

1:1The arrival of the true light

1In the beginning was the message,[fn] and the message was with God, and the message was and is God. 2He, the message, was with God even at the creation of the universe. 3Everything came into existence through the messenger[fn]there’s not even one thing that came into existence that wasn’t made by him. 4He holds life, and that life is the light of humankind. 5And that light is shining in the darkness, and darkness cannot overcome him.

6[ref]A man arrived who had been sent by God. His name was Yohan. 7He came as a testimony to tell about the light so that everyone would believe the light. 8Yohan himself wasn’t the light—he was merely the announcer of the light. 9The true light which enlightens every person was coming into the world.

10He was in the world and he’s the creator of the world, and yet the world didn’t even know him. 11He came to his own chosen people, but they wouldn’t accept him, 12however anyone who would accept him and trusted in his authority, he gave them the right to become children of God 13not physical children and not coming from human actions, but children of God.

14And the message became a human and lived here among us and we saw his greatness—the greatness of an only child of the father—full of grace and truth.

15Yohan explained about him and loudly told everyone, “This is the one I meant when I said, ‘There’s someone coming after me, yet who came before me, because he existed before I did!’ ”

16Because he has so much, we all received grace and then even more grace. 17The commandments came to us through Mosheh, but grace and truth came to us through Yeshua the messiah. 18No one has ever actually seen God, but the human son born from God the father and in close touch with him, he was the one to explain God to us.

1:19The interrogation of Yohan-the-immerser

(Mat. 3:1-12, Mark 1:1-8, Luke 3:1-18)

19Yohan explained some of this when the Jewish leaders sent out priests and temple workers from Yerushalem to ask him, “Who are you?”

20He didn’t flinch from the truth and so he told them, “I am not the chosen messiah.”

21[ref]So they asked him again, “Are you Eliyyah come back to life?”

And he answered, “No, I’m not.”

They asked, “Are you the prophet?”

Again he answered, “No, I’m not.”

22So they asked him, “Who are you then? We need to give an answer to the ones who sent us. How do you describe yourself?”

23[ref]So he said, “I am a voice shouting[fn] in the wilderness smooth the path of the master, as the prophet Isayah said.”

24Some of the ones sent out were members of the Pharisee party. 25These ones asked Yohan, “So why are you immersing people then if you aren’t the messiah or Eliyyah or the prophet?”

26He answered, “I’m immersing people in water, but somewhere here among us all there’s someone you don’t know— 27the one coming after me, and I’m not even good enough to untie his sandal straps!”

28All this happened in Bethany on the east side of the Yordan River where Yohan was immersing people.

1:29Yeshua gets publicly revealed

29The next day Yohan saw Yeshua coming towards him, and said, “Hey! Here’s the sacrificial lamb of God who’s come to take away the sin of the world. 30This is the man I was talking about when I said, ‘There’s someone coming after me, yet who came before me, because he existed before I did.’ 31I didn’t know who he was but nevertheless I came and immersed people in water so that this man could be revealed to all Israel.”

32And Yohan further explained, “I saw God’s spirit come down and settle on him. 33I didn’t know which one was him, but the one who sent me to immerse people in water said, ‘When you see the spirit coming down and settling on someone, he is the one who will immerse people with God’s holy spirit.’ 34And I have seen that, and so I can assure you that he is God’s son.”

1:35Yeshua gets a few followers

35The next day, Yohan was back there with two of his apprentices 36and noticing Yeshua walking nearby he said, “Look! There’s the sacrificial lamb of God.”

37When his two apprentices heard him say that, they left him and followed Yeshua. 38But Yeshua turned and saw them following him, and asked them, “What do you two want?

And they said to him, “Teacher, where do you live?”

39Come and see,” Yeshua replied. So they went with him and saw where he lived, and then they stayed there that night, because it was already late afternoon.

40Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter was one of those two who heard Yohan and then followed Yeshua. 41As soon as he found his brother, he said to Simon, “We have found the messiah—God’s chosen one,” 42and led him to Yeshua. When Yeshua saw him, he said, “Ah, you are Simon, Yohan’s son, but from now on you’ll be called Peter which means stone.

1:43Philip and Nathanael join the group

43The following day, Yeshua wanted to go to Galilee. He found Philip and told him, “Follow me! 44Philip was from the town of Bethsaida where Andrew and Peter lived. 45Philip then found Nathanael and told him, “We’ve found the one that Mosheh and the prophets wrote about in the Scriptures. He’s Yeshua from Nazareth.”

46And Nathanael said, “Does anything good come from Nazareth?”

So Philip answered, “Well, come and see for yourself.”

47Yeshua saw Nathanael approaching and said, “Ah, this is an honest Israeli.

48But Nathanael queried him, “Where do you know me from?”

And Yeshua replied, “Actually I saw you under that fig tree before Philip had even called you.

49Nathanael exclaimed, “Great teacher! You are God’s son! You’re the king of Israel!”

50Yeshua responded, “So you believe this because I said that I had seen you under the fig tree. You’ll get to see much greater things than that! 51[ref]And he continued, “Honestly, I’m telling all of you: you’ll be seeing the sky opened up and God’s messengers going up and coming down on me—humanity’s child.

2:1The wine miracle

2On the Tuesday[fn], there was a wedding in Cana in Galilee, and Yeshua’s mother was there 2and Yeshua and his apprentices were also invited. 3When the wine ran out at the wedding, his mother said to him, “They haven’t got any more wine.”

4Yeshua answered, “What does that have to do with us, mother? It’s not the time for my ministry yet.

5But his mother told the servants, “Just do whatever he tells you.”

6Now there were six empty stone water jars there that are used for Jewish purification ceremonies. (Each one could hold over 70 litres.) 7So Yeshua told them to fill the jars with water, and they filled them up. 8Then he said, “Okay, now take a sample out and give it to the MC.So they took some 9and when the MC tasted the water that had now turned to wine, not knowing where it had come from he called the groom 10and exclaimed, “Most people supply the best wine at the beginning of the reception, and the cheaper stuff when people are a bit tipsy. But you’ve kept the best wine until last!”

11This event in Cana, Galilee, was the first of the miracles that Yeshua did, and it revealed his greatness and his followers believed that he was from God.

12[ref]After that, Yeshua and his mother and brothers and his followers travelled east to Capernaum, but they only stayed there a few days.

2:13Yeshua disturbs the temple traders

(Mat. 21:12-13, Mark 11:15-17, Luke 19:45-46)

13[ref]By then it was getting close to the time of the Jewish Festival of the Passover, and Yeshua went down to Yerushalem. 14There in the temple, he discovered merchants selling cows and sheep and doves, and moneychangers sitting at their tables. 15Yeshua formed some cords into a whip and drove the sheep and cows out of the temple grounds, and he overturned the tables—spilling the coins of the moneychangers onto the ground. 16He scolded the ones selling doves, saying, “Get them out of here! Don’t be making my father’s house into a market. 17[ref]That reminded his followers of the scripture: “I’ll be filled with zeal for your temple.”

18Then the Jewish leaders responded, “Do a miracle to show that you have the authority to do these things.”

19[ref]But Yeshua answered, “Well, destroy this temple and I’ll raise[fn] it again in three days.

20The leaders smirked, “This temple took forty-six years to build, and you reckon that you can raise it again in three days?”

21But Yeshua had been meaning his own body when he was talking about the temple. 22In the future when he was actually raised from the dead, his followers remembered this statement, and they believed both the Hebrew scriptures and Yeshua’s message.

2:23Yeshua does miracles and knows thoughts

23When Yeshua was at the Passover Feast in Yerushalem, many believed in his authority because they saw the miracles that he was able to do. 24But Yeshua never fully entrusted himself to them, because he knew what people are like. 25(He didn’t need anyone to tell him what people are like because he could see what any person was like on the inside.)

3:1Yeshua tells Nicodemus about the need to be reborn

3After dark one evening, a Jewish leader named Nicodemus who was a member of the Pharisee party 2went to Yeshua and said, “Teacher, we know that God has sent you as a teacher, because no one could do these kinds of miracles if God wasn’t with him.”

3Yeshua responded, “I’ll tell you frankly that no one can enter God’s kingdom unless he is reborn.

4Nicodemus questioned, “How can an adult be reborn? A person can’t just return to their mother’s womb and then get born a second time!”

5But Yeshua continued, “Honestly, I’m telling you: unless a person is born from both water and the spirit, they can’t enter God’s kingdom. 6Someone that’s born from a body is flesh and bone, but someone that’s born from God’s spirit is spiritual. 7So you shouldn’t be surprised that I told you that everyone needs to be reborn. 8The wind blows wherever it wants, and you can hear its sound but you can’t actually see where it’s coming from and where it’s going to. So too with everyone who’s born from God’s spirit.

9Nicodemus replied, “How can all this even happen?”

10You’re a Jewish teacher,Yeshua answered, “and yet you don’t know all this? 11It’s true that we just teach what we know, and explain what we’ve seen ourselves, but you people aren’t accepting our testimony. 12If I tell all of you earthly things and you don’t believe them, how will you ever believe if I explain heavenly things? 13None of you have gone up into heaven, but I, humanity’s child, have come down from heaven.

14[ref]Just like Mosheh lifted up that bronze snake on a pole in the wilderness, it’s also necessary for humanity’s child to be lifted up,[fn] 15so that everyone who believes in him won’t die, but will live forever.[fn] 16Because in that same way, God loves the people of the world enough to cause his only son to be born and to give him to the world, so that everyone who believes this will not die, but will go on to live forever.

17God didn’t send his son here to condemn people, but rather to save them. 18Anyone who trusts in me will not be condemned. However, anyone who doesn’t believe this has already been condemned because he rejected the authority of the only son that God fathered. 19And this is the verdict: that light has come into the world, but some people love the darkness more than the light because they do evil things, 20because everyone who does evil things hates the light and doesn’t come to the light so that their actions won’t be exposed. 21But anyone who does what is right, comes toward the light so that their actions can be revealed as being done with God’s help.

3:22Yohan approves of Yeshua’s popularity

22After this, Yeshua and his followers went down to Yudea, and stayed there and immersed some believers. 23Yohan was also immersing people at Aenon near Salim because there was plenty of water there and people would come to him to get immersed. 24[ref](At this point in time, Yohan had not yet been put in prison.) 25Then a debate about purification started between Yohan’s followers and a religious leader.[fn] 26So some people went to Yohan and said, “Teacher, that man that came to you across the river and that you testified about, now he’s immersing people and so they’re all going to him.”

27None of us get anything if it’s not being given from heaven,” Yohan answered. 28[ref]“You yourselves know that I said that I’m not the messiah, but rather the one coming before him. 29It’s the groom that has the bride—the best man is happy because he sees that the groom is happy. So I’m actually completely happy with all this. 30It’s right and proper that he should increase and I should fade out.”

31“The one who came down from heaven is greater than any of us. We came from this world and speak in our earthly ways. The one who came down from heaven is greater than any of us. 32He explains about what he’s seen and heard, but people don’t believe him. 33Anyone who does believe him, confirms that God is true. 34The one that God sent tells us God’s words, because God doesn’t ration his spirit. 35[ref]The father loves the son and has put him in charge of everything. 36Anyone who believes God’s son will live forever, but anyone who disobeys the son won’t be seeing life, but will feel God’s severe anger instead.”

4:1Yeshua chats with a woman at the well

4When Yeshua found out that the Pharisee party knew that he was gaining and immersing more followers than Yohan had, 2(although actually it wasn’t Yeshua himself that was immersing them, but his trainees that were doing it), 3he left Yudea and went back up to Galilee. 4On the way up, he decided to go through Samaria (Heb. Shomron).

5[ref]By choosing that route, they came to a town in Samaria called Sukar, which was near the place that the patriarch Yosef had inherited from his father Yacob, 6and Yacob’s well was there. Yeshua was tired from all the walking and was sitting by the well around midday.

7A woman came from the town to get water from the well, and Yeshua asked her for a drink 8since his followers had gone into the town to buy some lunch.

9[ref]The woman said to him, “You’re a Jew. How come you’re asking me for a drink when I’m from Samaria?” (Jews don’t normally associate with anyone from Samaria.)

