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Open English Translation GEN Chapter 30

GEN 30 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

30Now Rahel realised that she wasn’t producing any children for Yacob, so she envied her sister Le’ah, and she demanded from Yacob, “Give me children, and if you don’t, I’ll die!”

2But Yacob’s anger flared up against Rahel and he asked, “Am I in the place of God who’s kept you from getting pregnant?”

3Rahel answered, “Listen, here’s my slave Bilhah. Sleep with her so that she’ll have children on my behalf and I’ll also be able to have a family through her.” 4Then she gave Bilhah to him as a slave wife and Yacob slept with her, 5so then Bilhah got pregnant and produced a son for Yacob. 6Rahel said, “God has vindicated me, and indeed he’s listened to my request and given me a son!” That’s why she named him ‘Dan(which means ‘he judged (in my favour)’). 7Later on, Rahel’s slave Bilhah got pregnant again and gave birth to a second son for Yacob 8so Rahel said, “I’ve had a difficult battle with my sister but I’ve succeeded in the end!” So she named the babyNaftali(which means ‘my struggle’).

9Now when Le’ah noticed that she wasn’t getting pregnant any more, she gave her female slave Zilpah to Yacob as a slave wife. 10Then eventually Le’ah’s slave Zilpah produced a son for Yacob, 11and Le’ah said, “What good fortune!” So she named him ‘Gad(which means ‘fortunate’). 12Then Le’ah’s slave Zilpah produced a second son for Yacob, 13and Le’ah said, “How blessed I am because women will call me blessed.” So she named him ‘Asher(which means ‘blessed’).

14One day during the wheat harvest, Reuben went out and found some mandrake plants[fn] in the field and brought them home to Le’ah his mother. Then Rahel asked Le’ah, “Please give me some of your son’s mandrakes.”

15“Is it a small matter you have taken my husband?” Le’ah snapped back. “And would you also take my son’s mandrakes?”

Well, he can sleep with you tonight in exchange for your son’s mandrakes.” Rahel answered. 16So that evening when Yacob came home from the field, Leah went out to meet him and told him, “You must come to me tonight because I’ve hired you with my son’s mandrakes.” So he slept with her that night.

17God listened to Le’ah and she got pregnant and produced a fifth son for Yacob, 18saying, “God has given me my reward because I gave my slave to my husband to sleep with.” So she named him ‘Yissakar’ (which means ‘reward’). 19Then Le’ah got pregnant again and produced a sixth son for Yacob, 20saying, “God has given me a nice present. This time my husband will honour me because I have produced six sons for him.” So she called his nameZebulun(which might mean ‘honour’). 21Later on, Le’ah had a daughter and named her Dinah.

22Then God paid attention to Rahel and listened to her and enabled her to conceive, 23so she got pregnant and produced a son, and said, “God has taken away my disgrace.” 24She named him ‘Yosef(which means ‘may he give another’), saying, “May Yahweh add another son to me.”

