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GEN 9:1–9:17 ©

God’s agreement with Noah

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

Readers’ Version

Literal Version 

9:1 God’s agreement with Noah

9Then God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.[ref] 2Now every living creature on the earth will be afraid and terrified of you, including every bird that flies in the sky, along with every creature that moves on land, and all the fish in the ocean. I have put them all under your authority. 3From now on every creature that is alive and moves can be eaten as food—just like I previously provided you green plants for food, now I provide you everything for food 4the only exception is meat with it’s life blood still in it.[ref] 5Also, I will certainly require blood as payment for people’s lives: if anyone murders another person, I require that the murderer must die, and even if an animal kills a human being, I require that it must die. 6Yes, if anyone sheds human blood, the others must shed the murderer’s blood, because God made human beings in his image.[ref] 7So then, be fruitful and multiply—have children on the earth and become numerous.[ref]

8Then God said to Noah and his sons, 9“Now listen, I am making an agreement with you and your future descendants, 10and it’s also with every living creature that is with you: with the birds, the livestock, and every living thing on the earth with you, from all that came out of the wooden chest to every future living thing on the earth. 11My agreement that I’m establishing with you is that all living things will never die from a flood again. That’s right, I will never use a flood again to destroy everything on the earth.” 12Then God added, “This is how I’ll show everyone that I’ve made this agreement with you and with all the living creatures that are with you, along with all future generations: 13I’ll place my rainbow among the clouds, and it’ll be a sign of the agreement between me and all life on the earth. 14So whenever I cause clouds to form in the sky and a rainbow is visible in the clouds, 15then I’ll remember my agreement that’s between me and you and every kind of living creature, and a flood will never again destroy everything living. 16So whenever a rainbow appears among the clouds, I’ll see it and remember my permanent agreement with every living creature that lives and will live on the earth.” 17Then God said to Noah, “The rainbow is the sign of the agreement that I have established between me and every living thing on the earth.”

9And_he/it_blessed god DOM Noaḩ and_DOM sons_his and_he/it_said to/for_them be_fruitful and_increase/multiply and_fill DOM the_earth/land.
2And_fear_you_all and_dread_you_all it_will_be on every (the)_animal the_earth/land and_on every (the)_bird the_heavens in/on/at/with_everything that it_creeps the_soil and_on/over_all the_fish(es) the_sea in/on/at/with_hand_your_all’s they_are_given.
3Every creeping_thing which it [is]_alive to/for_you_all it_will_become for_food as_green of_plant[s] I_give to/for_you_all DOM everything.
4Nevertheless flesh in/on/at/with_life_its blood_its not you_all_must_eat.
5And_surely DOM blood_of_your_all’s for_lives_of_your_all’s I_will_seek from_hand_of of_every animal require_it and_from_hand the_humankind from_hand of_each his/its_woman I_will_seek DOM the_life the_humankind.
6The_[one_who]_sheds (of)_the_blood the_humankind in/on/at/with_man blood_his it_will_be_shed if/because in_(the)_image of_god he_made DOM the_humankind.
7And_you_all be_fruitful and_increase/multiply swarm in/on_the_earth and_increase/multiply in/on/at/with_it.
8and_he/it_said god to Noaḩ and_near/to sons_his with_him/it to_say.
9And_me see_I [am]_about_to_establish DOM covenant_my with_you_all and_with descendants_your_all’s after_you_all.
10And_DOM every creature the_living which with_you_all in/on/at/with_birds in/on/at/with_livestock and_on/over_all (the)_animal the_earth/land with_you_all from_all [those_which]_came_out the_box to_all/each/any/every (the)_animal the_earth/land.
11And_establish DOM covenant_my with_you_all and_not it_will_be_cut_off all flesh again by_waters the_flood and_not it_will_be again a_flood to_destroy the_earth/land.
12And_he/it_said god this [is]_the_sign the_covenant which I [am]_making between_me and_between_you_all and_between every creature living which with_you_all for_generations of_perpetuity.
13DOM bow_my I_set in/on/at/with_clouds and_be for_sign of_a_covenant between_me and_between the_earth/land.
14And_it_was in/on/at/with_bring_I cloud over the_earth/land and_seen the_bow in/on/at/with_clouds.
15And_remember DOM covenant_my which between_me and_between_you_all and_between every creature living in_all flesh and_not it_will_become again the_waters of_flood to_destroy all flesh.
16And_is the_bow in/on/at/with_clouds and_see_it so_as_to_remember [the]_covenant of_perpetuity between god and_between every creature living in_all flesh which [is]_on the_earth/land.
17And_he/it_said god to Noaḩ this [is]_the_sign the_covenant which I_have_established between_me and_between all flesh which [is]_on the_earth/land.

GEN 9:1–9:17 ©