10Yeshua answered, “If you had recognised God’s gift and who it is who’s asking you for a drink, you would have asked me and I would have given you living water to drink.

11But the woman countered, “Mister, you don’t even have rope and a bucket to reach the water in the deep well. How then could you get ‘living water’? 12I doubt that you’re greater than our ancestor Yacob who made this well for us and drank this water along with his children and his animals.”

13Yeshua responded, “Everyone who drinks this water will get thirsty again, 14but whoever drinks the water that I give them will find a well springing up inside them—springing into eternal life.

15So the woman said, “Okay, then. Give me some of that water so that I won’t get thirsty and won’t have to keep coming out here to the well.”

16Yeshua said, “First, go and get your husband and return here.

17“I don’t have a husband!” she retorted.

True enough—indeed you don’t,Yeshua said. 18You’ve had five husbands and you’re not married to the man you’re living with, so that was true.

19Mister, I can see that you’re a prophet,” the woman reacted. 20Our ancestors worshipped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that people should only worship there in Yerushalem.”

21Then Yeshua told her, “You need to believe that I was sent from God, woman, because a day is coming when everyone will be worshipping him neither on this mountain, nor in Yerushalem. 22You people in Samaria don’t even know who you worship, but we do, because people will be saved by means of us Jews. 23But a time is coming, starting even now, when the true worshippers will be worshipping the father in spirit and truth, because those are the ones that he is wanting to worship him. 24God is spirit, and the ones worshipping him must worship in spirit and total honesty.

25The woman said, “I’m aware that the messiah is coming—the chosen one of God. Whenever he appears, he’ll teach us everything.”

26I am the messiah,Yeshua responded. “Yes, he’s speaking to you!

27After this, his followers arrived back, and they were astounded that he was speaking with a woman. However no one dared ask her, “What are you after?” Or to ask him, “Why are you talking with her?”

28So the woman left her water jar there, and went back into the town where she told the people, 29“Come and see a man who knew as much about me as I know myself! He must be the messiah!” 30So they went out from the town to go and see Yeshua.

31Meanwhile, Yeshua’s followers encouraged him, “Teacher, here, eat.”

32But he said, “I’ve had food to eat that you don’t know about.

33This made his followers ask each other, “Did you see anyone bring him something to eat?”

34Obeying God who sent me is like food to me, and I plan to finish his work,Yeshua explained. 35Don’t you all have a saying about needing to wait four months for a harvest? But I’m telling you that you all should open your eyes and look at the fields, because they’re already lightening up as harvest time approaches. 36The harvester gets paid with a harvest that will last forever so that the ones who plant and the ones who harvest can all celebrate. 37There’s truth in the statement that one person plants and a different person harvests. 38I’ve sent you all out to harvest where you haven’t worked before—others did the groundwork and you benefit from their work.

39And many people of Samaria came out of that town and believed that Yeshua is God because the woman had told them that he knew everything about her. 40So when they all came, they asked him to stay in their town and they stayed on there for a couple of days.

41As a result of his teaching, many more believed 42so then they told the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said, but now that we’ve heard him for ourselves, we can see that he really is the saviour of the world.”

4:43Yeshua heals the official’s son

43After his two days in Samaria, Yeshua continued on up to Galilee. 44[ref]He himself had told them that no prophet gets honoured in his own home town. 45[ref]When he got to Galilee, the people accepted him, having seen everything that he’d done at the feast in Yerushalem because they had also been down there.

46[ref]So he went again to Cana there in Galilee where he had made the water into wine. Now there was a royal official there, whose son in Capernaum was ill. 47When the official heard that Yeshua was coming up from Yudea to Galilee, he went and asked him if he would come and heal his son who was dying. 48Yeshua said to him, “You people won’t believe unless you see miracles and other marvels.

49But the official begged him, “Sir, please come before my child dies.”

50Go back there and see,” Yeshua responded. “Your son will recover.

The man believed what Yeshua had told him, and so he started off. 51On his way, his slaves met him and reported that the boy was alive and well.

52So the official asked them what time it was that he got better, and they replied that the fever had subsided around 1pm. 53The father knew that that was the time when Yeshua had told him that his son would recover, and as a result his whole household believed that Yeshua came from God.

54This was the second miracle that Yeshua did after leaving Yudea and going to Galilee.

5:1Yeshua heals a man at the pool

5After all this, there was another Jewish feast, so Yeshua went down to Yerushalem. 2In Yerushalem at the Sheep Gate, there’s the Bethsaida pool that has five alcoves 3and a large number of sick, blind, lame, and paralysed people lie there in them. 4 5One man had been there for thirty-eight years, 6and when Yeshua noticed him and knew that he’d been there for so long, he asked, “Do you want to get better?

7“Yes mister,” the sick man answered, “but when the water starts moving, I don’t have a companion to lift me into the pool, so someone else always get there before me.”

8Then Yeshua said, “Stand up and pick up your bedroll and start walking. 9The man immediately stood up, picked up his gear, and started to walk.

However, this was the weekly rest day. 10[ref]So the religious leaders said to the man, “Hey! It’s against the law for you to carry your bedding on the rest day!”

11But the man answered, “The man who made me better told me to pick up my bedroll and start walking.”

12“Oh. Who was it that told you to take that stuff and start walking?”

13But the man who had been healed didn’t even know who it was, because Yeshua had quickly left when a crowd had formed.

14Later on, Yeshua found the man in the temple and told him, “Look, you’re better now so don’t go on sinning, because you don’t want anything worse to happen to you.

15The man then went and told the leaders that it was Yeshua who had made him better. 16As a result, the leaders started harassing Yeshua because he had done this on a rest day. 17But Yeshua just replied, “My father is working today, and so I’m also working.

18Because of this, the leaders became determined that he must be put to death—not just because he broke the rules for the rest day, but most of all because he was calling God his own father, thus making himself equal to God!

5:19Authority over life is given to the son

19So Yeshua responded to them, “I want to tell you all something: The son can’t initiate anything by himself. He can only do what he sees his father doing, because whatever his father is doing, he also does things like that. 20You see, the father loves his son and shows him everything that he’s doing. In fact, he’ll be showing him even greater things than what he’s done already, so that you all will be amazed. 21Because the father brings the dead back to life, giving them new life, so too the son can give life to anyone who he wants. 22The father won’t be judging anyone, but has already given that task to the son, 23so that the people might honour the son like they honour the father. But anyone who is not honouring the son, is also dishonouring the father who sent him.

24I assure you that anyone who hears my message and believes that I was sent by God, will live forever and will not be condemned, but has moved from death into life. 25I can also assure you that a time is coming, and in fact is here already, when the dead will be hearing the voice of God’s son and that voice will bring them back to life. 26As the father is the source of life, he gave the power of giving life to the son 27and gave him the authority to be the final judge, because he is humanity’s child. 28Don’t be surprised at this, because a time is coming when everyone in their graves will be hearing his voice, 29[ref]and the ones having done what is good will be given new life, and the ones having done what is evil will be condemned.

5:30The unbelief of the religious leaders

30Yeshua continued explaining to the religious leaders, “I don’t do anything in isolation. Whenever I hear from him, only then do I judge and my judgement is correct and impartial because I’m not imposing my desires, but the desire of the one who sent me.

31If I just testified about myself, my testimony would not be correct or even valid. 32However it’s another one that’s testifying about me, and I know that his testimony about me is true. 33[ref]You sent people out to question Yohan and his testimony was true. 34but I don’t even need any testimony that comes from people, because I am teaching you how to be saved. 35Yohan was a bright and shining light and you appreciated it for a short time. 36But I have a stronger testimony than Yohan’s because the father has entrusted works to me to complete, and which I’m already doing and which clearly show that the father sent me here. 37[ref]And since he sent me, he himself has testified about me. You people have never listened to his voice, nor have you ever seen him! 38And his way of thinking is obviously not in your minds, because you don’t believe the one that he sent. 39You look in the Jewish scriptures because you suppose that they’ll lead you to eternal life. Those very scriptures testify about me coming, 40yet you refuse to come to me in order to receive life.

41I’m not getting any praise from people 42but I do know that you people don’t actually love God in your hearts. 43I have come with my father’s authority and you don’t accept me, but if someone came claiming their own authority, you’d happily accept them. 44How could you possibly believe when you just accept acclamations from each other, but don’t even seek praise from the only God. 45But don’t be assuming that I’ll be accusing you all in front of the father. No, the one who’ll accuse you is Mosheh because he’s the one that you’re hoping to please. 46The trouble is that if you actually believed what Mosheh wrote, you would believe me, because Mosheh was writing about me. 47But since you don’t really believe his writings, you’re not at all likely to believe me.

6:1Feeding 5,000 families

(Mat. 14:13-21, Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17)

6After all this, Yeshua crossed the lake in a boat.[fn] 2A large crowd followed him because they’d seen his miraculous healings of sick people. 3Yeshua climbed a hill and sat there with his apprentices. 4At that time, it was getting close to the Jewish Festival of Passover. 5When Yeshua looked out and saw the large crowd coming, he asked Philip, “Where can we get enough food from to feed all this crowd? 6But he was only saying this to test Philip because he already knew what he was going to do.

7Philip answered, “To buy even just a snack for this many people would take several months’ wages!”

8Now one of Yeshua’s apprentices, Simon Peter’s brother, Andrew, said to Yeshua, 9“There’s a young boy here with five buns and two small cooked fish, but that wouldn’t even start to feed this crowd.”

10But Yeshua told them to get all the people to sit down as there was a large grassy area. So they all sat down—some five thousand men were counted. 11Then he took the buns and gave thanks to God, and started passing around both the buns and the fish, and everyone ate as much as they wanted. 12Once everyone was full, Yeshua got his apprentices to collect the leftover fragments so as not to waste anything. 13So they gathered the leftovers and filled twelve baskets with leftover bread.

14The people who had witnessed this and other miracles said, “This really is the prophet that God promised to send!” 15But Yeshua knew that they intended to come and grab him to proclaim him as their king, so he moved out of the crowd and on up the hill.

6:16Yeshua comes walking across the lake

(Mat. 14:22-33, Mark 6:45-52)

16As it moved into evening, Yeshua’s apprentices went back down to the lake 17and having boarded the boat, they set out across the lake toward Capernaum. By then it was dark, and there was still no sign of Yeshua. 18Then a strong wind hit the lake and the water got rough. 19When they had rowed about five kilometres, they saw Yeshua walking on top of the lake and approaching the boat, and they were very scared. 20But he told them, “Don’t worry—it’s me. 21After that they were willing to let him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at their arrival place.

22The next day, the crowd looked across the lake and saw that only one small boat had crossed, and they knew that only Yeshua’s apprentices had boarded that boat and left, and not Yeshua himself. 23Other boats came across from Tiberias near the place where they had eaten the bread after the master had given thanks. 24So when all the people saw that Yeshua wasn’t around and his apprentices had left, they went off looking for Yeshua in Capernaum.

6:25The bread that enables true life

25When they found him there across the lake, they queried, “Teacher, how did you get here?”

26Honestly, I know that you’re not looking for me because you saw God working miracles,Yeshua answered, “but because you all had plenty of food to fill you up. 27Don’t just work for the food which goes off, but for the food which lasts forever—the food which humanity’s child will give to you because God the father has put his mark of approval on him.

28Puzzled, they asked him, “What should we be doing if we want to work for God?”

29He answered, “Doing God’s work is putting your trust in the one that he sent here.

30“If so,” they said, “what miracle will you do for us to see so that we can believe that you came from God? What can you do? 31[ref]Our ancestors ate the manna[fn] out in the wilderness, just like Mosheh wrote, ‘He gave them bread from the sky to eat.’ ”

32Yeshua said to them, “Actually I can tell you that it wasn’t Mosheh who gave them bread from heaven, but my father gives you the real bread from heaven, 33because God’s bread is the one who came down from heaven and who gives life to the world.

34So they requested, “Mister, keep giving us that bread.”