30And_she/it_saw Rāḩēl if/because_that not she_had_borne_children to_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_envied Rāḩēl in/on/at/with_sister_her and_she/it_said to Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) come_now to/for_me children and_if not [am]_about_to_die I.
2And_it_glowed/burned the_anger of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) in/on/at/with_Rāḩēl and_he/it_said in_the_place_of god [am]_I who he_has_withheld from_you fruit of_[the]_womb.
3And_she/it_said here maid_my Bilhāh go to_her/it and_bear on knees_my and_have_children also I through_her.
4And_gave to_him/it DOM Bilhāh maid_her to/for_(a)_woman and_went_in to_her/it Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob).
5And_she/it_conceived/became_pregnant Bilhāh and_she/it_gave_birth for_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) a_son.
6And_she/it_said Rāḩēl vindicated_me god and_also he_has_listened in/on/at/with_voice_my and_given to_me a_son on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so she_called his/its_name Dān.
7And_she/it_conceived/became_pregnant again and_she/it_gave_birth Bilhāh the_maidservant of_Rāḩēl a_son second to_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob).
8And_she/it_said Rāḩēl wrestling(s) of_god I_have_wrestled with sister_my also I_have_prevailed and_she/it_called/named his/its_name Nafttālī.
9And_she/it_saw Lēʼāh if/because_that she_had_stopped from_bearing_children and_she/it_took DOM Zilpah maid_her and_she/it_gave DOM_her/it to_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) to/for_(a)_woman.
10And_she/it_gave_birth Zilpah the_maidservant of_Lēʼāh to_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) a_son.
11And_she/it_said Lēʼāh in/on/at/with[fn] and_she/it_called/named DOM his/its_name Gād.
12And_she/it_gave_birth Zilpah the_maidservant of_Lēʼāh a_son second to_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob).
13And_she/it_said Lēʼāh in/on/at/with_happy_I if/because call_happy_me daughters and_she/it_called/named DOM his/its_name Asher.
14And_he/it_went Rəʼūⱱēn in/on/at/with_days of_[the]_harvest of_wheat(s) and_found mandrakes in_the_field and_he/it_brought DOM_them to Lēʼāh his/its_mother and_she/it_said Rāḩēl to Lēʼāh give please to_me some_of_mandrakes son’s_your.
15And_she/it_said to/for_her/it the_small taken_away_you DOM husband_my and_to_take also DOM the_mandrakes son’s_my and_she/it_said Rāḩēl for_so/thus/hence he_will_lie with_you the_night for the_mandrakes son’s_your.
16And_came_in Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) from the_field in/on/at/with_evening and_went_out Lēʼāh to_meet_him and_she/it_said to_me you_will_come if/because actually_(hire) hired_you in/on/at/with_mandrakes son’s_my and_slept with_her/it in/on/at/with_night that.
17And_he/it_listened god to Lēʼāh and_she/it_conceived/became_pregnant and_she/it_gave_birth for_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) a_son fifth.
18And_she/it_said Lēʼāh he_has_given god wages_my that I_gave maid_my to_husband_my and_she/it_called/named his/its_name Yissāskār.
19And_she/it_conceived/became_pregnant again Lēʼāh and_she/it_gave_birth a_son sixth for_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob).
[fn] 20and_she/it_said Lēʼāh endowed_me god DOM_me an_endowment good the_time//this_time honour_me husband_my if/because I_have_borne to_him/it six sons and_she/it_called/named DOM his/its_name Zebulun.
21And_after she_bore a_daughter and_she/it_called/named DOM his/its_name Dīnāh.
22And_remembered god DOM Rāḩēl and_he/it_listened to_her/it god and_opened DOM her_womb/uterus.
23And_she/it_conceived/became_pregnant and_she/it_gave_birth a_son and_she/it_said he_has_removed god DOM disgrace_my.
24And_she/it_called/named DOM his/its_name Yōşēf to_say may_he_add Yahweh to_me a_son another.

30:25 Yacob prospers at Lavan’s expense

25Sometime after Rahel had given birth to Yosef, Yacob said to Lavan, “Send me off now, so that I can return to my place and to my land. 26Let me take my wives that I worked for you for, and take my children so that I can leave, because you yourself know how long and hard I’ve worked for you.”

27But Lavan replied, “Please stay, if I’ve found favour in your eyes because I’ve learned by divination that Yahweh has blessed me because of you.” 28Then he added, “Tell me how much you want and I’ll pay you that.”

29“You yourself know how well I’ve served you and how your livestock have prospered with me.” Yacob replied. 30Before I came, you didn’t have much, but now you have plenty because Yahweh has blessed you wherever I was involved. But now, when will I also do something for my own household?”

31“What should I give you?” Lavan asked.

“You don’t have to give me anything,” Yacob replied. “If you’ll do this one thing for me, I’ll continue taking care of your flocks: 32Let me look through all your flocks today and separate out from them all the lambs that are speckled, spotted, or dark-coloured, and all the young goats that are spotted or speckled. They will be my pay. 33So in the future, you’ll be able to see that I’ve been honest because you’ll be able to see it for yourself: any goat that’s not speckled and spotted, and any sheep that’s not dark-coloured, if it’s in my flock then it must have been stolen.”