35I am the bread that gives life,Yeshua answered, “anyone who comes to me will never hunger, and the one believing in me, will never be thirsty again. 36But as I said already, although you have seen me you refuse to believe me. 37Everyone that the father gives to me will come to me, and I certainly won’t turn away anyone who comes to me, 38because I came down from heaven, not to do what I want, but to do what the one who sent me wants. 39And what he wants is for me to not lose anyone that he’s given to me, but to bring them back to life on the last day. 40My father wants everyone who watches me and believes in me to live forever, because I will bring them back to life on that final day.

41This little speech made the religious leaders grumble about him because he had said that he was the food that came down from heaven, 42as they figured out, “This is Yeshua the son of Yosef and so we know his parents. So how can he say that he came down from heaven?”

43Yeshua scolded them, “Don’t be grumbling to each other. 44No one can join me unless the father who sent me attracts them, and then I’ll be bringing them back to life on that final day. 45[ref]The prophets wrote that the people will be taught by God. And everyone who’s heard and learned from the father comes to me. 46Not that any person has seen the father—only the one who came from God has seen him. 47I tell you sincerely: anyone who believes in me will live forever. 48I am the bread that gives true life. 49Your ancestors ate manna in the wilderness, but they all went on to die. 50But I am the bread that came down from heaven and anyone who eats this will not die. 51I am the living bread that came down from heaven and if anyone eats this bread, he will live through to the next age.

52At this point, the religious leaders began to argue with each other, “How could this man give us his flesh to eat?”

53So Yeshua explained, “Indeed if you don’t eat my flesh and drink my blood, you aren’t truly alive! 54Anyone who eats my flesh and drinks my blood will gain eternal life—I will bring them back to life on that final day. 55For my flesh is the true food, and my blood is the true drink. 56Anyone who eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me, and I will live in him. 57The father is alive and sent me here, and I am alive because of Him, so also the person who eats me will be alive because of me. 58Unlike your ancestors who ate that bread from the sky and then died, anyone who eats this bread that came down from heaven will live through to the next age.

6:59Many people find the teaching too difficult

59Yeshua taught all of this in the meeting hall there in Capernaum. 60But even many of his followers who heard it said, “This is difficult teaching—it’s too hard to take.”

61But Yeshua already knew inside that his followers were grumbling about this and asked them, “Do you find this offensive? 62What if you were to see humanity’s child ascending to where he came from? 63It’s the spirit that is the source of life, not the body. The concepts that I’ve taught you are all spiritual and life-giving. 64But there are some here who don’t believe me.” Actually, Yeshua had already known from the beginning just who would believe and which person would betray him 65so he said, “That’s why I told you that no one can come to me unless the father has given them to me.

66After this, many of his followers went back and no longer accompanied him around.

67So Yeshua said to his twelve apprentices, “Don’t you want to leave as well?

68[ref]Master,” Simon answered, “if we went, who would we follow then? You’re the only one who teaches about living forever. 69We believe and know that you are the holy son of God.”

70Yeshua responded, “Didn’t I choose all twelve of you myself? And yet one of you is a devil. 71(He was talking about Yudas, Simon Iscariot’s son, because he was the one who would go on to betray him.)

7:1Yeshua’s sceptical brothers dare him to go public

7After all this, Yeshua travelled around Galilee. (He didn’t want to travel around Yudea because the leaders there wanted to execute him.) 2[ref]As it was now getting close to the Jewish Feast With Tents, 3his brothers said to him, “You should leave this place and go down to Yudea so that all your followers can see the miracles that you’re doing. 4If you want to become well-known, you don’t do things out of the main stream. If you want to do miracles, go and show yourself to the wider world. 5(You see, not even Yeshua’s own half-brothers believed that he came from God.)

6So Yeshua responded, “Well, you guys can do that any time, but it’s not the right time for me yet. 7All the people won’t hate you guys, but they do hate me because I teach about the evil things they are doing. 8You all go on down to Yerushalem ahead of me. I’m not going to the feast yet because it’s not yet the right time for me. 9After saying this, Yeshua stayed up in Galilee.

7:10Yeshua starts teaching about authentic justice

10But after his half-brothers had left to go down to Yerushalem, Yeshua also went—not in the public limelight but just incognito so to speak. 11However at the celebrations, the Jewish religious leaders were searching for him, and were asking around where he was.

12Even among the crowds there was a lot of quiet banter with some saying that Yeshua is a good man and others complaining that he was misleading the people. 13Either way, no one was speaking out in public about him, because they were afraid of the reaction of the religious leaders.

14Finally sometime in the middle of the celebrations, Yeshua went into the temple and started teaching in there. 15Even the Jewish leaders were surprised, asking, “How can this man know so much when he hasn’t been trained as a teacher?”

16Yeshua himself responded, “My teaching doesn’t come from me, but from the one who sent me. 17If anyone wants to do God’s will, they’ll soon figure out whether my teaching comes from God or if I’m just making it up myself. 18Any person who just teaches their own thoughts is just seeking their own advancement, but anyone who wants to promote the one who sent them, this is authentic and there’s no hidden self-interest. 19Didn’t Mosheh write down God’s commandments for you, yet not a single one of you obeys them. Why are you wanting to execute me?

20“You must be demon-possessed,” said some in the crowd, “Who would be wanting to execute you.”

21Yeshua responded, “I did one miracle and you were all amazed. 22[ref]Mosheh gave you the commandment about circumcision (even though it actually came from before his time), but to obey this, you’ll even circumcise a baby boy on the Rest Day. 23[ref]So if a baby boy can be circumcised on the Rest Day so that Mosheh’s commandments aren’t broken, they why did you get angry with me because I made a man healthy on the Rest Day? 24Don’t just ‘judge’ things so that you yourselves look good, but judge impartially, seeking the best for others.

7:25Could Yeshua be the messiah?

25After this, some of the locals from Yerushalem started asking, “Isn’t this the man they were wanting to execute? 26Well, here he is teaching in public, yet they’re not even confronting him. Perhaps the leaders know that he really is the messiah? 27But we even know where this man is from. Surely when the messiah comes, no one would know his family background.”

28So as Yeshua continued teaching, he called out, “Indeed you all know me and my home and my family. But I didn’t come here of my own accord, but the one who sent me here is truthful, even though you don’t even know him. 29I know him, because I came from him, indeed, he was the one who sent me here.

30So now they really want to arrest him, but no one touched him because it was not yet the proper time. 31Many in the crowd did believe that he was from God and they were saying, “When the messiah comes, would he be doing greater miracles than what we’ve seen this man do?”

7:32Yeshua discusses leaving as they aim to arrest him

32The Pharisee party heard the crowd muttering about these things and sent out some of their servants along with the chief priests to go and arrest Yeshua. 33So Yeshua said, “I’ll only be with you all for a short while longer and then I’ll be going to the one who sent me. 34You’ll look for me but won’t be able to find me, and you can’t go where I’ll be going.

35The leaders wondered, “Where could he be going that we wouldn’t be able to find him? Will he go and live with the Jews living out there among the Greeks and start teaching the Greeks? 36And what does he mean about looking for him and not being able to find him, and not being able to go where he goes?”

7:37Yeshua offers living water to the crowd

37[ref]On the final climax day of the celebrations, Yeshua stood there and shouted, “Anyone who’s thirsty, come here to me and drink. 38[ref]Whoever trusts me will have rivers of living water flowing out from him just like the scriptures say. 39He was talking about God’s spirit that the ones who trust him would receive in the future—not yet because Yeshua hadn’t been lifted up to heaven yet.

7:40The people are divided about Yeshua

40When some in the crowd heard his teaching, they said, “He really is the coming prophet.” 41Others said, “He must be the messiah.”

But some pointed out, “The messiah won’t come from Galilee. 42[ref]Don’t the scriptures say that he’ll be a descendant of King David and that he’ll come from David’s town of Bethlehem?” 43And so the crowd was divided about Yeshua. 44Some of the Pharisees’ servants wanted to arrest him, but decided to leave him alone for now.

7:45The leaders distrust Yeshua and mock his followers

45So when the servants returned back to the chief priests and the Pharisees, they were asked, “Why haven’t you brought him?”

46They answered, “We’ve never heard anyone speak like he does.”

47“Don’t tell us that you’ve also been taken in by him?” the Pharisees asked them. 48“None of our leaders or any of us Pharisees believe that he’s from God. 49But all these people ignorant of the scriptures are bewitched.”

50[ref]Now Nicodemus (the one who had previously visited Yeshua) spoke up, 51“Since when did our rules allow us to judge a person before we’ve even heard them out and investigated what they’re doing?”

52“So do you come from Galilee as well?” they sneered, “Look in the scriptures and you’ll soon see that no prophet emerges out of Galilee.”The story of the woman caught in adultery does not appear in the majority of the oldest manuscripts that we have. Hence, it is not included in this translation. (That doesn’t necessarily mean that the event never happened—just that it almost certainly wasn’t part of Yohan’s original account.)

7:53 The woman caught in adultery[fn]


8 2 3 4 5[ref] 6 7 8 9 10 11

8:12The two witnesses of Yeshua’s authenticity

12[ref]Because of this, Yeshua told them, “I am the light for the world—whoever follows me won’t walk in the darkness but will have the light that gives life.

13[ref]Some from the Pharisee party argued, “You are testifying about yourself, so that testimony is invalid.”

14Yeshua responded, “Even when I am testifying about myself, my testimony is valid, because I know where I came from and where I’m going. 15You all are judging according to your earthly values. I’m not judging anyone. 16But even if I was judging, my judgement would be correct, because it wouldn’t just be me judging, but also the father who sent me. 17[ref]It’s even written in your own laws that the testimony of two men is valid. 18So that’s me testifying about myself, plus the father who sent me also testifies about me.

19“And where is your father?” they asked.

Yeshua answered them, “You don’t know either me or my father. If you did know me, then you’d also know my father.

20He explained all this while he was teaching in the treasury part of the temple, but no one arrested him because the time for his suffering had not yet arrived.

8:21You can’t go where I’m going

21So he continued, “I will be going away and all of you will be looking for me, but you’ll all just die in your sins and won’t be able to go where I’ll be going.

22This puzzled the Jewish teachers, “Surely he’s not going to commit suicide! What else could he mean about ‘you can’t go where I’m going to be going’?”

23Yeshua explained, “All of you are from the world below, but I’m from the world above. You all are part of this world, but I’m not part of it. 24That’s why I said that you’ll be dying in your sins, because if you refuse to believe that I am God, you will indeed all be dying in your sins.

25So who are you?” they asked.

And he answered, “Still just the same as I’ve been telling you from the beginning. 26I have a lot that I need to tell you all and to judge many of your actions, because the one who sent me is true, and it’s what I hear from him that I speak to all people.

27(They didn’t realise that he was talking to them about the father in heaven.) 28So Yeshua told them, “When you all lift up[fn] humanity’s child on a pole, then you will know that I am God, and that I don’t do anything by myself, but I say all this just as the father told me to. 29And the one who sent me is with me—he didn’t just leave me alonebecause I am continually doing what pleases him.

30After he’d said all this, many people believed in him.

8:31Yeshua teaches about freedom from slavery

31Because of this, Yeshua told all the Jews who believed in him, “If you all continue to believe my message, then you’re my true followers. 32You will have known the truth, and the truth will set you free.

33[ref]But some queried, “We are Abraham’s descendants and we’ve never been slaves to anyone, so how can you say that we’ll be set free?”

34I can assure you all that anyone who sins is a slave to sin,Yeshua answered. 35And the slaves don’t necessarily remain in the family home forever—only the children have that right. 36So if the son sets you free, then you’ll be truly free.

8:37Yeshua spars with the Jewish religious leaders

37Yes, I know that you’re all descendants of Abraham, but you’re trying to kill me because my message doesn’t lodge in you. 38Indeed I talk about what I’ve actually seen with the father, but you all are doing what you’ve heard from your father.

39But they retorted, “Abraham is our father.”[fn]

And Yeshua responded, “Well, if you really were descendants of Abraham, you’d behave more like him. 40But instead you’re trying to find a way to have me killed—to kill the man who has spoken the truth to you—truth that I heard from God. Abraham never did that. 41You’re doing what your father wants you all do to.

But they shot back, “It’s not us who was conceived by a couple that weren’t even married! Anyway, we only have one father and that’s God.”

42If God was your father you all would be loving me,Yeshua responded, “because I came from God and for God. I didn’t just come by myself, but God sent me here. 43Why can’t you comprehend what I’m saying? The reason that you can’t stand listening to my message 44is because you come from your father, the devil, and you want to do what your father wants. But he was a murderer from the beginning, and doesn’t stick to the truth because there’s no truth in him. Whenever he tells lies, he’s speaking from his own nature, because he’s a liar and the source of lying. 45But because I’m speaking the truth, you don’t believe in me. 46Which of you can scold me for my sins? If I am speaking the truth, why don’t you believe I’m from God? 47Anyone who belongs to God, listens to what God says. But you all can’t even hear the message, because you don’t belong to God.

8:48Yeshua preceded, and is greater than, Abraham

48The Jewish leaders asked, “Aren’t we right in saying that you’re from Samaria and that you have a demon?”

49No, I don’t have a demon,Yeshua answered, “but I honour my father and you’re dishonouring me. 50But I’m not searching greatness for myself—my father is the one searching and the one judging. 51I can assure you, that anyone who puts my teaching into practice can be certain to avoid death in this age.

52“Now we know that you have a demon!” the Jews said. “Abraham and the prophets all died, but you’re saying that those who follow your teaching can be certain to avoid death in this age. 53How could you be greater than our ancestor Abraham who died? Even the prophets died. Who do you think you are?”

54Again Yeshua answered, “If I praise myself, my praise is worthless, but it’s my father who praises me—the one who you say is your God 55although in fact you don’t even know him. But I have known him, and so I can’t say that I haven’t known him or I’d be a liar like all of you. But I have known him and I am putting his desires into practice. 56Your ancestor Abraham would have been excited to see me here—in fact he did see ahead and was very happy about it.

57Because of that, the Jewish leaders asked, “You aren’t even fifty years old yet. How could you have seen Abraham?”[fn]

58Yeshua answered, “I can assure you that I am[fn] before Abraham ever existed.

59When they heard that, they picked up rocks to throw at Yeshua to kill him. But Yeshua became hidden from their sight, and went on out of the temple.

9:1A blind man obeys and then can see

9As Yeshua was walking along, he saw a man who had been blind from birth 2and his followers asked him, “Honoured teacher, why was this man born blind? Was it because he himself sinned, or his parents?”

3Yeshua answered, “It wasn’t either this man or his parents that sinned.[fn] But so that God can work in him for others to see, 4as long as it’s daytime, we need to do what the one who sent us wants, but when nighttime comes, no one will be able to work. 5[ref]As long as I’m here in this world, I am the light of the world.

6After he’d said this, Yeshua spat on the ground and after mixing some clay into a slurry, he spread it on the eyes of the man 7and told him to go and wash in the Siloam Pool.[fn]

8Then the neighbours of the man and others who had seen him earlier, knowing that he was a beggar asked, “Isn’t he the one who always sat and begged here?”

9And indeed, some were saying, “Yes, this is him.” But others were saying, “No, but he looks quite similar.”

And the man said, “I am him.”

10So they asked him, “Well, how come that now you can see?”

11“A man named Yeshua made a slurry,” he said, “and spread it on my eyes and told me to go and wash at Siloam Pool. So I went and did it, and when I washed my eyes, I could see.”

12Where is he now?” they asked.

“I don’t know,” said the man.

9:13The Pharisees can’t accept the healing of the blind man

13Then they brought the man who had been blind to the Pharisees. 14Now, it had been the Rest Day when Yeshua had made the slurry and enabled him to see, 15and because of this, some in the Pharisee party asked him how it was that now he could see. And he answered, “Well, he put a slurry on my eyes and when I washed them, I could see.”

16“Well clearly that man is not from God,” some of them said, “because he doesn’t respect the Rest Day.”

However others said, “But if he’s just a sinner, how could he do miracles like that?”

17So they asked the man who had been blind, “Well, what do you have to say because it was your eyes that he opened?”

“He must be a prophet,” the man said.

18But some of the Jews weren’t even sure that he really had been blind before and could now see, so they called for his parents 19and asked them, “You two say that this is your son and that he was born blind. If so, how come that now he can see?”

20His parents answered, “We know that he’s our son, and we know that he was born blind. 21But as for how come he can now see, we don’t know that. Nor do we know who healed his eyes. But ask him—he’s old enough to speak for himself.” 22(His parents said these things because they were afraid of the Jewish religious leaders, because the leaders had already announced that anyone who said that Yeshua was the messiah would get banned from all religious ceremonies, 23so that’s why they had said, “He’s old enough—just ask him.”)

24So the leaders summoned the man born blind a second time and commanded him, “Only praise God himself for this, because we know that that man is a sinner.”

25“Well, I don’t know whether or not he’s a sinner,” replied the man. “All I know is that I used to be blind but now I can see.”

26“What did he do to you?” they asked again. “How did he open your eyes?”

27And he answered, “I already told you that, and you didn’t even listen. Why do you want to hear it all over again? Do you guys all want to become his followers as well?”

28Then they insulted him and said, “You might be a follower of that man, but we are followers of Mosheh. 29We know that God spoke to Mosheh, but we don’t even know where this other fellow is from.”

30“Wow, that’s pretty amazing,” the man responded. “That man opened up my eyes, and you teachers don’t even know where he’s from! 31We know that God doesn’t listen to sinners, but he listens to those who worship him and do what he wants. 32In all the centuries past we never heard that a person could give sight to someone who was born blind. 33If this man isn’t from God, surely he wouldn’t be able to do that!”

34They reacted, “You’re just an ignorant sinner, and you think you can teach us!” Then they had him thrown out of the room.

9:35Spiritual blindness and hypocrisy

35Yeshua heard that they had thrown out the man who could now see, and when he found him, he said, “Do you believe that humanity’s child came from God?

36And the man answered, “Mister, who is he so that I can believe in him?”

37You’ve seen him and heard him and he’s speaking to you right now,” said Yeshua.

38“I do believe, master,” the man responded. Then he knelt down in front of Yeshua.

39Yeshua said, “I came into this world to dispense judgement, so that the people who can’t see will be able to see, and so that the ones who can see will become blind.

40The Pharisees with him heard that and asked, “Are you saying that we’re blind?”

41If you were blind,Yeshua replied, “you wouldn’t be sinning, but since you all declare that you can see, then your sin remains.

10:1The sheep know their true master

10Honestly I can tell you: It’s not the person that enters the sheep enclosure by the gate that is a thief and robber, but rather the one who climbs in a different way. 2The one that comes in the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. 3The gatekeeper opens up for him, and when he calls the sheep by name they listen to his voice and he leads them out. 4Whenever he moves the sheep, he goes in front and the sheep follow him because they recognise his voice. 5They would never follow a stranger because they wouldn’t know his voice, in fact they’d run away from him.

6Yeshua told them this illustration, but none of those who heard it knew what it meant.

10:7Yeshua is the good shepherd

7So Yeshua continued, “Honestly I will tell you that I am the entrance for the sheep. 8The ones who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep didn’t listen to them. 9I am the entrance. Anyone who comes in via me will be saved, and will be able to go in and out and find pasture. 10The thief only comes to steal and kill and destroy, but I came so that they could live, and live a full life.

11I am the good shepherd—the good shepherd gives his own life for the sheep.[fn] 12The paid worker is not even the shepherd, because the sheep aren’t his own and if he sees a wolf coming he just abandons the sheep and takes off and the wolf scatters the sheep and snatches some— 13that’s because he’s just a worker and doesn’t really care about the sheep. 14I am the good shepherd and I know my sheep and they know me, 15[ref]just like the father knows me and I know the father—in fact I will give my life for the sheep. 16I also have other sheep which are not in this field and it’s appropriate for me to bring those other sheep also, then they’ll be hearing my voice because there’ll be just one flock with one shepherd.

17The father loves me because I am laying down my life so that I can take it back again. 18No one is taking it from me, but I’m laying it down myself. I have authority to lay it down, and also authority to take it back again because I received this command from my father.

19The Jewish religious leaders were again divided about Yeshua’s teaching 20with many of them saying, “He’s got a demon,” and, “He’s stark raving mad—why are you all even listening to him!”

21But others were saying, “He doesn’t sound like he’s demon-possessed. And how could a demon make a blind man see?”

10:22The Jewish leaders won’t accept Yeshua’s teaching

22By then it was winter and the time for the Jewish Festival of Dedication in Yerushalem. 23Yeshua was walking in the temple in an area known as Solomon’s Porch 24when he was surrounded by the Jewish religious leaders and interrogated, “How long do you plan to keep us in suspense for? If you are the messiah, just tell us clearly.”

25I already told you all,Yeshua answered, “but you didn’t believe me. The miracles that I do with the authority of my father testify about me, 26but you don’t accept what the miracles point to because you aren’t part of my flock. 27My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them and they follow after me. 28I give them life which will never end so they won’t ever be destroyed, and no one will be able to snatch them away from me. 29My father is the one who gave them to me, and he’s more powerful than any other, so no one can snatch them away from him. 30The father and I are one.

31Again the Jewish leaders picked up rocks to throw at him to kill him 32but Yeshua asked them, “I showed you all many miracles from my father. Which miracle do you want to kill me for?

33[ref]They answered, “It’s not for any good deed that we think you deserve to die, but because you, a human, dishonour God by claiming to be him.”

34[ref]Yeshua answered, “Isn’t it written in your scriptures that God said, ‘You all are gods’? 35Now the scriptures can’t be wrong, and if the ones who heard teaching from God were called gods, 36why are you telling the one that the father blessed and sent out into the world that I am insulting God because I said that I’m God’s son? 37If I’m not doing my father’s work, then you don’t need to believe that he sent me, 38but if I am doing his work, even if you don’t believe that he sent me, at least believe in what I do so that you all can know that the father is in me and I’m in the father.

39That was enough that they tried yet again to arrest him, but he was able to get out and away from their influence.

40[ref]Then Yeshua crossed the Yordan river to the place where Yohan had immersed the people, and he stayed there. 41Many people visited him there, and they were saying that even though Yohan had never done even one miracle, on the other hand everything that he had said about Yeshua was true, 42and many people there believed that Yeshua was from God.

11:1Yeshua is aware of Lazarus’ death from afar

11[ref]Now there was a man called Lazarus who lived in the village of Bethany along with his sisters Martha and Maria. 2[ref](Maria was the one who later poured fragrant oil over Yeshua and wiped his feet with her hair.) But now their brother was seriously ill 3and so the two sisters sent a message to Yeshua saying, “Master, this man that you love is seriously ill.”

4However, when Yeshua got the message he said to those around him, “This sickness won’t end in death but in honour for God, so that his son will also be honoured because of it.

5Now it was true that Yeshua loved the three of them. 6Yet when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed in the place where he was for two more days 7before he said to his followers, “It’s time to head down to Yudea again.

8But they double-checked, “Honoured teacher, the Yudeans wanted to execute you, so do you really want to go back there again?”

9And Yeshua answered, “There are twelve hours of light in the day. Anyone who walks during the daytime doesn’t stumble because he is seeing the light that shines in this world. 10But anyone who walks at night will stumble, because the light is not in them. 11And he continued, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I’m going so that I can wake him up.

12But his followers objected, “Master, it’s good if he’s sleeping because it helps with healing.”

13But Yeshua had spoken about Lazarus’ death—not just normal sleep as they had thought. 14So Yeshua told them plainly, “Lazarus is dead 15and I’m glad that I wasn’t there, because you all will benefit as your faith grows. Anyway, let’s get moving.

16Thomas (nicknamed ‘Twin’) grumbled to the others, “Yeah, we might as well go so that we can get killed as well.”

11:17Yeshua is the resurrection and the life

17So when they eventually arrived, Lazarus body had already been in the burial chamber for four days. 18The village of Bethany was less than three kilometres from Yerushalem, 19so many of the Yudeans from there had come out to console Martha and Maria after the death of their brother.

20As soon as Martha heard that Yeshua had arrived, she went out to meet him, but Maria stayed behind where she was sitting in the house. 21Martha cried, “Yeshua, master. If you’d been here, my brother wouldn’t have died, 22because I already know that anything that you ask from God, he will give it to you.”

23Yeshua responded, “Your brother will come back to life.