34“Ok then, let’s do it your way.” Lavan agreed. 35But that very day, he removed the male goats that were streaked and spotted, and all the female goats that were speckled and spotted, any that had white on it, and all the dark-coloured ones among the lambs. Then he gave them to his sons to look after, 36and they took them a three-day journey away from where Yacob was, so Yacob was left just tending the rest of Lavan’s flocks.

37Then Yacob got some freshly cut branches of poplar and almond and plane trees, and peeled white stripes in them by exposing the white that was inside the branches. 38Then he put the branches that he had peeled in the water troughs where the flocks would see them when they came to drink, and they mated when they came to drink. 39Thus the flocks would mate by the striped branches, and they would bear young who were streaked, speckled, and spotted.

40Then Yacob separated out those young animals into a separate flock, and he made the older flocks look at the streaked and all the dark-coloured animals in Lavan’s flocks. So he kept his own flocks by themselves and didn’t mix them with Lavan’s flocks.

41So whenever the strong animals were ready to mate, then Yacob put the branches in the troughs in front of the flocks so that they would mate by the branches, 42but when the animals were weak, he didn’t put them in. So the weak animals went to Lavan and the strong ones to Yacob 43so he became very wealthy, and he owned large flocks as well as male and female slaves, and camels and donkeys.

30:14 The mandrake plants were believed to increase fertility, but it’s not clear from the text which part of the plant was used or how they were applied.

25And_he/it_was just_as she_had_borne Rāḩēl DOM Yōşēf and_he/it_said Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) to Lāⱱān send_away_me and_go to home_my_own and_to_country_my.
26Give DOM wives_my and_DOM children_my whom I_have_served DOM_you in/on/at/with_them and_go if/because you you_know DOM service_my which rendered_you.
27And_he/it_said to_him/it Lāⱱān if please I_have_found favour in/on/at/with_eyes_you I_have_learned_by_divination and_blessed_me Yahweh in/on/at/with_because_of_you.
28And_said name wages_your to_me and_give.
29And_he/it_said to_him/it you you_know DOM how served_you and_DOM how it_has_been livestock_your with_me.
30If/because a_little which it_belonged to/for_yourself(m) to/for_my_face/front and_increased to_increase_in_number and_he/it_blessed Yahweh DOM_you at_feet_of_I and_now when will_I_work also I for_household_my_own.
31And_he/it_said what will_I_give to/for_you(fs) and_he/it_said Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) not you_will_give to_me anything if you_will_do to/for_me the_thing the_this I_will_return I_will_tend flock_your I_will_protect_[it].
32Let_me_pass in_all flock_your the_day I_will_remove from_there every sheep speckled and_spotted and_all sheep dark in/on/at/with_lambs and_spotted and_speckled in/on/at/with_goats and_it_was wages_my.
33And_answer in/on/at/with_me honesty_my in/on_day in_future_time if/because you_will_come on wages_my to_your_face all that not_he [is]_speckled and_spotted in/on/at/with_goats and_black in/on/at/with_lambs [is]_stolen it with_me.
34And_he/it_said Lāⱱān there if let_it_be as_said_you.
35And_removed in_the_day (the)_that DOM the_male_goats the_streaked and_the_spotted and_DOM all the_female_goats the_speckled and_the_spotted all that white in/on/over_him/it and_all dark_[one] in/on/at/with_lambs and_he/it_gave in/on/at/with_charge sons_his.
36And_he/it_assigned a_journey of_three days between_himself and_between Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) [was]_pasturing DOM the_flock of_Lāⱱān the_rest.
37And_he/it_took to_him/it Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) branch[es] of_poplar fresh and_almond and_plane_trees[fn] and_peeled in/on/at/with_them strips white the_peeling the_white which [was]_on the_branches.
38And_set DOM the_branches which he_had_stripped in/on/at/with_troughs in/on/at/with_channels the_waters which they_came the_flocks to_drink in_front_of the_flocks and_bred in/on/at/with_came_they to_drink.
39And_mated the_flocks to the_branches and_bore the_flocks striped_[ones] speckled_[ones] and_spotted.
40And_the_lambs he_separated Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_he/it_gave the_faces the_flocks to [the]_striped and_all dark_[one] in/on/at/with_flock of_Lāⱱān and_put to_him/it flocks for_him/it_being_alone and_not put_them with the_flock of_Lāⱱān.
41And_it_was in_all the_being_in_heat the_flock the_stronger and_place Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) DOM the_branches in_full_view the_flock in/on/at/with_troughs that_mate_they in/on/at/with_branches.
42And_in/on/at/with_feeble the_flock not he_put_[them]_out and_it_was the_feebler to_Lāⱱān and_the_stronger to_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob).
43And_became_rich the_man very very and_he/it_was to_him/it sheep many and_female_slaves and_male_slaves and_camels and_donkeys.