24“Yes, I know that he’ll come back to life at the resurrection on the last day,” said Martha.

25But Yeshua continued, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes that I’m from God, even if they die they’ll still be living, 26and everyone who’s alive and believes that I was sent from God, will not die in the next age.

27Martha replied, “Yes, master, I do believe that you’re the messiah, God’s son, the one sent into this world.”

11:28Yeshua weeps with his close friends

28After saying this, Martha went and quietly called her sister Maria, “The teacher is on his way and he wants to see you.” 29So Maria quickly got up and went to find him. 30At that stage, Yeshua hadn’t yet come into the village proper, but was still at the edge where Martha had met him. 31The Yudean people who’d been sitting with Maria in sympathy there in the house, when they saw her get up quickly and go out, they assumed that she was going to the cemetery to weep there.

32But when Maria found Yeshua, she knelt at his feet and said, “Master, if you’d been here my brother wouldn’t have died.”

33Now when Yeshua saw her weeping there, along with the others that had followed also weeping, he himself was quite affected and groaned inside, 34but he just asked, “Where has he been laid?

Master, come and see,” they replied.

35Then Yeshua broke down and burst into tears, 36which made the others comment, “See how much he cared about him.”

37But some of them mocked, “This is the man who could make a blind man see again, yet how come he wasn’t able to stop this man from dying!”

11:38Yeshua calls Lazarus back to life

38So Yeshua who was still holding back sobs, went to the cemetery. Lazarus’ body had been placed in a cave with a stone blocking it, 39and Yeshua instructed them to take away the stone.

Martha (the sister of the dead man) spoke up, “Master, the stink will be bad because it’s already been four days.”

40But Yeshua responded, “Didn’t I tell you that if you would believe, then you would see God’s power? 41So they took the stone away and Yeshua looked upwards and said, “Father, I thank you that you listen to me. 42Actually I know that you always hear me, but I said that for the sake of these people so that they will believe that it was you who sent me here.” 43After saying that, he shouted, “Lazarus, come out! 44Then the man who had died slowly shuffled out—still with linen strips wrapped around his hands and his feet, and a cloth wrapped around his face.

11:45The leaders create a plan to execute Yeshua

(Mat. 26:1-5, Mark 14:1-2, Luke 22:1-2)

45Because of that, many of the Yudeans believed that Yeshua was from God after having followed Maria and seeing what Yeshua did. 46But others went and told the Pharisee party what Yeshua had done. 47So the chief priests and the Pharisee party called a formal meeting and asked, “What should we do because this man is doing many miracles. 48If we allow him to continue like this, all the crowds will be believing he’s the messiah, and then the Romans will come and destroy both our temple and our governance.”

49But one of them, Caiaphas who was chief priest that year, spoke up, “You don’t know anything. 50Don’t you all realise that its better for all of us if one man dies so that the people and the nation won’t be destroyed?” 51(He didn’t say this from his own thinking, but being chief priest that year, he was announcing God’s message that Yeshua was going to die for the nation, 52and not only for this nation, but for all of God’s children scattered around the world to become united.)

53As a result, from that day on they decided that Yeshua needed to be executed. 54Because of that, Yeshua no longer walked around Yudea in public, but went out to the town of Ephraim out in the wilderness and stayed there with his followers.

55At that time, the Jewish Passover celebrations were approaching, and many people from the regions went to Yerushalem ahead of the celebrations to purify themselves. 56They were looking out for Yeshua and as they stood around in the temple, they asked each other, “What do you think? Surely he won’t come to the celebrations.” 57The chief priests and the Pharisee party had already announced that if anyone knew where Yeshua was, they must inform them so that they could arrest him.

12:1Maria sacrifices expensive fragrant oil

(Mat. 26:6-13, Mark 14:3-9)

12Because of this, Yeshua went to Bethany six days before the Passover. This was where Lazarus lived, the one he had brought back to life. 2So they prepared dinner for him there and Martha was serving and Lazarus was among those sitting with Yeshua. 3[ref]Then Maria took about 300g of very expensive nard oil and smeared it on Yeshua’s feet, and then wiped off his feet with her own hair, and the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil. 4But Yudas, one of Yeshua’s apprentices (the one who would eventually turn him in) complained, 5“How come this lotion wasn’t sold for almost a year’s wages and then the money given to the poor?” 6But he didn’t say this because he cared for poor people, but because he carried the purse for the group and used to steal from it.

7But Yeshua responded, “Let her continue. She has kept this for the time of my burial. 8[ref]You’ll always have poor people with you, but you won’t always have me here.

12:9The leaders also plan to kill Lazarus

9When it was discovered that Yeshua was there in Bethany, many Yudeans started arriving, not only because of Yeshua, but also to see Lazarus who’d been dead and Yeshua had brought him back to life. 10But the chief priests decided in a meeting that they should also have Lazarus killed, 11because many people were ignoring them and instead were believing that Yeshua came from God.

12:12Yeshua rides into Yerushalem with many cheers

(Mat. 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-40)

12The next day a large crowd of people who had come for the celebrations and had heard that Yeshua was coming to Yerushalem 13[ref]took long branches from palm trees and brought them out as they went to meet him. They called out, “Honoured saviour! The one coming in the authority of the master has been blessed by God. This is Israel’s king.”

14Now Yeshua had found a young donkey and rode it into the city just like it was written in the scriptures,

15[ref]“Don’t be worried you children of Tsiyyon/Zion. Your king is coming mounted on a donkey’s foal.”

16(Yeshua’s apprentices didn’t realise all these things at the time, but it was later after Yeshua was lifted up to heaven that they were reminded that these things had been written about him, and that they had indeed happened to him.)

17People in the crowd were telling each other about how they’d been with Yeshua when he’d called Lazarus out from the burial chamber and brought him back to life, 18So because of this, others also wanted to met Yeshua because they’d heard that he’d done that miracle. 19So the Pharisees discussed this together, “We’re getting nowhere with this. Look, it seems like the whole world wants to follow him.”

12:20Some Greeks want to meet Yeshua

20And some Greek people were also going to Yerushalem to worship God at the celebrations 21and they approached Philip from Bethsaida (up in Galilee) and asked him, “Mister, we’d like to meet this Yeshua.” 22So Philip went and told Andrew, and the two of them went and told Yeshua.

12:23Yeshua predicts his death again

23Now Yeshua told them, “The time has come for humanity’s child to be honoured. 24I can assure you that unless a wheat seed drops into the ground and dies, it will stay just as it is, but if it dies, it’s able to produce a harvest. 25[ref]Anyone who loves their life will lose it, but the person hating their life in this world will stay alive forever. 26Anyone who wants to serve me needs to follow after me, so that wherever I am, my servant will also be there. Anyone who serves me will be honoured by the father.

27Now, I’m very troubled. What else could I say other than, ‘Father, let me avoid what’s coming.’ But it was exactly this that I came for. 28Father, may your authority and be honoured.

And a voice from the sky answered, “I’ve already brought honour to it and will do so again.”

29This caused some in the crowd standing there to say that they’d heard thunder while others said that a messenger must have spoken to Yeshua.

30That voice wasn’t for my sake,Yeshua responded, “but for all of you. 31This world is about to be judged and its ruler will be thrown out, 32and when I’m lifted up[fn] from the earth, I will attract everyone towards me. 33By saying this, he was indicating how he was going to die.

34[ref]So the crowd queried him, “We heard from the scriptures that the messiah will stay until the end of the age so why do you say that humanity’s child will be lifted up. And who is this ‘humanity’s child’?”

35Yeshua answered them, “The light will be among you all for just a little bit longer, so get walking while you have the light so that you won’t have to deal with darkness. Anyone walking in the dark doesn’t know where they’re going. 36While you still have the light, believe in the light so that you will become children of light.

Yeshua said these things and then after leaving them, he was hidden from them.

12:37Many people refuse to stand for Yeshua

37Even though Yeshua had done so many miracles in front of the people, they didn’t believe that he was the messiah. 38[ref]This fulfilled what the prophet Isayah wrote,

Master, who believed our report?

And who was the master’s power revealed to?”

39Because of this, they weren’t able to believe, and again as Isayah wrote,

40[ref]“He has blinded their eyes and maimed their emotions,

so that they can’t see with their eyes and understand with their minds,

or they might be turned and then I would heal them.”

41Isayah wrote this because he saw the messiah’s greatness and spoke concerning him. 42Likewise, many of the Jewish leaders believed that Yeshua was the messiah, but they didn’t tell others because they didn’t want the Pharisee party to banish them from their services 43as they valued the praise of people more than praise from God.

12:44It’s Yeshua’s teachings that will judge the hearers

44Then Yeshua called out, “Anyone who believes that I came from God is not just believing in me, but also believing in the one who sent me, 45and anyone who watches me working, is watching the one who sent me. 46I came into this world as light so that anyone who believes in me won’t have darkness residing in them. 47I won’t be judging anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it, because I didn’t come to judge the world but rather to save it. 48Anyone who rejects me and doesn’t accept my teaching does have a judge though—it’s the message that I spoke that will judge them at the end of time 49because I wasn’t speaking from my own thoughts, but it was the father himself who sent me that told me what to say and what to teach. 50And I’m fully aware that obeying his commands leads to living forever. Therefore whenever I speak, I just say whatever the father said to me.

13:1Yeshua washes the feet of his apprentices

13Even before the actual feast part of the Passover celebrations, Yeshua knew that his time had come—the time when he would leave this world and return to the father. He loved his followers who were in the world right through to the end.

2And now it was getting near time for the dinner and the devil had already put into Yudas Iscariot’s mind the idea of handing Yeshua over to the authorities. 3Yeshua knew that the father had given everything to him, putting it under his control, and he knew that he had come from God and would return to God. 4So he got up from the dinner table, changed out of his clothes, and wrapped a linen towel around himself. 5Then he put water into the wash bowl and started washing the feet of his apprentices, wiping them dry with the linen towel that was he was wearing wrapped around him. 6After he’d washed a few, he got to Simon Peter who asked him, “Master, are you going to wash my feet?”

7What I’m doing now,Yeshua answered, “you won’t really understand, but in the future you will.

8Peter responded, “Well I’m never ever going to let you wash my feet!”

If I don’t wash them,Yeshua answered, “then you won’t be included in my group.

9“Well, if that’s so,” Peter said, “don’t just wash my feet but my hands and my head as well.”

10Yeshua responded, “Any person who’s already washed themselves only needs to wash their feet now to be clean. And so you’re clean, but not every one of you. 11He said this last bit because he already knew who was going to hand him over.

12[ref]So when he’d finished washing their feet, he got dressed again and sat down and asked, “Do you know what I just did to you all? 13You call me teacher and master, and so you should, because I am. 14So if the master and teacher of you all washed your feet, then you also ought to wash each other’s feet. 15I have given this to you all as an example that you can also do to others. 16[ref]I can assure you that a slave isn’t greater than his master, and an missionary isn’t greater than the king who sends him. 17If you can figure all this out and then do it, you will be blessed by God.

18[ref]But I’m not talking about all of you. I know each one that I chose, but this that was written in the scriptures must be fulfilled,

‘The one sharing food with me, lifted up his boot against me.’

19So I’m telling you now before it happens so that when it does happen, then you’ll all believe that I am the messiah. 20[ref]I can assure you all that anyone who accepts any person that I might send, they’re accepting me, and anyone who accepts me, is accepting the one who sent me.

13:21Yeshua indicates who will hand him over

(Mat. 26:20-25, Mark 14:17-21, Luke 22:21-23)

21After saying these things, Yeshua thoughts were troubled and he said, “I can assure you that one of you will be turning me in.

22This made his apprentices glance around at each other, puzzled about which one he was talking about. 23One of them that Yeshua especially liked,[fn] was leaning against him at the table. 24So Simon Peter nodded to him to find out who Yeshua had been talking about, 25and he leaned back on Yeshua and asked quietly, “Master, who is it?”

26It’s the one I hand this piece of bread to after I’ve dipped it in the sauce,Yeshua answered. Then after dipping his piece of bread in, he gave it to Yudas Iscariot. 27After accepting the piece of bread, Satan entered into Yudas, and then Yeshua told him, “What you’re about to do, do it soon.” 28But none of the others sitting around the table knew what Yeshua meant. 29Some of them thought that since Yudas held their purse, perhaps Yeshua was getting him to buy something they needed for the feast or to give something to the poor.

30Anyway, having eaten the piece of bread, Yudas went straight outside where it was already dark.

13:31The new command to love each other

31After Yudas had gone, Yeshua told the others, “Now humanity’s child will be honoured and God will be honoured through him. 32Also God himself will be honouring him and will do that immediately. 33My friends, I’ll only be with you a little bit longer. Then you’ll all look for me and as I told[ref] the religious leaders, you won’t be able to go where I’m going. So now I’ve also told all of you. 34[ref]I’m giving you a new commandment—you need to love each other. The way that I loved all of you is how you should love each other. 35This is actually how you’ll know if you are my followers: if you are loving each other.

13:36Yeshua predicts that Peter will disown him

(Mat. 26:31-35, Mark 14:27-31, Luke 22:31-34)

36Now Peter followed-up, “Master, where are you going?”

Where I’m going,Yeshua answered, “you won’t be able to follow me at this stage, but you will follow me eventually.

37Peter asked again, “Why can’t I follow after you now? I’m prepared to give my life for you.”

38You think you’ll be giving your life for me?Yeshua responded. “I can assure you that the rooster won’t crow until you’ve already disowned knowing me three times.

14:1Yeshua is the road to the father but will be leaving

14Yeshua continued telling them,Don’t be living in fear. You believe that God is real, and you also believe that I was sent by him. 2There are many places to live in my father’s residence—I would have told you if there wasn’t because I’m going there to prepare a place for all of you. 3And after I’ve gone to prepare that place, then I’ll be coming back again and will bring you to myself, so that where I am, you can all be there also. 4You know how to get where I’m going.

5Master,” Thomas asked, “we don’t even know where you’re going, let alone how to get there.”

6And Yeshua answered, “I am the path and the truth and the life. No one can get to the father except via me. 7If you had all known me, you would also have known my father, and from now on you do know him and have seen him.

8So Philip said, “Master, show us the father and that’ll be enough for us.”

9I’ve been with you all for quite some time,Yeshua replied, “and yet you still don’t even know me, Philip. 10You don’t believe that I am in the father and the father is in me. These things that I’ve been telling you all, I don’t just make them up myself, but the father who lives in me is doing what he wants. 11You all need to believe that I am in the father and the father is in me. If that’s hard, at least believe it because of what he’s doing. 12I can assure you all that anyone who believes that God sent me and is the source of the miracles that I do, that person will be able to do the same and even greater miracles because I am going to the father. 13Whatever you request from me with my name and authority, I will do it so that the father might be honoured because of the son. 14Anything that you all request using my name and authority will be done.

14:15The father will be sending a different advocate

15If you all love me, you will obey my commands. 16And I will ask the father and he will give you another assistant to be with you all for this age— 17the spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it doesn’t see or know him.

18And I won’t leave you all here as orphans, but I will come back to you. 19It won’t be long now and the world won’t see me any more, but you will see me because I’ll be alive and you all will be alive also. 20At that time you will know that I am in my father, and you all are in me, and I am in you all.

21Anyone who takes my commands and obeys them, that’s the person who loves me, and anyone who loves me will be loved by my father, and I too will be loving them and will be revealing myself to them.

22Yudas (not Yudas Iscariot) asked, “Master, what’s going on? Why would you reveal yourself to us and not to the whole world?”

23Yeshua answered, “If anyone loves me, they’ll obey my teaching, and my father will love them and we will go to that person and live with them. 24But anyone who doesn’t love me, won’t obey my teaching. The words that you hear from me are not my own, but come from the father who sent me.

25I told you all this while I have been here with you all. 26But the holy spirit, the assistant who the father will be sending with my authority, he will be teaching you everything, and will be reminding you of everything that I told you all.

27I will leave peace with you all. I’m giving my peace to you all, but what I’m giving isn’t like what the world gives. Don’t be upset or afraid. 28You all heard me say that I’m going away and then will be coming back. If you really loved me, you’d be very happy that I’m going to the father, because the father is greater than me.

29But I’ve told you now before it happens, so that when it does come to pass, you’ll be able to believe that it was preplanned. 30I won’t have much more time to talk to you, because the ruler of the world is coming and he has nothing in common with me, 31but he’s coming so that the world can know that I love the father and whatever the father told me to do, I’m doing it.

Come on, stand up. We need to be leaving this place.

15:1The branches must stay connected to the vine

15I am the true vine and my father is the farmer. 2He removes every one of my branches that doesn’t bear fruit, but those that do bear fruit, he prunes them so they’ll produce even more. 3You are all clean already because of the teaching that I’ve given you. 4Stay in me, and I will stay in you all, because just as a branch can’t bear fruit in isolation when it’s not connected to the vine, neither can you if you don’t stay in me.

5I am the vine and you all are the branches. Anyone who stays in me will produce a lot of fruitapart from me you can’t do anything. 6Anyone who doesn’t stay in me will be thrown away like a branch, and will wither and be gathered together with others, and thrown into the fire to be burnt. 7If you stay in me and my teaching stays in you, then you can request whatever you all want and it will be done for you. 8My father will be honoured and praised when you produce a lot of fruit, and you all become my followers. 9I loved you all just as the father loved me, so stay in my love. 10If you obey my commands, you all will be staying in my love, just like I’ve obeyed my father’s commands and I am staying in his love.

11I’ve told you these things so that I’ll be happy with you all, and so that your happiness will be genuine and long-lasting. 12[ref]So here’s my request: keep loving each other just like I loved you all. 13No one has greater love than the one who gives up their own life for their friends. 14You are my friends if you do what I am telling you. 15I’m not calling you slaves, because a slave doesn’t know his master’s plans, but I’m calling you friends because I’ve told you everything that I heard from my father. 16You didn’t choose me, but I chose you all, and I assigned you to go and produce fruit and for your fruit to be permanent so that whatever you request from the father in my name and authority, he will give it to you. 17I am telling you all this so that you can all love each other.

15:18People will hate Yeshua-followers

18If the world hates you, you all know that it hated me before it hated you. 19If you belonged to this world, then the world would love you as it loves its own people, but you don’t belong to this world because I chose you out of it. That’s why they hate all of you. 20[ref]Remember that I told you that slaves are not greater than their master. So if they persecuted me, they’ll also be persecuting you all. (If they’d obeyed my teaching, they would also obey your teaching.) 21But they will do all these things against you because of my name, because they don’t know the father who sent me. 22They wouldn’t be considered sinners except that I came and spoke to them, so now they don’t have any excuse for their sin. 23Anyone who hates me, also hates my father. 24If I hadn’t done miracles among them of the sort that no one else has done, they wouldn’t be considered to be sinners, but now they’ve observed me and hated both me and my father. 25[ref]The writings of the prophets will certainly come to pass, that ‘they hated me undeservedly’.

26When the assistant arrives that I will send to you all from the father, the spirit of truth coming from the father, he will tell the truth about me. 27You also will be able to tell the truth about me because you all were with me from the beginning.

16I’ve told you this so that you won’t stumble. 2First they will ban you all from their religious services, then there’s a time coming when people will kill you thinking they’re actually doing a sacred service to God, 3but they’ll be doing these things because they don’t know either the father or me. 4I’ve told you these things so that when they happen in the future, you’ll remember that I’ve already told you about them.

16:5The work of God’s spirit

I didn’t tell you all of this right at the beginning because I was with you all, 5but soon I’ll be returning to the one who sent me. Yet none of you are asking me where I’ll be going, 6rather you are all just weighed down because I’ve told you these things. 7But honestly it’s for your benefit that I will leave here, because if I don’t, then the assistant won’t be coming to you. But after I’ve gone, I’ll send him to you all. 8When he comes, he’ll scold the world about sin and teach them about righteousness and judgement— 9about sin because they don’t believe that I was sent by God, 10about righteousness because I am going to the father and you won’t be able to see me any longer, 11and about judgement because the ruler of this world has been judged.

12I still have a lot to tell you all, but you’re not able to handle it all right now. 13But when the assistant comes, the spirit of truth, he will guide you in all truth because he won’t be speaking from his own thoughts, but will tell you what he’s been told, and he will explain to you what’s still going to happen. 14He’ll be honouring me because he’ll take what is mine and will explain it to you all. 15Everything that the father has is mine, that’s why I said he will take what is mine and explain it to you.

16:16A brief upset coming followed by happiness

16It won’t be much longer and you won’t be able to see me any more, and then a little while after that, and you’ll see me again.”

17This got his followers asking each other, “What’s all this about seeing him for not much longer, and then seeing him again after a while? And why does he say he’s going to the father? 18So they were saying, “What’s this about ‘not much longer’? We don’t know what he means.”

19However Yeshua knew what they wanted to ask him, and so he said to them, “You are trying to find out from each other what I meant when I said that you won’t be able to see me after a little while, and then a little while after that you’ll see me again. 20I can assure you that you’ll be weeping and mourning but the world will be elated. You’ll be upset but then your upset will turn into happiness. 21A woman giving birth has pains when the delivery begins, but when she hears that the baby is born, she doesn’t remember those pains any more because she’s so happy that her child was born. 22So too with all of you: you’ll be upset for a while but then I’ll be with you again and you’ll be so happy and no one will be able to take that happiness away from you.

23When that happens, you won’t be asking me for anything. I can assure you that whatever you request from the father in my name and my authority will be given to you. 24Up until now you haven’t asked him for anything using my authority, but after that time, you’ll be able to make requests and they’ll be answered so that your happiness will be complete.

16:25A new era is coming very soon

25So far I’ve told you these things in parables, however a time is coming when I’ll no longer be speaking in parables but will tell you things about the father quite plainly. 26At that time you’ll have my authority to request from the father. I’m not saying that I’ll be asking him on your behalf, 27no, because he himself loves you all because you have loved me and have believed that I was sent by God. 28I was sent out by the father and I have come into the world, but I’ll be leaving the world again and returning to the father.

29Yeshua’s followers responded, “Ah, now you’re speaking plainly and not using parables. 30Finally we realise that you know everything already and don’t need to ask anyone else, and so we now believe that you came from God.”

31So now you all believe?Yeshua answered. 32The time is coming and is here already when you will all be scattered in various directions and will leave me by myself, but I won’t be alone because the father is always with me. 33I’ve told you these things so that you can all have peace in me. You will have troubles in this world, but be courageous because I have overcome the world.

17:1Yeshua prays for his current and future followers

17After Yeshua had finished speaking, he looked up to the sky and said, “Father, it’s now the time for you to honour your son so that the son can honour you. 2You already gave me authority over all people so that I could grant eternal life to everyone that you’ve given me. 3And eternal life means knowing you, the only true God, and knowing me—Yeshua the messiah that you sent. 4I honoured you here on the earth by completing everything that you gave me to do. 5So father, now you yourself can honour me with the greatness that I had when I was together with you before the creation of the world.

6I revealed your power to the ones that you gave me from this world. They were yours and you gave them to me, and they have obeyed your teaching. 7Now they understand that everything that you gave to me came from you, 8because I passed on to them the messages that you gave to me, and they accepted them. Now they believe that I came from you and that it was you who sent me here.

9I’m asking about them. It’s not the people of this world that I’m asking about, but about the ones that you gave me because they belong to you. 10Everything that’s mine is yours, and everything that’s your is mine, and I’ve been honoured by their actions. 11I’m about to leave this world and come to you, but they will stay here in it. Holy father, use your power to keep protect the ones that you gave me, so that they might be united just like you and I are one. 12[ref]When I was with them, I protected them with the authority that you gave, and I guarded them so that not one of them perished, except the one who chose destruction so that it will indeed happen as the scriptures foretold. 13But soon I’ll be coming to you, and I’m speaking these things in the world so that they will have the same happiness as me and be fulfilled in their lives. 14I’ve passed on your teaching to them, and the world hated them because they don’t belong to this world, just as I don’t. 15I’m not asking you to remove them out of this world, but rather to stop evil from overcoming them. 16They don’t belong to this world just as I don’t. 17Purify them with the truth—your message is that truth. 18In the same way that you sent me out into this world, so I also send them out into the world. 19I’m purifying myself for their sakes so that they also may be made pure by the truth.