30:11 Variant note: ב/גד: (x-qere) ’בָּ֣א’: lemma_935 morph_HVqrmsa id_01Q3H בָּ֣א ’גָ֑ד’: lemma_1409 n_1 morph_HNcmsa id_01gKG גָ֑ד

30:19 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

30:37 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS. Maps:


Isaac’s Travels

Genesis 21-35

Though the patriarch Isaac moved from place to place several times within southern Canaan, compared to his father Abraham and his son Jacob, Isaac appears to have been a bit of a homebody. In fact, unless Isaac resettled in places not recorded in Scripture, the farthest extent he ever traveled appears to have been only about 90 miles (113 km). Yet, as the child of God’s promise to Abraham to build a great nation from his descendants, Isaac’s relatively simple life served as a critical bridge from Abraham to the beginnings of the twelve tribes of Israel, who were descended from Isaac’s son Jacob. It is likely that Isaac was born at Beersheba (see Genesis 21:1-24), and later Abraham offered him as a sacrifice on Mount Moriah (located at Jerusalem; see 2 Chronicles 3:1). Then Abraham, Isaac, and those with them returned to Beersheba (Genesis 22:1-19). When Isaac reached adulthood, his father sent a servant to bring back a bride for him from Aram-naharaim, far north of Canaan. When his bride, Rebekah, arrived, Isaac had just come from Beer-lahai-roi and settled in the Negev (Genesis 24:62). Later Isaac resettled with Rebekah in Beer-lahai-roi, and this may have been where their twins son Esau and Jacob were born. A famine forced Isaac to go to Gerar (Genesis 26:1-6) in “the land of the Philistines.” The distinct people group known as the Philistines in later books of the Bible did not arrive until the time of the Judges, so the term here must have referred to another people group living in this region, and this is supported by the fact that King Abimelech’s name is Semitic, not Aegean (the likely origin of the later Philistines). While Isaac was there, he repeated his father’s error (Genesis 20) by lying to the king that his wife was only his sister. Isaac also became increasingly prosperous at Gerar, so the Philistines told him to leave their region. Isaac moved away from the town of Gerar and settled further away in the valley of Gerar. There he dug a well, but the Philistines claimed it for themselves, so he called it Esek, meaning “argument.” So Isaac’s men dug another well and called it Sitnah (meaning “hostility”), but it led to more quarreling, so he dug yet another well and called it Rehoboth (meaning “open space”). The locations of these two later wells are not certain, but they may have been located near Ruheibeh as shown on this map. Then Isaac moved to Beersheba and built an altar. He also dug a well there, and King Abimelech of the Philistines came and exchanged oaths of peace with him. It was likely at Beersheba that Isaac blessed his sons Esau and Jacob, and both sons eventually left Canaan (see “Jacob Goes to Paddan-Aram” map). When Jacob later returned, he traveled to Mamre near Hebron and reunited with Isaac. Sometime after this Isaac died, and Jacob and Esau buried him there.

GEN 30 ©