20But it’s not just on behalf of the ones right here that I’m asking, but also for all the others who will believe that I came from you when they hear the message of these ones, 21so that they will all become united, just as you, father, are in me and I am in you. I ask that they will also be in us so that the world will be able to believe that it was you who sent me here. 22And the honour that you’ve given me, I’ve passed on to them so that they can be united just as we are one— 23me in them and you in me so that they can be perfected as one. Then the world will know that you sent me here and that you love them just like you love me.

24Father, I want those that you’ve given me to be with me wherever I am so that they’ll be able to see my greatness—the greatness that you gave me because you loved me even before the creation of the world. 25Righteous father, this world didn’t know you, but I know you and these ones know that you sent me here. 26I revealed your power and authority to them and will continue to do so, so that the love that you love me with might be in them, and I too might be in them.

18:1Yeshua is arrested

(Mat. 26:47-56, Mark 14:43-50, Luke 22:47-53)

18After he’d said all this, Yeshua and his followers went out of Yerushalem proper and over the Kidron stream towards a garden that he and his followers entered. 2And Yudas (the one who would hand him over) also knew the place because Yeshua and his followers often met there. 3Meanwhile Yudas had met with the soldiers and servants of the chief priests and the Pharisee party, and they all started coming into the garden with lanterns and flaming torches and weapons. 4Yeshua who already knew what was going to happen to him, came forward and asked them, “Who are you all looking for?

5And they answered, “Yeshua—the one from Nazareth.”

Yeshua responded, “I am the one.

Yudas, the one handing him over, was standing there among them. 6But when Yeshua had said that he is the one, they backed away and fell to the ground.[fn] 7So he asked them again, “Who are you all looking for?

And they answered, “Yeshua—the one from Nazareth.”

8Yeshua responded, “I already told you all that I am the one. So if it’s me that you’re looking for, let these others leave. 9(In this way, the statement was fulfilled that Yeshua had said previously: ‘I didn’t lose any of the ones that you gave me.’)[fn]

10Then Simon Peter drew the sword that he was carrying and swiped at the servant of the high priest, cutting off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus. 11[ref]But Yeshua said to Peter, “Put your sword back in its sheath. I need to proceed with the plan that the father has prepared for me—I can’t just avoid the suffering.

18:12Yeshua is taken to Annas

12So the soldiers and their commander, and the servants of the Jewish leaders arrested Yeshua and tied him up. 13First they took him to Annas, the father-in-law of Caiaphas who was the chief priest that year. 14[ref](Caiaphas was the one who had suggested that it was better for the people and the nation if one man should die for all of them.)

18:15Peter denies being a Yeshua-follower

(Mat. 26:59-66, Mark 14:55-64, Luke 22:66-71)

15Now Simon Peter and another intern were following Yeshua, and since that other intern was known to the chief priest, he was allowed to enter following Yeshua into the courtyard of the chief priest 16while Peter waited outside at the door. Then the other intern who was known to the chief priest went back and spoke to the woman at the door and brought Peter in too. 17But the servant girl who was watching the door challenged Peter, “Aren’t you also one of the followers of that man?”

“No, I’m not,” he responded.

18Meanwhile the servants and attendants had made a fire and were standing around it warming themselves, and Peter also went and stood there to warm himself.

18:19Annas tries to interrogate Yeshua

(Mat. 26:59-66, Mark 14:69-72, Luke 22:58-62)

19Now the chief priest interrogated Yeshua about his followers and about his teaching. 20Yeshua answered him, “I’ve spoken openly to the people. I always taught in the meeting halls and in the temple where Jewish people meet. I didn’t speak in secret 21so why are you asking me? Ask the people who heard what I told them—they’re the ones who know what I said.”

22When he said that, one of the attendants standing there slapped Yeshua on the face and said, “You think you can answer the chief priest like that?”

23But Yeshua responded, “If I said anything wrong, tell me my error. But if it was true, why are you hitting me?”

24So Annas sent him away, still tied up, to Caiaphas the chief priest.

18:25Peter again denies following Yeshua

(Mat. 26:71-75, Mark 14:69-72, Luke 22:58-62)

25Simon Peter was still standing by the fire warming himself when he was asked, “Aren’t you also one of his followers?”

But he denied it, saying, “No, I’m not.”

26One of the servants of the chief priest who was a relative of the man whose ear Peter had cut off said, “Didn’t I see you in the garden with that Yeshua?”

27But Peter again denied it, and just then a rooster crowed.

18:28Pilate interrogates Yeshua

(Mat. 26:71-75, Mark 14:69-72, Luke 22:58-62)

28Then they led Yeshua out from Caiaphas’ place and towards the residence of the governor. It was now the early hours of the morning and as Jews, they didn’t enter the residence of the Roman governor so they wouldn’t become defiled and thus unable to eat the Passover meal. 29So Governor Pilate came outside to them and asked, “What charge are you all bringing against this man?”

30“We wouldn’t have brought him to you if he hadn’t committed a serious crime,” they answered.

31So Pilate said, “You just take him and judge him yourselves according to your own laws.”

But the Jewish leaders responded, “We don’t have permission to execute anyone.” 32(This happened to fulfil what Yeshua had said[ref] about the way that he was going to die.)

33So Pilate went back into his governor’s residence and called for Yeshua and asked him, “So you’re the king of the Jews?”

34Are you saying this yourself,Yeshua asked, “or did others say it about me?

35Pilate retorted, “Hoy! I’m not a Jew. It was your own people and the chief priests that handed you over to me. What have you done?”

36My kingdom isn’t in this world,Yeshua answered, “because if it was, my supporters would have fought so that I wouldn’t have been handed over to the Jewish leaders. But no, my kingdom isn’t from here.

37So you are a king then?” Pilate responded.

You’re saying that I’m a king,” said Yeshua, “and indeed I was born to be a king. I came into the world so that I could testify to the truth.

38Yeah. What is truth?” said Pilate.

18:39Pilate gives permission to execute an innocent man

(Mat. 27:15-31, Mark 15:6-20, Luke 23:13-25)

After he’d said this, Pilate went back outside to the Jews and told them, “I can’t find anything that he’s guilty of. 39But you all have a custom here that the governor can release one prisoner during the Passover. So would you like me to release the king of the Jews?”

40But they all yelled back, “No, not this one. Release Barabbas.” (Barabbas was a robber.)

19So Pilate took Yeshua and had him flogged. 2Then the soldiers twisted some thorn branches together into a crown and put it on Yeshua’s head, and they dressed him in a royal purple robe. 3They came up to him and said, “Greetings, you king of the Jews,” and then slapped him.

4Then Pilate went back outside and said to the Jews, “Look here. I’m bringing him out to you so that you all can know that I didn’t find him guilty of anything.” 5So they led Yeshua out wearing the thorny crown and the kingly robe, and Pilate said, “Look. Here’s the man.”

6Now when the chief priests and their supporters saw him, they yelled out, “Execute him on a stake! Execute him on a stake!”

“Well you take him and execute him on a stake,” Pilate answered, “because I haven’t found anything that he’s guilty of.”

7The Jews responded, “We have a law and he should be executed according to that law because he said he was the son of God.”

8Now when Pilate heard that, he became more afraid. 9So he went back inside the residence and asked Yeshua, “Where do you come from?”

But Yeshua didn’t answer him. 10So Pilate said, “Why don’t you answer me? Don’t you realise that I have the authority to release you and I also have the authority to have you executed on a stake?”

11You have no authority over me,Yeshua answered, “none at all, except what has been granted to you from above. Because of this, the sin of the person who handed me over to you is greater.

12After hearing this, Pilate wanted to release him but the Jews yelled out, “If you release that man, you’re no friend of Caesar. Everyone who claims to be a king is no friend of Caesar’s.”

13So now Pilate, having heard all this, brought Yeshua outside again. Pilate sat down on the judge’s seat at a place called The Stone Pavement (and called Gabbatha in Hebrew). 14It was now about noon on the day when the Passover meal is prepared, and Pilate said to the Jews, “Look. Here’s your king.”

15They yelled back, “Take him away. Take him away. Execute him on a stake.”

Pilate asked them, “You want me to have your king executed on a stake?”

“We don’t have any king other than Caesar,” the chief priests answered.

16So Pilate gave them his permission and handed Yeshua over to them, and they took him away to be executed on a stake.

19:17Yeshua is hung on a stake

(Mat. 27:32-44, Mark 15:21-32, Luke 23:26-43)

17Carrying the pole[fn] himself, Yeshua arrived at the Place of the Skull (called Golgotha in Hebrew) just out of the city 18where they secured him to a stake along with two others—one stake on each side and with Yeshua on the middle one. 19Pilate wrote out a title and put it on the stake: Yeshua from Nazareth, the king of the Jews. 20Many Jews read this title because the place where Yeshua was executed was near the city, and it had been written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. 21But the Jewish chief priests complained to Pilate, “Don’t write ‘The king of the Jews’, but rather ‘The one who said he was king of the Jews’.”

22However Pilate answered, “What I’ve written, I’ve written.”

23After the soldiers had fastened Yeshua to the stake, they took his clothes and placed in four piles, one for each of them. This left his robe, which had been woven from top to bottom in one piece. 24So they said to each other, “Rather than tearing this, let’s throw a dice to see who will get it.” (This fulfilled what was written in the scriptures[ref] that said: they divided my garments among themselves and threw a dice for my clothes.) So they went ahead and did that.

25Meanwhile a group of women had stayed standing near Yeshua on the stake: his mother and his aunt, Maria the wife of Clopas, and Maria from Magdala. 26When Yeshua saw his mother and also the intern that he loved standing nearby, he said to her, “Look, he’ll be your son. 27And to the intern he said, “Look, she’ll be your mother.” And that intern took her into his own home from then on.

19:28Yeshua gives up his life on the stake

(Mat. 27:45-56, Mark 15:33-41, Luke 23:44-49)

28Having done this, Yeshua knew that everything had been accomplished, and (in order for the scriptures[ref] to be fulfilled) said, “I’m thirsty.

29There was a container lying there full of vinegary wine, so they placed a sponge on a hyssop stalk, soaked it in the wine, and held it up to his mouth. 30After Yeshua had sucked some wine out, he said, “It is finished.Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

19:31Yeshua’s side is pierced with a spear

31Now because it was the preparation day[ref] for the coming Rest Day, the Jews didn’t want the bodies to remain on the stakes after dusk (because it was even a special Rest Day.) So they asked Pilate to command for their legs to be broken to hasten their deaths and then they could be taken down sooner. 32So the soldiers came and broke the legs of the men on each side of Yeshua, 33but when they got to him, they saw that he was already dead so they didn’t break his legs. 34Instead one of the soldiers stabbed his side with a spear and immediately blood and water came out. 35The one who actually saw this happen[fn] has testified this and his account is accurate so that you readers can also believe it, 36because these things also happened to fulfil what was written in the scriptures,[ref] that ‘none of his bones will be broken,’ 37and in another place,[ref] ‘they will look at the one that they pierced.’

19:38The wrapping and laying of Yeshua’s body

(Mat. 27:57-61, Mark 15:42-47, Luke 23:50-56)

38After all of this, Yosef from Arimathea went to Pilate. (Yosef was a follower of Yeshua, but secretly because he was afraid of what the Jewish leaders might do.) He asked Pilate for permission to remove Yeshua’s body, and it was granted to him so they went and got his body. 39[ref]Nicodemus (the one who had first visited Yeshua at night) also came, bringing around 30kg of burial spices. 40So they took Yeshua’s body and wrapped it around with linen strips with the spices as per the Jewish burial customs. 41There was a garden out at the place where Yeshua had been executed, and in the garden there was a new tomb that hadn’t been used yet. 42So because it was the preparation day and because the tomb was nearby, they laid his body in there.

20:1The body is missing from the chamber

(Mat. 28:1-8, Mark 16:1-8, Luke 24:1-12)

20The following Sunday, Maria from Magdala went out to the tomb very early when it was still dark, and she saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. 2So she ran quickly and went to Simon Peter and the other intern that Yeshua loved, and told them, “They’ve taken the master’s body out of the tomb and we don’t know where they’ve put it.”

3So Peter and the other intern went out to the tomb. 4They were running together, but the other intern was a bit faster than Peter and so he got to the tomb first. 5Without going in, he stooped down at the entrance and looked in and saw the linen strips lying there. 6But Peter came along behind him and went straight into the tomb and also saw the linen strips lying there. 7But the piece of cloth that had been on the head wasn’t lying there with the linen strips, but had been folded and placed separately. 8So now the other intern who had arrived first also went inside and he saw it all and believed that Yeshua had risen. 9(At that time they weren’t yet aware of the scripture about him coming back to life.) 10So they went back again to their homes.

20:11Yeshua reveals himself to Maria from Magdala

(Mat. 28:9-10, Mark 16:9-11)

11But Maria had stayed there outside the tomb weeping. But when she stooped down and looked into the tomb, 12she saw two messengers dressed in white sitting there—one at the head end and one at the feet end of the slab where Yeshua’s body had been lying. 13They spoke to her, “Woman, why are you crying?”

Because they’ve taken away my master,” she replied, “and I don’t know where they’ve put him.”

14Then she turned back around and saw Yeshua standing there, but she didn’t realise who it was. 15Yeshua asked her, “Woman, why are you crying? Who are you looking for?

Maria assumed he might be the gardener, so she answered, “Mister, if you took the body, tell me where you put it and I’ll get it taken away for you.”

16Yeshua just answered, “Maria.

She spun around and said, “My teacher!” (‘Rabboni’ in Hebrew.)

17Don’t touch me,Yeshua said to her, “because I haven’t gone back up to the father yet, but go and tell my brothers that I’m going up to my father and the father of you all, and my god and the god of you all.

18So Maria went and told the trainees, “I’ve seen the master,” and she told them what he’d said.

20:19Yeshua appears to his followers

(Mat. 28:16-20, Mark 16:14-18, Luke 24:36-49)

19On Sunday evening Yeshua’s trainees had met together and had the doors locked because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders, but Yeshua arrived and stood in the middle of the room and said, “Peace to you all.” 20Then he showed them his hands and his side and they were so happy now that they had seen the master. 21Yeshua continued, “Peace to you all. Now I am sending you all out just like the father sent me out. 22Then he breathed on them and said, “Receive the holy spirit. 23[ref]If you forgive anyone’s sins, then they’ll be forgiven but if you withhold forgiveness, then it will be withheld.

20:24Thomas sees the evidence for himself

24But Thomas, one of the twelve (nicknamed ‘Twin’), wasn’t with them when Yeshua had come 25so the other trainees told him, “We have seen the master.”

But he replied, “I won’t believe that unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands and I can put my finger into the marks and can put my hand into the gash on his side.”

26Eight days later, Yeshua’s trainees were again together inside, and this time Thomas was with them. 27Yeshua came and stood in the middle of the room even though the doors were shut, and said, “Peace to you all.

28Thomas spoke up, “My master and my god!”

29So you believe now because you’ve seen me,” said Yeshua. “The ones who haven’t seen me, but who believe anyway, will certainly be rewarded.

20:30Why this document was written

30Yeshua went on to do many other miracles in front of his trainees which aren’t recorded in this account. 31But what has been written here has been recorded so that you might all believe that Yeshua is the messiah, God’s son, and then by believing, so that you might have true life through his power.

21:1The miracle of the net full of fish

21After all this, Yeshua revealed himself again to his trainees at Lake Galilee. It happened like this: 2Simon Peter, Thomas nicknamed ‘Twin’, Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other trainees had gathered together 3[ref]when Simon Peter said that he was going fishing and the others said that they’d join him.

So they went off and got in the boat, but they didn’t catch anything that night.

4When the dawn was approaching, Yeshua was standing there on the shore, but they didn’t know that it was him. 5He called out, “Hey, young fellas. Don’t you have any fish?

“None.” they answered.

6[ref]Then he said, “Throw the net out over the right side of the boat and you’ll find some.So they did it and they caught so many fish that the net was too heavy to pull back in.

7Now the intern that Yeshua loved said to Peter, “It’s the master!” When Simon Peter heard that, he put on his robe (because he didn’t have it on), and jumped overboard into the lake. 8The other trainees followed in the little boat dragging the net behind them because they were only about 100m out from the shore. 9When they went up the beach, they saw some bread there and a charcoal fire with fish cooking on it 10and Yeshua told them, “Bring some of the fish that you just caught.

11So Simon Peter went and dragged the net up onto the beach. Amazingly it hadn’t torn even though it contained 153 large fish. 12Then Yeshua said, “Now, come and have breakfast.” But none of the trainees dared to ask who he was, because they figured it must be the master. 13Yeshua brought the bread to them and shared it around, and then likewise for the fish.

14This was now the third time that Yeshua had appeared to his trainees since he’d come back to life.

21:15Yeshua questions Peter

15While they were eating, Yeshua asked Simon Peter, “Simon, son of Yohan, do you love me more than these?

Peter answered, “Yes, master, you know that I love you.”

Yeshua responded, “Feed my lambs. 16Then he asked again, “Simon, son of Yohan, do you love me?

Peter replied, “Yes, master, you know that I love you.”

Yeshua responded, “Shepherd my sheep. 17Then he asked a third time, “Simon, son of Yohan, do you love me?

Peter was now upset that he had been asked a third time if he loved him, and he answered, “Master, you know everything.”

Feed my sheep,Yeshua responded. 18I can assure you that while you are young, you dress yourself and go wherever you want to go, but as you age, you’ll be stretching out your hands and others will dress you and will take you where you don’t want to go. 19When he said this, Yeshua was indicating how Peter would die honouring God, and he told Peter, “Keep following me.”

20[ref]When Peter turned around he saw that the intern that Yeshua loved was following them—the one who had leaned on Yeshua’s chest during the supper and asked who the one was who would turn Yeshua over. 21Noticing him, Peter asked Yeshua, “Master, what about that one?”

22But Yeshua replied, “If I want him to stay alive until I come back, what business would it be of yours? You just stay following me.

23As a result of that, a rumour went around the others that that one would not die, but Yeshua never said that. (He only said, “If I want him to stay alive until I come back, what business would it be of yours?”)

21:24Statement of fact

24This author is the intern that testifies about these things—the one who wrote this down and whose account is true. 25(There were also many other things that Yeshua did, which if they were all written down then even the world itself wouldn’t have room for all the books that would need to be written.)

1:1 TD: This passage is complex to translate because the message was also the messenger—that is, Yeshua came not only to teach about getting saved, but also to become the actual way to be saved!

1:3 Lit. him.

1:23 We’ve deliberately omitted putting a comma here, because it’s also possible that the comma should go after ‘wilderness’.

2:1 Or possibly, ‘Three days later’.

2:19 We couldn’t easily use rebuild here because there’s a play on words—see verse 21.

3:14 lifted up / exalted: See

3:15 See


6:1 Here Yohan also uses the Roman name “Lake Tiberias” rather than just “Lake Galilee”.

6:31 Manna was a word that meant ‘stuff’ and referred to some kind of flakes that regularly came down from the sky in the time of Mosheh and could be eaten as food.

7:53 This event is not included in the oldest manuscripts that we have. (That doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily fictitious—just that Yohan probably didn’t originally include these events in his account.)

8:28 lifted up / exalted: There’s a play on words here. See (dead link???)

8:39 father meaning ancestor. (Abraham lived some 2,000 years before the time of these events.)

8:57 Abraham lived some 2,000 years before Yeshua.

8:58 This awkward English is necessary to catch the play on words, because ‘I am’ is the meaning of Yahweh, the name of God.

9:3 We just want to alert our readers here that we have divided the Greek sentences here in a way that’s different from the long-standing tradition. (The Greek originals have no punctuation, so either way is valid.)

9:7 Siloam means ‘to be sent out’.

10:11 See

12:32 lifted up / exalted: See

13:23 This apprentice, unnamed here, is assumed to be the author of this account (being shy or modest).

18:6 TD: It’s not clear from the original if they fell over backwards, or if they stepped back and then fell forward (either voluntarily or involuntarily) onto their knees.

18:9 TD: It’s not certain from the original whether v9 was part of Mark’s commentary on the events or part of Yeshua’s response to the arresting party.

19:17 TD: The Greek word used here is used in other places to mean a stake such as used to make a fence. It’s uncertain whether or not it had a horizontal cross-piece, although the Romans did use a range of methods.

9:35 Believed to be the author of this account.

1:6: Mat 3:1; Mrk 1:4; Luk 3:1-2.

1:21: a Mal 4:5; b Deu 18:15,18.

1:23: Isa 40:3 (LXX).

1:51: Gen 28:12.

2:12: Mat 4:13.

2:13: Exo 12:1-27.

2:17: Psa 69:9.

2:19: Mat 26:61; 27:40; Mrk 14:58; 15:29.

3:14: Num 21:9.

3:24: Mat 14:3; Mrk 6:17; Luk 3:19-20.

3:28: Yhn 1:20.

3:35: Mat 11:27; Luk 10:22.

4:5: Gen 33:19; Josh 24:32.

4:9: Est 4:1-5; Neh 4:1-2.

4:44: Mat 13:57; Mrk 6:4; Luk 4:24.

4:45: Yhn 2:23.

4:46: Yhn 2:1-11.

5:10: Neh 13:19; Jer 17:21.

5:29: Dan 12:2.

5:33: Yhn 1:19-27; 3:27-30.

5:37: Mat 3:17; Mrk 1:11; Luk 3:22.

6:31: Exo 16:4,15; Psa 78:24.

6:45: Isa 54:13.

6:68-69: Mat 16:16; Mrk 8:29; Luk 9:20.

7:2: Lev 23:34; Deu 16:13.

7:22: a Lev 12:3; b Gen 17:10.

7:23: Yhn 5:9.

7:37: Lev 23:36.

7:38: Eze 47:1; Zech 14:8.

7:42: 2Sam 7:12; Mic 5:2.

7:50: Yhn 3:1-2.

8:5: Lev 20:10; Deu 22:22-24.

8:12: Mat 5:14; Yhn 9:5.

8:13: Yhn 5:31.

8:17: Deu 19:15.

8:33: Mat 3:9; Luk 3:8.

9:5: Mat 5:14; Yhn 8:12.

10:15: Mat 11:27; Luk 10:22.

10:33: Lev 24:16.

10:34: Psa 82:6.

10:40: Yhn 1:28.

11:1: Luk 10:38-39.

11:2: Yhn 12:3.

12:3: Luk 7:37-38.

12:8: Deu 15:11.

12:13: Psa 118:25-26.

12:15: Zech 9:9.

12:25: Mat 10:39; 16:25; Mrk 8:35; Luk 9:24; 17:33.

12:34: Psa 110:4; Isa 9:7; Eze 37:25; Dan 7:14.

12:38: Isa 53:1 (LXX).

12:40: Isa 6:10 (LXX).

13:12-15: Luk 22:27.

13:16: Mat 10:24; Luk 6:40; Yhn 15:20.

13:18: Psa 41:9.

13:20: Mat 10:40; Mrk 9:37; Luk 9:48; 10:16.

13:33: Yhn 7:34.

13:34: Yhn 15:12,17; 1Yhn 3:23; 2Yhn 5.

15:12: Yhn 13:34; 15:17; 1Yhn 3:23; 2Yhn 5.

15:20: Mat 10:24; Luk 6:40; Yhn 13:16.

15:25: Psa 35:19; 69:4.

17:12: Psa 41:9; Yhn 13:18.

18:11: Mat 26:39; Mrk 14:36; Luk 22:42.

18:14: Yhn 11:49-50.

18:32: Yhn 3:14; 12:32.

19:24: Psa 22:18.

19:28: Psa 69:21; 22:15.

19:31: Yhn 19:14.

19:36: Exo 12:46; Num 9:12; Psa 34:20.

19:37: Zech 12:10; Rev 1:7.

19:39: Yhn 3:1-2.

20:23: Mat 16:19; 18:18.

21:3: Luk 5:5.

21:6: Luk 5:6.

21:20: Yhn 13:25.